Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 88: Prepare something


Coming out of the old village chief's house, Bai Yang and Kitten were sitting on the ladder waiting.

Although I have only been away for less than a day, Gordo Village has changed a lot.

In the village, many strange mountain people came with loads of goods and left satisfied in exchange for what they wanted. On the riverside outside the village, some people were already working hard to build docks. Those were the Niu family and the Lan family in Deyang Town. In the future, outside Gordo Village will become the center of trade for the people of Mishe Forest...

All these changes were brought about by Bai Yang. Unknowingly, he has affected the fate of many people!

"Come in"!

After more than an hour, the tired voice of the old village chief came from the house behind him.

Bai Yang's expression moved slightly, and he patted the scared kitten, and the two of them stood up and went in side by side.

Arriving at the house, although not long ago, Bai Yang keenly noticed that the old village chief looked much older.

"grandfather… "

The kitten also noticed the changes in the old village chief and didn't know what to say when he came to the old village chief.

The old village chief looked at the kitten lovingly, then looked at Bai Yang and said:

"Sit down and talk"

Bai Yang sat down and said nothing, waiting for the old village chief's words.

"Brother Bai, I lost the kitten's parents and hundreds of villagers in Godo Village because of the Huiguo incident. It was an unknown thing. I really don't want you to have any accidents because of that thing. "

"Grandpa, the village chief, I can only say that I am lucky to have received this, but it depends on man-made things."

Bai Yang smiled and replied.

The old village chief nodded and sighed:

"Now I am a close relative like Mao Mao. Her whole body and mind are concerned about you. I tell you about Kaihui Guo. If you make any mistakes because of this, how can I be worthy of Mao Mao..."

"Grandpa, village chief, don't worry, I'm not a person without sense of measure. If I really can't get it, I will choose to give up."

Bai Yang said seriously that he cherished his own life more than anyone else, and he didn't have to get that thing.

"Well, I don't know much about Kaihui Guo. When I was young, I accidentally went to a place further than Deyang Town, and accidentally learned that Mihe Forest is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Specifically, I I don’t know yet. Kaihui fruit grows in a place called Cold and Hot Springs deep in the Lost River Forest. I just heard about it from hearsay, and I don’t know the details yet.”

The old village chief paused and sighed:

"After I got the news, I led people to search for a while, but gave up without any results. Later, the kitten's father grew up and learned about the matter. Some time after the kitten was born, he took him with him Hundreds of villagers went into the depths of the Lost River Forest to search and never came back. So I have been regretting it for so many years. I shouldn't have told them about the Huiguo. Now it's too late to say anything. Brother Bai , Really, for your own good and the sake of the kitten, I advise you to give up, I always feel that it is an ominous thing."

The old village chief finally told everything he knew.

Although the amount of information is limited, for Bai Yang, this is undoubtedly a major clue.

"Grandpa, village chief, what exactly does Kaihui Guo look like?"

Bai Yang thought he could try to find it, but he didn't give up and asked again.

"I have never seen it before, so I can't describe it, but I think that such a special treasure must be different at first glance."

The old village chief said helplessly.

"I see"

Bai Yang nodded, as long as he knew that the thing was in the Lost River Forest, the next step was to find a way to find it, but he was afraid that there was no target at all and he would not be able to find it even if he tried to find it.

"Brother Bai, I would like to advise you not to venture into the depths of the Lost River Forest easily. It's too dangerous."

The old village chief couldn't help but persuade him again and again.

"Don't worry, village chief, I know what's appropriate and won't take my own life for granted."

Bai Yang smiled.

“That’s good”

The old village chief sighed, obviously worried.

There are two pieces of valuable information right now. First, there is the Kaihui Fruit deep in the Lost River Forest, and secondly, it grows in a place where hot and cold alternate.

So as long as we find such a place next, we will probably be not far away from opening the wisdom fruit.

As for how to find it, Bai Yang fell into deep thought.

It's definitely not possible to wander around in the woods in a hurry.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Yang's eyes lit up and he had an idea.

Seeing him like this, the old village chief couldn't help but ask:

"What are you going to do next, Brother Bai?"

