Positive Energy System

Chapter 36: final result


Before Zheng Jiguo came, he always thought that Ji Chen'ai would be easier to deal with, but the facts proved that his guess was right, Ji Chen'er was indeed easy to solve, at least from his point of view - although Ji Chen'er's attitude at first He was very tough, but after his constant persuasion, Ji Chen's expression and attitude changed, from firm refusal to hesitation.

Zheng Jiguo didn't know how the old man Yu Zhixue who was knocked down by him found Ji Chen'ai, so he naturally couldn't know that no one was looking for Ji Chen'ai, but Ji Chen'ai himself came to ask to testify.

In Zheng Jiguo's eyes, Ji Chen'ai is more like a high school student who doesn't understand the world, as long as he threatens a little, he can solve it. To a certain extent, Zheng Jiguo is right. If Ji Chen'ai is really an ordinary high school student, under his threats and lures, he might really hesitate about this matter and even choose not to be an adult. witness. But now Ji Chen'ai has the thickest golden finger on earth, and he also wants to use this to earn more energy so that he can stand up earlier.

Zheng Jiguo's persuasion is doomed to be ineffective. He first threatened Ji Chenye that if he dared to testify in court, he would make him look good, and then promised Ji Chenye that if he did not testify in court, he would give him a lot of benefits, and even help him find a doctor Treat legs.

After Zheng Jiguo's persuasion with both carrots and sticks, Ji Chenye didn't refuse him as firmly as he did at the beginning, but showed a hesitant look, and finally told Zheng Jiguo to think about it...

Zheng Jiguo thought that his goal had been achieved, and happily agreed to Ji Chenye's idea that he wanted to think about it. He also said: "Little brother, I believe you can make the right choice."

Ji Chen'ai nodded and bid farewell to Zheng Jiguo.

Xiaoqi was very inconceivable about Ji Chenye's attitude towards Zheng Jiguo, it said: "Do you really want to think about it?"

Ji Chen'e sneered, "How is that possible."

Xiao Qi said: "Then why do you agree with him to think about it, instead of rejecting him directly?"

Ji Chen'e lazily answered Xiao Qi's question: "Because, I thought of a more interesting way to play."

Xiao Qi doesn't know what Ji Chen'e's so-called "more interesting way to play" is. With his way of thinking, he feels that using a "Liar's Doom" on Zheng Jiguo during the court session is probably the best way to deal with it.

Ji Chen'ai didn't explain to Xiao Qi what he was thinking, but began to wait quietly for the trial.

Since knowing that Xiao Qi can spy on Zhou Yaoyun, Ji Chen’e’s daily life has become a little more fun, but today is an exception. Xiao Qi slipped away to spy on Zhou Yaoyun, but when he came back, he told Ji Chen’ai that Zhou Yaoyun didn’t have a net with him. Electronic products, so it can't see what Zhou Yaoyun is doing.

Ji Chen'ai recalled that Zhou Yaoyun told himself some time ago that he might disappear for a while, and guessed that Zhou Yaoyun might have been taken to a place where birds don't shit and chickens don't lay eggs.

Xiao Qi also told Ji Chen'ai that when Ji Chen's level is higher, its skill level will also increase, and even if Zhou Yaoyun doesn't have electronic products around him, it can monitor Zhou Yaoyun in all aspects through satellites.

Ji Chen'e was deeply moved by Xiao Qi's "understanding".

The time to leave the court was getting closer and closer. During this period, Yu Zhixue's grandson Xu Junshu approached Ji Chen'ai once, but his attitude was very strange. He said directly to Ji Chen'ai: "In this world, you like people who do good deeds so much. , not too many."

Ji Chen'ai sensed something subtle from Xu Junshu's indifferent expression, he thought about it and said, "You... actually want your grandpa to lose the lawsuit?"

Xu Junshu was drinking tea, he paused when he heard the words, and then said flatly: "You think too much."

Ji Chen'ai said, "You hate your grandfather very much?"

Xu Junshu still didn't speak.

Ji Chen'ai said: "But even if you hate your grandfather, do you know how many people will dare to help the elderly after this matter is reported by the media?"

Xu Junshu put down the tea in his hand and said, "Then do you know that you can't afford the price of doing many good deeds?"

Ji Chen'ai raised his eyebrows: "I don't understand what you mean."

Xu Junshu sneered: "I just hate such a good person like you. After all, do you know what Zheng Jiguo does?"

At first, Ji Chenye thought that Xu Junshu wanted his grandfather to lose the lawsuit just because he hated his grandfather, but now hearing what he said, he was actually a little worried that Ji Chenye would be implicated in Zheng Jiguo's affairs.

Ji Chen'e said lightly, "I don't care what he does."

