Positive Energy System

Chapter 45: was found lol


Ji Chen'ai didn't encounter any accidents until he got home. During this period, he asked Xiaoqi to observe and monitor all the time. He saw that the brothers Wang Mingwu told him to call had all left, and he also left the park afterward.

No one has noticed the abnormality in Wang Mingwu. After being brainwashed by Ji Chen's skills, he behaves the same as a normal person, and it can even be said to be more rational and organized.

After seeing Wang Mingwu leave, Ji Chen'ai completely let go of his worries.

Zhou Yaoyun's plane ticket is in the afternoon, but he is obviously worried about what Ji Chen'er has done, he said: "If you need help, brother, please let me know."

Ji Chen'ai responded one by one. He was deeply touched that Zhou Yaoyun didn't ask him specifically what he was doing. After all, if it was someone else, he would definitely ask him what he was doing.

Before Zhou Yaoyun left, he still left the flimsy body armor to Ji Chen'e. He also noticed the difference between Ji Chen'e and normal people, but if Ji Chen'e really didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't intervene.

It was another hearty lunch at noon. Wang Zhixiu and Zhou Yumian also had a few glasses of wine to see Zhou Yaoyun off. They all regarded Zhou Yaoyun as their own son. Now that Zhou Yaoyun had the opportunity to return to his biological parents, they were very pleased. I can't help but feel a little sad.

Zhou Yaoyun took the farewell wine from his parents and said that he should return to China soon.

Wang Zhixiu's eyes were a little red, and she said: "Xiaoqin's legs can walk, and our family's life will get better and better. If you feel that you have been wronged over there... then..."

Although half of the words were said, Zhou Yaoyun also understood what Wang Zhixiu meant. In fact, Zhou Yaoyun had an elder brother, but he died in an accident not long ago, otherwise his biological parents would not be so anxious to find him back.

Ji Chen'ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun, wanted to laugh, but couldn't, so in the end he just raised his glass and drank the wine in the glass.

In the afternoon, the family sent Zhou Yaoyun to the airport. Zhou Yaoyun was still carrying his gun with a gun on his back. Ji Chen'ai wanted to ask if he could pass the security check like this? After seeing Zhou Yaoyun bid farewell to them, he left with a few people Ji Chenye thought were passers-by.

When Ji Chen'ai saw Zhou Yaoyun walking with them, he asked Xiao Qi in a low voice: "When did these people come here?"

Xiao Qi thought for a while: "It's been a long time since you came here, two of them were here before you arrived."

Ji Chen'ai said that he didn't notice at all, but it didn't seem to matter anymore, Zhou Yaoyun left, and Ji Chen'ai had to continue to do his work.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ji Chen'ai received the information sent by Wang Mingwu to his mailbox, and then he saw Wang Mingwu end his life through the computer.

When Wang Mingwu died, his expression was very peaceful, as if he was not going to die, but doing something sacred. He picked up the gun and shot himself in the head, blood splashed all over his face, and there was even a smile on his face that was supposed to be calm, but now it looked extremely weird.

Ji Chen'ai saw Wang Mingwu die with his own eyes, and after seeing that there was no possibility of him being rescued, he asked Xiao Qi to disconnect the camera, then downloaded all the information sent by Wang Mingwu, and logged out of the mailbox.

Wang Mingwu's information thoroughly confirmed Ji Chen'ai's thoughts. Xu Yunchong was in the business of human traffickers. Although he didn't do it himself, he helped these organizations manage the affairs of the upper echelons, and even bribed many policemen.

As an indirect leader, Xu Yunchong's actions earned him a lot of money. Just this month alone, he received more than three million tribute from Wang Mingwu, not including others.

And the batch of high-quality goods that Wang Mingwu was talking about also appeared in the data. After Ji Chen'ai clicked into a folder, he saw dozens of photos.

Most of these photos are of teenagers and girls, and there are one or two mature young women.

In the photos, they are all naked and looking at the camera with horrified expressions. Just through the photos, they can feel their fear at this moment.

There is also an address in the photo folder, which is a warehouse in the western suburbs of the city. It is a full three-hour drive from the city. If there is no accident, these people should be locked up there.

