Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 92: Simple and crude!


Bai Yang was so entangled that he spent over two million to buy a new car in less than half a day. If he died in it, he wouldn't be able to drive it. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because he was very worried...

After all, he had seen hundreds of people fighting each other, and he was not afraid of killing many people in the dark. He looked at the sky and ran to Godot Village. The sun was still shining brightly here.

There were dozens of large and small boxes scattered around the room. They were so heavy that the treehouse was shaking.


After finally 'overcoming the obstacle' and walking out of the bedroom, Bai Yang greeted the kitten awkwardly when he saw the kitten looking blankly at the things in the room.

"Master, these things..."

The kitten pointed around.

"These are part of the things I prepared... Where are Zhao Shi and the others?"

Bai Yang said perfunctorily and changed the subject.

"They are outside"

The kitten was obedient and didn't ask any questions. He pointed outside and said.

"Well, I'll go find them later."

As he spoke, Bai Yang walked out of the tree house, and sure enough he saw Zhao Shi and the others looking up and pointing at the tree house.

"Zhao Shi, hurry up. Follow me to dig a big hole outside the village and put half a hole of firewood in it. Hurry up."

Bai Yang waved immediately when he saw them.

"Okay young master"

Zhao Shi and the others followed Bai Yang faithfully.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen strong men dug out a large pit about two meters deep and five meters wide at the hidden location designated by Bai Yang outside the village.

"That's enough, now put the firewood on"

Bai Yang continued to direct.

This is easier, and the hole is half filled in less than a minute.

"Okay, you go back first, I will call you later."

Bai Yang waved his hand and said.

Zhao Shi and the others didn't say anything, turned around and left. Even though they had too many doubts in their hearts, they wouldn't ask if Bai Yang didn't tell them.

Bai Yang looked left and right, then returned to the earth side in a flash, ran to the cab, pinched one of the fingers of the unlucky wanted criminal, brought his body to Godot Village, threw it into a pit, and lit it on fire...

The raging fire burned my broken body... ah...

In short, that guy was burned to ashes.

After thinking about it, Bai Yang ran to the Earth again, and then used the flashlight on his mobile phone to find the shell casings and bring them here and throw them into the pit.

After that, he spread some soil to cover it up a little, and finally asked Zhao Shi and the others to bury the pit, completely destroying the body and eliminating traces!


Bai Yang clapped his hands and said to himself.

There is no way, although killing a bunch of wanted criminals on the earth is probably worth the credit, but Bai Yang doesn't dare to take it, it will be a lot of trouble, even if you come here to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces, you can't find them no matter how high-tech you are!

Then Bai Yang found an excuse and came to Earth again.

After checking the pickup truck, Bai Yang found that the glass on both sides of the cab of the Mercedes-Benz pickup truck was punctured. After all, it was not bulletproof. There were still bullet wounds in the cab, and there were a lot of blood stains on the brain, which was a bit disgusting.

This doesn't work, it needs to be dealt with.

The way he dealt with it was very violent, and he went straight to 'destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces'!

"Damn it, I tried my best too"!

Cursing secretly, Bai Yang took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one for himself, and then lit up the newly purchased car...

I squatted on the side of the road and watched the car being burned into a pile of scrap metal. I scratched my head and thought that I was at a huge loss. Who are you looking for as a wanted criminal? Why did you look for me

He took out his phone and called the salesman who bought the car today:

"Hey, are you xxx from xxx4s store? Yes, it's me. I left a car I bought from you today and it spontaneously combusted. What should I do? What? You are not responsible? You can't take care of it even if the insurance is not paid? I... , forget it, you can send me another one to location xxx, bring a credit card machine, and swipe your card directly when the time comes!”

Bang, Bai Yang hung up the phone.

"I'm so fucking crazy"

Sitting on the side of the road smoking, Bai Yang wanted to slap himself, a prodigal is not such a prodigal...

"I've lost so much, you guys who are so hungry for corpses should work hard. If you can't find the wanted criminals for a day, you won't be able to live in peace for a day. If I'm not happy, you won't have it easy either, hum..."

He was just looking for comfort for himself.

When he had nothing to do, he thought that the tree house over there was about to be crushed, so he went to Godo Village to find Zhao Shi and others, and asked them to move all the things in his tree house to the warehouse and put them away. No one could do it without his permission. No one is allowed to move.

