Positive Energy System

Chapter 21: abducted person


Zhou Yaoyun's abnormality seems to be just Ji Chen'ai's illusion.

After that night, he returned to the usual gentle and cheerful Zhou Yaoyun, and he didn't have a cold war with Ji Chen'ai again.

Ji Chen's life is very regular every day, posting posts after getting up in the morning, eating lunch at noon, and then going out to pick up trash by himself when it's not so hot. Because he was afraid that his family would not understand, he did not agree to Wang Zhixiu's proposal to let Zhou Yaoyun go with him.

After spending the second half of the summer vacation in such an uneventful manner, Ji Chen'ai ushered in the start of school, and at this time, his positive energy value was about to reach 4,000.

Although he was still a little far away from the peak of the first level, Ji Chen'e realized that he had a goal to fight for.

When I went back to school, I also took the plane.

Wang Zhixiu asked Ji Chen'ai in private if he still wanted to go to Zhou Yaoyun's side, and Ji Chen'ai told her that he wanted to. When Wang Zhixiu heard the words, he let Ji Chenye go.

Before school started, Zhou Yaoyun cut his hair to an inch, and he looked extraordinarily energetic. He took a taxi back to his residence with Ji Chen'e in his arms. After entering the house and putting down his luggage, the first thing he did was to clean up.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ji Chen'ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun sweeping and mopping the floor, wiping the table and cleaning the windows, and said, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Zhou Yaoyun was wearing a mask and mopping the floor with his head buried. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at Ji Chen'ai. He said, "If brother is fine, go out and look around. When you come back, you can buy a packet of salt downstairs."

Ji Chen'ai agreed, he really can't help at home, and occasionally gets in the way, so it's better to help a little. At first, Zhou Yaoyun was a little worried about Ji Chen'e going out alone, but as the number of times increased, he was not as worried as he was at first. The law and order around their residence was pretty good, and almost no crime had occurred.

Ji Chen'ai took the wallet and went out alone.

The city where Zhou Yaoyun went to school is also in the south. It has just rained in the past few days, and the weather is not too hot.

Ji Chen'e thought it was still early, so he was not in a hurry, he walked out the door slowly, and then started picking up trash along the familiar road.

Xiao Qi has become accustomed to this, and just pretends that she doesn't exist.

When Ji Chen came out at three o'clock, he picked up trash for an hour and a half, and arrived at the park near his home.

Because it was working hours, and the school had already started, there were no pedestrians near the park. Ji Chen'e was slowly paddling his wheelchair, thinking about remembering to buy salt, when he heard Xiaoqi's screaming voice: "It's serious! Negative energy, found serious negative energy!"

Ji Chen was taken aback for a moment, then looked around, and found no suspicious person, but he soon noticed a white van driving towards him from the road.

If Ji Chen'ai was an ordinary person, he would run to crowded places, but now his legs are inconvenient, so he can only move his body with difficulty, trying to get out of this relatively remote road as soon as possible.

However, before Ji Chen could escape, the van stopped on the road not far from him, and then three men wearing masks and hats got out of the car.

These few people didn't say much, they ran towards Ji Chen'ai and quickly surrounded him.

Ji Chen'ai made a terrified look, and said, "What are you going to do, I have no money!"

These people didn't answer, they just lifted Ji Chen'er from the wheelchair, and took him directly to the van by force.

The actions of these people were very rude. When Ji Chen'e was hit hard on the back seat, his whole body hurt. Then his belongings, including the phone he was talking on, were searched, and a cloth bag was put on his head.

Zhou Yaoyun's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother? Brother? What's wrong with you, talk, brother?!"

Then the phone was hung up, and Ji Chen'e received a heavy kick in the abdomen, a man with another provincial accent said strangely: "This kid can still sell some money."

Ji Chen'e's heart sank, and he had a bad guess.

Xiao Qi sighed: "If you didn't use the Invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Kick skill some time ago, you would have already run away now..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "What's the use of running away? Don't tell me I won't go out anymore? These people are obviously after me."

Xiao Qi said: "Then what do you do now?"

Ji Chen'ai estimated the cooldown time of Invincible Flying Kicks, so he could only grit his teeth: "Let's delay these two days first." He is a disabled person, and these people will definitely not watch over him very closely.

When Ji Chen'ai was taken away, Zhou Yaoyun was cooking porridge. When he heard the phone ringing, he picked it up and pressed the answer button. The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit noisy, but I could barely hear someone shouting something. When Zhou Yaoyun heard the source of the voice clearly, the expression on his entire face changed instantly.

Apparently something happened to Ji Chen'ai to call him, and he kept calling for help.

