Positive Energy System

Chapter 30: Salvation of the slanderer (1)


The matter of Lu Yuanyuan cast a shadow over the entire Zhou family. But in the end, Lu Yuanyuan still called the police, and it was unknown how much Ji Chen'e played in it.

Zhou Yaoyun also knew about this incident somehow, he sent an email to Ji Chen'ai and told Ji Chen'ai in it that if anything happened at home, he must tell him.

Ji Chen'ai had no choice but to answer. He also asked Zhou Yaoyun what he was doing recently. Zhou Yaoyun took a few photos of him. He looked thinner than before. He shaved a very short hairstyle and made a face for the screen. Scissorhands seems to be doing well.

Ji Chen's positive energy value is still more than 300 points away from the first level. During this period of time, he went to visit Lu Yuanyuan while picking up trash everywhere, hoping to reach the first level within this month.

Lu Yuanyuan was discharged from the hospital a week later. In fact, she did not suffer much physical damage, but her mental condition was very bad. In just a few days, she lost her shape.

According to Wang Zhixiu, Lu Yuanyuan originally had a boyfriend, but after this happened, he never even came to see Lu Yuanyuan except for a phone call.

As a man, Ji Chenye disdains Lu Yuanyuan's boyfriend's behavior very much. Now, as long as the sun's gaze cools down, he will chat with Lu Yuanyuan. Because of this, the relationship between him and Lu Yuanyuan became familiar.

One morning in the middle of the month, Ji Chen'ai went to chat with Lu Yuanyuan as usual, he knocked on the door, and saw Wang Zhiping with tears on his face came and opened the door.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Auntie, this is... what's wrong?"

Wang Zhiping shook her head, motioning for Ji Chen'ai to come in first.

After Ji Chen'ai entered the living room, he didn't see Lu Yuanyuan, but noticed that Lu Yuanyuan's bedroom door was tightly closed.

Ji Chen'ai asked, "Auntie, what happened?"

Wang Zhiping sat down on the sofa in the living room with an ugly expression: "Xiaoqin, why is it so difficult these days." Then, with gloomy eyes, she recounted what happened at home just now.

During this period of time, through the comfort of her family and her own psychological adjustment, Lu Yuanyuan's mental state has been greatly relieved. She also started to try to go out, and was even willing to talk to her parents.

But just the day before yesterday, a piece of news on TV made Lu Yuanyuan's mood worse again.

Ji Chen'ai asked what news it was, and Wang Zhiping told Ji Chen'ai that it was a news about a little girl who came back at night and was raped.

Wang Zhiping said again, the rapist on the news has not been exposed, but Lu Yuanyuan saw it, and naturally felt a sense of common hatred. Lu Yuanyuan didn't go out for a while, but she was still surfing the Internet. She saw this After the news was broadcast, it was naturally very indignant.

However, when she searched for news about this incident on the Internet, she saw some comments that she could not accept.

"It's definitely not a good thing to go out so late, and you deserve to be raped"

"Yeah, seeing how coquettish the clothes are, I just went to find a job."

"This man is really unlucky, maybe he was framed because he didn't negotiate the money for the business"...

All kinds of remarks directly stimulated Lu Yuanyuan's most sensitive nerves. In a rage, she smashed the laptop directly, and then rushed into the bedroom like crazy.

Wang Zhiping was terribly worried, and hurriedly searched for the key and opened the bedroom door, only to see Lu Yuanyuan sitting on the desktop computer in the bedroom with a bewildered expression, typing on the keyboard like crazy.

Wang Zhiping thought that Lu Yuanyuan was just being irritated, and she would be fine after she calmed down, but she didn't expect that Lu Yuanyuan sat for three days, arguing with those people on the Internet without eating or drinking, and even fingered because of The constant typing became a little edema, and he refused to put down the keyboard.

After Wang Zhiping talked about the matter, tears flowed again, she said: "Xiaoqin, usually Yuanyuan is only willing to talk to you, if you can... you can persuade her, I will say everything that her father and I should say. It's useless."

Ji Chen'ai nodded, and walked towards the bedroom with Wang Zhiping.

Xiao Qi's voice suddenly came out: "Well, the opportunity has come!"

Ji Chen'ai said, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Qi said: "Those who humiliate others must humiliate themselves."

Ji Chen'ai frowned slightly, and wanted to say something to Xiao Qi, but he had already reached the bedroom. After Wang Zhiping pushed open the bedroom door, Ji Chen'ai immediately saw Lu Yuanyuan with disheveled hair and pale face.

Lu Yuanyuan was noticed that someone opened the door, and she was typing desperately with her head down. Her eyes were completely numb, and it could be seen that the whole person was in a very bad condition.

Ji Chen'ai sat behind Lu Yuanyuan and stared at the screen for a long time. After seeing clearly what posts Lu Yuanyuan was replying to, he called softly, "Cousin?"

