Positive Energy System

Chapter 5: lost memory


Ji Chen'ai doesn't know what Xiaoqi is, but since it can revive him and even change his body, it proves that it has surpassed the technological level of the earth, so it seems that it is not right to cure his leg. something impossible.

After Ji Chen'e got home, Zhou Yaoyun carefully asked him if he wanted to take a bath, Ji Chen'e thought about it and agreed.

Zhou Yaoyun didn't expect Ji Chen'ai to agree so simply, and said happily, "Brother, then I'll get you some water."

The original owner of this body didn't like bathing very much, because every time he took a bath, he needed the help of his younger brother. Looking at his weak legs in the bath was definitely not a pleasant thing.

Originally, Ji Chen'ai didn't like to let others see his disability, but the experience of death seemed to have stripped some emotions from his body, and now he was a little unsurprised and joyless in everything he faced.

Zhou Yaoyun put the water away, and came over to pick up Ji Chen'ai. Although he was already in his twenties, his body was lighter than some girls. Zhou Yaoyun carefully carried Ji Chen'ai into the bathroom, and then began to help Ji Chen'ai. Undress.

Perhaps because he had received Zhou Yaoqin's memory, Ji Chen'ai was no stranger to Zhou Yaoyun, so he cooperated with Zhou Yaoyun's movements and took off his pants.

The trousers were worn on Ji Chen'e's body, and they were a little empty. His legs had not been exercising for a long time, and they looked whiter and thinner. However, the muscles did not shrink, and it could be seen that they were well maintained.

Ji Chen'ai learned from his memory that Zhou Yaoyun would massage his legs almost every night.

Zhou Yaoyun had been secretly observing Ji Chen's expression. When he found that he didn't have the usual disgusted look on his face, he was inexplicably relieved. He picked up Ji Chen's stripped naked, and then gently put him in the In the tub with the right water temperature.

Then, Zhou Yaoyun began to skillfully clean Ji Chen's body, and even washed his hair. The whole process was skillful, and it could be seen that he was already very experienced. In the end, Zhou Yaoyun helped Ji Chen's massage his legs, and he said: "Brother, When I become a doctor in the future, I will definitely cure you."

Zhou Yaoyun's university journal of medicine is obviously for this brother.

Ji Chen'ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun, and suddenly thought... If Zhou Yaoyun found out in the future, his brother had died long ago, so he didn't know how he would react.

Zhou Yaoyun lowered his head and didn't notice what Ji Chen'er was thinking. After massaging Ji Chen'er's legs, he helped Ji Chen'er dry his body, put on his clothes, and put him on the wheelchair.

After Ji Chen'e took a shower, he sat in a wheelchair and started to be in a daze. Xiaoqi's voice suddenly came to mind, and it said, "You have some spare time, why don't you earn more positive energy!"

Ji Chen'ai: "... Where can I earn money?"

Xiao Qi said: "Turn on the computer, and you can see the world!"

Ji Chen'ai had already discovered that Xiao Qi's brain seemed a little useless, he directly ignored the phrase "you can see the world" and entered the study room and turned on the computer.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Open it, then what?"

Xiao Qi said: "Well, just enter a large forum."

Ji Chen'ai entered Uncle Ya, and clicked on a random forum.

Xiao Qi said: "Look, you have so much negative energy, hurry up and post a few posts to prove how beautiful the world is."

Ji Chenye: "..." He looked at the screen similar to "August 18, my best roommate", "XX stars rely on unspoken rules to get to the top, and the fans are so shameless." "I got into an argument with my colleagues, everyone come to judge who Right" post, suddenly felt a little bit at a loss.

Xiao Qi was still talking: "Hurry up, hurry up, posting a post can add positive energy!"

Under urging, Ji Chen'e had no choice but to post a post "Life is so beautiful, why are you so irritable", and as soon as the post was posted, Ji Chen'e heard Xiao Qi's notification sound, telling him that he had gained a little positive energy.

This energy value is really good. If he is not disabled, he probably goes out to pick up garbage for a living, and he will soon fill up this experience bar, but even if he can't go out, he can still be an Internet trooper in the bedroom Come to earn experience.

Who knows that Xiao Qi seems to have guessed what he thought, and said directly: "The first post is a discount for you, the following ones can't be so watery, you have to show your love for this world in order to join Energy."

Ji Chenye: "..." Love for this world, what the hell is that.

