Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 40: don't want?


When the sun still gradually emerged from the direction where it should appear, the villages in the jungle had already become lively.

A group of muscular men, big and small, were humming and laughing in the morning breeze, consuming their excess energy. Women in the kitchen occasionally looked down through the windows at their children or at the men's silent smiles.

Less than two days have passed here, but the kitten looks a lot more haggard, and she can't bring herself to do anything because she has lost a very important person in her life in the past two days.

The noisy situation outside suddenly fell silent, and then there was a mess of greetings.

The kitten suddenly stopped being depressed, and her expression suddenly became lively. She hurriedly rushed out of the tree house and came to the ground. When she saw the familiar figure coming in the morning light, she smiled happily, and the gloom in her heart disappeared. Sweep away.

Although Bai Yang's dress was weird and unfamiliar, the kitten still went up to him amidst the chaotic noises of the villagers.

When he came here again, Bai Yang was dressed carefully, wearing a white T-shirt, washed white jeans, and a pair of outdoor leather boots.

There is nothing wrong with any of this, but a floor-length black trench coat looks very coquettish when worn on the body. If you wear a pair of sunglasses on your face early in the morning, you are simply crazy...

"Hi, how are you guys?"

Seeing the villagers gathered around him enthusiastically, Bai Yang waved and spoke quickly in Chinese, which sounded like a bunch of gibberish to the ears of these villagers...

There was no way, he didn't understand the language here at all, and he almost forgot it after going back for a few days.

When he saw the kitten standing in front of him, looking aggrieved and ready to cry, he was a little embarrassed. People who didn't know it thought he had given up in the end.

"Kitten, I'm back"

Bai Yang waved and said hello, speaking the language here, very slowly and stumbling.

Why do I sound like a husband coming home from a long trip? Bai Yang kept muttering in his heart.

"I...I'll make you something to eat..."

The kitten smiled happily, and hurriedly dropped these words and ran away. No matter where Bai Yang went, she just wanted to come back and she would still take care of Bai Yang as meticulously as she did many times before.

It’s so embarrassing. I haven’t put my hand down yet. Also, you said slower, but I didn’t quite understand...

Baiyang scratched his head and took off his sunglasses. The light in the jungle was already a bit dim at the moment, and wearing sunglasses almost made him blind.

"Let's play with it"

Seeing that Hu Zi, who was extremely curious, couldn't take his eyes away from the sunglasses in his hand, Bai Yang threw them to him angrily.

Huzi hurriedly took the sunglasses and put them on like Bai Yang, unable to adapt to the change in light, and fell to the ground within two steps...

This guy is hopeless!

Clapping his hands to attract the attention of the villagers, Bai Yang pointed to the outside of the village and said with stumbling words and gesticulations like dancing: "I brought some gifts for everyone, please help move them"!

This was nothing. A group of muscular men, big and small, rushed out. Within a hundred meters, they saw a lot of things behind a few big trees.

The villagers were very simple and did not move anything. They just moved a lot of things to the open space in the village.

Bai Yang was speechless. So many things appeared quietly outside the village. Why weren't these villagers curious at all? Isn’t this receptive ability too strong

After the things on the Earth side were prepared, Bai Yang secretly ran here to take a look, and found a time that was about an hour or two before dawn before starting to move it. He went back and forth for half an hour to finish it, and then he dressed up. That coquettish look appeared in the sight of the villagers in the morning light.

"Master Bai, what are you..."

The white-bearded village chief appeared next to Bai Yang, pointed at a lot of things and asked in confusion.

In the eyes of these villagers, Bai Yang is a rich young man who doesn't know where he came from. After understanding the meaning of the word "Master Bai" in the local language, Bai Yang corrected their name countless times. However, these villagers had no choice but to follow the instructions and refused to change. There he went.

After understanding what Whitebeard Village Chief meant, Bai Yang pointed to a lot of things and said, "Thanks to your care some time ago, I have prepared some gifts for everyone, and these are the things!"

It was very difficult for Bai Yang to speak such a long paragraph, and most of the time he still relied on gestures...

"How does this make..."

The village chief waved his hand quickly. Although he didn't know what they were, there were too many. With Bai Yang's usual handwriting, they must be extremely precious and good things.

Bai Yang brought more than just titanium alloy armor and titanium alloy knives. After all, they could only equip a hundred people. The villagers were poorly dressed or simply had no clothes to wear. He traveled more than half of the city to find a cloth-buying shop. The store almost emptied the warehouse and got a large cart of various kinds of cloth.

