Positive Energy System

Chapter 41: It's another new year


Before Lu Yuyu went out, everyone thought she was going to the toilet. So when Ji Chen'e and the trembling Jiao Zuoyuan walked in, the earring girl who called Ji Chen'e to play together didn't even raise her head, and said to Ji Chen'e, "What are you doing out for so long? I'm almost done drinking, that Zhou or something, you go and order some more."

He didn't spend his own money, so he ordered things extra generously. In this room, he ordered four fruit plates, two boxes of beer, three bottles of red wine, not to mention other snacks.

When Ji Chen'ai came in, he looked at the price list, estimated the price a little, and found that today's consumption was definitely in the five figures.

But it's not him who pays the bill, these people eat as much as they like.

Ji Chen'ai didn't answer, but just smiled slightly at Jiao Zuoyuan, seeing Ji Chen'e's smile, Jiao Zuoyuan felt that his legs were a little weak when he just stood up, he forced a smile and said, "What's the matter? "

Ji Chen'ai said, "Go and stop the song."

Jiao Zuoyuan didn't dare to ask why, so he stepped forward and pressed the mute button. The girl who was singing was taken aback, and scolded, "Jiao Zuoyuan, what the hell are you doing?"

Ji Chen'e said lazily: "Actually, it's nothing, I just have something to tell you."

When everyone heard Ji Chen'e's words, they all showed astonishment. They had always felt that Ji Chen'e was a bully like Lu Yuyu, and they never thought that Ji Chen'e would dare to speak to them like that.

The leading boy boasted, and walked towards Ji Chen'ai: "Boy, what are you talking about?"

Without saying a word, Ji Chen directly opened the holy light of the Holy Father.

A bright circle of light surrounded Ji Chen'e, and the light in the private room was already dim, so he exuded a soft light like the moon.

The group of people who originally had hostility on their faces changed their expressions when they saw the light on Ji Chen'e, from a tyrannosaurus rex to a little white rabbit.

Jiao Zuoyuan was the closest to Ji Chen'e, and he was the most affected. He looked at Ji Chen'e enthusiastically, like a devout believer, waiting for the teaching of the true god.

Ji Chen'ai began to preach happily, and he said: "You can't bully your classmates in the future, and stay away from Lu Yuyu."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded their heads like pounding garlic, and didn't say a word of rebuttal.

Ji Chen'ai said again: "Return all the money Lu Yuyu spent to her, um... It should be said, you should return all the money you got from the person you bullied."

Everyone continued to nod, looking at Ji Chen'e with obsessive and focused eyes, Ji Chen'e had no doubt that if he asked these people to eat shit, they would probably enjoy it.

Ji Chen'ai told them some other convenient things. In fact, in summary, it was nothing more than four words of being a good person.

After brainwashing, Ji Chen'e canceled the mute again, handed the microphone to Jiao Zuoyuan, who was closest to him, and said, "Go ahead and play, I'm leaving first."

Everyone bid farewell to Ji Chen'ai kindly, and when Ji Chen'ai walked to the door, he turned around and said, "Remember to buy today's order."

Everyone said: "Okay, no problem!"

Then Ji Chen'ai left a room full of people looking at him pitifully, turned around and left.

When he went out, the waiter at the counter gave him a look, but there were still many people in the box, and he was not afraid that someone would skip the order, so Ji Chen'e left the ktv just like that.

When he walked outside the ktv, Ji Chen'e found that Lu Yuyu hadn't come home, he was sitting on a chair outside, holding his mobile phone, he didn't know what he was struggling with, and suddenly saw Ji Chen'e coming out of it , Her face was full of surprise.

Lu Yuyu said: "Zhou Yaoqin, did they let you out?"

Ji Chen'er nodded.

Lu Yuyu seemed very unbelievable, she said: "You, how did you do it?"

Ji Chen'ai didn't answer Lu Yuyu's question, but asked, "Why do those people pester you?"

Lu Yuyu murmured: "They, they are all my brother's friends...so..."

Ji Chen'ai frowned: "Where's your brother?"

