Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 359: Surprise...your uncle!


"Fun stuff? It's probably a trick," Bai Yang muttered, kicking the stone monument.

The designer of this test is definitely a scammer!

There is not much information. Who knows how big this maze is, where the exit is, and how many exits there are. You can give me a damn hint...

However, people are so unreasonable and have already boarded the pirate ship, so they can only continue to play according to the other party's settings.

Yes, Bai Yang just regarded this place as a 'reality show' game. He didn't care too much about practicing after obtaining the inheritance. The main reason was that he couldn't practice on his own and it was of little use.

If he spends all day practicing martial arts or meditating to practice Shinto, it would be easier for him to kill exotic animals and eat meat or take drugs to improve his telekinesis.

Looking up, this maze is probably quite interesting.

The walls and floors, as well as the ceiling, are translucent, allowing visibility to the opposite side.

I hid my feet, and the ground was quite solid. Damn it, this thing is neither glass nor crystal. Where did the person who created this maze get the materials

The blood-patterned sword flew out, and the poplar trees clattered to the floor.

What made him dumbfounded was that the materials used to build the maze were so strong that the blood-striped sword left no trace at all on it! What even made Bai Yang's eyelids jump was that the power of thought could not penetrate the walls of the maze. There was some kind of energy inside the material that blocked the power of thought!

"Well, this isn't a lie, but it's getting more and more fun," Bai Yang muttered, rubbing his chin.

A fire was lit in the void, and a red flame burned against the floor.


The floor shimmered with pure white light, and there were even complex textures flashing inside, blocking the burning of the flames.

Ma Dan, there's nothing you can do about it. There's a formation inside that the flames can't burn through.

After all, it was the Grand Master who created the maze, and he was also a Grand Master who could kill the King of Killers. His skills were astonishing. He had probably been prepared for someone to destroy the walls and violently leave the maze.

"The next door is not a passage, but a space of 100 square meters. There is a staircase coming down from the top. The top is a passage that is horizontally attached to the wall. The next door to the right is an upward staircase, and there is another empty room below. There is actually water…”

Looking up, down, left, and right, Bai Yang discovered that this deceiving maze was actually three-dimensional!

There are some weird things in many parts of this maze, and the difficulty is at least a hundred times greater than a flat maze. And God knows how big this maze is!

No matter what, let's take a walk around first to see what's unreliable about this deceptive maze.

Step forward. After walking ten meters, you will reach the end and need to turn.

This is a T-intersection where you can walk from both sides. There is an upward staircase 20 meters ahead on the left, and there is a passage to the right on the side.

Then on the right, there is a passage to the left 20 meters straight ahead, and 10 meters ahead, there are two side-by-side stairs going down and up respectively.

Damn, this is such a trap. The complexity of this maze is beyond imagination!

Complexity is not what Bai Yang pays attention to. At this moment, he is staring at the wall in front of him.

Opposite him, there was also a pair of eyes looking at him, a pair of dark eyes as big as fists, separated by a transparent wall, Bai Yang and the big eyes stared at the small ones.

Opposite is a cat, a black cat, a very big black cat, nearly five meters long, sleek and fat, with gleaming sharp claws looming, and ferocious fangs that make people feel cold!


The roar of the black cat came from the opposite side, and it drooled and rushed this way. However, it was blocked by the wall and couldn't get through at all. It hit the wall with a bang, and its claws tore at the wall, but it was useless, the wall was too strong.

"Sure enough, it's a pit of wonders. I don't know how this cat survived and was so fat. The stone tablet says it right. There are so many fun things in this maze."

Bai Yang murmured in his heart and raised his middle finger at the black cat across from him, "Bite me!"

After teasing the black cat opposite for a while, Bai Yang felt bored and prepared to explore other places. However, he paused and discovered that there were writings on the wall where the black cat was.

'The food prepared for those who are undergoing the test, the premise is that you can find where the cat is and kill it. As for the problem that you can't make a fire, it's better to eat raw meat, right? It's better than starving to death...'

Bai Yang couldn't help but swear.

The big pit that designed this maze is full of dark and evil taste. The maze is complicated and you never know when you can get out. However, when you are so hungry that you can’t stand it anymore, you find that there is food next door, but you just want to eat. I can't believe how sad it is to think about that feeling...

This kind of problem is not a problem for Baiyang. Is there anything to eat when traveling to the earth? The problem of hunger does not exist for him.

After thinking about it, Bai Yang disappeared from the maze and appeared in the underground cave of the earth. He looked at the dark metal gate and the huge old turtle standing in the distance, shrugged, left the cave, and arrived in the city. There was no shortage of money. , swiped the card to buy a lot of food and drink, and then took advantage of others not paying attention and got them all into the maze. Then he ran back to the cave on the earth, ducked into the maze, took the things and put them in the cave, and went back and forth. Teng.

