Positive Energy System

Chapter 25: Goodbye Shen Shuya


Ji Chen'ai didn't know where Zhou Yaoyun was going, Zhou Yaoyun didn't tell, and he didn't ask.

On the contrary, Wang Zhixiu seemed relieved when she heard the news. She told Ji Chen'ai a lot on the phone, and then told him that she would take him home in two days.

Ji Chen'ai listened to Wang Zhixiu's rambling, and didn't feel impatient at all.

At the end of the phone call, Wang Zhixiu said: "Xiaoqin, don't blame Xiaoyun, our family doesn't owe him anything, and he doesn't owe us anything."

Ji Chen'ai was taken aback when he heard the words, and vaguely understood the meaning behind Wang Zhixiu's words.

Wang Zhixiu continued: "If you want to blame, blame your parents, it's because we are incapable..."

After Ji Chen'e finished the phone call with Wang Zhixiu, Xiao Qi told him that he had part of his memory, which was unlocked again.

Ji Chen'e looked at the part of Zhou Yaoqin's forgotten memory, and finally understood why this part of the memory exceeded the standard of negative energy, and Xiao Qi forcibly locked it up.

Zhou Yaoyun was not born in their family, his life experience is a mystery, but both Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yumian love him as their own son, otherwise they would not be faced with the dilemma of Zhou Yaoyun's life or Ji Chen's leg, In the end, Zhou Yaoyun was chosen.

After Zhou Yaoqin knew that Zhou Yaoyun was not the real son of the Zhou family, his personality became even weirder. He didn't talk to others and locked himself in the room all day, as if he hated the world.

Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yumian really couldn't be cruel to Zhou Yaoqin, so they had to let him go.

But no one thought that Zhou Yaoqin chose to die in the end. He was jealous of Zhou Yaoyun, but the person he hated the most was himself.

Zhou Yaoqin hates himself like this, selfish, extreme, sensitive, and so out of tune with this world.

Coupled with Liu Ziming's harassment of Zhou Yaoqin, Zhou Yaoqin was completely desperate for this world. A bottle of sleeping pills allowed him to enter another world and gave Ji Chen'e a new life.

The time for Zhou Yaoyun to leave is set to be a week later, and Ji Chen'ai is about to leave here too. Zhou Yaoyun no longer goes to school, and there is no point in staying here for him.

Before leaving, Ji Chen'e had something he wanted to do. In the bedroom, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Shuya's number. After the phone rang twice, he connected. Shen Shuya's voice came from the other end Come, she said: "Hello, who is it?"

Ji Chen'e was silent for a moment, and asked, "Is this Ms. Shen?"

Shen Shuya hummed.

Ji Chen'ai said: "I'm Ji Chen'e's friend..."

Shen Shuya's breath became short of breath, and her voice became a little hoarse: "What's the matter with you?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Well... I want to ask, how are you doing?"

Shen Shuya snorted coldly after hearing this question, and then she said hoarsely: "Are you really Ji Chen'e's friend? Why didn't you come to Ji Chen'e's funeral?"

Ji Chen'e was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Shen Shuya would ask such a question.

Shen Shuya said: "After the dust of my family passed away, two friends came here. You friend, where did you come from?"

With such offensive words, Ji Chen'e couldn't imagine that it was said from his mother's mouth, that gentle and even cowardly woman became so aggressive.

Ji Chen'ai wanted to use this phone call to bid farewell to the past world, but he didn't expect that he had an unexpected harvest.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Are you free recently? I want to meet you."

Shen Shuya said: "Sure, I've been very free recently."

After Ji Chen'ai and Shen Shuya agreed on a time and place, they hung up the phone.

Zhou Yaoyun, who was standing at the door, had been listening to Ji Chen'ai's phone call. Seeing that he had hung up, he said, "Shall I take you there?"

Ji Chen'ai put the phone in his pocket, and he said, "How do you know the name Ji Chen'e?"

Zhou Yaoyun leaned against the door frame, looked at Ji Chen'ai, smiled and said, "Do you remember the one who went out with me to order cakes?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "When was your birthday?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "In the shopping mall, you stared at a man for a long time."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." Why do I somehow feel that this sentence is ambiguous.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Zhou Yaoqin will never stare at others, and he will not accompany me to buy cakes... To be precise, I have felt that something is wrong since the day you came to him."

Ji Chen'ai has always known that Zhou Yaoyun is very sensitive to details, but he did not expect Zhou Yaoyun to be so sensitive, and even noticed the truth of the matter from some details that are easily overlooked by ordinary people.

Zhou Yaoyun continued: "At the beginning, I also felt very strange, and even felt that I was thinking too much, but then I went to check the man you have been staring at—his name is Ji Suming, right?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Well..."

Zhou Yaoyun smiled: "Then I discovered the similarities between Ji Chen'e and Zhou Yaoqin, plus you showed a flaw, and there is only one last answer left."