Lu Yuyu shook her head, as if she was unwilling to talk more about this topic. Seeing this, Ji Chen'e changed the topic: "Let's go, they shouldn't bully you in the future, it's getting late, go home early."

Lu Yuyu hummed, and then said: "Zhou Yaoqin, thank you."

Looking at Lu Yuyu's appearance, Ji Chen'ai stopped wanting to say something, so the two became silent.

In the end, it was Lu Yuyu who helped Ji Chen'e call a taxi, Ji Chen'e sat in and said goodbye, and the two separated.

Lu Yuyu looked at the leaving taxi, and wiped her wet eyes heavily with her hands.

After getting in the car, Ji Chen'e chatted with Xiao Qi, and Xiao Qi said: "Why are you humans so weird sometimes..."

Ji Chen'ai knew that Xiao Qi was referring to Lu Yuyu, so he said, "Well, sometimes it's quite strange."

Xiao Qi said: "I was bullied, shouldn't I say it?"

Ji Chen'ai thought of Lu Yuyu's reddened eyes, and didn't know what to say.

Because of Lu Yuyu's matter, Ji Chen'ai was not in a good mood that night, and since he didn't have to go to school the next day, he simply watched a movie until the early hours of the morning.

As a result, when it was close to three o'clock, Xiao Qi said suddenly: "A thousand energy points have been recorded."

Ji Chen was taken aback: "Who gave it to you?"

Xiao Qi said: "Well... those bastards you taught today, and..."

Ji Chen'ai asked, "With whom?"

Xiao Qi said: "And Lu Yuyu's brother."

Ji Chen'ai raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you find brother Lu Yuyu's information? I want to see it."

Xiao Qi didn't say much, and directly put the information of Lu Yuyu's brother in front of Ji Chen'ai. Unlike Lu Yuyu who seemed gentle, Lu Yuyu's brother Lu Xiangming obviously had different styles from her.

The short hair, dark skin and tattoos on the arms all make people feel that this is not someone to provoke. Ji Chen'ai looked at Lu Xiangming's profile and thought of Lu Yuyu's tangled expression. One hundred episodes of family drama.

Xiao Qi said: "Well, she looks pretty good, but she's too dark..."

Ji Chen'ai: "Are you still a face control?"

Xiao Qi said: "Hmph, am I such a superficial system!"

Ji Chen'e: "You are."

Xiaoqi: "..."

At almost four o'clock, Ji Chen'e finally went to bed. He stared at the ceiling, yawned, and fell into a deep sleep.

At eleven o'clock the next morning, Ji Chen'e was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone. He took out his mobile phone in a daze, and saw that it was a call from Lu Yuyu. After Ji Chen'e connected, he let out a sleepy hello.

Lu Yuyu said: "Zhou Yaoqin, you haven't gotten up yet? Then I'll call you later."

Ji Chen'ai rubbed his eyes and said, "No need, I'm getting ready too, what's the matter?"

After being silent for a while, Lu Yuyu whispered, "What did Jiao Zuoyuan and the others do?"

When Ji Chenye heard the name Jiao Zuoyuan, he was stunned for a few seconds before realizing who it was. He said, "What's wrong? What happened?" Lu Yuyu said, "He came to me this morning... gave me A lot of money."

Ji Chen'e hummed: "And then?"

Lu Yuyu said: "He even apologized to me, saying that he shouldn't have treated me like this before..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "This is a good thing, you called me just for this?"

Lu Yuyu said in a low voice: "No, it's my brother..."

Ji Chen'ai remembered the photo that Xiao Qi posted in front of him last night, and said, "What's wrong with your brother? Did he bully you?"

Lu Yuyu said: "No...he went to beat up those people again. If my dad finds out about this, he will be miserable."

Ji Chen'e felt that the plot was different from what he thought...

Ji Chen'ai said, "So what are you trying to do with this call?"

Lu Yuyu said: "I'm here to say thank you. Although I don't know what method you used to make Jiao Zuoyuan and the others change their minds, I really thank you."

When Ji Chen'ai heard this, he hummed.

