Positive Energy System

Chapter 48: Ji Chenye Wang Zha


What should come will always come.

During the waiting days, Ji Chen'ai sent text messages to Beijiang City every day. Although the power of words is sometimes very weak, it is better than nothing.

Beijiang City would occasionally reply to letters, but most of the time, he didn't pay much attention to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen'ai is not in a hurry, he knows that there are some things that cannot be rushed.

Xu Yunchong returned to the city the morning before his new product launch. After he came, he met some business people and had a sumptuous lunch. He didn't call Ji Chen'e until the evening.

On the phone, Xu Yunchong and Ji Chen'ai agreed on a meeting place, and then he asked someone to go directly to pick up Ji Chen'ai.

Ji Chen'ai didn't reject Xu Yunchong's "considerateness", anyway Xu Yunchong didn't have many chances to be considerate.

Before going out, Ji Chen'ai also said hello to Wang Zhixiu, saying that he would not come back for dinner tonight.

Wang Zhixiu asked where Ji Chen'e was going, and Ji Chen'e said he was going to meet a friend, but upon hearing that, Wang Zhixiu just told Ji Chen'e to come back earlier.

After getting into Xu Yunchong's car, Ji Chen'ai took out his cell phone and checked the time—a quarter past nineteen.

Xu Yunchong chose a Chinese restaurant with a good environment, Ji Chen'ai walked in, and was led by the waiter into the private room.

Xu Yunchong was drinking tea in the private room, he said without raising his head when he heard Ji Chen'e's footsteps, "Sit."

Ji Chen'ai sat down opposite Xu Yunchong.

Xu Yunchong poured a cup of tea for Ji Chen'ai casually, then put down what he was looking at, and said, "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about."

Ji Chen'ai's waiting was finally worthwhile. He looked at Xu Yunchong who was opposite him, and suddenly a smile appeared on his expressionless face. This smile was so bright that Xu Yunchong was stunned for a moment.

Xu Yunchong frowned and said, "What are you laughing at?"

why are you laughing? Ji Chen'ai didn't answer Xu Yunchong's question, but directly activated the skill - he didn't want to waste words with Xu Yunchong at all.

The moment Ji Chen'ai's skills were activated, Xu Yunchong's eyes and expression looking at Ji Chen'ai changed from doubt to fanaticism, as if he was a devout believer, preparing to listen to God's teachings.

Ji Chen'ai said: "At tomorrow's new product launch conference, you will reveal all your crimes."

Xu Yunchong said: "Oh."

Ji Chen'ai continued: "Tonight, you will release the four people you arrested."] Xu Yunchong said: "Okay, no problem."

When Ji Chen'e said this, he paused for a moment, and then said in a calm tone: "After the press conference is over, you will commit suicide."

Xu Yunchong said: "I will do it well."

The tone was communication, rather than unilateral hypnosis. Ji Chen'ai told Xu Yunchong everything he thought of, and then he stood up and left the room.

The cup of tea that Xu Yunchong poured for Ji Chen'ai was already placed on the table alone, without being moved.

Xu Yunchong sat in the room, watching Ji Chen'ai leave, he didn't feel anything unusual about himself, but felt that his body and mind were very relaxed, he had never been so relaxed...

Before dinner was finished, Ji Chen'ai went home, and it was Xu Yunchong's driver who took him home.

On the way back, Ji Chen'ai sent a text message to Beijiang City, saying that something good might happen today.

Beijiang City didn't return at first, until after ten o'clock in the evening, he called Ji Chen'e. Ji Chen'ai picked up the phone and heard Beijiangcheng's incredible voice, he said, "How did you do it?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "Huh?"

Bei Jiangcheng said: "They let us go... Can you believe it? They let us go."

Ji Chen'ai said: "So where are you now? Are you going home or what should I do? I don't agree with you going to the police station."

Bei Jiangcheng said: "Of course I won't go to the police station...there are a bunch of liars there, can you, can you lend me some money?"

Ji Chen'ai looked at the sky outside, and said, "Where are you now, I'll come over and give you the money."

Beijiangcheng said the address, Ji Chen'ai took an umbrella and went out again.

If the snow in the south does not use an umbrella, the clothes will be wet. After Ji Chen went downstairs, he took a taxi and went to the location mentioned in Beijiang City.

After arriving there, Ji Chen'ai only saw three people, two women and one man, and the man was Beijiang City.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Why are there only three of you?"

There was no expression on Beijiangcheng's face. Hearing Ji Chen'e's question, he said calmly: "The remaining one is not going to leave."

Ji Chen'ai was taken aback: "What did you say?" He couldn't understand Beijiangcheng's meaning for a while.

Beijiangcheng amplified his voice: "He thinks this place is very good, he doesn't want to go home!"

