Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 232: The most powerful man


After Hua Sanniang left, the four sisters Bai Yang and Bing Qing Yujie were left in the small courtyard. No one spoke, and the scene was quiet.

Bai Yang had drunk a lot of wine before, but now that he was drunk, his face turned red and his eyes became blurred.

The four Bingqing and Yujie sisters looked at Bai Yang's back and felt a little uneasy. They didn't know whether Bai Yang wanted them to stay. After all, their decision to stay was just their own wishful thinking.

In a daze, they looked at Bai Yang's back, but they felt a kind of loneliness, which was completely different from the Bai Yang they knew who seemed to have no worries.

I don’t know how long the silent atmosphere lasted. Bai Yang kept looking up at the sky, sighing inexplicably and said:

"I'm drunk now, and I won't admit what I say next."

Bingqing Yujie and the other four sisters looked at each other in astonishment. They didn't know what Bai Yang was talking about and did not disturb him.

"Shan Qiulin is the strong one, the peerless strong one, even more than the many martial arts and Shinto monks in this world, because he let go of what he couldn't let go, and that courage is terrifyingly strong and shocking!"

"Do you think he is useless now? Wrong, big mistake!"

"Shan Qiulin is truly starting over at this time, and his next road will be smooth."

"Even though he is blind, even though his arms are broken, even though he has lost all his cultivation, there is an invisible and terrifying power in his heart. I believe that once this power is released, it will be enough to shock the world!"

"One day he will rise against the sky, stand at the highest point, and despise all living beings, but he will be very lonely!"

"It's cold at high places, and strong people are lonely. Shan Qiulin already has the potential to be a peerless strong man."

"After all, only by being strong in love can one be strong in swords and in Tao...!"

"You don't understand!"


Bai Yang's voice was very low and profound. He looked up at the sky, seeming to be whispering or talking to himself.

The four sisters, Bingqing and Yujie, looked at Bai Yang blankly, feeling their hearts tremble inexplicably, and subconsciously turned around and glanced in the direction of the cabin behind them.

It was quiet, unpretentious, and even a little rundown.

However, the four Bingqing and Yujie sisters saw in a trance that in that dilapidated hut, there was a terrifying power dormant, a terrifying divine light brewing, and an invisible and surging edge that could soar into the sky at any time. Rise up, go straight to the sky, tear the sky into pieces, and wipe out all eternity!

"too horrible!"

The four sisters were connected and felt that terrible feeling.

I turned around and looked at the hut. It was still peaceful there, the hut was still the same, nothing special.

"If you don't break, you can't stand. Break and then stand. Turning into a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, breaking the shackles. Shan Qiulin found his own way. It is martial arts, but it is beyond martial arts. It is not the divine way, but it makes even the divine way afraid. It is a kind of seemingly ruthless but affectionate way. Terrifying swordsmanship!"

"When the ruthless sword appears in the world, it will be destroyed without any rival. When the ruthless sword reveals its edge, everything in the world will be covered by the terrifying sword light..."

Bai Yang was still looking at the sky with drunken eyes and whispering.

The breeze blew through the white poplars. In the eyes of the four pure and pure sisters, the white poplars became extremely distant and blurry at this time, as if they had suddenly gone to the horizon, but he was always in front of them.

What is the young master talking about

The four sisters Bingqing and Yujie looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces.


His meowing Bai Yang chattered a lot, and he said it in Chinese...

"I miss her..."

Bai Yang suddenly turned around, looked at the four sisters Bingqing and Yujie and said with a grin.

The four Bingqing and Yujie sisters understood this sentence, and Bai Yang said it in Chen Guoyu.


Lin Bing'er spoke and looked at Bai Yang in confusion, not knowing what to say.

"Shan Qiulin had forgotten the best part of his life, but after understanding his story, I found that there was actually a person beside me who regarded me as everything to her."

"Now I realize that my kitten is the most beautiful in the world. She is not as gentle as you, not as beautiful as Lan Xin, not as strong as Niu Huahua in martial arts, and not as versatile as Qing He. However, she can be in every moment I meet. When in danger, she always blocks in front of me with her body, so she is very beautiful, so beautiful that it makes me enchanted, and so beautiful that it makes me feel bad."

"I believe that my kitten will be able to accompany me through this journey of life, walking with me through different towns and villages, to unknown distances, and maybe we will meet people in need of help along the way, ha... then It must be an unforgettable life experience, I’m really looking forward to it…”

Bai Yang's face turned redder and redder, his eyes blurred, and he was already in a semi-conscious state.

The wine here was not strong, but he drank a lot and was already drunk at this time.

He was drunk. He didn't know whether he was drunk because of understanding Shan Qiulin's experience, or because of the pure love, or because he was drunk because he thought of his kitten...

So Bai Yang is such an unreliable person, talking about other women in front of four beautiful women...

Gee, can you be more unreliable


Lin Qing'er looked at Bai Yang and wanted to say something, but was interrupted again by Bai Yang waving his hand and saying:

"I don't care why you are following me, whether it's some conspiracy trick played by Hua Sanniang or some bullshit created by the Blood Lotus Sect, or whether you are really sincere and I don't want to understand."