Seeing that Ji Chen'ai was not moved by his words at all, Xu Junshu said after a long silence, "Can I ask what are you thinking?"

Ji Chen'e: "What do you think?"

Xu Junshu said: "Do you think it's really worth it to do good deeds and even hurt the people around you?"

Ji Chenye already had the answer to Xu Junshu's question—of course it's not worth it, not only is it not worth it, it's also very stupid.

Xu Junshu said: "My grandpa is similar to you, because of his stupid kindness, he killed my grandma."

Ji Chenye finally understood why Xu Junshu found him today. He wanted to give him a chance to repent - if he didn't testify in court, he wouldn't have to be threatened by Zheng Jiguo.

Xu Junshu continued: "The old man of his age is still living in the past, and the TV he watches is all news broadcasts. He probably hasn't realized that this society has changed."

Ji Chen'e didn't speak.

Xu Junshu said: "But you are still young, and you still have a great life."

Hearing this sentence, Ji Chen'ai suddenly wanted to laugh, yes, he is still young and still has a great life, but Xu Junshu didn't know that he had already lost a "great life" because of his choice.

Ji Chen'ai said: "I think, on this matter, no one knows better than me." - No one knows better than him, what it feels like to lose a good life because of helping others.

Xu Junshu didn't understand the meaning of Ji Chen'e's words, he just saw from Ji Chen'e's face and expression that he would not adopt his suggestion, so it would be useless to say more.

Xu Junshu ended the topic and sent Ji Chen'ai home. However, from this incident, Ji Chen'ai still deeply felt that in fact, there are still many good people in this world.

A few days before the trial, Zheng Jiguo called again to ask how Ji Chen'er was thinking. Ji Chen'e said bluntly that he hoped to meet with him the day before the trial to discuss some details.

It is naturally impossible for Zheng Jiguo to disagree, so the matter was settled like this.

There will be a lot of media present in this trial, and with Ji Chen's temporary change of mind, Zheng Jiguo naturally found a lot of media. Both Yu Zhixue and Zheng Jiguo wanted to use this trial to fight for a turnaround. became a key figure in it.

The meeting with Zheng Jiguo was very pleasant. Ji Chen'ai promised him that he would not testify in court, and accepted the bank card Zheng Jiguo gave him.

Zheng Jiguo was obviously not particularly relieved of Ji Chen'ai, he smiled and asked Ji Chen'ai to stay with his people all day tomorrow to avoid any accidents.

Ji Chen'e accepted the bank card with a smile, and then agreed with a brighter smile.

Xiaoqi saw that the whole system was not good, it said: "Ji Chenye! Your soul has been corrupted by money!!! I want to beat you!!!"

Ji Chen'ai ignored Xiao Qi, smiled and asked Zheng Jiguo to have a chat alone.

Zheng Jiguo felt that Ji Chenye wasn't threatening, so he casually asked his subordinates to leave.

Ji Chen's smile became even brighter, and he used the "Holy Light of the Saint" on himself.

The scariest thing in the world is not that the witness disappeared the day before the trial, but that the defendant suddenly changed his mind the day before the trial and felt that he was a scumbag. Expose all the illegal things you have done.

With a blinding halo of light and a smile slightly warmer than that of a saint, Ji Chen'ai calmly washed Zheng Jiguo's mind for an hour.

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's not good for you to be like this. If you bump into an old man, you have to tell it yourself."

Zheng Jiguo said: "Yes, yes, you are so right!"

Ji Chen'ai said: "You'd better tell all the things you have committed in front of the media tomorrow. Oh, yes, remember to print out the evidence when you go back tonight, and give the reporters and the media a copy tomorrow."

Zheng Jiguo: "Okay, okay, I think it's good too."

Ji Chen'ai said again: "Let someone put me back tomorrow afternoon. Remember that Zhou Yaoqin is innocent. If you retaliate against him, something very bad will happen."

Zheng Jiguo promised again.

Ji Chen'ai knew that he would not be able to go to the court hearing tomorrow, and suddenly he was a little curious about what the most illegal thing Zheng Jiguo had done was, so he asked Zheng Jiguo this question directly.

After hearing Ji Chen's question, Zheng Jiguo opened his mouth and said, "Drug trafficking."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." Oh, then you may have no hope in this life.

After listening to the "sage"'s persuasion, Zheng Jiguo's whole body and mind seemed to be sublimated. He asked his subordinates to "invite" Ji Chen'er back to the hotel, and then set his ass on fire to print evidence of his crime.

Zheng Jiguo was very happy until he went to court, but when Yu Zhixue's family found out that Ji Chenchen couldn't be contacted, they were in a burning mood.

