Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 285: Dog blood descends on the head


"Mobile phone, ID card, bank card, wallet, keys, gun license, pistol, there should be nothing left behind... "

Back in the suburban warehouse on this side of the earth, Bai Yang began to organize his things.

Everything that did not belong to the Earth side had been moved to Gordo Village, which seemed empty. The time when he came back happened to be in the morning, which was a rare synchronization with the other side of the world.

He didn't bring the blood-patterned sword with him this time. He had to prepare something next. It didn't matter whether he brought the blood-patterned sword or not. It would be inconvenient to bring it with him.

After sorting it out, everything was there, nothing was wrong, but when I lowered my head, I was speechless. I was still wearing a gorgeous robe from another world.

"If you wear an afro and a traditional robe, you might be mistaken for an elder of the Burial Love family..."

Scratching his head and struggling for a second, he decisively drove out of the warehouse and changed again in the city.

"If you want to go deep into the Lost River Forest to find Chen Yong and ask if there are any follow-up techniques from the Secret Code of Thunder, you have to prepare some big guys. But the question is where can I get the big guys? Anyway, it's fine. How about I go and cause trouble for Waiguo?" Ren? It seems possible, but you need to take a plane to go to a foreign country, and you also need a visa... "

On the way back to the city, Bai Yang drove with one hand and touched his chin with the other, muttering in his mind.

Bai Yang's current methods are too simple to get some big guys in the country, but he doesn't want to make his country a mess, so he might as well go and cause trouble for Guoren.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone and called Song Dao.

After the call was connected, Song Yiyi joked nonchalantly on the other side: "Oh, which planet are you coming back from?"

He was used to Bai Yang's behavior of losing contact with the sky.

"Tian Yuan Star, even if you don't know, it's probably tens of thousands of times bigger than the Earth. It's full of beauties and that guy. They tried their best to keep me here. I don't think I can fall into the gentle land. So I decided to come back and have a look." Bai Yang is also unreliable. When he opens his mouth, he talks nonsense like Song, telling half truths and half lies.

"Okay, okay, don't give me these useless things. What about the speedboat? I made an appointment with a few buddies to go fishing in the south in a few days. I want to use it." Song Dao stopped talking nonsense with Bai Yang and asked about the speedboat. things.

"No more" Bai Yang said without any embarrassment.

Song Yiyi was silent for a second and asked in shock: "What do you mean it's gone?"

"It means it's gone. It's been worn out by me and it's been scrapped. How much does it cost? I'll transfer it to you later and you can buy a new one," Bai Yang said confidently.

"Uncle, I'm convinced. Do you think you're just buying Chinese cabbage? You can buy it whenever you want? I've been unlucky for eight lifetimes to have a friend like you at the stall. You can give me five million. Is there anything else?" It's okay, I'll hang up, there are a bunch of girls waiting for my favor." Song Dao was speechless, feeling that he would be pissed to death if he continued talking to Bai Yang.

"Wait, something really happened. I'm going to the United States for fun. Please help me get a visa as soon as possible, and then help me book a ticket to the United States." Bai Yang said quickly, not bothering the two masters. Well.

"Your uncle, do I owe it to you or your housekeeper?" Song Dao was speechless.

"Just say it's okay," Bai Yang said in a tone that was sure of the other party.

"Okay, you are the uncle, take a photo of your ID card and give it to me, and I'll do it for you. By the way, why are you going to the United States if you have nothing to do? I happen to be bored too, why don't you take me with you?" Song Dao was speechless at the same time. Interested to ask again.

"I'm going to meet a netizen who is a golden girl with big breasts, thin waist and round hips. Why are you messing around with me?"

"Do you have any foreign netizens?"

"Are you in charge? I'll hang up if it's okay." After saying the serious business, Bai Yang hung up the phone decisively instead of talking nonsense with Song, which was simply a model of killing the donkey.

No matter how depressed Song Dao was, Bai Yang hung up the phone, took a photo of his ID card and went over, then called the bank to communicate about the transfer, which was completed in a few minutes.

Then before I had time to put down my phone, someone called again. When I looked at the number, I saw that it was Lao Lang. It was probably because of those things again.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yang answered the call and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Can we meet?" Lao Lang asked directly without any nonsense.

"I don't have time during this period. By the way, how much do those things cost? I'll transfer them to you." Bai Yang said back to him.

When two grown men met, I went crazy. People who didn't know it thought I had a special hobby.

"Forget it, let's just treat it as a gift to you. Let's meet up when you have time, that's all." After finishing speaking, Old Wolf decisively hung up the phone.

Obviously the other party has a lot of things they don't want to say on the phone.

Bai Yang was stunned for a second while holding the phone. He shrugged and didn't care. Let's talk about the meeting when I have time to think about it.

Just as Lao Lang hung up, Bai Yang's phone rang again.

Tsk, what's going on today? The calls are coming one after another

When he looked at the number, he saw that it belonged to his mother. He didn't dare and couldn't turn a blind eye to this. After the call was connected, Bai Yang's good son asked in a tone of voice: "What do you want me to do?"