"You just need to remember that if you follow me, you will be mine. Just be obedient and obedient. That's all."

The four sisters Bingqing and Yujie looked at Bai Yang, not knowing how to speak, because Bai Yang had blocked all their words.

Bai Yang was laughing at this time, smiling very easily. He didn't say any threatening words, but Bingqing Yujie could feel the ferocity buried in Bai Yang's heart.

If they dare to do anything to disgrace Bai Yang, who knows what earth-shattering and terrible things will happen.

"Meet the Master"

Lin Bing'er took the lead and knelt down to Bai Yang and said.

"Meet the Master"

The other three sisters followed suit.

Without any oaths, they expressed their attitude with practical actions.

No one could guess Bai Yang's thoughts. He said before that he didn't care why Bingqing Yujie followed him, but after Bingqing Yujie expressed his stance at this time, he smiled and asked:

"Tell me, girls, why are you following me?"


Bingqing Yujie was stunned, unable to keep up with Bai Yang's rhythm.

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Bing'er looked up at Bai Yang and replied:

"We believe that the master will one day stand at the pinnacle of the world, overlooking all living beings in the world. It is our honor to stand behind you. Even if we cannot accompany the master to the end, it will be a life journey without regrets. …”

After hearing this, Bai Yang smiled, looked at the sky again and said:

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I don't have much ambition in my life. I just want to walk around, look around, and live my life happily. That's all."

"Master, if we kneel down, we will have no regrets whether we live or die."

Lin Binger said firmly.

"Beings of thirty yuan are cattle and horses, and sixty yuan are gods, dragons and elephants. No one can tell the future clearly."

Bai Yang said something lightly that Bingqing Yujie and the others couldn't understand.

Before they could say anything, Bai Yang shook his head and whispered:

"I'm drunk now. I won't admit what I said. Okay, that's it. Bing'er, come here. I'll rest on your breast and it's very comfortable. Qing'er comes over and gives the young master my shoulders and legs. Yu'er, hold that Bingxue pattern sword for me from now on. Jie'er, if you're easy to bully, just go run errands and hire a carriage to come over. Young master, I don't have money, so I'll figure it out myself."

This is an unreliable guy. Never wonder what he wants to do next.

"Okay young master"

The four sisters Bingqing and Yujie looked at each other and stood up with a smile and said.

Lin Bing'er came behind Bai Yang, leaned Bai Yang's head on her tall chest, and carefully adjusted the comfortable position...

Lin Qing'er squatted down next to Bai Yang, and gently squeezed Bai Yang's shoulders and legs with her bare hands, doing her best...

Lin Yu'er walked over. She looked like a soft girl, but she easily picked up the blood-patterned sword on the ground. The blood-patterned sword weighing nearly three hundred kilograms seemed weightless in her hands. She held it in both hands and stood behind Bai Yang.

Finally, Lin Jie'er twisted her graceful figure and left, angrily going to hire a carriage.

They are also sisters, why can three sisters stay with the young master...

Half an hour later, Lin Jieer came back with a carriage.

Two handsome black horses pull a cart. If one of these two horses is thrown alone, it can kill all the so-called purebred horses on the earth, but here they can only be used as animals to pull the cart.

The carriage is very big, almost as big as a room. It has a dedicated driver who is honest and courteous.

"Master, I just grabbed a carriage and came back."

Lin Jie'er looked at Bai Yang and said as if he was taking credit.

Well, it was truly confirmed that following Bai Yang, Lin Jieer's behavior had become unreliable.

"Not bad, very much like your young master and me."

Bai Yang rubbed his head on Lin Qing'er's weak chest and looked at Lin Jie'er and said.

Then he stood up and stretched, refused their support, walked into the hut crookedly, put the unconscious Shan Qiulin on his shoulders and went out, falling several times during the process.

Madan, he was drunk and his movements were a bit erratic...

After throwing Shan Qiulin outside the carriage, Bai Yang entered the carriage and asked Lin Bing'er to sit down. He lay on her legs, told the coachman the location of Qing He's house, and then went to sleep...

He really fell asleep, after all he drank so much.

When they arrived outside Qinghe Courtyard, Bai Yang opened his eyes all of a sudden.

It was only a few hours before and after. When he opened his eyes again, there was no blur in his eyes.

"Qinghe, open the door, I'm back."

Carrying Shan Qiulin on his shoulders, Bai Yang stood at the door of Qinghe and shouted at the top of his lungs, followed by four pure and pure women.

The door opened, but it was Xiaolan, Qinghe's maid.


Xiaolan looked at Bai Yang in shock, she had only been out for a long time, why did she bring back so many people

"Where's Qinghe?"

Bai Yang asked.

"Of course we, the maids, are responsible for opening the door."

Xiaolan smiled and introduced Bai Yang and others into the yard.

"Mr. Bai, what are you...?"

In the yard, Qinghe looked shocked when Bai Yang came with a few people.

My yard is small, and I can’t accommodate so many of you...

(There's nothing wrong with Stonehead, it's just that he caught a cold. Well, I haven't had a cold in years. I forgot about that feeling. I thought I was going to become mentally ill. After a checkup, I went. The fever was almost 40 degrees. , no wonder the thinking is confused...) (To be continued.)