Positive Energy System

Chapter 37: It's getting better and better


Ji Chen'e originally thought that he would be very satisfied if he earned around 5,000 positive energy from Zheng Jiguo's matter, but after more than a month passed, Ji Chen'e found that the impact of this matter has far exceeded his imagination. I think, in the middle period of time, his positive energy value has grown like crazy. In just over thirty days, he has earned 22,000 positive energy points.

Ji Chen'e didn't expect the energy value to rise so fast, but Xiao Qi was very disdainful of Ji Chen's fuss, and said: "Think about it, you killed a drug trafficking group, how many drug dealers were arrested, How many drug addicts are involved, twenty-two thousand is a very normal number, okay?"

Ji Chen'ai thought about it, and felt that what Xiao Qi said made sense, but a person like him who picked up trash every day and picked up dozens of points, suddenly got 22,000 positive energy points, that feeling is simply It's like a beggar suddenly picked up five million.

Zhou Yaoyun has also been missing for more than a month. During this time, he hasn't sent an email to Ji Chen, so Xiaoqi can't track him down.

Because Zhou Yaoyun had told Ji Chen'ai about this before, Ji Chen'e was not particularly worried about him.

While spying on Zhou Yaoyun, Ji Chen'ai was also collecting information about Xu Yunchong. His current principle of dealing with things is that no one offends me, and I don't offend others. His kidnapping must have a lot to do with Xu Yunchong. If there is no Xiao Qi, Ji Chen'e May be long gone from this world.

After the human trafficker incident, Xu Yunchong stayed silent for a long time. Even with Xiaoqi's cheating skills, he couldn't find anything unusual, but Ji Chenye just felt that there was something wrong with this person.

Sure enough, one day after half a year, Xiao Qi woke up Ji Chen who was taking a nap, and said, "Ai Ai, Ai Ai, wake up, I found an acquaintance..."

Ji Chen'ai was sleeping soundly, but when he heard Xiao Qi's voice, he woke up very unhappy, and said, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Qi didn't say a word, and directly sent a photo to Ji Chen'e.

Ji Chen'e took a look and didn't recognize who the owner of the photo was at first. After recalling it for two seconds, he suddenly realized: "Isn't this person one of the people who kidnapped me?"

Xiao Qi said: "You finally recognized it."

Ji Chen'ai said: "This group of people should be locked in, where did you find him?"

Xiao Qi said: "In a restaurant, he and Xu Yunchong met once. I couldn't monitor the content of the discussion, but only found the relevant video."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Qi called up the video of that restaurant. The video was not very clear, but it could be clearly seen that Xu Yunchong and that man walked into a restaurant.

In this way, even if Ji Chen'e's guess is completely confirmed, Xu Yunchong is indeed related to the human traffickers, not only related, but may also be the chief culprit of Ji Chen'e's kidnapping.

From the outside, Xu Yunchong doesn't seem to be doing this at all. He is young, handsome, rich, and in a high position. It seems that no matter how he looks at it, he has a bright future that others envy. Ji Chenye doesn't understand why he would be with him. Human trafficking is a thing of the past.

If Zhou Yaoyun was still in school, then Ji Chen'ai might think of a way to deal with Xu Yunchong's matter earlier, but now that Ji Chen'ai has left that city, his legs and feet are inconvenient, and it is impossible for him to travel alone, so he can only deal with this matter. This matter was secretly kept in mind, and Xiao Qi was asked to continue to follow up.

However, not long after seeing Xu Yunchong having a meal with that human trafficker, Ji Chen'ai saw a piece of news—in the eyes of everyone, a very common piece of news about a man who accidentally fell into a river while driving while drunk. Drowning on the spot. This news was only played for a few tens of seconds, and the host casually said that everyone must be vigilant against drunk driving, and then jumped to other content. The reason why Ji Chenye paid so much attention to this news was because the main character of this news was the human trafficker who had dinner with Xu Yunchong.

Only two days later, that person died of drunk driving. No matter how he thought about it, it was impossible that he had nothing to do with Xu Yunchong.

Bad things happened one after another, but there were still things that made Ji Chen'er happy. The parents of the little girl he had saved sent him a video about Yang Yuyi.

Compared with the panicked face and numb eyes at that time, Yang Yuyi at this time has become the little princess who is loved by her parents again. She is dressed in fluffy clothes and cute braids, and she is serious on the paper. After smearing and smearing, after a while, the paper was raised in front of the camera. On it was a boy who looked like a boy, and there was a sentence: Thank you, big brother.