"Eh? Xiaobai, you seem to be driving, but you're not in bed, Maodong?" Zhen Guoping said in surprise on the other end of the phone.

Bai Yang was speechless. Did you see that this was her mother? She quickly said: "The weather is nice today, I decided to go out for some activities."

"I'm not interested in knowing where you are going and what you are going to do. Your mother and I are very busy right now and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Listen to what I said. You can pack up for me now and then go to 3o1 on the third floor of Qingxiang Tea House to wait for me." Zhen Guoping said with a serious tone.

Suddenly a bad premonition arose in his heart, and Bai Yang asked fearfully: "Mom, why are you going there if you have nothing to do?"

"When you go, call me and I'll tell you."

"Mom, if you don't tell me, I won't go." Bai Yang felt more and more uneasy.

"You don't even listen to my words, do you? Now that you have grown up, your wings have become stronger? I think back then, when you were just that big, I would poop and pee for you..." Zhen Guoping was making love on the other end of the phone. Card.

Co-author: Did I grow up eating those things when I was a kid? Bai Yang shuddered.

He was a filial child. His mother had said this, so he could put his own affairs aside and immediately said, "I'll be there as soon as possible."

"That's pretty much it. Remember, you must arrive before eleven o'clock," Zhen Guoping said in a calm tone.

I can’t cure you brat, hehe! After hanging up the phone, Zhen Guoping said proudly.

"Maybe something bloody is going to happen," Bai Yang thought to himself while holding the phone.

No matter what happens, you will know it when you go there. Anyway, my mother will not harm herself.

It was easy to ask him to tidy up. The car drove into the city. He went to a luxury store with a strange look. He swiped nearly one million in his credit card to buy an outfit. He changed out of the robe that was incompatible with this world and made a shocking appearance. Pile of eyeballs.

With such lavish spending, the girl clerk almost didn't stick to him.

Then he went to do it again. He returned to the rented villa in a human-like manner, drove his sexy Bugatti and headed towards the so-called Qingxiang Teahouse.

Although he guessed what was going on, Bai Yang didn't deliberately make himself a beggar. Why am I pretending to be a beggar

His mother seemed to have made a reservation for 3o1 in advance. When he came here and reported his private room number, a girl in a cheongsam led him up.

When he came to the private room, there was no one there. He took out his hand and said, "Mom, I'm already here. What's going on?"

"I'll introduce you to a girlfriend," Zhen Guoping said bluntly.

The corners of his mouth twitched. Bai Yang knew what was going on. He didn't expect that such a bloody thing would happen to him one day. He said speechlessly: "Mom, do you think your son is someone who can't find a wife?"

"Then why are you still single now?" Zhen Guoping made Bai Yang lose her temper with one sentence.

Although Bai Yang’s parents have eaten Kaihui Guo, as parents, they want their children to start a family and start a business. This has nothing to do with whether they are smart or not.

"Okay, you're the eldest mother, but you have to let me know what's going on with the other person, right? What kind of blind date is this if I don't know anything about it?" Bai Yang said speechlessly.

"That's what you're talking about. Listen up. That girl's name is Wang Qingyu. She's twenty-four this year. She's the same age as you. She is a top student who graduated from Harvard. She has never been in a relationship. Now she runs her own company. The market value of the company is over one billion. She is tall and tall. She has a sweet appearance. In the words of you young people, she is at the level of a goddess. She is also worthy of you. You two can meet and chat first. If you can, we can get along. You have to be more serious. I am still waiting to have a grandson. "What?" Zhen Guoping said on the other end.

"Tsk, you started a company at the age of twenty-four and its market value is over one billion. This is either cheating or you have a lot of background. It's not right, mom. Would someone with such good conditions come to me for a blind date?" Bai Yang reacted and asked.

"My leader's sister has a high vision and hasn't found anyone yet, so I mentioned it casually. I didn't expect that she was actually willing to match her," Zhen Guoping said.

"Mom, wait a minute, what's going on with your leader? Which leader in the university has so much energy to let his sister start such a big battle?" Bai Yang asked in surprise.

"I am now the secretary to the mayor of the city next door and have resigned from the school."

Well, it turns out that's what happened. The mayor's sister is definitely a second-generation official who didn't run away. It's no wonder that a girl has built such a large family fortune at such a young age.

Bai Yang was not surprised at all that his mother could arrange such a blind date for him. Kaihui Guo was not free of charge, and it was not easy to fool people.

"Okay, I'll know how to deal with this domineering female CEO for a while," Bai Yang said with a shrug, just treating it as a boring time.

"She is not overbearing and has a very good personality. You have to hurry up. There are a lot of people chasing her..."

Bai Yang hung up the phone after chatting with his mother, and Bai Yang began to wait boringly.

"Why don't Mao look forward to it at all?" Sitting alone in the private room, Bai Yang looked at the ceiling blankly.

Not long after, there were footsteps outside the door, and they came straight to the door and stopped.

Bai Yang put away his lazy attitude. Regardless of whether he is a bully or not, he still needs to have a minimum of respect for people. After all, they come all the way here... (To be continued.)