Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 238: Prepare


When he came to the ruined courtyard, Bai Yang didn't get much information about the mysterious old man, but because he accidentally met Wang Erji and Cuihua, two members of the Xue family, he unexpectedly started another plan of Bai Yang's. The sound of nature is small


After sending Hong Yi back to the small courtyard, Bai Yang, Bing Qing Yujie and the others took the carriage to Qing He's residence.

"Master, tell me, will Wang Erji and the others really send the money?"

On the carriage, Lin Qing'er looked at Bai Yang with a strange expression and asked.

"Yes, I will definitely do it, and they will keep coming!"

Bai Yang's head rested on Lin Bing'er's chest. Although his eyes were closed, he said with certainty.

"But how is this possible?"

Lin Qing'er looked puzzled.

They heard the whole process of Bai Yang's plan for Wang Erji to turn around, but they just didn't understand it.

"Haha, you will know when the time comes."

Bai Yang smiled mysteriously.

He prepared three feasts for the Xue family, each one more cruel than the last. Bai Yang believed that after three feasts, the largest family in Qingmu County, the Xue family, would collapse in an instant!

Bai Yang was so mysterious that there was nothing he could do about it. Bing Qing Yujie and the others were so curious that they knew they shouldn't ask.

In fact, what Bai Yang has to do is very simple, that is, sell things to Wang Erji. Since it is selling things, it is necessary to collect some money, but what Bai Yang sells is different...

In the darkness, Bai Yang and the others returned to Qing He's residence.

"Qinghe, we are back"

Bai Yang knocked on the door loudly in the middle of the night, which seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet night.

It was Xiao Cui who opened the door. Apparently they were all waiting for Bai Yang to come back, so Bai Yang opened the door as soon as he knocked on the door.

"Mr. Bai, the food has been prepared and is waiting for you to come back."

Qing He was sitting in the pavilion with a pot of fragrant tea beside her. At this time, she put down the book in her hand and looked at Bai Yang and said.

She remembered what Bai Yang said during the day and wanted to come back for dinner.

"Just right, I'm hungry too"

Bai Yang nodded politely and walked straight to the pavilion to sit down.

The four sisters Bingqing, Yujie, Xiaocui and the others murmured for a while to roughly figure out the situation here, and then Lin Jie'er ran errands to fetch water for Baiyang to pay for food and wash her hands.

When the food was served, Bai Yang picked up his chopsticks. Suddenly he thought that he had forgotten something and asked Qing He:

"Oh, by the way, where is Lao Dan?"

Well, my friend Bai Yang has done enough. After being busy for a long time, he actually forgot about Shan Qiulin...

"Master Shan has woken up, over there"

Qinghe knew that Bai Yang was not very reliable when he was in Deyang Town, so he was not surprised at all. He turned his head slightly and looked aside and said.

Bai Yang looked in that direction and saw that on the roof of Qinghe Courtyard, Shan Qiulin was holding a jar of wine in his one-armed hand and drinking sips facing the three moons in the sky. Obviously Already half drunk.

"Old Dan, why are you sitting so high? Oh, by the way, you are blind now. How did you get up there? Are you not afraid of falling face first? Also, you can't see anything now. You are staring at the night sky. Yarn?”

Bai Yang looked at Shan Qiulin on the roof and asked.

Dan Qiulin changed his clothes, and there was no sad look on his face. After listening to Bai Yang's words, he tilted his head slightly and paused. He did not answer Bai Yang's boring questions and said with a faint smile:

"I found that the night is really beautiful"

Bai Yang doesn't understand. He's a little confused. Brother, how can you see Mao at night even if you're blind

"This guy is crazy, let's eat"

Shaking his head, Bai Yang looked at Qing He opposite and said, indicating that Shan Qiulin was hopeless.

Qinghe covered her mouth and chuckled, not paying attention.

Bai Yang and Qing He were eating and drinking, and their maids were waiting on them. This was a rule. The maids could not sit down and eat with the master. Although Bai Yang didn't care, they had to abide by it.

When he was in Deyang Town, Bai Yang's brain had already been opened by Kaihui Guo. Qing He knew that Bai Yang had a big appetite, so he prepared more. He would eat all he wanted, and Bai Yang, who had eaten and drank enough, would take a rest as soon as he wiped his mouth. , after all, it’s been a busy day.

However, the problem came. Qinghe's courtyard was originally just a place where she and her two maids lived together. There were not many rooms. One master bedroom was hers, and the two maids rested in another room. There was only one guest room, and the guest room was still there. Occupied by Shan Qiulin, Bai Yang, Bing Qing Yujie and the others now face the situation of having no room available.

"It's okay, Qinghe, you can just squeeze in with Xiaocui, Xiaolan and the others, and I can sleep in the same room with them."

Bai Yang arranged it in just two words, making it seem like he was the master here.

Qinghe was a little stunned, looked at the four sisters Bai Yang and Bingqing Yujie, chuckled, and nodded to express understanding.

Xiaolan Xiaocui's face turned red and she sighed secretly. Baiyang was not afraid that his body would not be able to bear it...

It was definitely impossible for Bai Yang to live in Qinghe's boudoir, so in the end, Bai Yang, Bingqing Yujie and the other four sisters rested in Xiaolan Xiaocui's room.

