Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 388: Seems a bit too big?


Forehead light, what is the principle

Bai Yang was a little confused after hearing what the kitten said. He was not a firefly, so he could still shine

"Master, what happened? Have you cultivated your true energy?" Mao Mao blinked and asked. The sound of nature is small


Now that she is a warrior, she has also condensed blood energy. When the blood energy is transported in the body, there are also abnormal behaviors outside the body.

"Well, if that's the case, I can't tell for a while. I'll explain it to you later. I'll make sure again first," Bai Yang said, scratching his head.

Then he took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function and put it next to it, and continued to close his eyes and contemplate the mysterious atlas picture.

While he was meditating, a faint white light bloomed on his forehead. It was very faint, but very clear in the night. It was indeed light.

The kitten was very close to Bai Yang, and the light from Bai Yang's forehead shone on her, making her head cool and comfortable.

After half a minute, Bai Yang opened his eyes and watched the video recorded on his mobile phone, confirming that his forehead was indeed shining when he was visualizing.

"Tsk, there is no explanation of this situation in the secret book." Bai Yang scratched his head and couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, it's nothing to worry about anyway, after all, I didn't show any discomfort.

According to the secret book, when you imagine that scene in your mind and can show it in your mind at any time with your eyes closed, and your consciousness can persist for a stick of incense in front of the scorching sun, it proves that your mental power is strong enough. You can hit the next level.

The realm of spiritual nourishment!

To nourish the soul, one needs to have strong enough mental strength to allow the mind to enter the space of consciousness and find the place where consciousness is born. That place is called the sea of consciousness.

The sea of consciousness disappears and the depth of consciousness is somewhere between existence and non-existence. After finding it, you need to use spiritual power to break it. When consciousness enters the sea of consciousness, it is still formless and qualityless. It needs to be guided according to the secret method to transform the formless and intangible. Qualitative consciousness is condensed into one or a wisp or a tangible and qualitative spiritual seed.

After the spiritual seed is condensed and formed, it is entrenched in the sea of consciousness. It needs to continue to cultivate, cultivate, nourish and strengthen it.

The nutrients for cultivating that spiritual seed can be your own bones, blood and essence, or the energy contained in various elixirs, or you can absorb various essences and energies in the world.

In short, spiritual seeds do not grow out of thin air. After all, they must follow the law of conservation of energy.

The concept of True Yang Contemplation contains the secret method of cultivating spiritual seeds. It is still a visualization, and it is also a map of the scorching sun. Use a strong consciousness to visualize the map of the scorching sun into the sea of consciousness, and absorb the energy between heaven and earth with special mental fluctuations. Those energies Enter the sea of spiritual consciousness and nourish the spiritual seeds through the light and heat dispersed by the visualized scorching sun...

To sum up, when the realm of enlightenment reaches a deep level, the consciousness is strong enough, find the sea of consciousness, break it open, the consciousness enters, and the spiritual seeds are condensed. The next step is to continue practicing...

All this sounds complicated, but Bai Yangdu is too fast. It would take ordinary Shinto monks several years or even decades to understand these processes...

"Anyway, my spiritual consciousness is strong enough. I will try the following to reach the realm of spiritual nourishment."

Scratching his head, Bai Yang thought he could do something about it.

Just do it, then he lay down again, closed his eyes, hugged the kitten and started practicing.

Well, I guess no one practices as casually as he does...

When he closed his eyes, his head went dark, and his thoughts fell into consciousness. Because of the previous experience of visualization, Bai Yang's head soon calmed down.

The consciousness is in boundless darkness, without sound or light, silent and cold.

It is said that the process of searching for the sea of consciousness is also very dangerous, because the depths of the mind are boundless. If the consciousness is not strong enough, it is easy to get lost and unable to get out. In that case, you will never wake up, commonly known as a vegetative state...

"The place where the sea of consciousness disappears, according to the secret method, is between existence and non-existence. It is a small point of nothingness. After finding it, if the consciousness breaks through and enters it, it will become its own space. But where are you? Come out? , don’t hide and seek with me..."

Whispering in his heart, Bai Yang's consciousness searched deep into the dark thinking space.

It is said that the consciousness is as fast as the thinking is fast. After all, this is his imagination space, which is not limited by time and space.

His consciousness has been searching for a long time. There is no distinction between up, down, left and right, eternal darkness and coldness, and a ghostly sea of consciousness...

"Anyway, my consciousness is strong enough to spread out and look for you. Just like my thoughts spread, I don't believe I can't find you."

In the end, he gritted his teeth and learned how to disperse his thoughts. Not to mention, it actually worked.

In his mind, he is the master, his consciousness spreads, and he is backed by strong spiritual power. One meter, two meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, one thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters...

It spread endlessly like this, and he didn't even feel 'tired'.

He doesn't know how long it took, but in the depths of the darkness, a small dot between existence and non-existence entered his mind. When he saw that small dot, his consciousness was as familiar as a child who left home seeing his home.

"found it!"