Because the people here, both adults and children, were careless, he really couldn't buy them suitable clothes at once, so he simply got a bunch of cloth for them to make themselves. Bai Yang, who had deliberately observed the living habits of the villagers, knew that They were actually quite good at needlework, and he bought a bunch of needlework for this purpose...

He pointed to one hundred and fifty five table-sized cloth bags and said: "These are full of cloth and needlework, one for each family"!

This sentence was also stumbling upon words, and most of the time I had to rely on gestures to express my meaning.

Well, there are a total of one hundred and fifty-five households in this village. Bai Yang deliberately counted them. The merchants divided the cloth when they bought it, which saves them the trouble now.

After getting the consent of the village chief, the villagers stepped forward in an orderly manner, and each family carried one person away. Soon after, waves of exclamations came from each tree house...

Bai Yang was very satisfied with the villagers accepting his gifts, but he seemed to have forgotten his 'home'. The kitten looked at him aggrievedly through the window in his tree house...

Next came the highlight. Bai Yang pointed at the pile of wooden boxes and said to Barbarian No. 1: "Zhuzhu, go bring a small box and a big box over"!

Although the box containing the titanium alloy armor and titanium alloy knife weighed four to five hundred kilograms, the pillar was easily twisted with one hand.

Looking around, Bai Yang took down a meter-long 'pocket knife' from the shelf on one side, walked to the wooden box and smashed the box containing the titanium alloy armor into pieces with a few clicks, revealing the armor inside. Help the villagers' sight.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that the villagers' eyes widened and their eyes lit up, as if an old man who had been a bachelor for eighty years saw a naked beauty!

"Zhuzi, try it on," Bai Yang said.

After busying himself, Bai Yang demonstrated, and finally Zhuzhu put on the titanium alloy armor weighing one hundred and ten kilograms on his body. Standing there was a cold metal sculpture!

Bai Yang heard a sound of swallowing, and everyone looked at the remaining boxes with eyes like passionate bulls.

After a few more slashes, the box containing the titanium alloy knives was smashed. The ten titanium alloy knives inside fell to the ground. Bai Yang picked up a handful and threw them at the foot of the pillar, signaling for the other party to pick them up.

Zhuzi, who was wearing titanium alloy armor, bent down, grabbed the titanium alloy knife, and pulled out the ferocious long knife with a swipe. It looked like a cold god of death in the morning light, and there was a sound of air-conditioning coming from around him.

"ah… "

Zhuzhu suddenly let out a weird scream and ran to a big tree that was hugged by two people. He waved the titanium alloy knife in his hand, and a cold light flashed. The big tree fell down with a smooth cut and no burrs!

"But will this guy be killed if he cuts down a tree and crushes a wooden house?"

Muttering in his heart, Bai Yang looked at the old man with a white beard and said, "Village chief, there are a hundred sets of these armors and knives. Can you help distribute them?"

The old man with the white beard was shaking all over, his old expression suddenly turned red, his breathing was rapid, and he looked like he was going to die of myocardial infarction at any time.

Under Bai Yang's dumbfounded gaze, he roared loudly and saw Zhu Zhu reluctantly taking off his armor and putting down his titanium alloy knife.

Bai Yang didn't understand what he was doing.

The old man bent deeply towards Bai Yang, but Bai Yang dodged him. He couldn't bear it...

Looking at Bai Yang, the old man said slowly: "Master Bai, we accept the cloth, but these armors and weapons are too valuable. Please forgive us mountain people for being ignorant and unable to estimate the value of these weapons and armors, so we Can’t have it”!

Bai Yang thought of many scenarios of giving them armor and weapons, but he never thought of this one. It's useless if you don't want me to bring it to them. If the clothes don't fit my body, how can I still walk after wearing them? ? And how long will it take me to wear one hundred sets

Rolling his eyes, Bai Yang had an idea and said: "Of course these things are not given for free, they are just a reward. How about asking a few villagers to be my guards for a period of time? After all, guards are often life-threatening. Life is priceless, so these things don’t matter after all, right?”

Bai Yang was really embarrassed by such a long paragraph. He stumbled over his words, and even made wild gestures like a master to express what he meant clearly...

(Honestly, I am so dissatisfied with this chapter that I am embarrassed to ask for recommendation votes and collection support)