Positive Energy System

Chapter 26: farewell ceremony


Ji Chen'e didn't expect this to happen. He thought that after his death, Shen Shuya would continue to compromise with Ji Mingzhong as before, but now, Shen Shuya sitting in front of him told him that she was unwilling to continue living like that.

Ji Chen'e's death hit Shen Shuya very hard. From the moment Ji Chen'e was pushed away covered in a white cloth, she was on the verge of collapse. Until Ji Chen'e was buried, she never stopped crying.

Ji Suming once said to Ji Chenye that Ji Mingzhong was a terrifyingly selfish man, and in Ji Chenye's death incident, he perfectly manifested this selfishness.

Ji Mingzhong didn't comfort Shen Shuya, he didn't realize that Ji Chen'e's death had anything to do with him, he even had some resentment towards Ji Chen'e - because Ji Chen'e's reputation as their family had been affected.

On the day of Ji Chen's burial, only two of Ji Chen's friends came, one was Yi Wenle and the other was Tan Xiaomu, they comforted Shen Shuya a few words, and then left with red eyes.

Because of Ji Mingzhong's relationship, Shen Shuya and her family were very tense, and in the eyes of Ji Mingzhong's family, Shen Shuya was just a mistress with a bad reputation, and even Ji Chenchen was insignificant, because of this Ji Chenchen's funeral was so special cool.

Shen Shuya took three handfuls of soil and covered Ji Chen's urn, muttering sorry, she raised her head and saw Ji Chen's photo pasted on the tombstone.

Ji Chen in that photo was obviously so strange and cold that it made Shen Shuya feel difficult to breathe.

Almost instantly, Shen Shuya felt some emotions in her body escape, she raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and kissed the tombstone in front of her.

After the funeral, Shen Shuya divorced Ji Mingzhong resolutely. Faced with Shen Shuya's divorce agreement, Ji Mingzhong was almost furious. He never thought that Shen Shuya would dare to dump him like this, which made him feel completely lost face.

Ji Mingzhong even pointed at Shen Shuya angrily and scolded: "You bitch, don't you think that I didn't know that you cuckolded me back then, but now that you feel that your life is better, you want to make trouble? Let me tell you, Divorce is fine, but you don't even want to take a penny away!"

Shen Shuya looked at Ji Mingzhong, suddenly a little puzzled, how did she manage to spend her whole life with such a man, he was vicious, selfish, mean, completely different from the partner she imagined to spend her whole life with.

When Shen Shuya woke up, she let it go. She left Ji's house and started her own life. Although life was difficult at the beginning, it was always possible to survive.

Ji Chen'ai knew that Shen Shuya's life was not good, he could see it from her rough hands and plain clothes, but in this woman, he could no longer see the shadow of cowardice, he said that being a mother is strong, Ji Chen'e's death completely transformed Shen Shuya.

Ji Chen'e couldn't help thinking, if Shen Shuya was like this back then, would he still choose to die? No one knew the answer to this question, but Ji Chen'e still felt an indescribable relief.

It is a very happy thing that someone is willing to shed tears over your death.

Ji Chen'ai looked at Shen Shuya, then took out a bank card from his pocket, and said, "Auntie, this is my heart."

Shen Shuya showed a puzzled expression.

Ji Chen'ai said: "I hope you can accept it for Ji Chen's sake."

Shen Shuya said: "How can this work, you are just a student..."

Before Shen Shuya could speak, Ji Chenye interrupted her, and said, "Ji Chenye contacted me before committing suicide."

Shen Shuya's expression changed, because of Ji Mingzhong's secret operation, outsiders didn't know that Ji Chen'e died of suicide, and most of them thought he was suffering from heart failure caused by drug allergy.

Since the person in front of him can say such words, it means that Dust really contacted him.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Part of the money belongs to Ji Chen'e, I just added a round number... It's not much, it's just a little bit of my heart."

Shen Shuya stared at Ji Chen'ai for a long time before saying in a low voice: "You and my son... really look alike."

Ji Chen'e shook the hand holding the card, but he didn't say anything in the end, and handed the card to Shen Shuya: "The password is six and eight, I'm leaving here tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I don't think there will be any chance to meet in the future …”

Shen Shuya said: "Is this money really left to me by Dust?"

Ji Chen'ai nodded and didn't say anything else. He called Zhou Yaoyun to pick him up. He transferred out part of the money Yang Yuyi's father gave him. There was a total of one million in the bank card, which was enough for Shen Shuya to spend the rest of her life. A stable life.

The conversation with Shen Shuya made Ji Chen'e untie some knots in his heart, but it seemed that he could no longer have a mother-child relationship with Shen Shuya.

It doesn't matter if Ji Chen'e is heartless, looking at Shen Shuya and listening to the stories about himself, he felt as if he was in another world.

Shen Shuya watched Zhou Yaoyun take Ji Chen'ai away, she stroked the bank card that Ji Chen'e gave her, but almost shed tears of joy. She thought that there was not much money in this card, maybe ten thousand, maybe twenty thousand, but it was the last thing left to her by her son.