Once Wang Mingwu is found to have an accident, the goods are very likely to be transferred. Ji Chen'ai stared at the photo for a long time, and asked Xiao Qi: "Xiao Qi, is there a networked camera near this address?"

Xiao Qi checked and said that the nearest internet-connected camera was more than a thousand meters away.

Ji Chen asked Xiaoqi to call out the camera and monitor it at all times, and tell him if any vehicle leaves or enters.

When Xiao Qi heard the words, he agreed one by one.

Holy Father Ji Chen's Holy Light skill has a cooldown time, and with his current physical condition, if he goes to the warehouse to save people, he may be involved in it. A large number of energy values are in front of you, but how to get them is a problem.

Just when Ji Chen'ai was in trouble, Xu Yunchong received the news of Wang Mingwu's death.

When he got the news, Xu Yunchong was swimming in the indoor swimming pool. He picked up his mobile phone and heard the news from his subordinates, and then his face darkened instantly. He said, "Dead? When did you die?"

The other side of the phone told the guessing time, because Wang Mingwu committed suicide with a gun, so they didn't dare to call the police, so they had to tell Xu Yunchong about it first.

Xu Yunchong knew the way of Wang Mingwu's death, and his expression became more and more ugly. He said, "Take his computer and check it to see if there are any clues in it."

All the subordinates responded one by one.

Xu Yunchong said again: "Where has he been recently and who has he talked to?" According to Xu Yunchong's understanding of Wang Mingwu, he knew that this person would not commit suicide easily, and the more greedy the person, the more afraid of death, people like Wang Mingwu , dare to do anything in order to survive.

Although according to the statement there, no one entered Wang Mingwu's house, and there was no trace of fighting with others on his body, but Xu Yunchong just felt that Wang Mingwu would never commit suicide.

The news that Wang Mingwu had been to a park before his death was quickly delivered to Xu Yunchong. This news made Xu Yunchong more convinced of his judgment, but now the problem is coming. If Wang Mingwu did not commit suicide, then who can do it quietly? , killed him in the house.

Even though Xu Yunchong was a staunch materialist, he still felt chills on his back. He thought of his eldest sister who died in the warehouse. According to the autopsy report, she was hit hard on the chest and died on the spot. So far, the police have not I couldn't find out what the mysterious murder weapon was that was fast.

Xu Yunchong picked up the towel, wiped his hair, and made a phone call. He first asked someone to retrieve the video of the park that Wang Mingwu had been to, and then called the police station.

Who on earth is it? Is it a human or a ghost? Xu Yunchong lit a cigarette, and slowly narrowed his eyes in the smog, no matter if it was a ghost, he would find him out.

On the second day after Wang Mingwu's accident, Xiao Qi informed Ji Chen that there was a car leading to the warehouse, because the western suburbs were relatively remote, and there were hardly any cars passing by, let alone a few conspicuous vans.

Ji Chen'ai watched these two or three vans drive in, and then drove out after more than an hour. He asked Xiao Qi to call out the monitoring along the way to see where these cars were going.

There were three cars in total, one drove into a relatively famous entertainment club, and two drove into a private villa in Nancheng.

The monitoring of the private villa couldn't find out, but through the monitoring of the entertainment club, Ji Chen'ai saw the "goods".

Those were three teenagers and two girls. They were driven into the house like ducks from the car, with handcuffs and ankles still on their hands and feet.

Ji Chen'ai watched anxiously. He also knew what it meant to be sent to this entertainment club. It was nothing more than the arrival of the buyer and he was ready to come over to pick up the goods.

Ji Chen'e didn't know the identity of the buyer, but if they were really bought away, it might be too late to track them down.

Just when Ji Chen'e was very distressed, he suddenly had an idea, he said: "Xiao Qi, can you find out the identities of these trafficked people?"

Xiao Qi said: "I'll give it a try, if there is news on the Internet."

At the beginning, Yang Yuyi relied on Xiao Qi to find her parents. Ji Chen'ai felt that if he could find the families of these trafficked people, he might be able to start with them.

Xiaoqi searched for half an hour and found the identity information of two men and one woman in the entertainment club. The two boys were from the nearby provincial capital, and only the girl was a local.