When Ji Chen'ai saw it, he laughed.

According to Yang Yuyi's parents, when she returned home, she didn't like to talk very much, and she was afraid of communicating with others. She even huddled in a corner with a bowl when eating.

But with the passage of time and the participation of a psychiatrist, Yang Yuyi finally recovered. During the recovery period, Yang Yuyi's parents discovered that Yang Yuyi had a high talent in painting.

Xiao Qi said: "Tsk tsk tsk, quickly ask her to send you a copy of the painting. After a hundred years, you will be waiting to count the money."

Ji Chen'e: "It's as if I can live to a hundred years."

Xiao Qi said quietly: "How do you know that you can't..."

Ji Chen'ai just pretended he didn't hear it.

While Ji Chen'ai was living his ordinary life, he didn't know that his photo had been placed in front of someone he had been paying attention to.

This is not the first time Xu Yunchong saw Ji Chen'ai. In Yang Yuyi's incident, Ji Chen'ai played a very important role. Without him, Yang Yuyi's parents would not have been able to find that little girl, and the gang of human traffickers would not have been able to. He was therefore sentenced to death.

At that time, Xu Yunchong only regarded Ji Chen'ai as an enthusiastic passer-by, and it was only a coincidence that he found out about Yang Yuyi. So when the group of human traffickers proposed to take revenge on Ji Chen'ai, Xu Yunchong did not express his opinion on it. Not expressing a position means acquiescing to the behavior of those people.

Because of this, Ji Chen'e was kidnapped.

Xu Yunchong didn't take Ji Chen'ai seriously until someone put pressure on him after Ji Chen'ai was kidnapped. Yang Yuyi's father's sphere of influence is far away from here, and Xu Yunchong didn't pay attention to it at all, but another force forced Xu Yunchong to make concessions—his father called him directly and told him to be more stable. Don't mess with people you shouldn't.

Xu Yunchong didn't know who put pressure on his father, but he also knew that he had crossed the line when he received this call.

How did a disabled person with a clean background manage to do this? Xu Yunchong suddenly became very interested in the name "Zhou Yaoqin".

This interest intensified after the gang of traffickers who kidnapped Ji Chen'e died and were injured. There was no evidence that Ji Chen'e had anything to do with these wounding incidents, but Xu Yunchong just felt it. In the wheelchair, the seemingly thin and harmless young man is the director of all this.

Of course, Xu Yunchong didn't realize that Ji Chen'e had any superpowers, he just felt that there might be someone he didn't see standing behind Ji Chen'e.

After that, Ji Chen'ai left the city and faded out of Xu Yunchong's sight. If the matter ended like this, then the word "Zhou Yaoqin" might just be a symbol in Xu Yunchong's memory.

But Xu Yunchong inadvertently noticed that in a very big incident, Ji Chen's shadow appeared again, this time - the perpetrator personally destroyed himself. If there were no previous incidents, Xu Yunchong would never suspect that Ji Chen'ai played an important role in this incident, but with the previous incidents as a foreshadowing, Xu Yunchong would not be able to ignore Ji Chen'ai.

The index finger slowly pointed at the photos on the table, but Xu Yunchong suddenly laughed, and he asked the person standing in front of him: "So, he hasn't gone out recently?"

The person standing in front of Xu Yunchong nodded.

Xu Yunchong said: "Is there still no information about his younger brother Zhou Yaoyun?"

The man said: "Brother Xu, the biological parents of his younger brother are probably not ordinary people, and..."

Xu Yunchong said: "And what?"

The man continued: "And after your father knows that you are investigating this matter, let me tell you...Enough is enough."

Xu Yunchong sneered, he never knew what enough is enough, or in other words, the word "let" never existed in his dictionary.

After Si Tuo for a while, Xu Yunchong said lazily: "Didn't you say there is a project over there? I will go there sometime."

The man obviously wanted to persuade Xu Yunchong, but he held back when the words came to his lips. He knew the character of his boss, so it was simply impossible for him to change his mind with just a few words.

Xu Yunchong took Ji Chen's photo into his hand, stared at it for a while, then put it in his coat pocket, and said, "Okay, you go out."

The man nodded, then turned and walked out.

Xu Yunchong folded his hands, propped his chin, and looked silent, making people wonder what he was thinking.

At this moment, Ji Chen'ai didn't know that trouble had come to his door. He really liked the autumn in this city. There is less rainfall, the weather is good, the temperature is neither hot nor cold, and there are a bunch of seasonal fruits he likes. There is simply no more comfortable day than now.

