Positive Energy System

Chapter 12: brother's birthday


Not long after the little girl named Yang Yuyi was taken home by her parents, Ji Chen'ai saw on the news the middle-aged woman who brought Yang Yuyi to beg that day, but this time she was being judged in court with a haggard look.

Ji Chen'er didn't know the specifics of the case, but the news directly broadcast the result of her first-instance verdict—the death penalty. Ji Chen'ai knew that Yang Yuyi's parents must have played a role in it, otherwise, according to the current national conditions, a ten-year sentence would be considered a relatively severe punishment.

The card that Yang Yuyi's father gave to Ji Chen'ai contained two million yuan, which was a huge sum of money for an ordinary family. Ji Chen'ai didn't tell Zhou Yaoyun about the card, but chose to keep it privately. It wasn't that he didn't trust Zhou Yaoyun, but that he needed the money and didn't want to explain anything to Zhou Yaoyun when using the money. .

On the thirty-seventh day when Ji Chen'e turned into Zhou Yaoqin, he once again met a person with whom he should have had no interaction—Ji Suming.

That's right, Ji Chen'ai's eldest brother.

At that time, Ji Chen'ai was accompanying Zhou Yaoyun to order a birthday cake, and Ji Suming walked past him expressionlessly. He didn't look very well, and he was arguing with someone on the phone.

The moment Ji Chen'ai saw Ji Suming, his body stiffened involuntarily, and then he remembered some unpleasant images. Ji Suming didn't notice Ji Chen'ai beside him, he didn't even look at him, and he disappeared soon after entering the mall.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, do you know this person?"

Ji Chen'e was taken aback for a moment, and said randomly, "I don't know."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Then why did you stare at him for so long?"

Ji Chen'ai originally thought that he was covering up well, but Zhou Yaoyun obviously didn't think so. Seeing that Ji Chen'e didn't answer, he felt wronged and said, "Brother, don't you want to talk to me anymore?"

Ji Chen'ai said helplessly: "I just feel that this person looks familiar." After being reborn for a month, coupled with the original owner's memory of Zhou Yaoyun, Ji Chen'e found that his younger brother seemed careless, but in fact he was very careful, and he could even learn from him. The change of his mood can be seen from the subtle expression, and Zhou Yaoyun already understood it before he himself noticed it.

This should be a good thing for Ji Chen'ai, but for some reason, Ji Chen'ai always felt a little disobedient, but facing the innocent Zhou Yaoyun, he couldn't grasp what the discord was.

Fortunately, Zhou Yaoyun didn't get too entangled in this matter. After seeing Ji Suming's back, he pushed Ji Chenye into the cake shop.

The day after tomorrow is Zhou Yaoyun's nineteenth birthday. He is two years younger than Ji Chen'ai, but they both went to primary school in the same year, so before Zhou Yaoqin's accident, Zhou Yaoyun and Zhou Yaoqin were at the same table.

These things are very clear in Zhou Yaoqin's memory, and Ji Chen'ai has no doubts.

After ordering the cake, Zhou Yaoyun asked Ji Chen'ai what he would like to eat that day, whether to eat it out or make it at home.

Ji Chen'ai asked Zhou Yaoyun if he would invite his classmates to live together, Zhou Yaoyun thought about it and said, "How do you want to live, brother?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "This is your birthday."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "But if my brother is not happy, I will not be happy either."

Ji Chen'ai really has nothing to do with Zhou Yaoyun, he has never been so dependent on others, so when facing Zhou Yaoyun's coquettishness, he has nothing to do.

The two discussed for a while, and finally Ji Chen'ai made a decision and asked Zhou Yaoyun to call his classmates to his home for his birthday. Zhou Yaoyun agreed, and began to ask Ji Chen'ai what he wanted to eat.

Since the appearance of Xiao Qi, Ji Chen's mentality has changed. He knows that he has a chance to stand up again, so when faced with some negative emotions, his ability to bear has become much stronger, and he doesn't care so much about the eyes of people around him. up.

As long as a person has hope and goals, he will always become stronger.

After choosing the color of the cake and paying the deposit, Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai went out together, and then walked home.

It is very inconvenient to take the bus while sitting in a wheelchair, and sometimes it is difficult to get a taxi, so Zhou Yaoyun simply rented a residence that is relatively close to various places to facilitate Ji Chen's travel.

Instead, he himself was farther away from school.

At night, after taking a shower, Ji Chen lay on the bed, counted the energy value he earned today, and found that if nothing happened, he would be able to walk temporarily next month. Thinking of this, he felt instantly happier.

Zhou Yaoyun hugged Ji Chen'e's feet in his arms, and massaged them carefully, with tenderness in his expression and eyes.

Ji Chen'ai said suddenly: "Xiaoyun, you said that it would be great if one day I could walk."

Zhou Yaoyun paused, and lowered his head so that Ji Chen'ai couldn't see his expression clearly: "Brother, do you really want to walk?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Who wouldn't want to..."

Zhou Yaoyun was massaging Ji Chen'e's feet, his fingers gently pinched Ji Chen'e's toes, and said in a gentle voice, "I thought my brother had accepted the fact."

Ji Chen'e was taken aback: "What did you say?"

