Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 253: treasure house


Going down the hole, there is no dampness at all, and the air circulation is good.

Along the way, Bai Yang's mind penetrated the stone walls up, down, left, and right, and found that the surroundings were full of mechanisms. Some places could smash hundreds of thousands of kilograms of boulders, some places would shoot out dense arrows, and some places would collapse. Below It's a big pit, full of poisonous spikes...

However, there were a few places that Bai Yang couldn't understand. There were bottles, cans, and pipes inside. After thinking about it, he realized that those places could either emit high-temperature flames or emit highly toxic substances.

"Tsk, if ordinary people break in rashly, they may not be able to walk ten meters before dying without a burial place!" Bai Yang was secretly stunned after seeing those strange mechanisms.

He didn't tell Bingqing Yujie and the others about these situations, not because he didn't believe them, but mainly because it was useless to tell them.

The mechanisms all have triggering devices. Bai Yang only needs to control a few key places with his mind, and those mechanisms are useless in front of him.

He didn't destroy the mechanism and kept it useful.

The five people walked down for about 150 meters and reached the end.

What appeared in front of them was a metal door about three meters high.

The door is completely black, and the surface is not smooth. There are obvious marks of slashing with swords, and there are also some rust on the concave and convex areas, which shows that this door has existed for a long time. Those marks seem to tell the story of what happened here.

Seeing this door, Bai Yang crossed his arms and looked at it carefully without saying anything.

"Master, this door has no door handle and no keyhole. I'm afraid it can't be opened," Lin Bing'er said, looking at Bai Yang.

The door was bare and connected to the wall, with no opening at all.


Lin Qing'er drew out the sharp sword from her waist, knocked on the door, turned to look at Bai Yang and said, "Master, this door is at least one foot thick, weighs millions of kilograms, and is made of an unknown metal. The door in my hand is The sword can't hurt it at all, and we can't even think of breaking it open with violence."

"This door is not an ordinary door. It requires a spell to be opened!" Bai Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the four Bingqingyujie girls with a mysterious smile.

"Where in the world is there such a door?" Lin Jie'er expressed disbelief.

"That's because you haven't seen it yourself. Look, open sesame..." Bai Yang shrugged and pointed at the metal door.

Then, the cold and thick metal door shook, and it sank to the ground with a rumbling sound!

The door opened.


The four sisters Bingqing and Yujie looked at Bai Yang with blank expressions. Is this okay

What the hell is Open Sesame? Is it the spell that opens the door? How did the young master know

"Don't be stunned, let's go in and see what good things there are." Bai Yang didn't explain anything, shrugged and walked forward.

When he came here before, the reason why he didn't speak was to observe how to open the door. His mind penetrated the wall to observe, and found that there was no way to open the door at all. Then his mind followed the mechanism connecting the door along the inside of the wall. After tracking all the way, I finally found out that the mechanism that opened the door was actually in my bedroom...

Entering through the gate, there is a hall of thousands of square meters.

The hall is ten meters high, and the top is inlaid with dozens of luminous pearls that emit pure white light, illuminating the entire hall.

In this hall, there are many huge shelves like bookshelves, with wooden boxes neatly stacked on the shelves.

"This is the true heritage of the Xue family. Xue Wannian has always lacked courage. If he abandons his outside properties, he can rely on the things in this secret room to make a comeback for the Xue family!"

The thoughts swept across the entire secret room, Bai Yang thought to himself.

Two-thirds of the boxes on the shelves contained money. Each box contained 100 million dollars, and there were at least two thousand such boxes!

There are also boxes containing various precious medicinal materials. Bai Yang has limited knowledge of medicinal materials in this world and does not know most of them. The only one he knows is ginseng. In this secret room, a foot-long tree is as long as a radish. There were at least hundreds of ginseng roots, and in his mind he even saw more than a dozen ginseng roots with silver spots on the surface, which were obviously high-end goods.