Positive Energy System

Chapter 11: Don't bully people


Ji Chen'ai originally thought that Zhou Yaoyun would reconcile with him the next day, but after three or four days passed, Zhou Yaoyun didn't take the initiative to say a word to him, unless it was necessary, he usually had a stinky face, and didn't even say a word that was unnecessary. willing to say.

Ji Chen'ai didn't take it seriously at first, but later found out that Zhou Yaoyun was really angry, so he took the initiative to apologize to Zhou Yaoyun, saying that he shouldn't have kept it from him.

Facing Ji Chen'e's apology, Zhou Yaoyun, who was washing his clothes with his head down, turned his head: "Brother, do you really know that you made a mistake?"

Ji Chen'ai had never encountered such a situation before, looking at Zhou Yaoyun's serious eyes, he was inexplicably guilty, and he let out a "hmm".

Zhou Yaoyun turned around, wiped the water off his hands on the apron casually, squatted down and looked straight at Ji Chenye's wandering eyes: "Brother, you just promised me a few days ago that if you are bullied, tell me Bar?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "... yes."

Zhou Yaoyun suddenly reached out and touched Ji Chen's yellowed hair: "Brother, trust me, I will protect you."

At this time, Zhou Yaoyun didn't look like a boy who had just turned nineteen, his eyes were full of firmness, so that Ji Chenye could feel his determination.

After this period of hard work, Ji Chen's positive energy value has reached more than 300, approaching 400, and it is still increasing. Even if he does nothing sometimes, he can still hear the sound of the energy value increasing. .

For this kind of phenomenon, Xiaoqi's explanation is: "The person you change is doing good deeds, so it can be regarded as your positive energy to the world."

Seeing this, Ji Chen asked, "Then what happened to the person I changed?"

Xiao Qi smiled and said, "What people believe in is the theory of evil sex."

Ji Chenye also laughed when he heard that, he found that this system called Xiaoqi really took revenge on the society.

After reconciling with Zhou Yaoyun, Ji Chen'e started to pick up trash again, but after picking up for a few days, he didn't meet the few brats he met that day. To the little girl who ran away at the end that day.

Because Xiao Qi said that this little girl didn't have any malice towards him, that's why she didn't change into that appearance, so Ji Chen'e had a pretty good impression of her, and when he found her shivering behind him, he stopped straight away and turned his head Asked: "What's the matter?"

The little girl was startled when she saw Ji Chen'e stop suddenly. She looked around and was relieved when she found that there were pedestrians everywhere, but she hesitated and refused to go forward.

Seeing that the little girl was silent, Ji Chen asked again: "What's the matter?"

The little girl bit her lips, as if she was doing psychological construction, after a while, she approached Ji Chen'ai in small steps, and said in a faint voice: "Yes, did you make them like that?"

make them like that? After thinking for a while, Ji Chen understood what the little girl was talking about, and he asked, "What's your name?"

The little girl shook her head, as if she was unwilling to tell Ji Chen'ai her name, but felt that it was not polite, and whispered: "My sister said that you can't tell the monster your name."

Ji Chen'ai suddenly laughed when he heard the words.

Seeing Ji Chen's bright smile, the little girl felt a little less afraid, took a few steps closer, and said in a low voice, "I apologize for them... Can you, can you bring them back to normal?"

Ji Chen'ai has already thought that this is probably the effect of "Devil's Smile". He asked Xiao Qi what these skills mean before, but Xiao Qi was vague and perfunctory. He said: "What's wrong with them? ?”

The little girl said: "They have become so strange..."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Why is it so strange?"

The little girl said: "They laugh all day long, they don't go to school anymore, they pick up trash when they see it, and they go up to stop someone who does something bad..."

Listening to the little girl's description, Ji Chen'e suddenly felt that the name of this skill was too appropriate - devil's smile, only devils smile.

Like the little girl in front of him who had no ill intentions towards him, she was not implicated by this skill.

The smile on Ji Chen'e's face faded a lot, and he said, "Isn't it good that they started to do good things? You want them to return to their original state?"

The little girl murmured, and then said after a while: "I, I know they were wrong that day, and usually they are quite annoying, but, but if Xiao Lei continues to behave like this, sister will be very sad... sister is very good to me..."

Ji Chen'ai looked at the little girl's cautious appearance, and inexplicably felt irritable in his heart. Was he like this back then? Even if you are hurt, even if you face the incomprehension of others, you still want to treat the world with a smile.

Ji Chen'ai reached out and touched his legs, and said lightly: "It's not impossible if you want them to return to their original state."

The little girl's eyes lit up.

Ji Chen'ai waved at the little girl, beckoning her to come in front of him, and said: "But, you need to pay the price."

The little girl froze for a moment, obviously not responding.

At this time, Ji Chen'e took out his rubber gloves from his pocket, and said to the little girl, "My gloves are dirty."

The little girl said weakly: "I, I can wash it for you."

Ji Chen'ai shook his head, his expression was filled with a shivering chill, he said: "No, I need a new pair, made from your skin."

Almost instantly, the little girl's eyes were filled with tears, and she stammered: "You, you are really a monster."

Ji Chen'e suppressed his own smile, and pretended to be deep and coldly snorted: "It's not a monster, how could it make them like that."

