Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 387: Stable


In the cave, Baiyang sat on his bed with his legs crossed and was thinking about Shinto practice. The kitten looked at him quietly on the side.

The idea of Zhenyang Guan was left by Jian Yun, a Shinto monk who was once at the level of Zhenjun. It is said that he can cultivate to a level beyond that of a heavenly master.

The introductory cultivation method for opening up the realm of wisdom requires visualizing a secret map in your mind.

The secret map describes a scorching sun hanging in the dark void. It is painted extremely finely. In the vast dark void, it is dry and cold. The scorching sun hangs, emitting endless light and heat, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the void. .

According to the secret method, the cultivator needs to visualize this scene in his mind and imprint it in his heart. When that scene can appear at any time when he closes his eyes, the level of Kaihui will be cultivated. about there.

"I'll go, is it that easy?" Bai Yang was a little dumbfounded when he saw the introduction to the Wisdom Chapter of True Yang Concept.

Isn't this a bit childish

The so-called visualization, to put it bluntly, is imagination. To visualize the dead object of the secret method map in your mind is to practice

Thinking about it carefully, Bai Yang felt that it was not simple.

First of all, that map is not ordinary. It is not as simple as a scorching sun hanging in the darkness. After careful observation, it actually has a special charm, which is inexplicable.

"No wonder it's a secret method of cultivation. Even though it's just an outline, it also describes certain characteristics of the scorching sun, which cannot be felt by observing the scorching sun with the naked eye!"

Bai Yang touched his chin and wondered.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he felt it was unreliable. Just imagine in his head that the sun could temper his soul

What the hell, are you imagining that big beautiful girls can also arouse virility? Um

However, it’s not that simple. Since this is a serious secret cultivation method, it must not be a trick to fool people. I have to think about it carefully. Well, let’s see what Jian Yun’s notes and insights say...

Thinking in his mind, Bai Yang began to read through the notes left by Jian Yun.

There was a lot of verbosity in Luo Li, which made Bai Yang feel dizzy, but it was still detailed enough.

According to Jian Yun, the things that are visualized are actually illusory and do not exist. They are just imagination. To let the emptiness affect your soul, you need a deep understanding.

In reality, the scorching sun hangs above the nine heavens, spreading light and heat, and all things grow in the sunshine. In this case, the imagined scorching sun should also have the characteristics of nourishing the soul and tempering the spirit!

After all, spiritual thinking or the soul is also nihilistic, and the scorching sun visualized is also nihilistic. There must be a connection between them!

When you visualize the scorching sun, it is actually a kind of tempering of your thinking consciousness. When you can concretely present that map in your thinking anytime and anywhere, this in itself means that your thinking consciousness is strong enough!

"I believed your evil idea. I just visualized a map. Isn't that simple? Don't tell me that it's just a map that doesn't make sense. I've seen pictures of the earth going directly into the starry sky to take pictures of the sun. It's very clear. It’s a matter of minutes, it’s nothing!”

Bai Yang curled his lips, and then he decided to give it a try, although he always felt that these people who practiced the secret method of divine magic were deceiving people.

However, the Shinto monks in this world do exist, and he cannot tolerate not believing...

He shouldn't even think about practicing martial arts. After all, the physiques of people on earth are different from those in this world. Currently, the only path he can try is Shinto cultivation. If this doesn't work, he will have no choice but to continue to play with his own powers...

He went to the hospital, hugged the kitten, closed his eyes, and began to visualize the so-called secret map.

The secret method of cultivation doesn’t say anything about having five hearts facing the sky. Is it wrong to practice while sitting cross-legged and hugging a kitten? Blame Bai Yang? What should I do if my legs get numb while sitting there practicing stupidly? How comfortable is it to hold your own wife in your arms, right...

Although she didn't know what Bai Yang was doing, the kitten didn't bother her. It was Bai Yang's hand touching her swollen breasts that made her feel a little weak...

"Empty your mind, yes, that's it. The world is dark and silent, as if at the beginning of the world, nothing existed, no sound, no light and heat, nothingness... "

After experimenting with the secret method, Bai Yang scratched his head and opened his eyes. His balls hurt a little. Why the hell does it look like Mao was hypnotizing himself

Just hypnotize, close your eyes and continue.

"According to the secret method, you have to proceed step by step. First, a point of light appears in the depths of nothingness. It is the scorching sun that is extremely far away from you. Slowly approach it. It is glowing and heating. Feel its light, dispel the darkness, and feel its Temperature, warm consciousness..."

Bai Yang visualized it in his mind according to the secret method. It was dark at first, nothingness, like a dark and cold starry sky. Gradually, there was a glimmer of light deep in the darkness. It was very weak and would be ignored if you didn't pay attention. .

Then his nihilistic consciousness approached that ray of light, and the light spot became larger and brighter. The darkness was gradually dispelled, and that gleam of light became the center of the dark world, the only source of light.

