Positive Energy System

Chapter 1: initial


Ji Chen'e's name has always been considered strange.

When a child is born, parents will always entrust something when naming the child, dust and dust, how can parents give their child a name with such a bad meaning.

Ji Chenye also asked his mother this question, and his mother's answer was that the name decided at that time was actually Zeng Fan, but when he went to register, he made a mistake for some reason, and because it was too troublesome, he never changed it back. .

Ji Chen'ai is a good boy, so he actually endured his mother's somewhat absurd explanation.

Ji Chen's mother is called Shen Shuya, and she is a standard mistress in terms of modern morality. But she was miserable. Being a mistress was forced.

Ji Chen'e's father, Ji Mingzhong, is a very caring man. When he was with Shen Shuya, he never mentioned that he had a family. It had been almost eight months since Shen Shuya was pregnant with the child before she told the truth to Shen Shuya - not only did he have a wife, but his eldest son even went to elementary school.

Shen Shuya was crying so hard at that time, but no matter how much she cried, life would go on. Shen Shuya's temper is very soft, at best she is soft, at worst she is cowardly.

She had already had a falling out with her family in order to give birth to Ji Chen'ai, and now she had no choice but to compromise with Ji Mingzhong's sworn promise.

The only good news is that Ji Mingzhong's original partner passed away due to an accident not long after, and Shen Shuya, who has always been submissive, entered the room with Ji Chen'ai, who was only over a year old.

So Ji Chen'ai lived in Ji's family from a very young age.

When Shen Shuya walked into the room, Ji Chen'e was sitting in a wheelchair reading a book, the sun shone through the curtains with mottled spots, shining on Ji Chen'e's side made him look extraordinarily peaceful.

Shen Shuya's footsteps paused, and a hesitant expression appeared on her face.

Ji Chen'ai heard Shen Shuya's footsteps, he put the book aside and raised his head: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Shen Shuya wanted to show a smile, but when she glanced at Ji Chen's leg from the corner of her eye, the smile disappeared. She said, "Xiao Ai, your father asked me to ask you... Do you want to consider going abroad for treatment?"

Ji Chen'ai looked at Shen Shuya with incomparably calm eyes, until he couldn't bear to see Shen Shuya and lowered his head, he said: "Mom, I don't want to go abroad."

Shen Shuya opened her mouth, but finally swallowed the words back, she said: "It's fine if you don't want to go abroad, um, your father is not considerate... You are like this..." At this point, she herself felt that it was inappropriate, so she was embarrassed After laughing twice, he got up and left.

Ji Chen'ai looked at Shen Shuya's back, and it wasn't until she left the room that he suddenly raised the book in his hand, and then slammed it heavily on the ground.

How could Ji Chen'e not know what his mother's words meant, it was nothing more than dislike for such a crippled Ji Chen'e, who would embarrass the Ji family in China.

Seventeen-year-old Ji Chen'ai seemed to have been abandoned by this family after being half-paralyzed.

And the reason for the paralysis... also caused Ji Chen'e to be ridiculed.

Looking at the closed door, Ji Chen'e's smile finally showed despair.

The next morning, the four of Ji's family sat together for breakfast.

Ji Chen'e's elder brother, Ji Suming, is five years older than Ji Chen'e. He just graduated from university this year and has already begun to accept some simple things from Ji's family.

He never liked Ji Chen'e, his half-brother, and he almost regarded him as air. After Ji Chen'e became disabled, this neglect intensified.

Although Shen Shuya is a stepmother, she treats Ji Suming very well. If she is just a person, then she should be a good person, but as a mother, she is not qualified.

For example, now, while nagging at Ji Suming, Shen Shuya poured him coffee and told him to be careful when driving, completely ignoring Ji Chenye who was sitting at the table and eating bread in silence.

After Ji Suming finished eating, he greeted Ji Mingzhong and got up to go to work, so there were three people left at the table.

Seeing that Ji Suming had left, Ji Mingzhong put down the newspaper in his hand, and said to Ji Chen'ai, "Xiao Ai, I heard from your mother that you don't want to go abroad? Can you tell me why?"

Ji Chen'ai paused the hand holding the bread, and lowered his head slightly: "I, I'm not familiar with foreign countries."

Ji Mingzhong said: "The rehabilitation technology abroad is much better, and your English is not bad. After you go out and work hard, you should be better than you are now."

Hearing Ji Mingzhong's words, Ji Chen'ai felt the blood in his body cool down. Ji Mingzhong's words were beautiful, but in fact, with Ji Mingzhong's financial resources, it was very easy to hire the best rehabilitator abroad.

