Positive Energy System

Chapter 2: It was just an accident


Seeing Ji Chen'e's expression, Yi Wenle didn't know what happened. He patted the steering wheel heavily, and said angrily, "Did your father do it?"

Ji Chen'e didn't speak.

Yi Wenle said: "How could he do this? He really doesn't regard you as his son."

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's my fault..."

Yi Wenle seemed to be in a hurry, and yelled: "You're wrong? What's wrong with you, you just want to save people! It's all because of that damn brat!"

Ji Chen shook his fist heavily, he knew that Yi Wenle was comforting him. But in the eyes of almost everyone, his so-called saving people is just a joke.

More than a month ago, Ji Chen'e and some classmates went to play by the river, and saw a child begging for help by the river. Seeing this, Ji Chen'e didn't hesitate, and jumped directly from the dam into the river, trying to save the drowning child, but he never expected that he jumped into the river from the dam, and hit the bottom of the river directly , and the child who seemed to be drowning and begging for help actually stood up directly from the river—that child was pretending to be drowning, a not-so-funny joke that ruined Ji Chen'e's life.

He was rescued, sent to the hospital, and rescued with difficulty, but because of the severe impact, his spine was irreversibly damaged, and unless there was a miracle, he would not be able to stand up for the rest of his life.

The child knew that he had caused trouble, so he left in a hurry, and was later found by the police, but the child's family refused to admit that Ji Chen was injured because of saving someone.

According to what they said - Ji Chen'e was purely because of his playfulness, and had nothing to do with his children.

Ji Mingzhong was very angry after knowing this, but the object of his anger was Ji Chen'ai. When Ji Chen'e was still lying on the bed and could not move, he pointed directly at Ji Chen'e and said, "Why did I give birth to you? Stupid son."

Listening to his father's scolding, Ji Chen'ai shifted his eyes to his mother for help, while Shen Shuya looked away silently when facing Ji Chen'e's appeal for help.

Ji Chen'e was disappointed again, he looked at Shen Shuya, and finally lowered his head silently.

For Ji Zhongming, Ji Chen'ai became disabled because of saving people, which is simply the laughing stock of Ji's family. He only visited him once or twice during Ji Chen'e's illness, and then he never appeared again until Ji Chen'e was discharged from the hospital. It's as if he never had this son.

On the contrary, the elder brother Ji Suming, who had always regarded Ji Chen'ai as air, took him home when Ji Chen'e was discharged from the hospital.

Although he didn't say much along the way, when he carried Ji Chen'er into the wheelchair, he didn't have much hesitation or disgust.

Seeing Ji Chen'ai lowered his head and did not speak, Yi Wenle sighed, and he said, "I don't know if it's okay or not, Chen'ai, if you feel angry, you must speak out."

Ji Chen'er nodded.

As a good friend who played with Ji Chen'e since childhood, Yi Wenle also saw some changes in Ji Chen'e. He didn't know whether those changes were good or bad. He only knew that in the past few months, even Ji Chen'e It is normal to become two completely different people from before.

Under normal circumstances, after a sudden disability, the character of the person concerned will become a little sensitive and irritable. It seems quite understandable that people like Ji Chenye become less talkative.

After driving for more than 20 minutes to reach the destination, Yi Wenle carried Ji Chen'er into the wheelchair, and then pushed him into her home.

As soon as Ji Chen'ai entered the room, he saw a few people he knew sitting together playing cards and drinking, and chatting around, laughing from time to time.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, everyone paused for a moment, and looked towards the door, just in time to see Yi Wenle pushing Ji Chenye inside.

The originally very noisy room suddenly became quiet. After a while, Ji Chen'e heard a girl's voice, she said: "Chen Chen, are you better? I haven't seen you for a long time."

This girl's name is Tan Xiaomu, she is Ji Chen'e's classmate, she is in the same class as Yi Wenle, and they had a good relationship before. When Ji Chen'e was hospitalized, she also visited him in the hospital.

Ji Chen'ai said, "It's better."

Only then did the quiet room become lively again.

Generally speaking, most of the people in this room sympathized with Ji Chen'e, and expressed anger after knowing about Ji Chen'e, but not everyone felt that Ji Chen'e was a pity.

For example, Xiong Yao, who has never had a good relationship with Ji Chen'e, has no sympathy for Ji Chen'e at all. Yi Wenle, who she met in high school, also knew Ji Chen'e because of this, but after meeting several times, Xiong Yao began to recite When Ji Chen said bad things about him, he felt that he was hypocritical, pretending to be a virgin, and other negative comments.

There are too few good people in this world, so few people want to be a good person, but the first thing they face is the suspicion from the surroundings.

Ji Chen'ai has always been taught to be a gentleman. His mother told him that in this world, good people will be rewarded, but the reality slapped him hard. The price of mistakes is so great that it will take a lifetime to pay back. .

Yi Wenle asked Ji Chen'ai what he wanted to play, if he wanted to play video games on the second floor, Ji Chen'ai glanced at the friends who were playing cards around him, and nodded.

