Positive Energy System

Chapter 10: Devil's smile


Porridge for dinner and cold noodles made by Zhou Yaoyun himself.

Maybe it's because of the frequent cooking, Zhou Yaoyun's cooking skills are very good, and the food he cooks is also very suitable for Ji Chen's appetite. The cold noodles are not too spicy but very refreshing. With mung bean porridge, Ji Chen's eats a lot.

Zhou Yaoyun saw that Ji Chen'ai had a good appetite, and his mood became better. He kept humming a little song while washing the dishes, and asked Ji Chen'e what he would like to eat tomorrow.

Ji Chen'ai said whatever he wanted, he really has no preference for food, as long as it's delicious, he likes anything.

After Zhou Yaoyun washed the dishes, he stood in the living room, untied his apron, and said, "Brother, I feel that you have changed a lot."

Ji Chen'ai was watching TV. Hearing this, he frowned slightly, but soon became expressionless again. He said, "What has changed?"

Sitting next to Ji Chen'e, Zhou Yaoyun said, "You didn't like talking to me before."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Yes."

Zhou Yaoyun continued: "I used to be very worried about you."

Ji Chen'ai glanced at Zhou Yaoyun, and remained silent for a long time without speaking. Can he tell Zhou Yaoyun that the brother he was worried about is no longer in this world

The next day, Ji Chen'e went out for a walk alone again. During this walk, I did not forget to ask Zhou Yaoyun to prepare a glove for him so that he can continue picking up trash...

In fact, Ji Chen'e seriously thought about whether he should just find a bag and accumulate the plastic bottles he picked up and sell them to make some money, but he was also worried that if he really did that, Zhou Yaoyun would pounce on him In front of her, she cried out in grief, complaining that she made her brother suffer and so on.

Ji Chen'ai was right, if he really started picking up trash and going home... Zhou Yaoyun would probably really do it.

It was still a sunny day today, when Ji Chen'e went out, he took an umbrella and spent the whole morning walking around the house. After turning more than 30 energy points, he was ready to go home.

Originally, Ji Chen'ai thought that today would be a peaceful day, but when he was about to go back, something unexpected happened.

Around Ji Chen's residence, there are some parks. The environment is very good. When he was slowly moving the wheelchair towards home with his hands, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from his back. This force hit him directly with the wheelchair They fell to the ground together. Afterwards, there was a burst of noisy children's laughter from behind Ji Chen'e. He raised his head while lying on the ground, and saw several elementary school students running past him, one of them picked up the football that hit Ji Chen'e, and then Turning around, he shouted at Ji Chen'e, "I'm disabled, I'm sorry!"

Ji Chen'ai looked at the child coldly without saying a word.

The kid was a little guilty when he was stared at by Ji Chen'e, but after looking at his companions around him, he regained his confidence somehow, and said, "Walk carefully when you walk in the future."

Children are the most innocent and cruel group of people, they have both the most beautiful and the ugliest things.

Before Ji Chen'ai could say anything, Xiao Qi screamed, "Shameless, so shameless, how dare you bully my host like this!!! I want to beat him!!!"

It was the first time Ji Chen'e saw Xiao Qi so excited, even Liu Ziming's reaction was not so big that time, Ji Chen'e said: "Why did you react so big?"

Xiao Qi said: "Children are the hope of the world, how can they do this!"

It is very difficult for Ji Chen to climb back into the wheelchair by himself, and now the wheelchair has been overturned, and his elbows are covered with scratch marks. Seeing that the children did not come to help him, they just looked at him and whispered At this point, he didn't bother to move.

Xiao Qi said: "I want to activate the negative energy punishment system."

Ji Chen'e: "What is this?"

Xiao Qi said: "Let them feel the beauty of the world!"

Ji Chenye: "... speak human language."

Xiaoqi: "Oh, people with too much negative energy should be destroyed humanely."

Ji Chenye: "..." Destruction of humanity? The person who made Xiao Qi was indeed full of malice towards the world.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Are you serious?"

Xiao Qi said: "I'm just joking."

Ji Chenye: "..."

Xiao Qi saw that Ji Chen'e had stopped talking, and said again: "However, you have accumulated too much negative energy, and you can already activate the punishment system."

While Xiaoqi was talking, Ji Chen saw that the interface that originally displayed positive energy had changed, and a small progress bar indicating "negative energy" was displayed in the lower right corner, but it was only the same as the first-level positive energy with a small progress. In contrast, negative energy has reached the second level.

Xiao Qi said: "When the negative energy value reaches 10,000, the punishment system will be activated." After saying this, several illuminated buttons appeared in front of Ji Chen'e, with the words "Devil's Smile", "Liar's Doom", "Stealing" respectively. Remorse" and several gray buttons after them.

Ji Chen'ai took a look at the explanations under those buttons, and found that they were a bit vague, "Devil's Smile" reads: Smile, smile, people who are malicious to the world will smile.

Ji Chen'ai said, "What's the use of these?"

Xiao Qidao did not answer Ji Chen's words: "It is recommended that the host use the devil's smile."

Ji Chen'ai raised his head, looked at the other side who was still whispering, and looked at the children who were obviously mocking in his eyes, and said, "Use the devil's smile."

