Positive Energy System

Chapter 23: It will be tough after all


The fourth child was kicked to a key part by Ji Chen'e, and passed out with a scream. When Ji Chen'e used the skill Invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Kick, his strength was slightly stronger enough to break a brick. Eggy is simply a matter of handy.

The fourth child's scream was extremely miserable, so it was naturally heard by the eldest sister outside the room.

The elder sister took a few steps to the door and called out, "Fourth, what's wrong?"

Ji Chen replied in a weak voice in the room: "Help, help..."

The eldest sister heard Ji Chen'e's voice, and hurriedly asked, "What happened inside?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Someone broke in and stabbed him..."

I don't know if it's Sunshine's gaze that played a role, or if the eldest sister really didn't notice any threat from Ji Chen'e, she actually believed Ji Chen'e's words without hesitation, and she said, "Where's that person?"

Ji Chen'ai glanced at the window not far away, and said, "I jumped out of the window and escaped..."

The elder sister said: "I'll get the key to open the door!" Then her footsteps walked away, and she came back after a while, Ji Chen'ai hid beside the door, and kicked hard without hesitation the moment the elder sister opened the door past.

The force that could easily kick a broken stone slab hit the person. Before the elder sister could react, the whole person flew out and hit the wall heavily.

Ji Chen'ai walked over to take a look at her, and found that she was completely motionless.

Ji Chen'ai stared at the elder sister for a while, then bent down and put his hand under the elder sister's noseā€”as he expected, this wicked woman had already lost her breath.

When Ji Chen left, he didn't leave any leeway, he couldn't feel any pity for these people.

After confirming that the eldest sister was dead, Ji Chen'ai picked up a dagger that she had dropped not far away, and then turned around and entered the fourth child's room. At this time, only five minutes had passed since he used his skills, and Ji Chen'ai still had enough time to ask what he wanted to ask.

The fourth child was awakened by the pain. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ji Chen'ai squatting beside him, looking at him expressionlessly. As soon as the fourth child turned his head, he realized that his hand had been directly nailed to the bed by a knife.

Seeing that the fourth child had woken up, Ji Chen'ai pulled out the knife, and then patted the fourth child's face with the back of the knife: "What's your boss' name, name? Where is this place? How do we leave?"

The fourth child yelled for help without saying a word, and Ji Chen'ai waited for him to yell twice before laughing, "Before you yell for help, don't you first see who owns this knife?"

The fourth child was taken aback, and then recognized the owner of the knife in Ji Chen'ai's hand. He immediately changed his face and begged, "I don't know who the boss is. I'm just a handyman. Your lord has a lot. forgive me!"

Ji Chen'ai said: "I'm asking you a question now. If you don't answer, I'll cut off a finger. If you don't answer to your satisfaction, I'll cut you off."

The fourth child immediately fell silent.

There was no blood on Ji Chen'e's body, and he still looked as gentle and gentle as when he was in pain. If it wasn't for the knife in his hand and his cold eyes, no one would believe that he could do such a thing. matter. Ji Chen asked Xiao Qi to start the Liar's Doom, and then began to ask questions.

Ji Chen'ai said, "How do you usually contact the boss?"

The fourth child said: "We only know one phone number and one account number of the boss, and we really don't know anything else."

Ji Chen'ai continued to ask: "Where is this place, how did you leave here, and how long will it take for the rest to come back?"

The fourth child said: "This is the western suburbs, there is a car at the door, and the eldest sister has the car key, he, they will not come back today."

Ji Chen'ai knew that the fourth child was just a small soldier, and he didn't know much. After asking about the account number and phone number, he asked the last question: "Are you really going to cut off my eyes and tongue? ?"

According to common sense, if the fourth child wants to survive, he must lie. Unfortunately, at this time, he couldn't help telling the truth: "Yes..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's not the first time you've done this kind of thing, right? Where did you send those people?"

The fourth child shivered and said that he didn't know, the eldest sister was in charge of these things, and he was only playing the role of a thug.

Ji Chen'ai turned his head and looked outside the door, and suddenly regretted kicking the eldest sister to death. She knew obviously more than the fourth child.

But now, what Ji Chen'e wanted to ask was finished, he looked down at the book in his hand and said, "I won't kill you."

The fourth child finally breathed a sigh of relief, his crotch was bloody and bloody, and now his face was as pale as a dead man.

Ji Chen'ai threw the phone to him: "Call the police yourself, then call the ambulance, speak well, or..."

Where did the fourth child dare to say anything more, he called the police in a crying voice, and then called an ambulance for himself.

