Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 242: An inexplicably hot energy elixir


In Qingmu County, deep in the Xue Family Courtyard, in a carved hall, more than a dozen beautiful maids were waiting. Outside the door, there were Xiaosi servants on standby, and outside, there were warrior guards patrolling.

Xue Wannian sat at the top, holding a cup of fragrant tea with a smile on his face, nodding from time to time to listen to the words of a young man below.

The young man looked sixteen or seventeen years old, with red lips and white teeth, and was dressed in a gorgeous white robe with gold edges. He looked at Xue Wannian with a beaming look and said:

"Dad, I have discovered a way to make money. As long as you invest a part of it, you will be able to get your money back quickly and make a profit in less than a day. I have already earned more than 300,000 yuan with pocket money in the past two days, but I want to continue Increase investment, dad, please give me some more capital."

Xue Bancheng listened to the young man's story with a smile on his face, put down his teacup and said with a smile:

"It's rare that my son is motivated. As a father, he should encourage him. He should go to the housekeeper and receive five million dollars as capital."

"Thank you dad, so the child won't disturb dad anymore. Please leave first."

The young man got the money, nodded with a smile, stood up and left impatiently.

Watching his son leave, Xue Wannian frowned slightly, and doubts arose in his heart. When did his ignorant son start learning to make money

Although I don't understand, as a father, you can't stop your child from making progress and give him some small money. Even if he loses money, it doesn't hurt. After all, losing money is also growing.


Xue Wannian was still thinking about his son's affairs, when a cooing voice sounded, a fragrant breeze blew over, and a charming woman with a body that looked like a boneless body twisted her waist and floated into the hall, and fell straight into Xue Wannian's arms.

"Haha, why does Dong'er want to find a husband?"

Xue Wannian is also an old dirty turtle. He has a beautiful woman in his arms, so he immediately puts his hands on her without any courtesy.

The maids around me lowered their heads, pretending that I was blind and couldn't see.

"Oh, sir, um~! It's like this. I want to do some small business recently, but I don't have the capital, so..."

The charming woman known as Dong'er twisted and twisted in Xue Wannian's arms and said, her voice so soft that it made people go numb, and Xue Wannian could hardly control it.

"Haha, master, the money I gave you is not enough? It doesn't matter. Dong'er wants to do business. Master, I support it. I will go to the butler to get the money later. Within ten million, you can use it as you wish."

Xue Wannian is the richest man in Qingmu County. He is not short of money, so he agreed with a wave of his hand.

"Thank you sir, I've been very kind to you."

Dong'er said with a slightly breathy voice, the fragrance in her mouth was fragrant, she whispered softly in Xue Wannian's ear, and stretched a tender hand directly to Xue Wannian's crotch.

"Haha, Dong'er, my husband has something to do later, so I'll see you in the evening."

Xue Wannian stopped Dong'er's movement, patted her butt and smiled.


Dong'er pouted and said, got up and twisted her waist like a snake and left.

Next, in just half an hour, people came and went in this hall. Xue Wannian's sons, daughters, concubines, wives, and warriors worshiped by the family all came to him with various names. There were all kinds of reasons, but there was only one The purpose is to ask for money!

When Xue Wannian sent someone away again, his expression suddenly darkened.

Something is wrong. Just today, the money he has dispersed has exceeded 100 million. Although this is still just a drop in the bucket for his Xue family, something is wrong!

People have come to him asking for money in the past two days, but today was the most prominent. People asking for money began to line up.

As a businessman, Xue Wannian was extremely sensitive to some special situations. After sensing that something was not right, he immediately called the housekeeper and said:

"Butler, find out for me what happened and why everyone is asking me for money."

"Old servant, as ordered, we will go and investigate now."

The old butler in a gray gown bowed to Xue Wannian and said, turned around and left quickly.

Then Xue Wannian waved the maids in the hall to leave. He fell into deep thought alone. He didn't like to be disturbed by anyone when he was thinking about problems.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that these two days had