Ji Chen'ai looked at the information, and then directly posted a post on the Internet. The title was naturally very eye-catching "The inside story of the human trafficker group, those who lost their children, do you want to know where your children have gone?" All the information obtained by Qi was pasted up.

A boy named Xiaoyu from xx County went missing in May this year, but he appeared in a certain clubhouse in a certain city. At the same time as him, there were several other girls who were reported missing.

As soon as this post was posted, it immediately became popular. At first, netizens thought it was just a sensational post, but they didn't expect that there were not only photos, but also very rich information.

Ji Chen'ai didn't mention anything about Xu Yunchong in his post. He now only has the remittance records of Wang Mingwu and Xu Yunchong, which can only prove that Wang Mingwu and Xu Yunchong are related, but there is no direct evidence that Xu Yunchong was also involved in this matter.

Xu Yunchong was very careful about human trafficking and never did it himself, so even Ji Chenye had no conclusive evidence.

In fact, Ji Chen'ai wanted to find Xu Yunchong directly for hypnosis at the beginning, but Ji Chen'ai didn't have anything that could make Xu Yunchong feel threatened—the transaction record would only scare Wang Mingwu, because if something happened, Xu Yunchong might just abandon him and go to Look for another line.

Only by starting with Wang Mingwu, can Ji Chen'ai be sure that Xu Yunchong will meet him in person instead of saying hello to him on the side of the road intentionally or unintentionally.

This post by Ji Chen'ai is to attract everyone's attention and slow down the transaction speed. Since the identities of the buyers are all shady, they will never commit crimes against the wind for a toy, and they will think about getting past the limelight no matter what.

Ji Chen'e's post was quickly deleted by the website, but it was still saved by many people, which caused quite a heated discussion.

In fact, the control of public opinion on the Internet is very simple. Deleting posts, blocking searches, deleting popular search words, etc., are enough to kill this matter at the source.

Xu Yunchong handled this matter very quickly. Not many people saw the post, and everyone knew about it through word of mouth, but what can they do if they know it? The content, after a long time, everyone completely forgot.

Ordinary netizens may forget, but netizens who have lost their children can't calm down after seeing such posts.

On the second day after Ji Chen'ai posted the post, a group of parents who had lost their children in the city gathered at the door of the clubhouse. They held banners, their expressions were full of anger, and asked the person in charge here to give them a statement.

Ji Chen'et didn't expect these parents to be so aggressive, but that's good, it's impossible for this club to make a deal in a short time.

So because of this accident, Ji Chen'e had some more time.

The information provided by Wang Mingwu can perfectly prove that he is engaged in the human trafficker industry, but he cannot convict Xu Yunchong, because in the information, it only shows that he will call Xu Yunchong a sum of money every time. As for the purpose of this money is What, but did not explain. Xu Yunchong is a businessman, he can give a perfect explanation, for example, he borrowed a sum of money from Wang Mingwu, these are repayments, and he has no idea what Wang Mingwu is doing.

This is Xu Yunchong's cunning. He is benefiting from the crime, but he does not need to take risks. There is no evidence to point out that he and Wang Mingwu are conducting a substantive transaction. In fact, what he provides Wang Mingwu is a channel and a pass.

The disturbance in the clubhouse did not seem to have any impact on Xu Yunchong. On the news at noon, he was interviewed by reporters in a suit and leather shoes, and said that in a few days, he would hold a press conference and release new news. The product.

The reporter was very enthusiastic towards him and asked a lot about the new products. Xu Yunchong also answered the questions one by one with a humble and gentlemanly face.

Ji Chen'ai took a bite of his meal and thought to himself, if he kills this person, he can gain a lot of energy.

After Wang Mingwu's death, Ji Chen'ai gained nearly 30,000 positive energy values. This large number shows that Wang Mingwu really deserves to die. His death changed the fate of thousands of people.

Just when Ji Chen'ai was thinking about how to make an appointment with Xu Yunchong, he received a phone call that he didn't expect at all—it was from Xu Yunchong himself. On the phone, he said, "Excuse me, is it Zhou Yaoqin?"