Lu Yuyu talked to Ji Chen'e again and again before hanging up the phone. Although her tone still sounded a little downcast, Ji Chen'e could still hear happiness from it.

Nobody likes being bullied.

Regarding the few people who bullied Lu Yuyu, Ji Chen'ai didn't know how miserable they were until a long time later.

A few people at the ktv that night almost didn't go into the police station because they had no money to pay the bill. In the end, the parents took the money and took them home.

These people are all older than Lu Yuyu, and they are all in college now. They used to be friends with Lu Yuyu's elder brother, Lu Xiangming, but later, Lu Xiangming broke his face with them and never had any contact with them again. I don't know how I found Lu Yuyu. At that time, Lu Xiangming was very stiff because of the fight and the family. Lu Yuyu was afraid that Lu Xiangming would beat someone after he found out, so he had to hide it.

If it's just like this, it's fine, but I just met Ji Chen'ai.

When Jiao Zuoyuan went to Lu Yuyu to apologize with a guilty expression on his face, Lu Xiangming naturally knew about it, so what happened next... was that Jiao Zuoyuan almost didn't go to the hospital.

After the holiday, Ji Chen's time became free.

Lu Yuyu and Ji Chen'ai made an appointment to find a time to hang out together, but Ji Chen'ai had nothing to do anyway, so he agreed.

There are still occasional letters from Zhou Yaoyun, but the frequency of letters has become lower recently. Ji Chen'ai peeped a few times and found that Zhou Yaoyun was indeed in a miserable life, so he comforted Zhou Yaoyun, saying that he should not be in a hurry and wait for him to come back.

However, Ji Chen'ai didn't know that Xu Yunchong, who met him some time ago, discovered something interesting.

Xu Yunchong came to Ji Chen's city not all because of Ji Chen's, he also has property here. And this time happened to be about a business deal, so I simply came over in person.

After seeing Ji Chen'ai once at the school gate, Xu Yunchong didn't feel that there was anything special about Ji Chen'ai, so his mind became a little bit salty, and he didn't pay special attention to it.

But it was such a coincidence that Xu Yunchong happened to be there on the day Ji Chen'ai punished the Jiaozuoyuan gang in "Yise".

"Yise" was opened by Xu Yunchong's friend, so when the waiter found out that the people in the box had no money to pay, he naturally called the boss over.

Xu Yunchong was also there at the time, so when he found Ji Chen'ai's figure in the surveillance video, he immediately felt that he seemed to have caught something.

The surveillance video was normal. Ji Chen'e went out once, and when he came back, he seemed to have said something to everyone, and then left, while the rest of the people continued to play until it was time to pay the bill, and then frankly stated that they had no money .

Xu Yunchong asked the leading boy if he knew Zhou Yaoqin.

The boy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, saying that he knew him, but he was not familiar with him.

Xu Yunchong asked again, why did Zhou Yaoqin leave first, those people looked dazed when they heard this, and after a while, someone answered: "He has something to do, so he left first."

After Xu Yunchong heard this, he felt weird. These children obviously wouldn't come here without money. This situation is obviously more like someone wanted to treat someone, but they ran away halfway.

However, if you ask again, you won't be able to ask anything. These people don't know much about Zhou Yaoqin, as if they just met him.

Xu Yunchong checked the surveillance again, but found nothing the same.

In the end, the boss called the police, called the parents of these children, and let them go after paying the bill.

Seeing that Xu Yunchong was so concerned about this matter, the boss joked whether he also wanted to be a ktv.

After Xu Yunchong laughed twice, he changed the topic, and asked the boss if there was anything unusual here, seemingly unintentionally.

The boss thought about it, said it was nothing strange, then paused again, and said that someone had made a big hole in the toilet

Xu Yunchong asked, "Big hole? What big hole?"

The boss said: "I don't know how it happened, there is no surveillance in the toilet, the tiles are broken and cool, it looks like they were smashed with a hammer."

Xu Yunchong only felt a little strange when he heard the words, and didn't connect this matter with Ji Chen'ai.

So Ji Chen'ai was lucky enough to escape once again.