So Ji Chen'ai posted another post, the content was similar to the previous one, and as expected, he didn't hear the sound of energy rising. He carefully considered what Xiao Qi said just now, and simply posted a post of "Although I am a disabled person, I live a very happy life", and then reversed all the things he experienced.

The child he saved took responsibility, his father expressed understanding and care for him, his mother put all her energy into taking care of him, and his elder brother loved him very much.

When posting this post, Ji Chen'e only thought it was funny, so there was a creepy taste in his words, those words were fake like fairy tales, but as soon as the post was posted... Ji Chen'e heard it, Xiaoqi said sharply: "Spread negative energy, deduct ten points of positive energy."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." Fuck, he only earned two points in total, okay

Xiao Qi persuaded: "Don't be full of malice towards the world, life is really beautiful."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." He turned off the computer, turned around in the wheelchair, and prepared to leave.

Xiao Qi hurriedly said: "The one who lied to you just now, the positive energy will not be deducted!"

Ji Chen'e: "Even if I did something bad?"

Xiao Qi said: "If you subjectively do bad things that hurt others, you will be punished by the system."

Ji Chen'e sneered: "The person who invented you must be very poor." He wanted to use such a system to change the world.

Xiaoqi didn't even refute when he heard the words, and just fell silent.

Seeing that Xiao Qi stopped talking, Ji Chen moved his body to the bed with his own hands. He didn't lie down for a while, when he heard Zhou Yaoyun's voice: "Brother, do you want to sleep?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "I'm already in bed, good night."

Zhou Yaoyun seemed a little surprised, but in the end he just said good night.

Ji Chen'ai looked at the ceiling, slowly took off his coat, wrapped his body in a quilt, and fell asleep drowsily.

The next day was Saturday, and Zhou Yaoyun didn't have to go to school.

Ji Chen'ai left very early. He took an hour to get dressed, and then got into the wheelchair in more than 20 minutes. He didn't leave the bedroom door until it was almost ten o'clock.

During this period, Zhou Yaoyun knocked on the door and asked Ji Chen'ai in a low voice if he was awake. Ji Chen'e said directly, "I'm already awake, and I want to lie down for a while, don't worry about me." , but after being rejected by Ji Chen'e, he didn't come back. Seeing Ji Chen'e pushing the door away in neat clothes, he finally heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Brother, come quickly, breakfast is ready."

Ji Chen'ai saw the sumptuous breakfast on the table, and said, "I'll get up by myself in the future, so you don't have to worry about it."

Seeing the persistence in Ji Chen'e's eyes, Zhou Yaoyun nodded hesitantly.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Didn't you have training today? Why haven't you left yet?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Training in the afternoon, brother, where do you want to go to play in the afternoon? I asked Liu Ziming to come and play with you."

Liu Ziming? This name was very unfamiliar to Ji Chen'ai, he had never heard of it from Zhou Yaoqin's memory, but according to Zhou Yaoyun's tone, they should be familiar.

Ji Chen'e answered vaguely, Zhou Yaoyun only thought he agreed, so he pushed Ji Chen'e to the table and watched Ji Chen'e eat breakfast.

While eating breakfast, Ji Chen'ai asked Xiao Qi why there was no one named Liu Ziming in his memory.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Qi said, "I am a positive energy system, so I cannot retrieve malicious memories."

Ji Chenye: "..." what the fuck

Xiaoqi: "Well, to be precise, I extracted it, but since the negative energy value of the memory has reached a dividing line, I didn't show it to you."

Ji Chen'e: "...Are you sure?"

Xiaoqi seemed a little guilty, and he coughed very humanely: "Sure."

Ji Chen'e's expression was a little ugly. According to Xiao Qi's logic, he felt that he might only have seen half of Zhou Yaoqin's memories. So... He still doesn't know the final reason for Zhou Yaoqin's death

Ji Chen'ai said: "Then can you show me the memory now?"

Xiaoqi didn't say a word, and after a long time, he said weakly: "I have a positive energy system, so I can't show you things that are too negative."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." What you said made sense, but I was speechless.

Although Xiao Qi didn't say anything, Ji Chen'ai already guessed that Liu Ziming, who came to see him this afternoon, might not bring good memories to Ji Chen'e.

Ji Chen'ai glanced at Zhou Yaoyun's smiling expression, swallowed the porridge in his mouth, forget it, the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, some things have to be faced.