Ji Chen'ai waited for him to finish the phone call, and suddenly smiled, and said, "Hey, it's the first time I'm doing this kind of thing, I'm really a little nervous, so I'll keep your eyes open."

The fourth child's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what Ji Chen'ai said.

Ji Chen'ai smiled at the fourth child, then chopped off the knife in his hand heavily.

Xiao Qi didn't say a word during this period, and seemed to acquiesce to Ji Chen's actions. It quietly watched Ji Chen's turn the fourth child into a waste who didn't speak or write, and then looked at Ji Chen'e and hummed. Singing a brisk song, he went to wash off all the blood on his hands. Then, he found a wet towel in the room, wiped the fingerprints on the dagger back and forth, and then put the dagger back not far from the body of the elder sister. .

After doing all this, only forty minutes had passed. According to the location mentioned by the fourth child, Ji Chen'ai estimated that it would be more than ten minutes before the police arrived. He sat on the floor of the warehouse and suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Xiaoqi, I'm so sleepy." There were too many mosquitoes last night, and he was worried about himself, so he couldn't fall asleep.

Xiao Qi said: "Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Ji Chen'e hummed, and simply lay down on the ground, then fell into a drowsy sleep.

When the police arrived, what they saw was a very shocking crime scene.

A female prisoner died on the spot with her internal organs ruptured due to the heavy blow, while the other trafficker was shaved into something similar to a human stick.

When he was rescued by the ambulance, his eyes widened and he yelled, but unfortunately he didn't have any tongue left, and he couldn't say anything.

The police found Ji Chen'e in the warehouse, and Ji Chen'e had many scars on his body, so most people thought that he was abused, so he passed out and called an ambulance to take him away.

Ji Chen'ai was also soundly asleep, and he didn't wake up when he was carried up.

Then, the police found several women and children locked up in a room. After questioning, they learned that these people were all abducted by human traffickers. These women had completely lost hope of being rescued, but they didn't expect the police to come suddenly and save them from hell.

Ji Chen'e was sleeping soundly, and he didn't seem to have any adverse reactions at all because of those bloody things.

After the police inspected the scene, they concluded that the traffickers were fighting among themselves, and the murderer had escaped. Apart from this, there seemed to be no other more reasonable answer.

Although Ji Chen'er appeared in a very suspicious position, as a young man with disabled legs and a very thin body, no one thought he was capable of doing these things. Moreover, the cause of the eldest sister's death is a mystery that cannot be solved by science-she was hit in the chest hard, causing internal organs to rupture, and the force was so great that most of her sternum was shattered.

However, the entire warehouse was searched, but the lethal weapon was not found.

But this kind of person is dead after death, and he died of internal strife, and the police don't bother to investigate.

Zhou Yaoyun stayed with Ji Chen'ai in the hospital until he woke up.

As soon as Ji Chen'ai opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Yaoyun who was sitting next to him in a daze. He looked at his body, only to find that all the wounds had been bandaged up.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, you are awake, is there any discomfort?"

Ji Chen'ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun, and suddenly plunged into Zhou Yaoyun's arms, then hugged him tightly, and said aggrievedly: "Xiaoyun, I thought I was going to die."

Zhou Yaoyun comforted Ji Chen, and he said, "Brother, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

While the two were talking, a man in a police uniform walked in, and said humanely, "Excuse me, but I'm from the police station. I'm here to do an investigation."

Ji Chen'ai was still trembling, he said, "Help, Xiaoyun, I'm so scared."

Zhou Yaoyun looked at the policeman suspiciously: "If you have any questions, can't you ask them in two days?"

The policeman showed an embarrassed smile: "I'm really sorry, the higher-ups urged you hard on this matter..."

Only then did Ji Chenye reveal a pair of eyes full of tears from Zhou Yaoyun's arms. These eyes were full of horror, which made people feel pity. He said, "You, you can ask."

The man started to ask some routine questions, and Ji Chen'e answered them one by one. He didn't answer many questions directly, and most of them looked dazed and terrified, as if they had really fallen into a coma and didn't know anything.

After asking questions, the policeman said thank you and left.

Seeing that he had gone out, Ji Chen'ai gradually put away his pitiful expression.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Chen'e hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head, he didn't want to involve Zhou Yaoyun in this matter.

Not long after the man left, Xu Yidai, who had helped Zhou Yaoyun at the police station, appeared and asked, "How is Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "It's okay."

Xu Yidai said: "If you have time, why don't you go to the bureau to make a record? This matter is probably a bit big."

Zhou Yaoyun was stunned when he heard it: "Didn't someone come and take the notes?"

Xu Yidai looked puzzled: "What did you say?"

Then, the two were silent for a few seconds, and immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words - the person who came to take the record was not a policeman at all.