Lu Yuanyuan paused for a moment, then slowly turned her head to look at Ji Chen'ai.

Ji Chen'e didn't talk too much, and directly cast a sunny gaze on himself, he said: "Cousin, you can rest for a while, I'll scold them for you."

Lu Yuanyuan's lips trembled, and she pulled out an extremely ugly smile. She said, "Xiaoqin, I really want these people to die. Why don't they...don't die?"

Ji Chen'e said softly: "Cousin, you should take a rest first, we will continue to scold them after you wake up."

Lu Yuanyuan stared at Ji Chen'e for a long time, and finally nodded slightly.

Almost as soon as she lay on the bed, Lu Yuanyuan fell asleep, but even when she fell asleep, her brows were slightly frowned, obviously she did not sleep well.

Ji Chen'ai sat in front of Lu Yuanyuan's computer desk, and browsed through her posts and replies again.

On the Internet, because their identities are anonymous, most people will show the greatest malice without any scruples. For example, in the post in front of Ji Chenye, some people even started to call Lu Yuanyuan a female cousin. would be so excited. These swear words made Ji Chen'e feel uncomfortable after seeing them, let alone Lu Yuanyuan who had encountered those things.

Xiao Qi obviously saw it too, and said quietly: "Sometimes, I really want to cut off the fingers of these people."

Ji Chen'er was deeply convinced.

However, although Xiaoqi sometimes has negative energy, it is a positive energy system after all, so generally it will only punish these people mentally, and will not directly harm these people.

Xiao Qi said: "Severe negative energy has been detected, and it is recommended to open the 'salvation of the slanderer'."

This skill was activated when Ji Chen'e was kidnapped, and he hasn't used it yet. He is also a little curious about the function of this skill. If it is like "Self-enlightenment of the Brutalist", it would be pretty good.

Not a few minutes after turning on this skill, Ji Chen'e heard a ding dong, and Xiao Qi's gentle voice sounded: "Congratulations, the positive energy value has reached level one, and the skill 'Primary Healing' is activated, 'Holy Father's Holy Light ''The love of the world'."

Ji Chenye: "... Do you provide commentary services?"

Xiaoqi said: "Your authority is not enough for me to provide commentary services."

Ji Chen'ai admires Xiaoqi's serious nonsense spirit very much. Obviously he can explain the usefulness and effect of these skills to himself, but he just needs to find a reason to shirk it.

Ji Chen'e didn't expect that he got close to 300 points of positive energy almost instantly. He did some research and almost understood why these people can provide him with so much positive energy... Talk to Lu Yuanyuan on the Internet Most of the people who scolded were actually sailors.

Ji Chen'ai said, no wonder the direction of public opinion is so strange, even though there are some weird men in this world, most of them are still normal, saying that a woman should taste the taste of being fucked by a man who deserves it.

Xiao Qi seemed to understand what Ji Chen was thinking, and said, "I checked the source of these posts..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Who hired the navy?"

Xiao Qi said: "Do you still remember the news that Wang Zhiping said before?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Remember."

Xiaoqi said: "These people were invited by the rapist." Then he briefly described why that person invited the navy to create a reputation online.

After hearing this, Ji Chen'e became even more unhappy. It turned out that the matter of the rapist was deliberately exposed to the media. It was mixed with some struggles from above, so it seemed extraordinarily confusing. Although the identity of this person was not revealed Come out, but the current situation is very bad, so in order to control online speech, to be precise, to divert the public's attention, he invited a group of troopers to scold netizens who complained online.

When netizens focus on these trolls who spread weird remarks, their attention will be diverted from him.

This plan was actually a success, if Ji Chen'e and Xiao Qi hadn't been met.

"Salvation for the slanderers"—Let those trolls continue to post, but this time the content of the post has changed to "I am a troll and I said a lot of things against my will. I really feel sorry for everyone."

The content of most people's posts is like this, and a few of them even directly exposed the name and requirements of the employer.

Netizens were all stunned when they saw the sudden and weird style of painting.

Ji Chen'ai propped his chin with his hands, suddenly wanting to smoke a cigarette.

Lu Yuanyuan had a nightmare. She dreamed that she was walking continuously in a dark alley, and there was a group of snakes chasing and biting her. She ran and ran, and she was about to fall into the snake group, but suddenly woke up.

She lost her gaze and opened her eyes, and it took a while before her eyes refocused.

Ji Chen'ai heard Lu Yuanyuan's movements, and said, "Cousin, are you okay?"

Lu Yuanyuan turned her head to look at Ji Chen'ai, her dull eyes softened a bit, and she said, "I didn't... are you still posting?"

Ji Chen'er nodded.

This feeling seemed to calm Lu Yuanyuan a lot. She said, "Forget it, stop posting. No amount of posting will change anything. Let those people say what they like."