Zhou Yaoyun's inquiry did not get any answer. After the phone was hung up, Zhou Yaoyun's phone was turned off when she called again.

Ignoring the porridge that was still cooking, Zhou Yaoyun hurriedly turned off the fire, and called the police while going out. Twenty minutes later, he found Ji Chen's wheelchair at the gate of the park.

Zhou Yaoyun panted profusely with sweat, and then punched the wheelchair hard.

When Ji Chen'e was tied up in the car, he kept thinking about who he had offended. Based on the accents and content of these people's words, Ji Chen'e quickly remembered a name—Yang Yuyi, who was sold here by human traffickers from the Northeast. The little girl begging.

Except for the traffickers, it seems that he didn't offend anyone else, but why would these people know his information...

Ji Chen was a little confused, he forced himself to calm down and think about countermeasures.

The car drove for a long time, and when Ji Chen'e had almost figured out what had happened, he was also pulled out of the car.

Ji Chen'e's legs are not good, so when these people pulled him, it was kind of insulting. They didn't care whether he could walk or not, but just dragged him away like a sack.

Ji Chen's head was covered with a cloth bag, so he couldn't see the surroundings clearly. He was pulled and thrown to the ground by several people, and his body was covered with bruises.

Fortunately, the cloth bag on Ji Chen'e's head was finally taken off.

The person who took the cloth bag on Ji Chen's head was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was not tall and had a fierce face. He had just helped Ji Chen take the cloth bag, and then kicked Ji Chen's chest: "That's it!" The bastard killed the third sister?"

Ji Chen'ai let out a muffled snort from being kicked.

The man standing next to this man said: "Fourth brother, don't kill him, you can make money no matter what you look like."

The fourth child scanned Ji Chen'ai up and down with a look of looking at the goods, then turned to ask the only woman among the four, "Sister, how much can this person sell for?"

The woman called Big Sister took a look at Ji Chen'ai: "Just this face can be sold for a lot of money."

The fourth child said: "But he has already seen what we look like."

The eldest sister said: "I'm afraid of a fart. When the time comes, I will cut off my tongue and break my hands. Are you afraid that he will talk about it? There are many people who like this mouth, so I am afraid that it will be out of stock."

Having said that, Ji Chen'ai's guess has been confirmed, these people really belong to the "beggar gang". And the reason why he was kidnapped here was probably because he rescued Yang Yuyi, which caused Yang Yuyi's father to retaliate against this organization.

Ji Chen said: "Didn't any negative energy skills be triggered? Why can't the devil's smile be used here?"

Xiaoqi explained: "The devil's smile can only be used on children, because the punishment is weak, so there is a strict age limit."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Okay, what good news do you have for me?"

Xiao Qi said: "The good news is that your negative energy value has activated the second level of negative energy skills."

Hearing the words, Ji Chen looked at the panel carefully, and found that there were more "salvation of the slanderer", "self-awareness of the cruel" and "courage of the coward" on the skill panel. Ji Chen knew that Xiao Qi would not explain these skills in detail. He simply did not ask.

The person who kidnapped Ji Chen'ai originally thought that if Ji Chen'e made a big fuss, he would beat him up first, but he didn't expect that the kid didn't react at all after hearing his miserable future, with a silent expression on his face like Has given up resistance.

The eldest sister said: "Throw him into the room and lock him up with those women and children. Just feed him one meal a day. Someone will come and pick him up in a few days."

The fourth child asked: "Sister, can I have a taste first..."

The eldest sister scolded: "Try it, it's all good stuff, if it's broken, it will affect the price, the boss won't peel your skin!"

The fourth child sneered twice, but stopped talking. But after sweeping his face with the eldest sister, he took his anger out on Ji Chen'e, grabbed Ji Chen'e's arm, and dragged him directly into the house, completely ignoring the rough ground, rubbing lines on Ji Chen'e's body bloodstains.

It would be fine in winter, but in summer everyone didn't wear thick clothes, and when Ji Chen'ai was dragged to the back room, half of his body was covered in blood.

The fourth child grabbed Ji Chen'ai and threw it into the room, and spat on the ground: "Stay well inside, or your leg will be broken!" He suddenly remembered that Ji Chen'e's leg was useless in the first place, and then Turning around, she said to Ji Chen'ai, "If you want to keep your eyes, just be obedient!"

Ji Chen'ai didn't speak until the fourth child closed the door with a bang, then he raised his head and looked around.

In this room, there were actually five or six haggard-looking women, and three children lying on the ground who looked like they were dying.

Xiaoqi said: "I really admire you..."

Ji Chen'e: "Huh?"

Xiao Qi said: "Your positive energy has not yet reached the first level, and the negative energy is almost at the third level..."

Ji Chenye: "..."