Positive Energy System

Chapter 55: Dilemma


Lu Xiangming didn't expect that he would hear these two words from Ji Chen'e's mouth, but after he did hear them, he didn't realize how surprised he was.

He looked at Ji Chen'e and said, "Are you not injured?"

Ji Chen'ai shook his head, took out a gun from his trouser pocket and threw it to Lu Xiangming: "Let's go, go to your father's side."

Lu Xiangming took a deep look at Ji Chen'ai, then nodded.

Lu Xiangming didn't know how Ji Chen'e got the information, and he didn't know how the people inside died, but he didn't care at all, because everyone has secrets, and most of the time, it's enough to pay attention to the results enough.

Ji Chen'ai and Lu Xiangming took a taxi, and then rushed over to where Lu Xiangming's father was.

From those people's words, I learned that Lu Xiangming's father had suffered a lot, but Ji Chen'ai didn't ask about the specific situation, because he knew that even if he asked, it wouldn't change anything.

It is enough to know that Lu Xiangming's father, Lu Yuguang, is still alive.

Lu Yuguang was locked up in a relatively remote suburb. According to the plan of those drug dealers, they planned to get rid of Lu Xiangming here, and then attack his family, finally achieving the goal of demonstrating against undercover agents.

But now everything was disrupted by Ji Chen, not only did Lu Xiangming not die here, but he even asked where his father was.

While in the taxi, Ji Chen'ai told Lu Xiangming about the person who betrayed him.

Because those people didn't know much, they didn't have too many clues, but this information was already very important to Lu Xiangming.

Xiao Qi also took advantage of this time to tell Ji Chen'ai that he had another energy value in his account.

After the energy value reached the second level, Ji Chen could not see the experience bar of the third level energy value, so it is temporarily unknown how much positive energy is needed for the third level.

Xiao Qi reminded him that after those people died, nearly 10,000 positive energy points were recorded in the account, but Ji Chen'ai still couldn't see the experience bar for the third level. From this, it can be seen that the experience required for the third level is probably the second level several times.

Zhou Yaoqin's people continued to follow Ji Chen'e, and they were ordered not to interfere with Ji Chen'e, unless Ji Chen'e requested it himself or when there was obvious danger.

Lu Xiangming saw that Ji Chen'ai's identity was not simple, but he didn't expect that his sister's classmate had so many secrets.

Before arriving in the suburbs, Ji Chen'ai called Zhou Yaoyun.

Zhou Yaoyun was flattered to receive Ji Chen'e's call, he said, "Brother, what happened?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "The few people you sent, can they fight?"

Zhou Yaoyun said softly: "The people assigned to my brother are all the best."

Ji Chen'ai hummed, and said again: "Can I ask them to help me?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Of course, otherwise what's the use of them."

I chatted with Zhou Yaoyun again, and Zhou Yaoyun said that he was going back to China soon, but he didn't know the exact time, so he asked Ji Chen'ai to pick him up.

Ji Chen'ai responded to all of them one by one, and said that he still had something to do, and he would call and talk slowly in two days.

Listening to Ji Chen'e's calm conversation, Lu Xiangming felt extraordinarily complicated. He remembered that when he was on a mission for the first time, his hands were so trembling that he couldn't even hold the gun steadily, let alone calm and composed.

Ji Chen'ai noticed Lu Xiangming's gaze, and he said helplessly, "Didn't Lu Yuyu tell you that I'm in my twenties?" Although he was young, he was definitely not a student anymore.

Lu Xiangming was taken aback: "Are you in your twenties?" He completely believed that Ji Chen'ai was younger than Lu Yuyu.

Ji Chen'ai said: "That's right, I'm in my twenties." After a pause, he added, "So in terms of age, I'm not much different from you."

Although Lu Xiangming looks old-fashioned, he is actually only seven years older than Lu Yuyu, and he is only twenty-four now, not much older than Ji Chenye.

Lu Xiangming obviously didn't believe Ji Chen'ai's words, he said, "Are you really an adult?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Of course." - Well, in fact, he is indeed only in his teens, but does it matter

So Lu Xiangming's expression became even more awkward. He swallowed what he wanted to say.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Why do you want to be an undercover agent?" It can be seen from Lu Yuyu's food and clothing expenses that their family conditions must be good, and their city is not close to the border. Being a policeman should not be a drug-fighting policeman.

When Lu Xiangming heard the words, a flame ignited in his eyes, and he said, "My teacher was shot dead by a drug dealer."

Looking at Lu Xiangming's expression, Ji Chen'ai understood why he stubbornly wanted to be an undercover agent.

Lu Xiangming said: "I didn't expect that I would embark on such a path, but if I went back to the beginning, I would still make the same choice." He continued to insist on his beliefs despite the pressure of his family.

Ji Chen's fingers lightly tapped on the car window, more and more agreeing with Xiao Qi's opinion that human beings are really complicated creatures, some people try their best to do bad things, and some people try their best to catch those who do bad things.

Before arriving at the destination, Ji Chen'e asked Xiao Qi to check if there was a networked camera in the place that those people said. Xiao Qi checked and said that there was one on the nearby road, but it was far away from the place.

Ji Chen'ai asked Xiao Qi to check the videos of the previous few days, and finally confirmed how many people were in the room.