Then, the light spot gradually revealed its outline, a perfect circle, emitting light and heat...

Although Bai Yang knew in his heart that everything he fantasized or visualized in his mind was false or nihilistic, he was still proceeding step by step according to the description of the secret method.

That's the good thing about strong consciousness. If you imagine something, it will appear directly in your mind. If your mind is not strong enough, your mind will easily get distracted when thinking about things. I don't know how long it will take to reach this point.

Gradually, Bai Yang's nihilistic thoughts approached the sun in the void, 'saw' its dazzling light, and felt the heat contained in the light...

"I didn't expect it to be so fun. Why didn't I notice it before? Rumor has it that some otakus fantasize about women being able to have orgasms and so on..."

While contemplating the secret method step by step in his mind, Bai Yang was still in a mood to think about other things.

Soon after, in his mind, in the dark void, the scorching sun took shape completely, as big as a wheel, emitting endless light and heat, dispelling the darkness, and warming the cold void.

His consciousness is void and does not exist at all. There is only a blazing sun hanging in the entire dark world.

His consciousness was strong enough and his thinking was quick enough. He could draw inferences from one instance and make adjustments gradually. Not to mention, in just a matter of minutes, he had completely presented the scene depicted in the secret map in his mind.

Just when the scorching sun fully appeared in the dark void, Bai Hu's consciousness felt a different kind of feeling inexplicably.

The scorching sun was as hot as an oven, emitting endless heat, making his consciousness feel as if he was bathing in flames, and the light emitted by the scorching sun was also extremely dazzling!

"Go ahead, this is amazing. Is this the training of your thinking consciousness? Is it just a matter of visualizing the map?"

Feeling the meaning Feeling the heat and light of the scorching sun in the void, Bai Yang was quite shocked.

It is indeed the secret method of Shinto cultivation. There is a mystery in that picture. Even if the scorching sun that can be seen with the naked eye is presented in the mind, it is impossible to have such an effect!

According to the secret method of cultivation, at this point, the realm of Kaihui is already considered an entry point. The next step is to visualize this picture often and let your soul bathe in the light and heat of the scorching sun. If you can persist for even one stick, If you can still hold on to your sense of time, you can try to hit the next level!

"Tsk, it doesn't seem to be difficult? Isn't it too easy to imagine this picture in your mind? Hold on for one stick of incense? That's not a problem. Although the scorching sun in the visualization is extremely hot and dazzling, but otherwise When it comes to sticking to a stick of incense, with my current state of mind, it’s not a problem to stick to it for a year. I can see it destroyed and turned into a black hole... "

At this moment, Bai Yang was even busy muttering in his mind.

Despite this, he had reached the state described in the secret method together, but he still felt that it was unreliable.

Shinto cultivation, so simple? Are you kidding me? So worthless

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Yang understood that this was not because of the simplicity of cultivation, but because his spiritual consciousness was too strong. After eating a few Kaihui fruits, his brain developed to the limit of ordinary people, and then hundreds of thousands of people became stronger. After taking the Qi Pill, if it were given to a warrior, maybe the great masters would pile it up, and he would absorb it all and turn it into mental power, which is comparable to ordinary people

"Paralysis, it's reliable. According to Jian Yun, his qualifications were not very good at the beginning, but it took him three years to get to this point. Three years in this world is equivalent to ten years on the earth! However, I can do it in minutes. Surpassed him? This is a bit awesome... "

Bai Yang is super weird, his cultivation speed seems a bit amazing...

In his mind, his thoughts revolved around the imaginary scorching sun, and he felt the light and heat of the scorching sun. After a few rounds, he couldn't sit still. Apart from visualizing this picture, he didn't change at all.

Freezing the scene, he opened his eyes and asked the kitten, which was looking at him with twinkling eyes: "Cat, nothing special happened to me just now, right?"

"Yes." The kitten nodded immediately.

"What? Well, what happened to me just now?" Bai Yang asked.

Visualize the map, are there changes outside

"The young master's forehead was glowing just now. It was very faint, but it was really glowing. But after the young master opened his eyes, there was no light again, and that kind of light shone on me, and my head felt very comfortable." Mao Mao nodded affirmatively. road.

"Um, is there such a thing?" Bai Yang was stunned.

Visualize the secret map in your mind, and your head will glow outside? what's the situation

"Yes, Xiaomao is very sure, I will not lie to the young master," Xiaomao replied, looking at Baiyang with a mysterious look on his face.

"Well, then check to see if there is any light and tell me later," Bai Yang said tangledly.

Then he closed his eyes, but this time he did not visualize the map. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at the kitten.

"Master, there is no light anymore," the kitten said, tilting its head.

"Then take a look." Bai Yang nodded and closed his eyes again, but this time the picture appeared in his mind again.

After opening his eyes, Bai Yang asked the kitten, and the answer he got was that his forehead was glowing again!

Ma Dan, are you going to turn into a light bulb

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