Shen Shuya has passed half her life, but until now, she has not gained anything.

Weak people will eventually pay the price for their weakness.

Zhou Yaoyun didn't know what Ji Chen'e and Shen Shuya talked about, but he could see that Ji Chen'e was in a good mood, so he suggested going out to eat at night.

Ji Chen'e happily agreed.

So Zhou Yaoyun booked a restaurant, and the two went directly by car.

Because Zhou Yaoyun was holding Ji Chen'ai, it was unavoidable that he received some strange looks, but Ji Chen'ai had already gotten used to it, so it didn't affect his mood.

After Zhou Yaoyun ordered the food, he asked, "In a good mood?"

Ji Chen'er nodded.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Mom will come over tomorrow, and I probably... will leave in just two days."

Ji Chen'e frowned slightly, and after hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhou Yaoyun smiled and said, "I thought you didn't care at all..." After a short pause, he said, "I'm not sure either, let's see the arrangement over there."

In fact, Ji Chen'ai wanted to ask Zhou Yaoyun's life experience, but he vaguely felt that it was not appropriate to ask this question just like that, and judging by Zhou Yaoyun's expression, he seemed unwilling to talk about it. .

Ji Chen'ai has never been a person who likes to get to the bottom of things. Seeing that Zhou Yaoyun didn't want to talk about it, he didn't bother to ask any more.

This kidnapping incident made Ji Chen'e earn a lot of energy points. The women and children who were rescued from the traffickers all changed their fates. Even their families were directly sent nearly 2,000 energy points to Ji Chen'e. of positive energy.

Although Ji Chen'e indirectly destroyed part of the human trafficking organization before, according to Xiao Qi's statement, because it was indirect, the energy value would decrease a lot, and this time Ji Chen's hand directly affected these people , so the energy value earned is almost equal to the results of one or two months of dust's hard work last season.

Although these energy values are not worth a fraction of the negative energy value, Ji Chen'er is getting closer to his goal.

After dinner, the two went home together.

After Zhou Yaoyun took a shower, he suggested that Ji Chen'ai sleep with him. The excuse was, of course, that he was leaving soon. If he didn't hurry up and have a good chat, there would be no chance.

Ji Chen'e complained about why he didn't sleep together before.

Zhou Yaoyun felt aggrieved and said, "You don't like me, but Zhou Yaoqin likes me, and I don't like him, so naturally we have to keep our distance."

What Zhou Yaoyun said was so reasonable, Ji Chen'ai couldn't refute it.

So at Zhou Yaoyun's insistence, the two lay down on the same bed.

Zhou Yaoyun started chatting with Ji Chen'e about things, asking what kind of life Ji Chen'e lived in the past, and then asking Ji Chen'e if he likes the current life.

Ji Chen'e answered lazily, and almost fell asleep.

However, just as Ji Chen'e was about to fall asleep, a question from Zhou Yaoyun suddenly woke him up.

Zhou Yaoyun asked, "Chen Chen, why did you commit suicide?"

This question reminded Ji Chen'e of those mocking faces and cold words, he slowly closed his eyes, and muttered: "Forgot."

Zhou Yaoyun hummed, but he didn't ask any more questions. There was a tacit understanding between him and Ji Chen'ai. If you don't want to talk, I won't ask, and when you want to talk, tell me.

After Ji Chen'ai closed his eyes, he didn't open them again. His breathing gradually became even, and he fell into a sound sleep.

Zhou Yaoyun kept his eyes open, staring at the ceiling above his head. After seeing that Ji Chen'er seemed to have fallen asleep, he called softly: "Dust?"

Ji Chen'e, who was already asleep, naturally didn't answer.

Zhou Yaoyun turned his head slowly, and stared at Ji Chen'e for a long time. After he was convinced that Ji Chen'e had really fallen asleep, he got up slightly, put his lips close to Ji Chen'e's face, and then more gently, printed on his lips. For a thin kiss.

Ji Chen'ai was still asleep, and knew nothing about Zhou Yaoyun's actions.

But Zhou Yaoyun, who had succeeded in his goal, showed a bright smile, and said, "Good night, Dust."

After speaking, he lay back on the bed again, and fell asleep with a satisfied smile.

That night, Ji Chen'e had a somewhat strange dream. In the dream, he turned into a white and fat cotton candy, floating around with the wind, and then accidentally stuck it on the window. A face belonging to Zhou Yaoyun appeared on the other side, Zhou Yaoyun in the dream said: "Marshmallow, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed him and opened his mouth. After Ji Chen'ai yelled for help, he realized that he was actually dreaming.

Zhou Yaoyun beside him had already been woken up by him, with an innocent expression on his face at the moment, he said: "Brother, what did you dream about?"

Ji Chen'e smiled guiltyly, and dismissed the matter perfunctorily: "It's nothing."

Hearing this, Zhou Yaoyun glanced at Ji Chen'ai thoughtfully.