Positive Energy System

Chapter 46: I have a pair of A's


Ji Chen'ai never expected that he would receive a call from Xu Yunchong.

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "I am, who are you?"

Xu Yunchong said: "I'm Xu Yunchong, I want to talk to you face to face, don't know if it's okay?"

Talk in person? Ji Chen'e's long-awaited opportunity came so suddenly, but he didn't agree immediately, but said: "Mr. Xu, I probably don't know you, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Xu Yunchong's voice came from the other end of the phone. He seemed very calm and didn't seem to care about Ji Chen's cold attitude. He said, "I don't know you? So you know me."

Ji Chen'e didn't speak.

Xu Yunchong said again: "I just want to meet with you, there is no other meaning, of course, if you refuse, I can understand."

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's okay to meet, but I don't have much time in the near future." - His Holy Father's Holy Light skill is still cooling down, if he meets Xu Yunchong rashly like this, it may not be a good thing. However, this did not prevent him from making an appointment with Xu Yunchong to meet in the future.

Facing Ji Chen's seemingly euphemistic refusal, Xu Yunchong was not angry at all, he said: "Since this is the case, I will contact you later." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Holding the beeping phone, Ji Chen'ai didn't expect Xu Yunchong to be so easy to dismiss, but it was so easy that it made people feel a little strange.

According to Xiao Qi's monitoring, the progress of the transaction was indeed slowed down because of Ji Chen'e's post on the Internet.

The parents were still arguing outside the clubhouse, but the owner of the clubhouse had a strong relationship. He directly warned the demonstrators that if these people affected their family's business again, they would go to court directly.

Some of those parents left after hearing this, while others refused to leave. Among them were the parents whose information was released by Ji Chen. There were few, but suddenly someone sent them these materials, which gave them a faint hope again.

At the same time, the children of those parents were also transferred out of the clubhouse and moved to another remote bar where they were locked up. The monitors in the bar are all connected to the Internet, so Xiaoqi can see the status of those children every day.

After this period of tossing, the mental state of these children was not very good, and one of them even began to show the tendency of self-harm. In order to prevent him from hurting himself, the people over there had to lock him in a room alone and use ropes to prevent him from harming himself. Put his gloves up.

If Ji Chen'ai had the "Holy Father's Holy Light", he would probably meet with Xu Yunchong immediately to resolve this matter, but now he can't take the risk, and can only delay the time as much as possible.

However, Ji Chen'ai could wait, but some people couldn't. One day when Ji Chen'e went out for a routine walk, he was tied up again...

Still taking a walk, still being kidnapped, or having something to do with Xu Yunchong. When Ji Chen'ai got into the car, the only thing he thought about was... He must kill Xu Yunchong.

But the only good thing is that the person who kidnapped Ji Chen'e had a good attitude this time, he didn't drag him out like a sack, and even though his crutches were confiscated, he still carried him out of the car.

When Ji Chen'e was kidnapped, a piece of cloth covered his mouth and nose. Although he tried his best to hold his breath, he still inhaled some gas, so when he arrived at the destination, he was dizzy.

Xiao Qi started to warn Ji Chen'ai when those people appeared, but it was still too late, it was impossible for Ji Chen'e, who was on crutches, to run away as fast as ordinary people.

When Ji Chen'e woke up in a daze, Xiao Qi said quietly, "Why don't you use Wudi Feifei Feifei Feifei to run away..."

Ji Chen'e thought for a while, then said apologetically, "I forgot."

Xiaoqi: "..." Your IQ is basically saying goodbye to the system.

The place where Ji Chen was tied up was a comfortable-looking room, with a big soft bed, gentle lighting, and a little sun that was emitting heat, which was completely different from the outside where light snow was falling.

Ji Chen'e sat on the bed, and his crutches were taken away. Although he could walk now, he had to hold on to something, so although these people didn't take any measures to imprison him, they were not afraid of Ji Chen'e's escape.

After Ji Chen'e sat on the bed for more than ten minutes, someone pushed the door in from outside the room.

Ji Chen'ai looked up and found a familiar face, he said, "Xu Yunchong?"

Xu Yunchong didn't answer, but took off his coat after entering the room, then walked towards Ji Chen and stretched out his right hand towards him: "Xu Yunchong."

Ji Chen'ai looked at the person in front of him, and after two seconds of silence, he still held Xu Yunchong's hand, and said, "Can you explain what's going on?"

Xu Yunchong held Ji Chen's hand, shook it gently up and down, then turned around and sat on the chair, with his feet crossed casually: "I just want to meet you, of course, you have to know, I really don't want to I love being rejected so much."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Okay, now we meet, what do you want to talk about?"

Hearing this, Xu Yunchong took out a stack of documents from his bag and threw them on the bed next to Ji Chen'e. He said, "Look?"

Ji Chen'ai picked up the documents and began to look through them.

The information is about Ji Chenye—to be precise, Zhou Yaoqin. His birth, growth, car accident, etc. are all on it, incomparably detailed.