After giving the order, he ran back and squatted on the roadside like a lunatic. He was going back and forth, but actually he didn't want to. He had no choice. The time agreed with the old wolf was coming soon.

There were car lights coming from the distance, and Bai Yang stood up. It turned out that it was not Lao Lang who came with something, but two cars from the 4S store, including a Mercedes-Benz six-wheel pickup truck like the one he bought before.

"Mr. Bai, I kept you waiting for a long time."

A young man in a suit quickly came over and stretched out his hand.

"Your car is a Mercedes-Benz. The quality is not good. When I drove here, I peed and it burned... This is a new car, right? Swipe your card. If this happens again, you have to drive with me."

Bai Yang yelled with a mouth full of alcohol.

"Well, Mr. Bai, if there is an accident, we can't accompany you. If you have insurance..."

"Hold it, I don't have time to talk nonsense, just swipe your card and leave. The insurance will cover this new car when the time comes."

After sending the two people from the 4S shop away, Bai Yang lay down on the new car and admired the 'old car fireworks' that had not been completely burned out...

"That Mr. Bai is so rich, he spent four million on a car in one day."

"At first glance, he looks like a brainless second-generation prodigal. I don't know how much he drank. I guess he accidentally burned the car. He also said that the quality is not good. It is a Mercedes-Benz six-wheel pickup truck. It may not be scrapped even if it collides with a large truck... "

Bai Yang didn't know what others thought, but for him, the matter of wanted criminals was over.

When the previous one was almost completely burned out, the old wolf came.

Old Wolf came alone and drove a large box truck.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting so long that the flowers have withered."

Bai Yang got out of the car and came to the big truck and said to Lao Lang.

The old wolf frowned and looked around, twitched his nose, looked at Bai Yang and asked with a frown:

"What happened here before"

"It's okay. I bought a new Mercedes-Benz pickup truck and burned it. After that, I had someone send me a new one. I'm rich. I'm envious, right?"

Bai Yang raised his neck and started talking nonsense.

The old wolf curled his lips, thought for a while and said:

"If anything happens, let Xiong Da and the others handle it. They are more professional than you!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but here is what I want."

Bai Yang was angry, and at the same time he was confused, what on earth did these guys do before? This insight is simply terrifying.

The old wolf stopped asking and said, "Everything is in the car, where can I put it?"

"Of course it's in a warehouse, why don't you drive such a big car"

Bai Yang kept talking to the warehouse next to him, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

The old wolf refused to answer. (www.uukasu got out of the car, opened the door of the container, put down the ladder behind the butt of the truck, and drove a small forklift directly from the carriage. He went back and forth several times, loading wooden boxes one or two meters in size one by one. Get the location designated by Bai Yang in the warehouse.

"I'll go. So much"

Bai Yang was dumbfounded.

"Here are the instructions. I don't have anything to do next."

Old Wolf threw a manual to Bai Yang, drove the forklift onto the truck, and walked away, leaving Bai Yang messy in the night wind.

This motherfucker is so irresponsible, what kind of service attitude is this...

Bai Yang was speechless, looking at a bunch of things again and scratching his head.

I just wanted a telescope and a drone. What was the point of getting such a pile of boxes

"Forget it, just take it apart and read the instructions over there."

In the end, Bai Yang left it alone and continued his work as a porter in the two worlds...

I put this pile of things away in the warehouse in Gordo Village at night, and when I came back, I was about to drive back to the rented villa in my new pickup truck. I remembered that I had been drinking before and could not drive.

This was easy to do. I called Yang Biao and asked Yang Biao to come over and drive for me. After a lot of trouble, I finally got back to my place of residence.

Asking Yang Biao to have dinner another day to send him away, Bai Yang just lay down on the sofa and sighed in his heart. I was tossing back and forth like a psycho, and finally I was at peace!

"What about opening the wisdom fruit? I'm here..."

(I’m so confused. Originally, the plots of these two chapters could be written in tens of thousands of words, but is Shitou’s simple style of eliminating violence really good? Let’s give some recommendation votes and collections to comfort Shitou’s tangled soul, eh? Shitou’s style asks for support. It’s actually changed like this, I’m covering my face...)

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