Positive Energy System

Chapter 22: My balls


The women who were locked in the room all looked numb, and there were obvious scars on their naked bodies, it could be seen that they had learned a lot. When they saw Ji Chen'e with disabled legs being thrown in, they didn't say a word. After glancing at him, they numbly withdrew their eyes.

Ji Chen'ai sat in the room for a while before asking in a low voice, "How long have you been arrested?"

After a moment of silence in the room, one of the long-haired women whispered, "It's been more than ten days, and you were sold by your family?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "No, I helped arrest the traffickers and offended them."

The woman sighed when she heard the words, and she said: "Be honest, otherwise everyone will starve with you."

Seeing that the woman was willing to talk to him, Ji Chen asked about some traffickers.

It turned out that some of these people were abducted and sold by acquaintances, and some were directly kidnapped like Ji Chen. They have been here for more than ten days, and it is not that no one has tried to escape, but none of them succeeded. .

As long as someone fails to escape, everyone will be implicated, ranging from no food for a day or two, to severe beatings, but the traffickers are concerned about the quality of these goods, so they are not too harsh.

But even so, several women and children weakened quickly. They can only drink a bowl of porridge and a little dry food a day to maintain the most basic survival. After a long time of starvation, they have no strength to escape. , all have a taste of self-abandonment.

The woman who answered Ji Chen's question was sold by her husband. Her husband owed a gambling debt, but he used her to pay off the debt. It's not that she didn't want to run away, but she failed once and was starved for several days. Desperate.

Ji Chen'ai could tell that the women in this room were not bad-looking. Although the faces of the children locked in the corner were not good-looking, they could still tell they were beauties. Ji Chen'ai remembered what the traffickers said, and knew The time for him to save himself is very urgent.

But what can he do with his disabled legs? The women and children in the room didn't have any hope for him when they saw that Ji Chen'ai couldn't even move, they had already resigned to their fate.

Zhou Yaoyun called the police soon after Ji Chen'e went missing. After the police arrived at the scene, they checked the video near the road. They found a van that hadn't been photographed passing by the park where Ji Chen'e had disappeared, then scurried into an unmonitored path, and was never seen again.

When Zhou Yaoyun was at the police station, he met the policeman who Ji Chenye called the police to arrest the traffickers last time. The policeman also recognized Zhou Yaoyun, and after asking about the situation, he showed a hesitant expression.

Zhou Yaoyun was very sensitive to people's expressions, and naturally saw that the policeman had something to say, so taking the opportunity of smoking, the two chatted about some things that were not easy to say on the surface.

The policeman smoked and said, "My name is Xu Yidai, you can call me Brother Xu."

Zhou Yaoyun also took a cigarette and lit it for himself, and he said, "Brother Xu, can my brother still find it?"

The policeman was silent for a while, then sighed: "Xiao Zhou, it's not that the police are not here to help you, do you remember the little girl you rescued last time?"

Zhou Yaoyun nodded.

Xu Yidai continued: "When I found her, she was a woman begging together. You also know that if she was really the leader, she would definitely not do such a thing."

Zhou Yaoyun knew what Xu Yidai's words meant, it was nothing more than the woman who was sentenced to death, she was just a scapegoat.

Xu Yidai said: "This matter about your brother..." He pointed at it while talking, and then shook his head.

Zhou Yaoyun clenched the fist at his side.

Xu Yidai said: "Let me give you a suggestion, you go to contact the father of the little girl your brother saved last time, see if there can be any help there, otherwise..."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "What else?"

Xu Yidai kept smoking, and shook his head at Zhou Yaoyun again. This kind of cases of missing people happens from time to time. Although Zhou Yaoyun said that Ji Chen'ai was kidnapped, if the kidnappers don't contact them, their chances of finding Ji Chen'ai are very slim. Besides, Ji Chen'e has a problem with his legs, so he can't be expected to escape by himself...

Zhou Yaoyun said, "Thank you."

Xu Yidai said: "Sorry, I can't help you much, this circle really shouldn't be messed with."

After that, Zhou Yaoyun called Yang Yuyi's father. After the call was connected, Zhou Yaoyun directly described the things here.

After listening to Zhou Yaoyun's description, Yang Yuyi's father was also a little angry. Ji Chen's behavior could be said to have saved their family and changed their fate, but now that he has been implicated in this incident, he will naturally not stand by and watch .

Mr. Yang said: "Brother Zhou, don't be in a hurry. I'll call here and find your brother first, and then talk about other things."

Zhou Yaoyun complied. As a student, he can't do anything right now. The only thing he can do is to pray that nothing will happen to Ji Chen.

On the first day Ji Chen'e disappeared, those who looked for him found almost nothing.

At the same time, Ji Chen'ai, who was locked up, ate his first meal when he was locked up.