I felt happy and controlled my thoughts to fly over there without hesitation.

When your mind reaches that small dot, it is still just a small dot, halfway between existence and non-existence. If you don't pay attention, it will be ignored.

"To break through the sea of consciousness, to put it bluntly, it means to let the consciousness in, just like going home. You have to use some strength to open the door. It is usually not difficult. This is why the realm of wisdom needs to strengthen the mind."

Control your thoughts to penetrate into that small spot.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Yang felt that he had arrived in a vast and boundless space. The surrounding area was completely white, like mist surging. There was no distinction between up and down, and it was impossible to judge how vast this space was.

"Is this the Sea of Consciousness? In Shinto terms, this is where consciousness is born?"

When his thoughts came here, Bai Yang felt particularly surprised. His consciousness wandered through the vast white world and could not find the edge, but his consciousness felt very comfortable, as if he had returned to his mother's body.

Of course, after all this is where consciousness is born.

Bai Yang didn't know how big other people's sea of consciousness was, but his sea of consciousness was vast and boundless.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about the real thing. We need to gather the true spirit, which is the spiritual seed, as the carrier of consciousness."

After traveling through the sea of consciousness for a long time, Bai Yang almost forgot about the business.

According to the secret method of cultivation, the mist in the sea of consciousness is spiritual energy. The consciousness needs to imitate breathing, absorb this energy, gather it together, and condense it into a spiritual seed. Only then can we truly step into the realm of spiritual nourishment.

Recalling the secret method, Bai Yang's consciousness began to simulate that special breathing method.

Suddenly, the surrounding white mist surged crazily, rushing towards his consciousness, forming a storm in his sea of consciousness.

"This feels so good, my consciousness is enriched, it is no longer void, it has quality... Hey, what's going on?"

Bai Yang murmured in his heart, and finally Bai Yang was stunned.

He has been running the secret method of condensing the true spirit. The endless spiritual energy mist came in, shrank and solidified, and finally formed a small dot. Then the small dot shrank and rotated, like a black hole with terrible suction, and more spiritual energy came in. , this little dot keeps growing.

At first, the spiritual seeds were only the size of a pinhead, but they grew crazily. They were as big as sesame seeds, as big as mung beans, as big as soybeans, as big as broad beans, as big as walnuts, apples, watermelons, basketballs, wheels...

Still getting bigger!

As the true spirit grows larger, spins crazily, and has stronger suction power, boundless spiritual energy surges in, causing it to continue to grow.

The True Spirit, which was originally only the size of a needle tip, expanded like a balloon. It was a perfect circle, white and flawless. It was the carrier of Bai Yang's consciousness in the sea of consciousness, and was integrated with his consciousness, just like his body.

At this time, he 'watched his body' getting bigger and bigger...

In the end, the entire world's spiritual energy was consumed, and the white, mist-like spiritual energy disappeared. The entire world was empty and boundless, with nothing left except a huge sphere that was slowly rotating.

"Is this a true spirit seed? Are you kidding me? Jian Yun made a note in the visualization method. The true spirit condensed at the beginning is almost the size of a pinhead. Some people with a solid foundation will be larger, which is about the size of a sesame seed. They are outstanding. The true spirit condensed by the Shinto monks is only about the size of a mung bean. Even a genius is only as big as a fist when he first reaches the sky. But mine seems to be a bit too big... "

Bai Yang felt that his spiritual carrier was the true spirit, and said a little embarrassed.

His spiritual seed, what the hell is it still a seed? It is clearly a huge celestial body hanging in the empty space of the sea of consciousness.

The diameter is close to a hundred meters, ninety-nine meters to be precise. It is white and flawless with a faint halo. It is a perfect circle, like a bright moon hanging in the sky!

"Well, I guess it's because I have too much mental strength and a solid foundation. After all, hundreds of thousands of Qi Pills are not free of charge. Tsk, in comparison with this, is it true that any genius is just a scumbag?"

Bai Yang was not too entangled, but rather felt a little complacent.

The true spirit that has just been condensed is as big as a celestial body. I ask you if you are afraid!

But what happens next

"Oh, yes, you need to visualize the scorching sun hanging in the sky in the sea of consciousness, and use special mental waves to absorb the essence energy of the world. Through the transformation of the scorching sun, you can nourish the true spirit and let it grow and grow..."

"Your uncle, Jian Yun's note in the secret book said that when the true spirit is cultivated to the size of the placenta, it can try the next realm. Do I still need to cultivate it now that I am so old?"

The meaning and the true spirit are one. Bai Yang has no hands at this moment, otherwise he would be scratching his head.

Who has seen the ninety-nine-meter true spirit? Still need training

"Doesn't it mean that I can save several years or even decades of time cultivating the true spirit and directly hit the next level of Taoism? Isn't it a bit unreliable? Isn't it stable..."

Bai Yang was a little hesitant.

The disadvantage of not having a master is that you have to explore everything on your own without anyone to guide you.

However, whoever becomes Bai Yang’s master would probably go crazy with joy...