Positive Energy System

Chapter 28: Cruel self-realization (2)


Xu Ankang has had a dream for more than ten days, and he no longer wants to recall the content of the dream. Those physical pains and desperate emotions seemed to be infecting his soul through dreams. He became listless during the day and dared not sleep at night.

Xu Ankang was not alone in this situation.

In Xu Ankang's QQ group, there are many patients like him. They also have the same horrible dreams as Xu Ankang. In the dream, they turned into small animals tortured and killed by his subordinates. The self in the dream was tortured to death bit by bit in the cruelest way.

Xu Ankang once dissected a kitten alive. At that time, he felt very excited and happy, but when he fell into a sleepy dream one day because he couldn't stand the sleepiness, he realized what it meant to be self-inflicted. live.

These dreams are so real, so real that Xu Ankang even felt that the reality was just a dream. After he woke up, he developed an indescribable disgust and hatred for the cruel self in the dream, so that he took the mirror at home All smashed, and then curled up in the corner of the wall in pain like a poor little animal.

This kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, is beyond the scope of science. Some powerful people in the group began to seek help from other people. A noble lady Xu Ankang knew invited an eminent monk to her home, trying to find out the reason for the continuous nightmare.

But the eminent monk was invited, and the nightmare continued. Soon, some people had mental problems. They posted on the Internet crying and crying, telling all the things they had done, hoping to get everyone's forgiveness. .

Just as the breath of despair continued to spread, a post appeared in a hidden forum that Xu Ankang often went to. The title of the post was six big blood-red characters, "Do you know that you are wrong?"

But the content of the post is just a sentence "Hee hee hee hee hee, do you know what's wrong?"

No one responded to this post at all at first, but the strange thing is that it didn't sink, not only did it not sink, but it floated on the most prominent position on the homepage in the brightest red color.

Some people began to swear continuously in this post, but those abusive messages were quickly deleted directly.

Xu Ankang's eyes lit up when he saw this post, and he immediately called a friend in the Koukou group and asked if that friend could check and deal with the ip address of this post. That friend readily agreed. He was also troubled by dreams recently. After listening to Xu Ankang's simple narration, he felt that this post could be a breakthrough for their phenomenon.

However, it didn't take long for Xu Ankang to receive a call from his friend. On the other end of the phone, Xu Ankang's friend's voice was trembling, and he said: "An, Ankang, what if we are really not human? .”

Xu Ankang was taken aback when he heard the words, his pale face showed disbelief: "What did you find out?"

His friend hissed: "The ip address of this post...is my ip..."

Xu Ankang held the phone and stood there stupidly. He looked at the post in red font, and suddenly broke down and burst into tears.

Ji Chen'e has been using "Self-Awareness of the Cruelty" for a while. He used all the animal cruelty posts he could see. A post in 2009—this post exposed part of the content of live bear bile harvesting, which also aroused the anger of many netizens at the time.

It's a pity that the wrath of the common people is also free from the crown and robbing the land with their heads. Although the manufacturers who use this method apologize to the public, their products are selling better and better-because most of the people who buy medicines are I think they are using fresh bear bile, the quality must be very good.

Ji Chen'e enjoyed using his skills, and Xiao Qi's post was filled with everyone's confession in a short period of time.

At the beginning, there were only a small number of dreamers, but as Ji Chen's range of skills expanded, the number of people involved became more and more, and those onlookers changed from being lucky and gloating to one of the dreamers. And the fear in them is no less than that of the people who started dreaming earlier.

The number of people dreaming is increasing, and when these people are about to lose their hold, a girl suddenly posted a post in the forum. In the post, she described in detail about herself, and said that she did not continue Had a nightmare.

According to the girl's description, she just entered this circle, and she abused relatively few animals. At this moment, she really regrets what she did. Just from her words, you can feel that Her intense emotions—she really regretted it.

As soon as this post came out, it was regarded as a theoretical breakthrough for this matter. After everyone continued to explore, someone soon posted a post, claiming to have found a solution.

Xu Ankang clicked in and took a look, and found that the method mentioned in this post... is forbearance. Once you've dreamed about all the animals you abused, it's over.

But is it really that simple? Xu Ankang laughed desperately... There were not a thousand, but hundreds of animals he abused.