The little girl cried even more sadly, wiping her tears with her sleeve while crying.

Xiaoqi, who had been silent all this time, couldn't stand it any longer, and said faintly: "You are so bad~"

Ji Chen'ai ignored it and continued to stare at the little girl.

The little girl lowered her head slowly, looked at the new scarlet leather shoes on her feet, and cried, "Will I die without the leather?"

Ji Chen'e nodded solemnly.

The little girl said, "Can I go home and say goodbye?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Of course, I will wait for you here at this time tomorrow."

The little girl looked up at Ji Chen'e, and left sobbing. At this moment, the pedestrians on the side of the road gave Ji Chen'e contemptuous glances, as if they were despising Ji Chen'e for making a little girl cry.

With an innocent expression on his face, Ji Chen'e rode his wheelchair home in a happy mood, and ate an extra bowl of rice in the evening.

Seeing that Ji Chen'ai was in a good mood, Zhou Yaoyun asked, "Brother, why are you so happy?"

Ji Chen'ai stuffed a chopstick of tofu into his mouth, swallowed it, and said, "I saw a lovely person."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Cuter than me..."

Ji Chen'ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun speechlessly, and couldn't stand Zhou Yaoyun's eyes, so he said, "No, my younger brother is the cutest person in the world."

Zhou Yaoyun hummed in satisfaction, and gave Ji Chen'ai another dish with chopsticks.

The next day, Ji Chen'ai waited for the crying little girl at the appointed place.

Seeing the little girl getting closer, Ji Chen said to Xiao Qi: "Hey, my gloves are here." He asked Xiao Qi yesterday whether the devil's smile could stop, and Xiao Qi's answer was, As long as the malice is exhausted, they don't have to laugh. So this skill is still used to judge and punish those children's malice towards Ji Chen'e, but seeing that they have been fined for so many days, it is estimated that they are indeed full of malice towards Ji Chen'e.

The little girl came, she saw that Ji Chen'e seemed to have made some great determination, she said: "I'm here, you, you promised to make them recover."

Looking at the little girl's swollen eyes, Ji Chen'e guessed that the little girl cried all night last night, he said: "You just died like this, won't Mom and Dad be sad?"

The little girl said softly: "I don't have parents."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Huh?"

The little girl continued: "I was adopted from an orphanage...but it doesn't matter, having a sister is good to me..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "So, are you willing to sacrifice yourself to make your sister feel happy?"

The little girl nodded.

Ji Chen'ai looked at her and said, "Then how do you know that your sister won't be sad without you?"

The little girl said: "Because of my sister, and Xiaolei."

The little girl had already mentioned the name Xiaolei twice, Ji Chen'ai said, "Have you already decided?"

The little girl nodded heavily.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Now, tell me your name."

The little girl took a deep breath and said, "My name is Zhu Yunya."

Ji Chen'e took out a beautifully packaged candy from his pocket: "Eat it."

The little girl started crying again. She obviously thought of the candy in Ji Chen'e's hand as something like poison. However, she still took it, opened the wrapping paper, and stuffed it into her mouth. She said vaguely: "sweet?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Of course it's sweet."

The little girl's eyes widened: "Aren't you a monster?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "Of course I'm a monster."

The little girl's eyes dimmed again.

Ji Chen'e continued: "But I found a new pair of gloves yesterday, and I don't need you yet, you take my poison, and if you do something bad in the future, I'll turn you into gloves."

The little girl said: "Then, you won't eat me now?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Go back and tell them that if they bully others again, they will continue to laugh."

The little girl showed a bright smile, with tears on her face, she said: "You, you are not a monster, right?"

Ji Chen'e showed an evil expression, and took out the gloves: "It's not a monster, how could there be human leather gloves."

The little girl screamed, turned around and ran away, leaving Ji Chen in place laughing.

Xiao Qi, who watched the whole process, said that he had had enough of Ji Chen's bad taste...

Ji Chen'ai said: "Since the devil's smile is so easy to use, wouldn't the doom of the liar and the regret of the thief behind it be even more powerful? Xiao Qi, this negative energy is much stronger than the positive energy."

Only then did Xiao Qi quietly say: "Dear, only positive energy can only damage the legs, and negative energy will only break the legs."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." I had so much fun that I forgot that my legs were bad.

Xiao Qi said again: "All the good things they did during the period when the skills took effect belong to you."

Ji Chen'ai thought, no wonder his energy value has risen so fast in the past few days, so there are more people picking up trash (×

Xiao Qi said again: "Keep working hard, now you have almost 500 energy points! Positive energy is more difficult to obtain than negative energy, so you can get the first skill at 2,000 points."

Ji Chen'ai said, "What skill?"

Xiao Qi said: "Invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Leg."

Ji Chenye: "Speak human words."

Xiao Qi: "The ability to walk for a short time."

Can walk? Ji Chen'e's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had a goal to fight for.

Xiao Qi said again: "But I forgot to remind you, you bullied and cried a little girl just now..."

Ji Chen'e's face turned dark, it doesn't mean that his energy points will be deducted for this.

Xiao Qi said: "Fortunately, you gave the little girl a piece of candy in the end..."

Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Qi said: "So just deduct ten points."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." What a fart, okay, he's going to pick up trash ten times at ten o'clock, okay!