After that, he gnawed on the vacuum-packed pig's trotters, drank beer, and wandered around the maze.

He was wandering around aimlessly, going forward, going to the right, going forward, turning, going forward, up, left...

As he walked, he didn't even know where he had gone. Of course, it was very simple for him to remember the way he came. He had all the routes in his mind, but remembering them was useless. There was no use at all. exit.

After drinking three bottles of beer, while walking, he came to a dead end, shrugged, stepped back dozens of meters, and then upward.

There are many twists and turns, and then another dead end...

This dead end is a little different though, because there are writings on the inside of the walls.

Still in a wicked tone: Do you feel a little dizzy? Let me tell you, the complexity of this maze exceeds your imagination. It is 30,000 meters up and down, 30,000 meters left and right, and 30,000 meters front and back. Explore slowly and don’t starve to death in it. See the side Finished the puzzle? If you can restore the puzzle, there will be surprises waiting for you. If you can't complete it, go elsewhere.

Your sister, Bai Yang glared, what is the concept of being 30,000 meters across? It's only thirty kilometers. Are you sure this is just a fucking maze

And surprise, gross surprise

Bai Yang looked to the side. Sure enough, there was a puzzle. On the side was an original picture of one meter square outlined by lines. On the side of the picture, there was a scrambled puzzle of one hundred times one hundred. There was only one Each piece is movable and can be used to restore the puzzle.

"Nimaya, there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine scrambled pieces. Most people really can't play with them. I want to see what surprises you have." Bai Yang curled his lips.

First, I took a look at the original picture and copied it in my mind. Then I looked at the scrambled puzzle pieces on the side, closed my eyes and thought quickly.

It was such a complicated puzzle that it took him a minute to think about it before he found the correct way to put it together.

The next step is simple. You don’t need to use your hands at all. You move the pieces with your mind. The pieces that are only one short of 10,000 pieces move so fast that it is dizzying.

Then, with a click, the picture was restored.

"What the hell, I want to see what surprises there are." Bai Yang raised his eyebrows. It was not difficult at all.

The next moment, a surprise came, as a soft sound came from behind Bai Yang.

Turning around, I saw that there was no way to escape. A wall instantly fell down from above and blocked Bai Yang's escape. He was trapped in a space with a length, width and height of three meters.

"I… "

Bai Yangzhi was speechless, this was indeed a surprise, but enough, the surprise was too much!

Is it possible to be trapped here for the rest of your life

'Don't be nervous, you are here to accept the test and I will give you a chance to survive'

At this time, new fonts appeared on the wall.

It's really not reliable, even more so than me...

Bai Yang pouted, and then he discovered that the original puzzle pieces on the side had disappeared. Then, he found that the space that trapped him was moving. Not only was it moving irregularly up, down, left, and right, but it was also rolling...

Feeling dizzy, after three minutes, the space movement stopped. Bai Yang felt a little nauseous and wanted to vomit.

Then, another word appeared next to him: Do you not know where you are now? Memory is useless here. Friendly reminder, because of the formation, the direction of gravity is also different. The ground you are standing on at this time may be your original right wall, or it may be the ceiling...

"I... pfft... Damn it, the peerless pit, what the hell does this make me do? It's really a surprise, a big surprise." Bai Yang collapsed on the ground, wanting to cry without tears.

At this time, he may be sitting paralyzed in the direction of normal gravity, he may be head down, he may be facing to the left...

Well, in front of him, the wall blocking the way disappeared upwards, and a new passage appeared, but there were four stairs, all of which were slanted in different directions!

To make it clearer, the four stair sections are perpendicular to the ground on the left and right walls, as well as on the ceiling and floor, with petals facing in four directions.

"What the hell..." Bai Yang was immediately confused. Do you want me to stand sideways on the wall? That only requires me to have that ability.

Just as he was scratching his head, another word appeared on the side: Because your breath was recorded in the previous test, everyone will have corresponding prompts. This is the last prompt for you. The direction of gravity in the maze is different. Don’t doubt those places that seem impossible to walk on. When you step on them, you will find that your direction has changed. And don’t be repelled by the surprises set up in some places, because some of them really have surprises. Finally, I wish you good luck and look forward to getting out of the maze and into the next test.

"I..." Bai Yang was confused.

What a trap this is! The gravity is disrupted, and the complexity of the maze suddenly increases ten thousand times!

Then, he got up, came to a few stairs, looked around, then tried to lift his legs, and stepped on the stairs on the left that were perpendicular to the ground. He only felt his body turn, and then stood on the stairs, the direction of gravity changed…

"The maze is extremely complicated, but it can't help me, hehe." Standing on the stairs, Bai Yang grinned...

(Ask for monthly ticket) (To be continued.)