Yu Ruhui called Ji Chen'ai, but found that Ji Chen'e's cell phone was turned off. She wanted to ask Xu Junshu to go to Ji Chen'e's house to look for Ji Chen'e, but Wang Zhixiu told him that Ji Chen'e had gone out yesterday and hadn't returned today.

After Xu Junshu heard the news, he seemed worried. He said, "Mom, could something happen to Zhou Yaoqin?"

Yu Ruhui's face was very ugly. She never thought that Zheng Jiguo would actually dare to attack Ji Chen'ai like this, but now, Ji Chen'ai has really disappeared, and if no witnesses show up, it will be very difficult for them to win the trial.

The social attention of this case is very high. In recent years, helping the elderly is no longer a matter of one person, but a matter of society. As a public figure who has been "wronged" again, the judge of this case has to consider socially oriented issues.

Yu Zhixue was still in the hospital and failed to appear in court. As the plaintiff, Yu Ruhui had an extremely ugly face until the moment the court opened. Of course, this ugly face only stopped when Zheng Jiguo started to speak.

When Zheng Jiguo stood up, no one thought about what he wanted to do, but when he spoke the first sentence - everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, including Yu Ruhui who was the plaintiff.

Zheng Jiguo's first sentence was "I am guilty! I am guilty!"

The already very quiet scene was even more eerily quiet. Everyone's eyes were on the defendant, waiting for his next sentence.

Sure enough, Zheng Jiguo did not disappoint his family, he said: "Not only did I bump into someone, I wanted to shirk responsibility, deliberately framed the old man, I was also corrupt, accepted bribes, involved the underworld, and even sold drugs!"

Everyone was completely stunned by this scene. The originally quiet courtroom exploded with a bang. All the reporters started snapping pictures, and then took out their mobile phones to call their headquarters.

The judge was also dumbfounded. Before he could react, he heard Zheng Jiguo continue: "I think my words are baseless, and people won't believe me. I also specially printed the evidence about this. I hope everyone can cite it. As a warning."

Then, he took out a stack of densely printed A4 papers from his briefcase, took these things and began to distribute them to everyone at the scene one by one.

The almost numb judge, who was already surprised, also received a copy. When he found out that his name was actually on the document, he almost fainted.

Zheng Jiguo used to deal with judges, so he listed the place and time of their meeting, the specific transaction method and transaction account on a4 in great detail.

Seeing that Zheng Jiguo had already posted most of it, the judge felt his eyes darken, and he said in a trembling voice: "Come on, someone, arrest him, he is crazy... No, no! He disturbed the order of the court, bailiff , where are the bailiffs?"

Zheng Jiguo completely ignored the judge who was about to faint. Facing the reporters who had completely exploded, he still maintained his trademark kind smile, and said: "I hope everyone will take me as a warning and stop doing this kind of crime again." Something happened."

These reporters came here today, and they never expected to encounter such a good thing. This kind of explosive news, even in a whole year, would not come across a few cases.

In the era of information explosion, when I got Zheng Jiguo's A4 paper, a reporter directly took a photo, and then posted it on Weibo!

In just ten minutes, this A4 paper is enough to become popular on the Internet and attract the attention of all netizens!

Yu Ruhui's expression was inexplicable at first, she thought that Zheng Jiguo was playing some tricks, but later when she found out that Zheng Jiguo was serious, she was also dumbfounded, holding the A4 paper in her hand, she even felt for a while whether she was dreaming.

It turned out that Yu Ruhui was not dreaming, but Zheng Jiguo himself was dreaming.

When he was taken away by the bailiff, he even had a smile on his face. This kind of smile made everyone feel very creepy, as if he was possessed by a demon.

This incident was also exposed in a short period of time, and the imagination of the majority of netizens is endless. Some people speculated that Zheng Jiguo was hit by a "voodoo", some said that he was raising a kid in Thailand and he was backlashed, and some said that he He was cursed by a superior person... All kinds of opinions flooded the Internet for a while.

The original case of being blackmailed by helping the elderly, which should have been the focus of everyone's attention, was downplayed because of this weird development.

Since there are so many things involved in this matter, some above-mentioned figures quickly issued a ban on the Internet, but even so, it is absolutely impossible to completely suppress the impact of this matter.

According to what Ji Chenye brainwashed Zheng Jiguo the day before yesterday, he was released. Not only was he released, Zheng Jiguo also sent someone to send him back home.

Wang Zhixiu was in such a hurry because of Ji Chen's disappearance that she almost didn't go to the police. Seeing Ji Chen's return safely, she burst into tears, and she said, "Xiao Qin, you must tell your mother first when you do these things in the future." Is it? Mom is really afraid that something will happen to you, you don’t know, your dad and I saw those news on the Internet yesterday... "

Ji Chen'e comforted Wang Zhixiu, and promised to tell her what happened in the future. Wang Zhixiu wiped his tears while asking Ji Chen'e if he was injured anywhere.