It even includes some of Zhou Yaoyun's content. It can be seen that Xu Yunchong really put his heart into this material.

At the end of Zhou Yaoqin's information, there is a copy of a post attached. Ji Chen'ai flipped through it a little, and knew that this post was the one he had posted on the Internet.

After reading it, Ji Chen'ai raised his eyes and said, "So?"

Xu Yunchong said: "Your brother Zhou Yaoyun, he left here a few days ago."

Ji Chen'ai was baffled by Xu Yunchong's words, and he said, "So what if Zhou Yaoyun leaves here?"

Xu Yunchong's tone became a little cold, he said: "He should have gone to other countries by now, even if he knows what happened to you, it may be too late to rush back."

It was only now that Ji Chen'ai understood the meaning of Xu Yunchong's words. It turned out that he thought that the reason why Ji Chen'ai got the information in the post was because of Zhou Yaoyun's relationship.

Sure enough, Xu Yunchong's next words were: "You said if he came back and saw your dead body, what would his reaction be?"

Ji Chen'ai stared at Xu Yunchong, he knew that Xu Yunchong's threat was not a joke, he had the guts to do human trafficking, and it was normal for his subordinates to have a few lives.

Seeing that Ji Chen'ai stopped talking, Xu Yunchong said, "Actually, I still admire you very much."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Oh?"

Xu Yunchong said: "I have seen many disabled people, but after being disabled, there are not many who can be like you again." Disability is an extremely heavy blow to a normal person, and most people will be depressed and sensitive Irritable, and only a few people don't get knocked down.

Xu Yunchong continued: "So if you die due to an accident, I will feel very sorry."

Hearing this, Ji Chen'ai laughed, and said, "It's indeed a pity."

Xu Yunchong continued: "I apologize for my offense to you, so can we end the hostility now?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "How to end it?"

Xu Yunchong got up, walked to Ji Chen'ai, looked down at Ji Chen'ai and said, "Don't ask Zhou Yaoyun to investigate my affairs, and I won't do anything to hurt you again. Of course, if you want, I can also give it to you." You pay."

So... Xu Yunchong is buying him? Ji Chen'ai wanted to laugh after hearing this: "What if I don't agree?"

Xu Yunchong looked at Ji Chen'ai coldly: "This will not be a wise choice."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Let me think about it?"

Xu Yunchong raised his hand and looked at his watch: "I'll give you half an hour, not much time, think about it carefully." After speaking, he sat on the chair opposite to Ji Chen'e, and continued to look at Ji Chen'e.

Xu Yunchong won't give Ji Chen too much time, because he has to prevent Zhou Yaoyun from coming back halfway. Although he has checked Zhou Yaoyun's background, even standing in his position, he didn't check it too clearly. Father warned.

Naturally, Xu Yunchong wouldn't want to provoke someone who couldn't even be found out, but Ji Chen'ai and the others had hindered him too much, and what was revealed in that post on the Internet made Xu Yunchong unable to sit still.

Xu Yunchong has read Zhou Yaoyun's rough information, and knows that he is not like a nosy person, so the reason why Zhou Yaoyun took such actions to punish them is probably because of Ji Chen'ai.

Because he offended Ji Chen'ai, Zhou Yaoyun was offended.

Although Xu Yunchong didn't want to provoke Zhou Yaoyun, it didn't mean that he would just compromise like this. A strong dragon would not overwhelm a local snake, no matter how powerful Zhou Yaoyun was, as long as he was in his territory, he had the final say.

The young man in front of him seemed to be thinking seriously. Although he was already in his twenties, Ji Chen's face was still a little immature. Even if he was with high school students, he didn't look out of place. His disabled legs made his body very thin , coupled with a delicate face, for some people, such Ji Chenchen is already attractive enough.

Xu Yunchong hoped that Ji Chen'ai would be smarter, after all, if Ji Chen'ai really died, he might still be in trouble.

During the period of thinking, Ji Chen'e had been arguing with Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi expressed unusual anger at the fact that Ji Chen'e didn't use the invincible Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Kick to escape before he came.

Ji Chen'ai said bluntly: "I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, but I'm afraid of thieves thinking about it. I ran away today, and I won't go out in the future? And if someone finds out that my legs can walk, what do you think Xu Yunchong will do to me?"

Xiao Qi scolded: "You wait at home until the Holy Father's holy light skill cools down, and then meeting Xu Yunchong will be like this?"

Ji Chenye: "...Xiao Qi, your IQ is getting higher and higher."

Xiaoqi said angrily: "Get out!"

But after the quarrel, Ji Chenye still felt that he was going to give in first. He didn't have enough weight to fight against Xu Yunchong now, so it would be very unwise to confront him head-on.

Half an hour later, Xu Yunchong said, "How are you thinking?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "I've thought about it, but if I agree to a compromise, do you believe that I won't go back on my word?"

Xu Yunchong said with a smile: "I've always been a person who doesn't trust others very much, so..."

Ji Chen'e: "So what?"

Xu Yunchong didn't answer, but said: "You agree?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Then you have to look at the content behind your case."