After hearing Beijiangcheng's explanation, Ji Chen'ai was speechless, but everyone has his own choice, and he can't force others to do something.

Both Beijiang City and the two little girls were shivering from the cold. One of the girls said that she would not go with Ji Chenye. She just borrowed a passerby's phone to inform her parents who were in this city, and they should be here soon.

Seeing this, Ji Chen'ai didn't say anything, and took Bei Jiangcheng and another girl into the taxi.

Dozens of minutes later, when they arrived near the airport, Ji Chen'e booked Beijiangcheng and the girl a room in a nearby hotel, bought the nearest air tickets for each of them, and contacted their family members.

Ji Chen'ai didn't know what the relatives on the other end of the phone said. He only knew that from the moment Beijiangcheng answered the phone, his tears didn't stop. Although he didn't say a few words, his eyes were swollen from crying.

That girl was no better than Beijiangcheng. After the two of them finished talking on the phone, they both sat on the edge of the bed in a daze. Beijiangcheng suddenly said, "Can I really go back to the past? There is no need to pay the price?"

After going through these things, can I really live as if nothing happened

Ji Chen'ai didn't say anything, he patted Bei Jiangcheng's head and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine, remember to watch the news tomorrow."

Bei Jiangcheng glanced at Ji Chen'ai in surprise, and said, "Who are you? Why do you help us? Are you really not in the same group as those people?"

Ji Chen'ai asked, "Are these important?"

Beijiang City also fell silent when he heard the words.

The nearest flight was at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Ji Chen'ai was afraid that something would happen to the two children, so he told Wang Zhixiu that he would not go back at night and stayed here overnight.

Beijiang City didn't sleep well, only the girl fell asleep.

At five o'clock, Ji Chen'ai woke up the girl, then sent her to the airport, bought her breakfast, and gave her a few hundred dollars for emergency.

When the girl left, Bei Jiangcheng stood beside Ji Chen'ai, and he said, "Are you so nice to everyone?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "Huh? It's alright." He's in a good mood now, because last night, he gained more than 10,000 energy points, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with meddling in his own business.

Bei Jiangcheng said: "Will we meet again?" His plane time will be later.

Hearing this, Ji Chen shook his head: "I don't know."

Bei Jiangcheng took a deep look at Ji Chen'ai, but finally said nothing.

At 6:20, Beijiang City entered the security check, Ji Chen'ai stood at the door and watched his voice disappear, and then turned around and went home - Xu Yunchong's new product launch conference was at ten o'clock in the morning, so he couldn't miss it.

I took a taxi back home, but Wang Zhixiu was not at home. It looked like he was going to buy vegetables. After entering the house, Ji Chen took a shower, cooked some dumplings casually, and turned on the computer. It was still more than ten o'clock before ten o'clock. minute.

While eating dumplings, Ji Chenye chatted with Xiaoqi, he said, "How much energy can I get this time?"

Xiao Qi said: "According to Xu Yunchong's urination, there must be hundreds of thousands."

Ji Chen'ai said: "So much?" He originally thought that a hundred thousand would be a good deal.

Xiao Qi said: "It's okay, you don't look at the immoral things he did, this man has done a lot of bad things, no matter how handsome he is, it doesn't matter..."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." You also said that you are not a face controler.

While the two were casually chatting, Xu Yunchong's new product launch event started.

It was no different from him when we met yesterday. Xu Yunchong was wearing a neat suit, with a gentle smile on his face, walked to the center of the stage, and then made a simple opening remark.

This new product launch event received a lot of attention from many people, and the number of online live broadcasts also soared again and again. Ji Chen'ai stuffed another dumpling into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it. He watched Xu Yunchong take out his new product and began to introduce it.

All of this seemed very natural. Xu Yunchong was calm and humorous. He was a perfect host. He told about the product's functions, features, etc., and told everyone how innovative this product is across the ages.

If this is the end, then today's new product launch event is destined to be a success. Unfortunately, the existence of Ji Chen'ai means that today is the day when Xu Yunchong will fall down.

After talking about the product, just when everyone thought the press conference was coming to an end, Xu Yunchong suddenly changed the subject and said, "In addition to releasing new products today, I still have something to announce."

Everyone quieted down, waiting for Xu Yunchong's next surprise.

Xu Yunchong showed a trademark warm smile towards the camera, and spoke the explosive facts at a gentle speed, he said: "I feel very guilty because I am not a good person. To those who have passed, I sincerely apologize.”

The audience was in an uproar, and the originally quiet venue exploded. Ji Chen'ai put down his chopsticks, took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth.

The moment Xu Yunchong said this sentence, Ji Chenye's positive energy surged like crazy. Ji Chen'ai looked at Xu Yunchong on the screen, and said coldly, "He's finished."

What Ji Chen'ai said is correct, Xu Yunchong, it is indeed over - he will never get up again.