There were two beds in the room. After the four sisters Bai Yang, Bingqing Yujie and others entered the room, they stopped talking for a while, lowered their heads with slightly red faces, and their heartbeats were a little fast.

At night, alone together, hell, Bai Yang is not a 'good person', what is supposed to come is still coming, a little expectant, a little uneasy, a little scared...

"This bed is too small. You four sisters can squeeze in together. I'm sleeping here. Don't disturb me. I have to think of something."

Bai Yang said nonchalantly, kicked off his shoes, pulled himself up a few times, rolled over on the bed, lifted the quilt, and crawled under the quilt. However, the amazing thing was that there was clearly a person like Bai Yang lying inside the quilt. , but the quilt shriveled.

Well, he took advantage of the quilt to escape and ran to the earth.

Bai Yang slept alone, and the four Bingqing and Yujie sisters looked at each other. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they felt a little disappointed and uneasy. Different from the uneasiness where their heartbeats accelerated before, the uneasiness at this time was due to Bai Yang's sense of distance.

"Let's sleep, don't disturb the young master"

As the elder sister, Lin Bing'er said.

The other three nodded, rustlingly took off their clothes, and then squeezed into a bed to sleep...

Bai Yang, who flashed back to Earth, realized that it was broad daylight here on Earth. He put on thick clothes and drove to the furniture store in the city. Without talking to the clerk, he directly asked the deliveryman to pull on a set of the best. The personal supplies are with you. Well, they are not expensive things. Just swipe the card for 30,000 and leave.

Under his leadership, they all came to the remote warehouse that Xiong Da rented for him in the suburbs.

Use five hundred yuan to force the installation workers who came to clean a corner of the warehouse and install the bed. Goodbye...

"This warehouse has come in handy. I don't know if the money from the other side in the next few days will be enough to fill this place... Well, I guess I'm overthinking..."

Looking at the empty warehouse, Bai Yang said to himself that in the next few days, this place would probably become his foothold on this side of the earth.

Then he drove back to the villa again, moved the copier and remaining paper he bought the day before on Earth to the warehouse, connected the power supply, and Bai Yang took out three banknotes directly from his wallet, one for ten yuan and one hundred yuan. , and then put it into the copier to copy...

He was not idle while the copier was working. He found a larger piece of white paper and sketched on the edge with a neutral brush.

Two hours later, he made 10,000 copies of one-dollar bills, 5,000 copies of 10-dollar bills, and 2,000 copies of 100-dollar bills!

"That's enough. These should be able to defraud a lot of money. The cost is almost zero."

Bai Yang looked at his things with satisfaction and muttered to himself, then took off his clothes and went to bed, covered himself with a quilt, and flashed back to the other world. He was really tired, so he kicked off the quilt and went to sleep. It was still very hot here, even at night. .

Bingqing Yujie and the other four sisters were not fools. Of course they knew that Bai Yang had left, but as maids, they didn't ask anything. Bai Yang's magical ability to leave made them feel even more mysterious about Bai Yang...

In the Xue family mansion, Wang Erji is a small steward. Although his status is not high, he still has a certain status and has a separate residence.

After sneaking back from his affair with Xue Bancheng's concubine, he lay on his bed and tossed and turned.

Is everything he said true? If it is true, this is indeed an opportunity, but...

Wang Erji lay in bed, hesitating and struggling in his heart. Finally, he gritted his teeth, got out of bed, rummaged through the cabinets, and took out a wooden box. After opening it, there were neatly stacked coins inside, which were part of his savings over the years.

"Their identity should not be faked. Try using the money first. If it is true, then invest more."

Looking at a box of coins and muttering to himself, Wang Erji closed the lid, then turned over and went to bed. The box containing the money was placed next to the pillow.

Compared with Wang Erji who hesitated for a long time before making up his mind, Cuihua, who was also part of Baiyang's plan, was much more straightforward. After all, she was Xue Bancheng's concubine, and she still had money. When she came back, she asked her maid to prepare it, and returned it the next day. I had to go to the bank to withdraw money, and even my own accessories were pawned for a big deal.

There was no way, she had no human rights as a concubine. Xue Bancheng disliked her for being old and old. She hadn't seen her for an unknown amount of time. She even doubted whether Xue Bancheng would recognize her if she appeared in front of him. She had to make arrangements for her future life. On the way back, Bai Yang's appearance gave her a chance.

To be honest, although the name Cuihua is a bit depressing, she looks only in her thirties. She is not ugly, but her figure is slightly out of shape. If she dresses up, she still has charm. It's just that Xue Bancheng's net worth is too big. , what kind of beauty can’t be found? He didn't take her seriously anymore.

Typical ruthlessness...

The next day, Wang Erji and Cuihua, two people who did not have a strong presence in the Xue family compound, after arranging the corresponding matters, quietly left the Xue family compound one after another and went to the address Bai Yang left for them. .

The courtyard where Shan Qiulin practiced his martial arts.

Wang Erji arrived first, and when he came here, Bai Yang had already been waiting here, eating and stuffing himself under the service of the four Bingqing and Yujie sisters.

"Sit down, wait a minute, I'll talk after I finish eating."

Bai Yang pointed to a wine jar next to him and said.

Well, he didn't prepare a place for people to sit at all... (To be continued.)