The children who were still talking suddenly stopped. They stood where they were, originally with malicious sarcasm on their faces, but at this moment, that taunt turned into a bright smile.

That smile was really bright, as if seeing something extremely beautiful, but after seeing this smile for a long time, it somehow made people feel a little shivering down the back.

While laughing, the children stopped talking, but walked towards Ji Chen'e, helped him up the wheelchair, and then carefully sent Ji Chen'e to the wheelchair. During this time, none of them spoke, and all of them silently took smile.

After finishing all this, the children bowed to Ji Chen'ai and hurried away.

At this time, there were only two people left on the originally lively road—one was Ji Chen'ai, and the other was a little girl who had no sense of existence among children.

The little girl's face was full of surprise, and her eyes were full of horror when she looked at Ji Chen'e. She obviously didn't understand what was going on in the sudden scene just now, why those bad little boys suddenly changed their temperament.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Why is she alright?"

Xiao Qi said: "Only those who have ill intentions towards you will be punished. She has no ill intentions towards you, so she won't smile."

However, before Ji Chen'e could ask anything, the little girl screamed, and ran away, and fell on the ground while running, then got up from the ground in a panic and continued to run, a bit panicky.

Ji Chen'ai said, "What will happen to those children?"

Xiaoqi snorted: "I will be full of love for this world."

After listening to Xiao Qi's words, Ji Chen'ai also laughed, he rarely smiled so brightly, he almost competed with those children just now, he thought, instead of calling Xiao Qi a positive energy system, it would be better to call it a negative energy system Come right.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Well, then, let's go home."

The wound on his hand was obvious, Ji Chen'e originally thought that he would go home and take care of the wound first, but he didn't expect that Zhou Yaoyun had already returned when he got home.

Ji Chen'ai pushed the door open, and saw Zhou Yaoyun sitting in the living room watching TV with a smile on his face.

As soon as Zhou Yaoyun saw Ji Chen'ai came back, he got up and walked over. The scars on Ji Chen'e's arm, who was wearing short sleeves, could be clearly seen at a glance.

Zhou Yaoyun's expression changed, and he said, "Brother, what's wrong with your hands?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "I accidentally fell."

Zhou Yaoyun pursed his lips, didn't say anything, just turned around and went into the bedroom, and brought salt water and cotton swabs.

Ji Chen'e's arms were covered with bruises, and his pale skin looked particularly miserable when he was with him. Zhou Yaoyun squatted beside Ji Chen'e, silently treating Ji Chen'e's wound without speaking.

Ji Chen'ai knew that Zhou Yaoyun was angry, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so the atmosphere between the two became a little dull, until Zhou Yaoyun treated the wound, he said: "I will take you to have a tetanus tomorrow."

Ji Chen'ai said: "No need..." It's a bit funny to say, he is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of injections, especially intramuscular injections.

Zhou Yaoyun's face became even uglier, and he said, "Brother, can you cherish yourself a little?"

Ji Chen'ai opened his mouth, wanted to refute but couldn't speak, he looked at Zhou Yaoyun who was sulking, and suddenly thought, if he had such a younger brother, he would definitely not choose to commit suicide.

Because Zhou Yaoyun was angry, Ji Chen’e’s lunch was only a bowl of egg noodles with clear soup and little water. In front of Zhou Yaoyun was the fragrant taro chicken, and whenever Ji Chen’e wanted to stretch out his chopsticks to pick it up, Zhou Yaoyun would be neither salty nor bland He said: "I have a wound on my body, so I can't eat soy sauce." After finishing speaking, he moved the taro chicken to his side.

Ji Chen'ai looked at the expressionless Zhou Yaoyun, then at the pitiful noodles in his bowl, finally sighed, and continued eating noodles.

After eating, Ji Chen'ai was about to leave the table when Zhou Yaoyun suddenly called out, "Brother."

Ji Chen'er turned his head and responded.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, why are you still refusing to tell me anything?"

Ji Chen'ai froze for a moment, not quite understanding what Zhou Yaoyun meant.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "You didn't fall yourself today, didn't you?"

Ji Chen'ai instantly understood why Zhou Yaoyun was angry. It turned out that he was angry at himself for refusing to tell him why he got hurt.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Well, the child accidentally kicked me while playing football."

Zhou Yaoyun's face was instantly filled with anger, he said: "Brother, which family's children? You know all the children around, tell me."

Ji Chen'ai did probably know which family those children belonged to, but he didn't intend to say it out.

Zhou Yaoyun understood Ji Chen'e's meaning from Ji Chen'e's expression, his hand hanging by his side clenched into a fist, and finally said nothing, got up and went to the kitchen with a bowl.

Looking at Zhou Yaoyun's background, Ji Chen'ai suddenly felt a little helpless. How could he tell Zhou Yaoyun which family the child belonged to? What if Zhou Yaoyun came to visit and the child's family found that the child's abnormality was related to him.

The author has something to say: I can’t say that the protagonist always encounters bad people, but that he is more vulnerable than normal people in his current situation. Some children are very cute, but some children are really scary ==