Seeing that Ji Chen'ai agreed, Yi Wenle asked someone to bring Ji Chen'e's wheelchair up. His family's conditions are very good, and he bought such a house when he was in high school, just to make it easier for him to go to school.

This house was decorated by Yi Wenle according to his own preferences, so the few guest rooms on the second floor were simply used to store the video game machines he bought.

Ji Chenye did not reject Yi Wenle's kindness, he knew that Yi Wenle really cared about him, and he didn't want him to be asked about everything, so he asked him if he wanted to go upstairs to play video games.

After entering the room, Yi Wenle asked Ji Chen'ai what he wanted to play, and the two chose live football. After Yi Wenle opened it, he handed over the handle to Ji Chen'ai.

Since the accident, Ji Chen'e hasn't played so relaxedly for a long time. No matter what he does at home, there are always people following him, and even when he goes to the bathroom, the servants are waiting outside to prevent him from having an accident. This sense of gap with the normal situation made Ji Chen'er feel very painful, but he searched around, but found that he had no one to confide in.

Yi Wenle is a very good playmate. He is enthusiastic, cheerful, and enjoys himself among his classmates. Compared with Ji Chen'ai, who has a relatively small circle of friends, he is like a person from two planets.

After playing the game for a few rounds, Ji Chen'ai suddenly put down the controller.

Yi Wenle said: "What's the matter? Dust?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Yi Wenle paused when he heard the words, and after hesitating, he whispered: "Do you need me to accompany you?"

Ji Chen shook his head.

Yi Wenle wanted to say something else, but saw the stubbornness in Ji Chen's eyes, he knew why Ji Chen'ai didn't want him to follow, so after weighing it, he just stood up and opened the door for Ji Chen'ai.

Ji Chen'e rode the wheelchair out of the bedroom, then turned a corner and went into the toilet.

Yi Wenle sat back on the sofa after seeing Ji Chen'ai go in, his expression was rarely sad, but soon, he adjusted his mentality and put a smile on his face again.

With difficulty, Ji Chen sat on the toilet with his hands, and then took off his pants. He looked down at his unconscious legs, and hit them heavily with his fist.

Ji Chen's back was arched, like a dying bird. After a long time, he wiped his face heavily, then put on his pants with difficulty, and then moved to the wheelchair.

Pulling the wheelchair out of the toilet, Ji Chen'ai went to Yi Wenle's bedroom while distracted.

However, when his wheelchair slid and just passed the stairs on the second floor, he suddenly felt a strong attack from behind him, and he rolled down the stairs with the wheelchair.

Ji Chen'e didn't know what happened after that, he only heard a girl's scream, followed by an extremely noisy voice.

Before he fell into a coma, Ji Chen'e suddenly thought, if he just died like this, maybe it would be good.

It's a pity that Ji Chen's wish didn't come true, he just woke up.

The pungent smell of disinfectant was so familiar, Ji Chen'ai knew before he even opened his eyes that he had returned to the hospital.

"Chen Chen, Chen Chen are you awake?" Yi Wenle's voice came over.

Ji Chen'ai frowned, opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw Yi Wenle looking at him very nervously, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Yi Wenle said: "Dust, why did you fall from upstairs?"

Ji Chen'e was silent for a moment, and said hoarsely, "Someone pushed me."

Yi Wenle was taken aback: "Someone pushed you?"

Ji Chen'ai's eyes were a little numb, and his tone was lifeless, he said: "Wen Le, for a person like me, wouldn't it be better to die?"

Yi Wenle said angrily: "What are you talking about

Ji Chen'ai stopped talking, and looked at the ceiling above his head indifferently, as if his soul had left his body.

Seeing Ji Chen'e like this, Yi Wenle didn't know what to say, he wanted to tell Ji Chen'e that even if others gave up on him, he would not give up on him, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

Just as Yi Wenle was struggling, Ji Chen'ai's family also arrived.

Yi Wenle called his family when Ji Chen'e had an accident, and the person who answered the phone was Ji Chen'e's mother kindly. It had been more than two hours before Ji Chen'e came to his house.

The person who came was Ji Chen'ai's elder brother, whom Yi Wenle didn't know well, so after greeting him, Ji Suming told Yi Wenle to leave first. Yi Wenle glanced at Ji Chen'ai, gritted his teeth, thinking about coming to see him tomorrow, so he got up and left.

Seeing Yi Wenle walk out of the room, Ji Suming looked at Ji Chenye lying on the bed, lifeless like a corpse, and said calmly, "Why do you always like to cause trouble for others so much?"

Ji Chen'ai turned his head numbly, looked at his brother, but couldn't say a word.

However, Ji Chen'e's reaction somehow won the favor of Ji Suming. He suddenly smiled, and then stretched out his hand to caress Ji Chen'e's scalp that was shaved due to the operation. He said, "Ji Chen'e, are you really Do you think that your name is Dust, just a misunderstanding?"

Ji Chen'e didn't move or speak.

Ji Suming's smile was even worse, but there was a hint of irony in this smile. He gently leaned close to Ji Suming's ear, and said softly, "Actually, this name is a gift from my mother."