Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 64: What bad luck


The morning sun shines on the Bibo River, and the water surface fluctuates slightly, as if sprinkled with broken gold. From a distance, the Bibo River extending to the horizon looks like a white ribbon.

However, for Deyang Town Pier by the Bibo River, such beautiful scenery does not make people feel the slightest sense of pleasure. It is as busy as ever, but today's atmosphere is particularly weird.

Last night, all the stewards and deacons of the Che family were killed on the dock. Dozens of heads fell to the ground. The corpses were chopped into pieces and thrown into the Bibo River to feed the fish. The smell of blood has not dissipated yet. In the morning breeze, one can still hear the horror and tragedy of last night. Call…

Early in the morning, dozens of newly elected stewards and deacons stood neatly on the pier, saying nothing, and looking up from time to time in the direction of Deyang Town, not far away.

When the young man dressed in black and carrying a big gun came in the morning light, the entire dock fell into a very dull atmosphere. People were still busy, but their voices became much softer and their movements slowed down a lot.

Everything seemed so cautious and trembling.

"The intimidating power of the Che family on this pier is really like the scorching sun in the sky. Just one owner of the Che family can overwhelm the entire busy pier and make it breathless"!

In the distance, a certain 'bad girl' hiding in the corner curled her lips and muttered.

"Second Young Master, you are here. I have prepared a big boat and a hundred good hands for you..."

Before the young man in black reached the dock, the newly elected steward immediately bent down to greet him, looking at the young man's face and speaking cautiously.

"No, I am enough"!

Che Jiang glanced at the steward indifferently, cherishing his words like gold.

After saying that, he ignored everything and walked to the side, kicked it out, and a six- to seven-meter-long wooden stake flew out of the air and fell on the Bibo River, drawing a water line and sliding towards the distance.

When the wooden pile flew out, he rushed out quickly, stood firmly on the wooden pile when it fell into the water, and headed towards the Lost River Forest on the other side.

When the strength of the wooden pile in the water became too strong, it was already tens of meters away from the shore. The big gun on his back appeared in his hand at some point. With a stroke in the water, the wooden pile moved forward quickly again!

The people on the dock felt as if they had been to the execution ground once, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Che Jiang walks forward on wooden stilts with a graceful posture.

But deep in the water in front of him, a big fish over two meters long took advantage of the good morning air and quickly rushed out to show its presence. After all, there were fish doing this in other places on the river.

As a result, it hit the wooden pile. The wooden pile was wet with water and tilted, and it was slippery...


People on the dock heard a sound of falling water coming from the Bibo River in the distance.

Suddenly, the entire pier became quiet in an instant. Everyone looked towards the river with frozen expressions, and the corners of their mouths twitched so hard that they felt so uncomfortable...


The first brother couldn't help laughing when he saw that the second young master who had been so stinky before was standing on the stake again like a drowned man.

Knowing that a disaster was coming, he didn't even react. With a muffled sound, a piece of wood came from the air and hit his mouth. He fell three or four meters away, with all his teeth missing and blood pouring out. …

The pier became silent again, but everyone's faces were twisted into weird expressions, their bodies were shaking, they were scared and wanted to laugh, it was so uncomfortable to hold back...

"Hahaha, Che Jiang, you deserve it. Why are you trying to cross the river with a single log when you clearly don't know how to sail a boat?"

Lan Xing, who was disguised as a man, saw this scene in secret and burst out laughing...

It wasn't until Che Jiang stood on the wooden pile and approached the Lost River Forest on the other side that Lan Xing, who was disguised as a man, walked into the dock and gave something to a group of mountain people, who slid the raft and carried her to the other side.

It seems that the saying that if you pretend to be 13, you will be struck by lightning, it has been completely fulfilled by someone, and the bad luck is far from over.

After approaching Mihe Forest, Chejiang saw a group of black-haired long-tailed monkeys picking fruits in the woods. He glanced at it indifferently, put his toes on the wooden stakes, and jumped more than ten meters into the air, trying to escape from the lush branches. The trees quickly penetrated deep into the Lost River Forest.