Xu Yunchong seemed to understand Ji Chen's choice, he picked up the phone directly, dialed a number, and asked someone to bring him in.

Not long after, the door of the house was pushed open, and those boys and girls kidnapped by human traffickers that Ji Chen'ai had seen on the monitor.

Based on the pictures Ji Chenye posted online, Xu Yunchong naturally knew that Ji Chenye found out their information based on the surveillance video. He said, "I don't know how you know about these goods, and I don't know how Wang Mingwu died. Yes, but since you made the right choice, I don't have to care about what happened before."

The teenagers and girls who were brought in were not wearing anything. They seemed to have been fed some kind of drug. After being brought in, they became a little delirious, with an unnatural pink color on their faces.

Xu Yunchong said: "These products have been trained, and no one has tried them before. Do you want to try them?"

Disgust appeared in Ji Chen'e's eyes, and he said, "No need."

The boys and girls who were brought in seemed to have completely lost their attention to the people in the room. They hugged each other and then kissed each other. This scene looked extremely obscene.

Xu Yunchong said: "There are four people here, you want to rescue them all, right?"

Ji Chen'ai vaguely understood what Xu Yunchong meant.

Xu Yunchong looked at the four people who were entangled on the ground, his eyes were as calm as looking at dead objects, and he said: "I can put other goods, but these four people must stay with me."

When he said this, there was a hint of arrogance in his tone, as if he was telling Ji Chenye that you can save someone if you want, but you should never save the person you want to save the most.

Ji Chen'ai said, "You want to take them as hostages?"

Xu Yunchong said coldly: "Hostages? Are they worthy? I'm just telling you the fact that you chose not to interfere in my affairs, so I naturally want to give you face, but..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "But in order to prevent me from going back on my word, you want to keep them?"

Xu Yunchong smiled, and said: "Young people, there are always some useful things on your body. Internal organs, blood, flesh, and even the soft skin on your body are all expensive."

Ji Chen's expression twisted slightly.

Xu Yunchong said: "If I find out that you are investigating my affairs again, these four people will pay the price for you."

The four people on the blanket couldn't hear the conversations around them at all. They were immersed in their own world. Young and beautiful were their greatest capital—and also the greatest motivation for others to hurt them.

Xu Yunchong didn't realize that Ji Chen'ai had the courage to bear four lives. This is a very dirty method, but it works very well.

Ji Chen'ai looked at the four people on the carpet, and thought of their parents crying almost to the point of collapse in front of the club, he slowly said: "If I promise you, what kind of life will they lead?"

Xu Yunchong said: "As long as they don't commit suicide, they will naturally live the best life under my nose."

Best life? What does it refer to, is it endless money, or just a sound personality and good health

Ji Chen'ai didn't know, and he didn't want to know, because the best life Xu Yunchong gave was definitely not what he wanted.

There was another suffocating silence, and Ji Chen said, "Deal."

Hearing this, Xu Yunchong revealed a smile. He was already handsome, but this smile made people feel that he was a real gentleman, as gentle as jade.

After Ji Chen'ai agreed, a few more people came in outside the house and carried the four of them out.

Xu Yunchong was in an unusually good mood, and he said, "Don't you really want to try it? You can't come across such top-notch products all the time."

Ji Chen'ai looked at Xu Yunchong, and suddenly began to look forward to ruining him completely.

Xu Yunchong didn't care about Ji Chen'ai's malicious gaze, he looked at Ji Chen'ai with a smile and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you these days, let me send you back."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Okay."

Then Xu Yunchong actually sent Ji Chen'ai back in person. While driving, he chatted with Ji Chen'ai. Of course, most of the time, Xu Yunchong said and Ji Chen'ai listened.

Xu Yunchong said that he really has a younger brother who is in the same school as Ji Chen'ai, but they don't have a good relationship, so they only meet once or twice a year during Chinese New Year.

Xu Yunchong also said that he likes people like Ji Chenye very much, but he didn't elaborate on why he likes them.

Chattering all the way, until Ji Chen'ai got out of the car with a cane, Xu Yunchong said: "I haven't talked so much for a long time, it's a pleasure chatting with you, goodbye."

Ji Chen'ai also turned his head, smiled at Xu Yunchong, and said, "Goodbye." He believed that they would meet again soon, but this time, it was Ji Chen'ai who played the game.

Xu Yunchong drove away in the car, and Ji Chen'ai stood there until he could no longer see Xu Yunchong, then turned and went upstairs.

Seeing Ji Chen'ai came back, Wang Zhixiu asked why she came back so late, she was a little worried, and almost prepared to call the police.

Ji Chen's eyes softened a lot after seeing Wang Zhixiu, he let Wang Zhixiu use a towel to dry the snow marks on his face and shoulders, and said slowly: "Mom, I'm hungry."

Wang Zhixiu didn't know what happened to Ji Chen'e, she just felt that Ji Chen'e looked a little strange today, she said: "Wait a minute, mom will warm up the dishes for you."

Only then did Ji Chen'ai reveal a small smile.