"Grandpa, village chief, this is not a simple matter. I have to prepare something first."

Bai Yang stood up and said.

After he finished, he looked at the kitten and said: "Kitten, you stay here with the village chief. I will prepare some things and come back. It shouldn't take long."

"Okay young master"

Mao Mao nodded and agreed obediently without asking Bai Yang where to prepare anything.

Bai Yang left the old village chief's house, returned to his tree house, and disappeared into the world...

Back at the rented villa on Earth, Bai Yang thought for a while, turned on the computer and started searching for things.

"The first is the telescope. It needs to be far enough to see and the picture needs to be clear enough. Huh? This space telescope is good. If it's a good one, you can even see the mountains on Jupiter's satellites clearly. I think it's enough to observe the Lost River Forest!"

"After determining the direction with this high-power and clear telescope, you have to use another tool."

He opened another search interface and started searching for drone aerial cameras, which he would need to explore the way.

After some research, Bai Yang found that some space telescopes are not suitable for viewing due to many factors. Secondly, drone aerial photography also has a major flaw, that is, the distances that can be searched online are limited, which cannot meet his needs!

This is easy to handle. Most of the things on the Internet are unreliable. You need to find professionals to handle these things.

After a moment's thought, he knew who to look for.

After taking the car keys and going out, the sexy Bugatti buzzed to Lao Lang’s military store...

"Hi~ Brother Lang, we meet again"

When he walked into the store, Bai Yang greeted him familiarly.

Old Wolf seemed to dislike Bai Yang very much. He still sat behind the counter, glanced at him and said:

"What are you doing here again? Didn't you get what you wanted?"

"Hey, I'm here to get something else this time. I thought you might be able to find some good stuff here. I'm afraid those things on the Internet are deceiving people."

Bai Yang didn't care about the other party's attitude and said to himself. He could see that this guy was born with such a personality, and it was completely pointless to dwell on it.

"what do you want"

Old Wolf frowned.

"Telescope, a telescope that can see as far as possible. The picture you see should be as clear as possible. After that, you need an aerial camera. The distance should be as far as possible. As far as possible, the transmitted picture should be as clear as possible. It can Did you get it?”

Bai Yang spoke very straightforwardly, and looked at the old wolf expectantly after speaking.

"What do you want these things for?"

Old Wolf looked at Bai Yang suspiciously and asked, as if Bai Yang wanted to use these things to do bad things.

"I want to use it to watch girls at home, do you think you can do it? Just tell me if you can get it."

Bai Yang rolled his eyes and said.

"I can get these things you mentioned, but they are a bit expensive."

Lao Lang said with certainty that after all, what Bai Yang wanted this time was not contraband like guns, and he did not refuse to do business with Bai Yang.

"As long as you make sure the stuff is good, money is a trivial matter."

Bai Yang didn't care. He worked hard to get the Wisdom Fruit.

"I can get you a professional refracting telescope through channels. As long as you stand high enough and the weather conditions permit, it is not difficult to see a car thousands of kilometers away. Drones can also be obtained. Military products can transmit images back up to 200 kilometers away. It comes with a signal processor to restore microwave transmission images. It does not need to be transmitted through satellites. New telescopes can be obtained, but drones are obsolete. After all, The control is very strict. Two things, a friendly price of five million, no bargaining, will be handed over to you in three days."

Lao Lang didn't give Bai Yang any technical terms, and tried his best to speak in words that Bai Yang could understand.

Sure enough, good products are not cheap and cheap products are not good. Those things that are boasted on the Internet are probably rubbish!

While thinking this secretly in his heart, Bai Yang frowned and said:

"Three days is too long, I want to get it as soon as possible."

Old Wolf frowned and glanced at Bai Yang again, thought for a while and said:

"Add another five hundred thousand, and I guarantee it will be delivered to you within fifteen hours!"

"make a deal"

Bai Yang clapped his hands and said without thinking.

(About these two things, there are different opinions on the Internet. After searching on Stone, my head hurts. After all, I am not professional in this area. I made a relatively reliable one. The plot requires it. Don’t be too serious. Finally, as usual, I ask for recommendation votes and collections)