The very thin porridge was served with steamed buns the size of a child's fist. Everyone ate it hungrily, not letting go of a single grain of rice.

Ji Chen'ai also finished his food. He remembered the conversation between the fourth child of the human trafficker and his eldest sister, and thought that he must seize the opportunity to cool down "Invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Kung", otherwise, he was afraid that he would really be sold like a commodity. to other places.

On the second day after Ji Chen'ai disappeared, Zhou Yaoyun did not receive any news. He called Mr. Yang at night, and the news he got was that he was contacting the person over there, and he probably had to wait. Mr. Yang called Zhou Yaoyun. Don't worry, he will definitely not let Ji Chen'ai be sold out.

How could Zhou Yaoyun not be in a hurry, he searched all around, and went to the police station to check the nearby videos, but found nothing. Either the person who kidnapped Ji Chen was very experienced, or someone had erased these traces in private.

When returning home at night, Zhou Yaoyun saw Ji Chenchen's wheelchair, he walked over, got on it, touched the handle of the wheelchair with his palm, fell silent, then lowered his head and kissed it lightly.

Ji Chen'e didn't know what happened outside, but he found that from the second day onwards, the mood of these human traffickers became a little irritable, and they even came and kicked the closed doors several times.

Ji Chen'e's invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Kick skill still had eight or nine hours to cool down, so he could only hold his breath and endure this period of time.

Soon on the morning of the third day, Ji Chen'e heard a sound of cursing, and then the iron door was opened, and the middle-aged man called the fourth child walked in.

Seeing this person, the women and children in the room seemed a little terrified. They leaned against the wall and trembled, fearing that they would be punished if they offended this person.

Ji Chen'e's skills had already cooled down at four o'clock in the morning, and he had confidence in his heart. Looking at the fourth child who was walking towards him with a full face of anger, he said in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

Since Ji Chen'ai came in, he has always been very weak, and in addition to his disability, the traffickers didn't realize that he had any chance to escape.

The fourth child grabbed Ji Chen'e's arm, dragged him out, and said, "Little cripple, you can do it."

Ji Chen'ai didn't struggle, and was dragged out by the fourth child all the way. Everyone in the room showed terrified expressions, but no one dared to speak.

Soon, Ji Chen'ai was dragged to the place where he just came here.

Standing in the middle of the warehouse was the woman who was called the eldest sister by the fourth child. She looked at Ji Chen'e with a disgusted expression: "Fourth child, after playing, he will be blinded and his tongue will be cut off. If you have hands, don't forget to interrupt."

The fourth child smiled, and said, "Eldest sister, don't worry about my work, but the boss won't scold me if I mess up like this."

The eldest sister said: "Crap, this person will be put back after playing. He has seen our appearance. If he doesn't kill them, he will give those people face. Hmph, but he has been put back for them. What do you want to do?" like."

When Ji Chen'ai heard this, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what was going on. He said why these people became so irritable for no reason. It turned out that someone outside was intervening in this matter.

But even so, they were still unwilling to let Ji Chen'ai, who had seen their appearance, be released so easily.

Ji Chen'ai no longer hesitated, and first opened the eyes of the sun.

After the eldest sister said these words, she took another look at Ji Chen'e. Her younger sister was sentenced to death because of Ji Chen'e, so she should have hated Ji Chen'e very much because of this, but for some reason, now she felt that Ji Chen'e was not so obtrusive. Looking at Ji Chen'e's bruised body and his pitiful expression, he actually felt a little distressed for no reason.

The eldest sister coughed dryly: "Don't do it here later, go to bed, so as not to make a mess of the room."

The fourth child hurriedly agreed, then picked up Ji Chen'ai and walked over to where they lived.

It can be seen from this that the sun's gaze still has a certain effect, otherwise the eldest sister would never let the fourth child go to bed, and the fourth child would not have to carry Ji Chen away, he would definitely be dragging Ji Chen'er like a sack just like before go in.

Ji Chen'ai calculated the time, and when the fourth child put him on the bed, he activated the invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Kick.

Ji Chen'ai lay on the bed, looked at the squinting fourth child, and tremblingly said: "Can you be gentle? I'm afraid of pain."

The fourth child chuckled, and said, "Beauty, don't be afraid, I'm gentle, hahaha." While talking, he wanted to take off Ji Chen's clothes.

Ji Chen'ai suddenly passed the fourth child's eyes, looked at the door, and exclaimed, "Who is that man?"

The fourth child reflexively turned his head and looked back. As soon as he saw the empty doorway, he felt a burst of unspeakable pain. The blood dripping crotch, with an expression of disbelief, just fell to the ground.

Xiao Qi: "Egg Exploding Maniac Season Dust..."

Ji Chen'e: "Shut up."