Ji Chen'ai sighed: "What flaw did I reveal?"

Zhou Yaoyun took a look at Ji Chen'e, then turned and went into the living room. After a while, he brought a strawberry cake and said, "I bought it for you at noon, eat it while it's fresh."

Ji Chen'ai didn't know what Zhou Yaoyun was trying to sell, but he took it anyway and started eating the cake with a spoon.

After Zhou Yaoyun ate a fresh strawberry, Ji Chenye smiled and said, "Did anyone tell you that Zhou Yaoqin doesn't eat fresh strawberries?"

Ji Chen'er took a bite of the spoon, and he clearly remembered that on the first day he came to this body, Zhou Yaoqin brought him a cute panda-patterned cake, and the panda's ears were decorated with strawberries.

Actually, on the first day he came here, he showed his feet.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "But you don't have to worry, Mom and the others don't spend much time with you, and they don't care about these small things, so if you pay attention to it, you won't be exposed."

Ji Chen'ai frowned: "You...don't plan to tell Wang Zhixiu the truth?"

Zhou Yaoyun lowered his eyelashes and said casually: "If you know what kind of person Zhou Yaoqin is, you probably won't think it's a bad thing for him to disappear, and I told you that I, Zhou Yaoyun, have never been a good person. "

He is very selfish, and Zhou Yaoqin, who is not related to him by blood, has exhausted his last patience long ago.

If Ji Chen'ai hadn't suddenly occupied the magpie's nest, Zhou Yaoyun didn't know how long he could endure it.

Ji Chen'ai sighed: "Forget it, let's not talk about this, Shen Shuya and I have an appointment to meet tomorrow morning, you can send me there."

Zhou Yaoyun hummed, and turned to make dinner.

Ji Chen'ai walked away for a while, and decided to go to bed early, because he felt a little tired today.

The next day, Zhou Yaoyun sent Ji Chen to the place agreed with Shen Shuya.

When Ji Chen'e got there, he saw that Shen Shuya was already drinking tea at the teahouse. She was wearing a very plain coat, and she looked the same as when Ji Chen'e met him in the hospital.

After Zhou Yaoyun carried Ji Chen'ai to his seat, he turned and left.

Shen Shuya's original eyes were slightly hostile, but when she saw Ji Chen'e's legs, the hostility in her eyes dissipated and turned into a kind of unbearable pain.

Ji Chen'ai greeted Shen Shuya: "Hi, my name is Zhou Yaoqin."

Shen Shuya said: "You know what my name is..."

Ji Chen'e nodded, and he said, "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for Chen's funeral. I was out of town at that time and couldn't make it back."

Shen Shuya said: "Well, I understand." She paused for a moment, "You... When did you know Chen Chen?"

Ji Chen'e lied casually: "I met Ji Chen'e on the Internet, I would like to ask, you are now..."

Shen Shuya knew what Ji Chen'e was going to ask, she smiled sarcastically: "I divorced Ji Zhongming."

Ji Chen'e showed a surprised expression.

Shen Shuya said: "This person, only after being taught a lesson can he know what is right and what is wrong. I have been hiding all my life, and I still have to face what should be faced." When she said this, her smile was filled with bitterness. "I'm sorry for my dust..."

Ji Chen'ai never thought that he could hear Shen Shuya's words. In his impression, his mother had a good temper to the point of weakness. He never thought that one day Shen Shuya would choose to divorce Ji Zhongming.

Shen Shuya is over forty years old. Although she is well maintained, she is still a woman close to middle age. She has been raised all her life, and she doesn't know how to survive in this society.

But looking at her current appearance, although she is much haggard compared to before, she doesn't have the shrinking that Ji Chen'e hates.

Shen Shuya said: "During Dust's funeral, there were only a few people who came, not even Ji Mingzhong. I saw clearly who he was, and I also saw clearly who I am."

Seeing Shen Shuya speaking indifferently, Ji Chen'ai seemed unmoved by these things.

Ji Chen'ai originally wanted to see how Shen Shuya was doing, but he didn't expect to hear such words.

Shen Shuya said: "During the time when Dust's leg was injured, I was always very scared. I didn't even dare to talk to him. I was afraid that he would ask me, Mom, didn't you always teach me to do good deeds? But Why do good deeds get no good rewards?"

Ji Chen'ai also thought about this question, but now he no longer thinks about it.

Shen Shuya sighed softly: "I can't answer Chen Chen's question, because what I taught him is all wrong. There is no need for a good person in this world."

Ji Chen'ai never thought that he could hear this sentence from Shen Shuya's mouth.

Shen Shuya took a sip of tea, her eyes were still calm, she looked at Zhou Yaoqin in front of her, and seemed to see the shadow of her son who died young in this young man who was also handicapped, she smiled: "In my life, the most sorry People are just dust, I didn't fight for his name, I didn't fight for Ji Mingzhong's things, and when I wanted to fight, he didn't need it anymore."