Zhou Yaoyun paused for a few seconds before raising his head, with a sad expression on his face: "Brother, I did it for you, you are the only one who studied medicine."

It was only then that Ji Chenye remembered that the reason why Zhou Yaoyun chose the medical university was because of him, he said: "En..."

Zhou Yaoyun stopped talking and continued to massage Ji Chen'ai seriously.

In fact, at the beginning, Ji Chen'ai felt that Zhou Yaoyun was too kind to him, to the point of being illusory, but after a long time, he got used to Zhou Yaoyun treating him like this, and if Zhou Yaoyun treated him so well, If he was malicious, Xiao Qi would definitely sound the alarm.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Chen'e felt that he was a little too sensitive, maybe he was treated too badly, and even began to be a little suspicious when faced with other people's kindness.

Zhou Yaoyun's birthday is at the beginning of July, which happens to be three or four days before the summer vacation. Because he has to play games this summer vacation, he will go home later than others.

Ji Chen'ai also prepared a birthday present for Zhou Yaoyun. He is not short of money now, so he chose a pair of sneakers worth more than 2,000 yuan online. If Zhou Yaoyun asks where his money came from, Ji Chen'ai can proudly tell him that he picked it up from trash!

As a result, when Zhou Yaoyun got the gift, he was very happy. He hugged Ji Chen'ai for a long time without letting go, but he didn't ask Ji Chen'ai how he got the money for the sneakers.

Zhou Yaoyun didn't ask, and Ji Chen'ai was happy not to say anything. He saw Zhou Yaoyun busy in the kitchen wearing an apron, and his mood suddenly improved.

At around 11:00 noon, Zhou Yaoyun's classmates also came one after another. Most of them are from the basketball team, and there are some people who play better with Zhou Yaoyun in the class.

Ji Chen'ai didn't like crowds, so he stayed in the bedroom all the time, listening to the noisy voices outside, and continued to post posts with his keyboard and mouse to earn energy points. It wasn't until it was almost time for dinner that Zhou Yaoyun came in and asked Ji Chen'e to eat.

When Ji Chen'ai was pushed out by Zhou Yaoyun, the outside was quiet for two seconds, but it soon became lively. Among them, some girls jokingly asked Zhou Yaoyun that such a cute brother would not be brought out for everyone to see, because they wanted to hide their beauty in the golden house what

Zhou Yaoyun smiled softly, and he said, "My brother is more reserved, so stop making fun of him."

As far as the appearances of the Zhou brothers are somewhat similar, their temperaments are completely different. Zhou Yaoyun is tall and handsome, a very popular sunshine boy type, while Zhou Yaoqin is more delicate, with two light cheeks on his cheeks when he smiles. With shallow dimples, one of them looks like a father and the other looks like a mother. If Zhou Yaoqin hadn't had a problem with his leg, he might be a handsome young man.

Needless to say, Zhou Yaoyun's cooking skills, the students ate very happily, and the distance between the boys became much closer when they drank, and even Ji Chen'ai was downed a few glasses.

Fortunately, Zhou Yaoyun has been helping Ji Chen'e block the wine, and everyone is also concerned about Ji Chen'e's body, so they just stop ordering.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere of the young people in the room became more and more harmonious. Zhou Yaoyun also drank a lot, but it seemed that he was still some distance away from getting drunk.

At this time, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded: "Oh, my phone is gone!"

The originally noisy voice suddenly quieted down, and the girl who made the voice seemed a little panicked: "Someone call my mobile phone."

A boy sitting next to her picked up the phone, dialed it, and said after a while, "Shut it off."

Zhou Yaoyun was talking to someone, and when he saw this, he turned his head and asked, "What's wrong? Xiaomu?"

The girl named Xiaomu stared wide-eyed and said, "Zhou Yaoyun, my phone is gone!"

Everyone looked at each other, a little dazed.

Xiao Mu continued: "The new mobile phone I just bought has not been warmed up yet, so it's gone..."

The male voice sitting next to Xiaomu said: "You look for it again? Didn't you see you playing just now?"

Xiaomu said aggrievedly: "I went to the bathroom after posting a Weibo, but I didn't see it when I came back. Besides, if I accidentally lost it, how could it be turned off?"

The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward. Those invited by Zhou Yaoyun were all acquaintances. If there were really thieves, they must be the people in the house.

The girls around Xiaomu said one after another: "Don't worry, we will help you find it first."

Xiao Mu looked very aggrieved, obviously about to cry.

Zhou Yaoyun frowned, hesitated for a moment and said, "If you can't find it, I'll accompany you."

Xiao Mu said: "How can this work? You didn't take my mobile phone! But this mobile phone is not cheap..."

At this time, a girl next to Xiaomu snorted suddenly: "Lost it? How else can I lose it? Isn't it just stolen? We are all acquaintances. When I go out later, I will check the bag and it will be over." , I still don't believe that I can take it out like this!"

Everyone's faces became ugly when they heard this.

Xiao Mu said: "Xiong Zai is not good..."

The female voice called Xiong Zai had an indistinct disgust in her eyes, and said coldly: "What's wrong, everyone stay still, so that the thief can't transfer the stolen goods. Boys will be checked by Yao Yun, and girls will choose three first." Individuals check each other, and everyone checks, and it’s always right.”