The fate of the people in Jiaozuoyuan was quite miserable. After they were taken home by their parents, they secretly stole money from the family and gave it to the people they had bullied.

The parents were already very angry because of the incident of paying the bill, and found out that their son and daughter were stealing things, so they beat up again without hesitation, and warned them not to get together to play again.

The holy light effect of the Holy Father lasted for a long time before it ended. When it was over, Jiao Zuoyuan and the others were completely blindfolded, completely unable to understand why they dared to do these things.

But a girl said suddenly: "It's not that we are possessed by evil spirits, right? I heard that there is a kind of Gu that can control people..."

It's okay not to mention this, but when he said it, Jiao Zuoyuan remembered Ji Chen'ai who laughed and kicked a hole in the wall, his whole body trembled, and he even got seriously ill from being frightened when he returned home.

Of course, since then, these people have never troubled Lu Yuyu again.

Ji Chen'e has earned more than 3,000 energy points one after another on this matter. Coupled with the chain effect of the posts he posted and some previous events, Ji Chen'e earned 10,000 in the month he returned home. It is still far from the goal of 500,000, but it is still making progress.

Lu Yuyu found a free time and asked Ji Chen'ai to come out for dinner. The better her relationship with Ji Chen'e is now, the more she likes this classmate who looks thin and small but is not shy at all.

So in the second week after the holiday, Ji Chen'ai saw Lu Yuyu again, and her black and strong, if she wore a gold chain, she would definitely be the brother of the gang boss.

Considering the condition of Ji Chen'e's leg, Lu Xiangming came by car. After Ji Chen'e said hello to Wang Zhixiu, he went out, and when he went downstairs, he saw Lu Xiangming's Porsche.

The Porsche's license plate is actually five and six, obviously Lu Yuyu's family... is not as ordinary as Lu Yuyu's performance.

Lu Xiangming was smoking, but when he saw Ji Chen came down, he extinguished the cigarette casually, and said, "Yu Yu, your friend is here."

Lu Yuyu ran towards Ji Chen'ai, and then slowly walked over with him, she said: "Zhou Yaoyun, this is my brother, I didn't plan to call him today, but he insisted on following. "

Ji Chen'e hummed, and sat in the back seat, and Lu Yuyu sat next to Ji Chen'e.

Lu Xiangming started the car and asked, "What do you want to eat today?"

Lu Yuyu said: "Zhou Yaoqin, what do you want to eat?"

Ji Chen'ai said it's all right, Lu Yuyu thought about it, and recommended: "I know that there is a baked cod that is very delicious."

Lu Xiangming lazily said: "Eat and eat, you know how to eat all day long, and you are not afraid that you will not be able to marry if you are fat."

Lu Yuyu said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Believe it or not, I will beat you up." After speaking, he stretched out his hand in front of him and pinched Lu Xiangming vigorously.

Lu Xiangming sighed, but there was a smile on his face.

Looking at the two, Ji Chen felt that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters was probably really good.

When they arrived at the dining place, Lu Xiangming parked the car, and then walked into the restaurant with Ji Chen'ai and Lu Yuyu.

After getting the menu, Lu Yuyu happily recommended Ji Chen'e's grilled cod, and then used a series of adjectives to express how delicious the cod here is.

Lu Xiangming laughed and didn't say anything, just took out a cigarette and prepared to light it.

Seeing this, Lu Yuyu said, "Stop smoking, it's almost time to eat, I don't mind smoking second-hand smoke, my classmate is still here."

Lu Xiangming let out a huff, but still listened to Lu Yuyu's words, and put the cigarettes into the cigarette case.

Lu Yuyu said: "I'll go to the toilet first, you guys talk first..." After speaking, he got up and walked towards the toilet.

Seeing that Lu Yuyu had left, the smile on Lu Xiangming's face faded, and he said, "Your name is Zhou Yaoqin, right?"

Ji Chen'er nodded.

Lu Xiangming said again: "You have a good relationship with my sister?"

Ji Chen'ai said it's okay.

Lu Xiangming said: "Do you know what our family does?"

Ji Chenye: "...the underworld?"

Lu Xiangming: "...you think too much."