Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 42: set sail


Big eyes and small eyes!

After more than ten minutes, Bai Yang raised his hands and placed them on the kitten's shoulders.

"Sit down first"


The kitten sat down obediently and looked at him, and he himself sat opposite the kitten.

After organizing his words in his mind, Bai Yang looked into the kitten's eyes and said seriously, "I understand what you mean..."

"Then young master, do you want me?"

Kitty interrupted Bai Yang anxiously and asked.


Bai Yang opened his mouth and smiled suddenly, why am I so confused? If you don’t take what God gives you, you will be struck by lightning!

He stared at the kitten and said seriously: "You will be mine from now on"!

After getting the answer he wanted, the cat smiled happily, and the gloom was gone.

“a#¥%… &**&(¥#¥¥a… ”

Suddenly there was a random and strange scream outside the house, followed by the sound of people leaving...

Damn it, Bai Yang was startled, there were many people eavesdropping outside

The kitten wiped away her tears and looked at Baiyang smiling so tenderly.

Bai Yangte was embarrassed and felt a very exciting feeling of guilt in his heart!

This girl will belong to me from now on. I didn’t bother to pursue her. I took it on myself. I’m jealous...

Seeing the dazzling small wound on the kitten's neck, Bai Yang slapped his forehead and stood up and said, "Wait a minute."

Get up and go back to your house, then duck back to the villa on the other side of the earth, find the first aid kit and duck back.

Put the first aid kit on the table, open it, take out alcohol and cotton, wet it, come to the kitten and say: "Be good, don't move, it may hurt a little."

The kitten blinked at him, nodded and remained motionless.

Bai Yang came over with alcohol cotton and held her shoulder with one hand. Maybe it was because the relationship was 'different'. This touch made both of them tremble slightly as if they were electrocuted...

"Calm down, the meat in the bowl is so exciting."

He muttered in his heart to calm down and carefully wiped the blood on her neck. When the wound was stained with alcohol, Bai Yang clearly felt her muscles trembling in pain, but he remained obediently motionless.

Bai Yang lowered his head, their heads were only a few centimeters apart. Her slightly sweet and warm breath lingered on Bai Yang's ears and face, itching, making Bai Yang distraught. I can do whatever I want with this girl... cough cough …stop it…

The wound was only a little bit broken. After wiping away the blood, I put a band-aid on it and it was done.

Bai Yang was in a trance. It was so inexplicable that he had a girl of his own. This feeling was so magical that it made him feel very unreal!

The kitten's neck is slender and beautiful, like a swan, and its skin is a healthy wheat color, but wild and silky like Dove.

The women here dress very casually, with a rough bra covering their upper body and a pair of shorts on their lower body. The little cat is also dressed in the same way, with nothing above the chest, a slender waist and two long legs. There is no cover, and she can compete with the fashionable girls on the other side of the world.

When he was treating the wound on her neck, when he lowered his head slightly, he saw the deep ravine formed by her towering breasts under her bust, and then her straight and long legs. This made him almost lose control of his strength. …

"I need to get her some clothes. I'm going to die for this outfit..."

I didn't think so before, after all, the women here are all the same, but now their mentality is different, and Ya's selfish mentality is clearly revealed.

God, Kitty herself exercises regularly and has a devilish figure, especially those bulging breasts. Bai Yang can't imagine how impactful it would be if she wore a bra!

I don’t dare to think about it anymore…

During the whole process, the kitten squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes were no longer worried, but instead showed three parts of shame, three parts of anxiety, three parts of happiness and one part of fear...

Men serve women, this does not exist in Kitten's cognition.

Not daring to look into the kitten's watery eyes, Bai Yang changed the subject while packing the first aid kit: "Kitten, tell me what you know."

"What do you want to know, Master?"

"Everything you know, the people here, everything you know around you, everything you've been to, everything you've learned, I want to know..."

Bai Yang said and gestured.

The kitten blinked a little disappointed, thought for a while and said:

"People in the village make a living by hunting, collecting wild fruits and herbs in exchange for salt and iron tools... In this jungle, there are many, many villages like ours scattered in various places. None of us mountain people are literate, and many things are unknown. I don’t understand. The farthest place we have ever been is Deyang Town. My grandfather went to a big town once when he was young, so he was the village chief. The world is very, very big. I heard that people outside are very, very powerful. , divided into Shinto monks and martial arts monks, but we don’t understand..."

Kitty said a lot, but they were just specious things, and often the words did not express what they meant at all. In addition, Bai Yang couldn't understand what he heard, so he didn't have a clear concept in his mind at all. He just understood the world. I have a bit of a vague understanding.

This world is very big, and I don’t know how big it is exactly. There are many powerful and powerful people in this world, but I don’t have a clear idea of how powerful they are.

"Then when will you go to Deyang Town to trade?" Bai Yang asked after making a few gestures.

"I don't know. I have to ask grandpa about this. Usually, when our furs, dried meats, herbs, and wine are stored to a certain extent, we will take them to Deyang Town for trading. Grandpa has the final say."

"That's it"

Bai Yang scratched his head, why don't you have a fixed time to go to the market

"Let me go ask the young master."

Seeing Bai Yang's tangled look, Mao Mao took the initiative to ask him about it and came back after a while.

"I asked grandpa, there are about three days left before we can go to Deyang Town for trading...".

A few days flew by.

In the past few days, Bai Yang was busy, mainly traveling to the earth a few times, asking Xiong Da to make a special set of titanium alloy equipment for the kitten. After all, the kitten was 'his'. Bai Yang had to think about the safety of the kitten, because one set of molds could only create one set of armor, so Bai Yang spent half a million yuan, which was a friendly price!

The size of the kitten was measured by Bai Yang himself, so he ate a lot of tofu...

Bai Yang is not a 'vegetarian', but he has not pushed other girls away these days. There is a vicious woman called aunt who stops her from doing bad things...

Bai Yang, who is so unlucky, really can't stand the way the aunt is treated with plant ash mixed with cloth strips. He also has to teach the girl how to use the aunt's towel...

In addition to these, he had to go to his parents' place from time to time to establish his presence, so as not to become a missing person. The rest of the time he lived almost in the village, and he was somewhat proficient in the language...

Early that morning, the people in the village started to get busy, even the usual morning exercises were no longer available, and the scene was in full swing.

Today is the time for villagers to go to the so-called Deyang Town to trade.

Bai Yang was wearing a white T-shirt, jeans, outdoor leather boots, and a black windbreaker. He was bored and squatting on a big rock by the river in the middle of the village, watching the villagers busy.

Behind him was the heavily armed Mao Mao, who was never far away from him, and a few meters away was the equally heavily armed guard captain Zhao Shi.

There are no boats on the river in the village, only four rafts more than thirty meters long. Under the busyness of the villagers, the rafts are piled with furs, bacon, large jars of minced fruit stuffing, and some unknown poplars. botanicals and rough cloth.

If Bai Yang hadn't tried his best to dissuade him, all the cloth he gave to the villagers would have been sold...

After two or three hours of busy work, the cargo was finally loaded onto the ship. In addition to the cargo, there were also twenty or thirty fully armed policemen standing on each of the four rafts.

When the morning sun rose, Bai Yang came to the front of the first raft, pointed forward and shouted:

"out… "!

(I kept deleting and editing, kept deleting and editing, and kept deleting and editing. I was so entangled to death that these two chapters were particularly painful. I’m sorry to ask for recommendation votes and collection support.)