In addition, after a period of rehabilitation, Ji Chen'e replaced the wheelchair he had been sitting in and began to use crutches.

On the day Ji Chen'ai stood up, both Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yumian were so happy that they almost passed out. They hugged Ji Chen'ai almost weeping with joy, and they couldn't even speak clearly.

Ji Chen'ai knew that Wang Zhixiu had been apologizing to Wang Zhixiu because of his leg, and now he could finally see his son stand up. Only a mother can experience this kind of joy.

Of course, not only Wang Zhixiu was happy about standing up, but also Ji Chenye himself. When he supported the wall and walked slowly with his legs, his mood couldn't be summed up in just two words. .

The rehabilitation doctor was very surprised by Ji Chen's progress so much. Originally, according to the doctor's treatment plan, it would take about half a year for Ji Chen's to stand up, but the progress now is astonishing.

But still the same sentence, the human body is inherently complicated, and although miracles are rare, they are still possible.

After getting on crutches, Ji Chen's range of activities expanded again. He can take the bus alone without having to trouble others to see him off. Although Wang Zhixiu expressed some concerns about Ji Chen'e's change from staying at home every day to running out every day, but overall, joy accounted for the majority.

After Zhou Leling started school in the fall, she was in her third year of high school, and her study tasks became tighter, so she even spent less time visiting Ji Chen'e to play.

Deep down in Ji Chen'e's heart, he was a little envious of Zhou Leling, because when he was living as Ji Chen'e, he happened to be in his third year of high school and was not able to go to college, and Zhou Yaoqin even dropped out of school before finishing junior high school at home.

Wang Zhixiu is also a sensitive person, she asked Ji Chen'ai in private if she wanted to go back to school, she could find a relationship and let Ji Chen'e re-enter the school.

Ji Chen'e was a little hesitant about this proposal. His grades were very good, and he thought he would be admitted to a university of his choice at first, but things are unpredictable. Now he has been out of school for a year.

But from the bottom of his heart, Ji Chen'e still very much hopes to go back to school again. There are not many things he can do all day long. Usually, after finishing, he just reads at home.

After getting Ji Chen'e's affirmative answer, Wang Zhixiu began to help Ji Chen'e find a relationship. Because of his age and health, Wang Zhixiu was worried that Ji Chen'e would not be able to keep up with high school courses, and there would be a generation gap with his classmates, but Ji Chen'e still insisted on going to high school , Zhou Yaoqin's appearance is very immature, although he is already in his twenties, he still looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school student. As for the course, Ji Chen'ai thought that although he had put it down for a year, it shouldn't be too difficult to pick it up, besides...he still has the invincible cheating tool Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi very much agrees with Ji Chen's return to school. According to it, it doesn't matter if you have a low IQ. If you read more books, your brain will always become easier to use.

The old man Yu Zhixue he helped also helped Ji Chenye return to school. Because he is a senior university professor, Yu Zhixue also has connections in the Education Bureau. Some time ago, his attitude became a little bit because of his reputation. The indifferent school also apologized to him. Yu Zhixue liked Ji Chen'ai very much, and felt very guilty for being implicated in his affairs, so with the efforts of Yu Zhixue and Wang Zhixiu, Ji Chen'ai went to a high school with a relatively high enrollment rate in this city, where he was a sophomore.

Before entering the school, Ji Chen'e met with the head teacher of their class. It was a relatively young woman who seemed to have not worked for a few years. After learning about Ji Chen'e's situation, she readily promised to pay more attention to Ji Chen'e , Try to make up for the lessons left by Ji Dust.

But having said that, in everyone's eyes, Ji Chen'ai didn't expect to be admitted to a good university. After all, he had dropped out of school for so many years, and he entered high school as soon as he came. progress at work.

Wang Zhixiu never expected Ji Chen'ai to be admitted to university. She just watched Ji Chen'ai stay at home all day, and she and her husband had to go to work again. She was afraid of Ji Chen'e's loneliness, so she wanted Ji Chen'e to go to school and get in touch with people more.

In fact, if Ji Chen'ai didn't want to go to school, then Wang Zhixiu would probably raise some money to open a bookstore for Ji Chen'ai and let him do relatively simple jobs like cash register.

Wang Zhixiu didn't dare to mention these things before because her son never gave her a chance to talk, but now, the days are getting better and better, and Ji Chen's legs are getting better. As a mother, Wang Zhixiu naturally hopes that her son can gradually integrate into society. So as not to be hurt by being too out of place.

After all, as a mother, how could she not want her son to get better than her.