Naturally, Ji Chenye also saw this post, and he actually had doubts about how this punishment would end. Faced with Ji Chenye's doubts, Xiao Qi said bluntly: "Originally, the criteria for this ending were other, but I modified it slightly. one time… "

Ji Chen'ai asked him how he changed it.

Xiao Qi said: "Earn you one hundred points of positive energy, and it's over."

Ji Chen was speechless, he knew that the energy value to change a person's fate was only 100 points, Xiao Qi's request this time was really high enough. Xiao Qi saw what Ji Chen was thinking, and explained: "Actually, as long as they really repent and feel that what they did was wrong, then there must be a hundred points."

Ji Chen'ai didn't bother to study what the so-called true repentance means. Now that he has this skill, even if he doesn't pick up trash and post posts every day, he still has more than 50 points in his account. If he calculates this way, he will work harder. It is only a month or two before reaching the first level.

However, guessing based on the positive energy value of each level, it seems that Xiao Qi was not joking when he said that Ji Chen could only reach level five unless he saved the world.

After Ji Chenye came home for a week, he received a text message from Zhou Yaoyun, in which Zhou Yaoyun said aggrievedly: "Brother, I miss you so much, you don't even contact me, people here always bully me .”

When Ji Chenye heard that someone was bullying Zhou Yaoyun, he immediately asked concerned: "What happened? Who bullied you?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "A person who is both good and bad." He also added a picture of his arm covered with bruises.

Ji Chen'ai felt pain when he saw it, and he couldn't ask Zhou Yaoyun about the situation at home, so he had to tell Zhou Yaoyun a few jokes, and told him to come back if it really didn't work.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Then how can I do it, I can't bear this kind of suffering, how can I protect my brother..."

Ji Chen'ai sighed, he wanted to tell Zhou Yaoyun that he didn't need protection, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Zhou Yaoyun finally said: "It's not convenient for me to make a phone call here, brother, I will send you an email in the future, please remember to receive it."

Ji Chen'ai complied.

The weather here is hotter than that of Zhou Yaoyun's school. Although autumn has already entered, the autumn tiger is not screaming for nothing.

Although Ji Chen'ai really wanted to walk earlier, he didn't want to lose his life because of walking, so during the hottest few days, he stayed at home obediently, eating popsicles and watching TV.

In more than a month, Ji Chen'e earned close to 2,000 positive energy. If this continues, according to Xiao Qi, he will be able to walk around with a cane next month.

The anti-pet abuse incident caused by Ji Chen'e was a big one this time, not to mention that everyone in his circle knew about it, even some outsiders found traces.

In this incident, this hobby group suffered a near-destructive blow. Ji Chen'ai even saw someone saying that he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to commit suicide.

Ji Chen'ai couldn't feel any sympathy for this kind of person. Because Xiaoqi clearly said that as long as these people really feel remorse and feel that their actions are wrong, then they will be free from the troubles of nightmares, and these near-desperate people who are troubled by nightmares are obviously not I didn't feel that I was wrong.

Since he didn't realize that he was wrong, he should suffer to death, Ji Chen'e threw the popsicle in his hand into the trash can, yawned, and clicked on the post from Xiao Qi.

At this time, this post has been pinned to the top by the moderator, and countless people want to find out who is behind the scenes through this post, but these people only need to check their ip, no matter how advanced technology they use, the last ip address found belongs to them my own.

As such, this post was almost deified.

In just one month, nearly 5,000 pages of replies have been added, and there are still some people who feel that this is the moderator's playing tricks, and they don't take it seriously. But as time went by, the back of the post was almost full of words of confession. Ji Chen'ai looked at it a little, only to find that some people actually wrote tens of thousands of words...

Xiaoqi was also amazed after seeing it: "You said it was so simple, why did you make it so complicated." As long as you admit your mistakes sincerely, you can stop having nightmares, but these people are a bit stubborn and unwilling to change. smell.

Ji Chen'e lazily said: "Probably because they feel unpredictable, no one can know what they are thinking."

So they would rather do more superficial work to tell others that they really regret it, rather than reflect on what they have done wrong.

It's a pity that in this world, there is an extra system called Xiaoqi. It not only understands people's hearts, but also clearly touches this kind of thing that should be mysterious.

So those who are not only deceiving themselves and others, but also want to deceive others, are thus exposed to the sun.

Xiao Qi said: "You humans, you are really strange creatures."