But now, he let himself go abroad alone.

Ji Chen'ai raised his head, glanced at Shen Shuya who was eating porridge with a smile on his face, and then at Ji Mingzhong who looked at him gently, and said in a low voice, "I don't want to go."

Ji Mingzhong's eyes turned cold, but he didn't say anything, but he didn't continue to eat, and got up and left directly.

Shen Shuya said: "Ming Zhong, don't you want to eat?"

Ji Mingzhong said: "I can't eat it."

Ji Chen'e firmly held the spoon in his hand, lowered his head, not wanting Shen Shuya to see his expression.

Shen Shuya said: "Chen Chen, you are a good boy, why are you so stubborn this time? Listen to your father, isn't it good to go abroad? You..."

Ji Chen'e interrupted Shen Shuya: "Mom, I've always been a good child, but what about now?"

Shen Shuya was dumb, there was a flustered look in her eyes, but she quickly suppressed it with a forced smile, and she said: "Dust... this is just an accident."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Accident? Do I need to pay so much for this accident?" He is only seventeen years old and is about to face the most important college entrance examination in his life. If he hadn't been injured accidentally, he would have been admitted to a first-class university in China, but Now, he has nothing.

Not only became the laughing stock of the outside world, but was also completely abandoned by his family.

Shen Shuya moved her lips, but finally said nothing. Since she was a child, she had taught Ji Chen to be a good person, to be brave, to be upright and kind, but now, reality slapped her hard.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Have they visited me?"

Shen Shuya knew who Ji Chen'e was talking about, she said: "Maybe they don't know..."

Ji Chen'ai looked at his mother, and suddenly felt that something in his body was completely cold. His mother has always been a little woman, she is full of love, she will donate money when she sees tragic things, and she will take back injured animals. The family will raise him and send him to the aid station, but why is she so cruel to her only son.

Shen Shuya didn't want to meet Ji Chen'e's eyes anymore, she hurriedly got up and said, "I'll go see your father." After speaking, she left.

Ji Chen'ai looked at her back, tears finally began to pool in his eyes, he slowly fell down on the table, buried his face in his arms, and silently shook his shoulders.

After all, he was only a seventeen-year-old boy. After crying heartily, Ji Chen'e returned to his room in a wheelchair.

He originally lived on the second floor, but because of a spinal injury, his room was moved to the first floor.

Ji Chen opened the door with difficulty, and entered the room in a wheelchair.

As soon as he entered the door, the mobile phone on the bed rang. Ji Chen'ai picked it up and looked, only to find that it was a good friend of his.

He picked up his mobile phone and pressed the call button, a boy's voice came from the other end of the phone, he said: "Chen Chen, come out and play, I haven't seen you for a long time."

After Ji Chen'e was injured, he had no contact with the outside world. Hearing his friend's invitation at this time, his heavy heart improved a lot. He said, "It's not convenient for me now..."

The man smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll pick you up by car, just wait."

Ji Chen'ai thought about it, and finally hummed.

Tens of minutes later, there was a horn honking at the door of Ji Chen'e's house. As soon as Ji Chen'e pushed away, he saw his friend standing in the living room waving at him.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Yi Wenle, you came so fast."

The boy named Yi Wenle smiled and said, "I happen to be near your house, I'm here to pick you up, let's go out to play together."

Ji Chen'ai glanced at his legs and nodded.

Yi Wenle pushed Ji Chen's wheelchair out the door, carried him into the car, and put the wheelchair in the trunk.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Ji Chen watched as Yi Wenle also got into the car.

After Yi Wenle started the car, he casually asked, "Have you paid the compensation over there?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "I don't know...my dad and the others handled it."

Yi Wenle sneered: "Your dad? Just your dad? Ha, I don't think he regards you as his son, but then again, Dust, I've said it several times, don't be so enthusiastic... It's not... well."

Ji Chen'ai's eyes were a little blank: "Am I really wrong?"

Seeing this, Yi Wenle couldn't bear it, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "You are right, it is this world that is wrong." People like Ji Chenye are suitable for living in Utopia, or being protected by others. Otherwise, sooner or later one day will be injured.

Yi Wenle said: "When are you going to go back to school? The college entrance examination is half a year away, don't miss the course."

Ji Chen'e was silent for a while, and then whispered: "Maybe... it won't be there anymore."

Just at a red light, Yi Wenle slammed on the brakes when he heard Ji Chen'e's words, and then showed a ghostly expression: "Not going to school anymore? You tell me you won't go to school?"

Ji Chen'er nodded slightly.

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