Ji Chen'ai quickly said that he was really fine.

Wang Zhixiu checked Ji Chen'ai and found that there was nothing wrong with him, so he was relieved.

Because of Xiaoqi, Ji Chen'e watched the whole incident in great detail. He watched Zheng Jiguo take out his crimes with a smile on his face, and when he handed them out to everyone, he also laughed along with him.

Looking at Ji Chen'e's smile, Xiao Qi looked a little creepy. The effect of "Holy Father's Holy Light" is naturally better than that of "Liar's Doom", because "Liar's Doom" only needs to leave the courtroom to delay the case. If you go down, you may turn the tables. But "Holy Father's Holy Light" directly took Zheng Jiguo from the bottom of his tank. In his life, he would never even think about standing up again.

Standing by the river often has wet shoes, if Zheng Jiguo hadn't killed himself, he wouldn't be where he is today, if he hadn't bumped into someone and wanted to frame the old man, framed the old man and threatened Ji Chen, he wouldn't be Now this is the end.

The effect of "Holy Father's Holy Light" lasted for three days. Although this time was not too long, it was enough to drive Zheng Jiguo into the abyss. He also became the first person in history to stand in front of many In front of the media, he ruined himself as a clean criminal.

As for the real reason why he did this, there are different opinions.

After Zheng Jiguo woke up and found out what he had done, he had a nervous breakdown, and then it was reported that he committed suicide at home and was found, and he became a little foolish.

However, Ji Chen'ai didn't attract much attention in this matter. First, he didn't come to the court hearing. Second, Zheng Jiguo had already controlled him and he didn't have a chance to do anything. Third, he was just a very thin man. Disabled, I'm afraid no one would regard such a person as a threat.

After this incident, Yu Ruhui came to Zhou's house with a gift to thank her. She carefully asked Ji Chen'ai if she had suffered any grievances that day.

Yu Ruhui looked a little sad after hearing this, she said: "Perhaps what Xiaojun said is right, I shouldn't have involved you at that time, if it wasn't for Zheng Jiguo himself... I don't even know what to do."

After Ji Chen'e heard the words, he just said: "It's okay to do good deeds, the most fearful thing is that you don't have the ability to do this, but you help others at the cost of hurting yourself and your family."

Yu Ruhui showed a bitter expression when she heard the words, and she said, "Did Xiao Jun tell you about his grandfather?"

Ji Chen'ai said that Xu Junshu didn't elaborate.

Yu Ruhui said: "Oh, my dad has several comrades-in-arms, and the family conditions have always been poor, so my dad has been subsidizing them all the time, but I didn't expect that my mother has been ill for several years, and she was reluctant to go for a checkup, and it turned out..."

Speaking of this, Yu Ruhui smiled self-deprecatingly: "Because of this incident, our family has always blamed him, especially Xiaojun. He has a good relationship with grandma, and he can't accept this incident."

Ji Chen'e finally fully understood why Xu Junshu seemed so disgusted with his initiative to help Yu Zhixue.

Yu Ruhui chatted with Ji Chen'ai for a while, and then left. Ji Chen'ai thought about it and decided to take advantage of the cool weather and go out to pick up trash every day. No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat.

Zheng Jiguo's incident caused a lot of trouble, because after investigation, it was found that all the crimes he provided were true, not only true, but also very detailed, and it was impossible to suppress it.

No matter how strong Zheng Jiguo's contacts are, he can't resist his own death, but I heard that he seems to have a mental problem, and he is trying to get bailed out for medical treatment.

Ji Chen'ai earned more than 3,000 points of positive energy because of this incident, and it has continued to increase in the past two days, and it looks like it will reach 4,000 to 5,000 points in the end.

Although Zheng Jiguo was the only one who stepped down, the things he exposed involved several groups. In particular, the drug trafficking that the state cracks down on even involves a large state-owned enterprise.

Ji Chen'ai is happy to see things develop like this, because the more bad guys he kills, the faster he can stand up.

Xiao Qi has been observing the trends on the Internet, and when she saw that someone had guessed that Zheng Jiguo had offended a cultivator, she finally couldn't help complaining to Ji Chen'ai about the lack of imagination and disrespect for science.

Ji Chen'e was very speechless about Xiao Qi's complaints, except him, who could have imagined that a system is changing the world? But having said that, since Xiaoqi mentioned his disrespect for science, does it mean that Xiaoqi's system is related to science

Xiao Qi was noncommittal about Ji Chen's guess, but from its attitude, it could be seen that it liked the person who invented it very much.

Ji Chen'e's curiosity about this inventor suddenly became more serious.