I don’t know if this guy has an aura of bad luck, but he just soared into the air, and in an instant, a piece of fruit from the forest hit him like raindrops.

"snort… "

A disdainful snort came from his mouth, and the big gun in his hand danced like a strong wind, slapping every fruit flying toward him with the side of the gun tip.

He danced the spear so fast that no fruit could hit him.

However, he forgot that the fruit is very fragile...

Puff puff puff... Dozens of fruits flew into the air and were smashed to pieces. Unluckily, his whole body became colorful in less than a second!

Not to mention, a drop of tooth-staining juice just flew into his eyes...


The unlucky child subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his hands, but he didn't know where to stand. He stepped on a branch and misstepped, and fell into the water again with a pop.

This is the second time…

"Damn black haired monkey"!

Che Jiang roared angrily, his eyes turned red as if he wanted to eat a human... like a monkey...

However, the monkeys squawked and disappeared in a swarm!

Just get up from where you fell... um...

In short, Chejiang climbed up the tree again, and his figure shuttled through the leafy trees, moving quickly towards the depths of the Mesmerized River Forest.


A black-haired monkey bared its teeth and shouted at him in front of him.


Che Jiang's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth. He stretched out his hand and broke off a branch, preparing to use it as a hidden weapon and throw it over to kill the monkey.

However, the monkey hit a fruit one step ahead of him. A single fruit would definitely not be able to hit him. He easily dodged it and the fruit flew into a dark leaf behind him.

Chejiang's expression froze as he was about to throw out the branch. There was a buzzing sound behind him. When he turned around, his face turned dark.

He saw a swarm of black wasps the size of a thumb flying towards him...

"I... &%... &¥%... "

It was so unlucky for him that when he encountered a swarm of wasps, no matter how skilled he was, it was no use. He faced off head-on and pounced on the street. Without even thinking about it, he plunged headlong into the river not far away.

The wasp flew faster than him. Even though he actively jumped into the water for the third and only time, he was stung more than ten times on his face and body.

That wasp venom, after the sting, there will be a small hole in the skin. The sting of the bee venom into the blood will cause burning pain, which will make people bleed. Although he jumped into the water and successfully avoided the attack of the swarm, but those more than ten blows It was enough pain to make him shake all over.

In fact, being strong in kung fu has little to do with pain perception, except for dreams of special perverted/abnormal kung fu...

He was in the water and saw through the clear water a swarm of black wasps above him. He was filled with hatred and had no choice but to hold his breath and dive in from the water.

However, he was bleeding. There were many big snakehead fish with teeth in the rivers of Lost River Forest, and the smell of blood was the worst!


After a while, the entire river seemed to be boiling, and countless black fish with long teeth surged towards him.

"ah… "

Chejiang, who was so depressed that he was crazy, rushed out of the water, roaring to the sky, carrying blood and energy throughout his body, his skin was red, and there seemed to be small mice swimming under the skin. In an instant, his muscles bulged, and his skin became tougher than old cowhide that was dried in the sun. .

Not only was the venom from the previous wasp sting eliminated from the body along with the black blood, but he also relied on his tough skin with enhanced blood energy to withstand the wasp's bite and rush forward while stepping on the bodies of countless black fish on the river.

He learned well, not from the water or from the trees, but from the ground...

A certain unscrupulous girl covered her mouth in a tree in the distance and cried tears of joy. After a long time, she muttered to herself: "Your Che family has done bad things. Do you really think those mountain people don't know that you have tricked them for many years?" ? I won’t tell you the folk remedy that can drive away most poisonous insects and ferocious beasts. Last time the car was carried in this way, I didn’t expect another Chejiang to come. Are all the people in the Che family pigs? There are so many gangsters cultivated in the dense forest, but there is no one Does anyone know this folk remedy?”

The wisdom of survival is everywhere...

Compared with some unlucky guy, Bai Yang's wonderful day has just begun. He slept until he woke up naturally and was cared for by the kitten as soon as he woke up. Not to mention how beautiful that day was...

Alas, that's the difference...!

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