The people in the alley at No. 72 West Street told Ji Chen'ai that a dozen of them had come this time, four of them arrested Lu Xiangming there, and two of them took Lu Yuguang away. As for the others Where they do not know.

But although they didn't know much, they also confessed the little leader of this operation, saying that they were all called Brother Chen, and they were the confidantes of their boss. It is said that they had been working with Lu Xiangming for a while. To take Lu Xiangming's life.

When Ji Chen'ai mentioned the name "Chen Jiang", Lu Xiangming's expression changed again, his expression became tense all of a sudden, as if he was very sensitive to this name.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Acquaintance?"

Lu Xiangming gave a muffled hum, and he said: "When I first entered, he was the one who took me."—Just entering, refers to the fact that Lu Xiangming just started working as an undercover agent.

Ji Chen'e said lightly: "It's quite embarrassing." Everyone has feelings, five years, even as an undercover agent, is enough to create some ties, but this kind of ties can't stop Lu Xiangming's pace.

Lu Xiangming said: "It's no wonder." In fact, when he decided to be an undercover agent, he was already enlightened. Once this matter is exposed, there is absolutely no possibility of good.

Ji Chen'ai sighed, and didn't ask Lu Xiangming about this matter again. His holy father's holy light has been used up just now, so he can't activate this heaven-defying cheat in the next urgent time. This also makes the whole thing full of uncertainty.

After the two were silent for half a minute, Ji Chen'ai said again: "I checked just now, there should be five people in the place where your father is." ——The man and woman outside the police station also came here Two out of a dozen people, so there are at most five guarding Lu Xiangming's father.

Lu Xiangming nodded, and Ji Chen'ai brought him a gun, which is considered a weapon.

In the taxi, the conversation between the two was very quiet, trying not to let the taxi driver notice, Ji Chen'ai opened the car window and looked behind, then said to Lu Xiangming: "How many people will come later?" Help, you can discuss how to deal with it when the time comes." Ji Chen'ai is not a person who likes to be brave, he is definitely not as good at this matter as Lu Xiangming.

Lu Xiangming was taken aback when he heard the words: "A person like you?"

Hearing this sentence, Ji Chen'e couldn't laugh or cry, what is a person like him, he said: "I am a normal person just like you."

Lu Xiangming showed embarrassment, he wanted to explain that he didn't mean that, but he was afraid that Ji Chen'ai would overthink it.

Ji Chen'ai is not so stingy either, seeing Lu Xiangming's face, he just smiled, he lowered his voice and said: "Okay, if you find out, then there's nothing I can do, in fact, I'm an alien..."

Lu Xiangming's expression became even more strange, he wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh out loud. He is not a pedantic person, so he can naturally accept some things in this world that he doesn't know. The wounds on his body are the most sincere answers Ji Chen'e gave him.

Ji Chen'ai is on his side, that's enough.

This day, the taxi fare alone cost hundreds of dollars. When Ji Chen’ai got off the bus, he was still joking with Lu Xiangming, asking him if the fare could be reimbursed. .

Ji Chen'ai said helplessly that he did not have an invoice, and Lu Xiangming immediately said that it would be impossible to do without an invoice.

Although they were joking, the atmosphere between the two of them was not easy. Zhou Yaoyun gave Ji Chenye the phone number of the group who followed him, and Ji Chenye dialed the number after getting off the car.

The person who received Ji Chen's call didn't seem surprised. After asking about Ji Chen's specific situation, he said please wait a moment.

Three minutes later, the group of people arrived in front of Ji Chen'e.

Lu Xiangming is a policeman, so his vision is naturally vicious. When he saw the people Ji Chenye called, he could clearly see that the identities of these people were not as simple as bodyguards—at least not ordinary bodyguards, because ordinary bodyguards are Will never kill.

Ji Chen'e didn't realize that there was anything special about these people, but Zhou Yaoqin had already expressed confidence in the strength of these people on the phone, and told Ji Chen'e that it would be no problem to get rid of a small group of less than ten people. Tell Ji Chen'ai not to join the team, and to go in after the matter is over to avoid being accidentally injured.

Zhou Yaoyun had obviously greeted these people, and after Ji Chen'e briefly described the matter, the four people began to make plans.

Lu Xiangming was obviously not included in their plan. He wanted to say something, but when he saw those people taking out prohibited weapons, he decided not to say anything.

It was already afternoon at this time, the sun that had been brilliant all day began to slowly fall into the horizon, and the baked earth exuded a dizzying heat, Ji Chenye, watching those few people finished speaking in a few words, was ready to go up.

But Lu Xiangming asked at the end, do you need his help

Those people took a look at Lu Xiangming, and said, "You just need to protect him well." He, of course, refers to Ji Chen'ai.

Lu Xiangming glanced at Ji Chen'ai, only saw the bright smile on Ji Chen'e's face, but for some reason, he somehow felt that Ji Chen'e's smile gave him a chill down his back, and from the present point of view, He didn't realize that Ji Chen'e needed his help.

What is the efficiency of these people, Ji Chen'e quickly got the answer.

After twenty minutes and several gunshots, one of them came out. His face was still stained with blood, but his expression was relaxed. He said, "It's done, come in."

Ji Chen'ai and Lu Xiangming walked in one after the other.

What was originally thought to be very difficult was accomplished so easily. Lu Xiangming thought about it but never thought of such a development. He thought that he would at least go through a bloody battle before he could fight his way out.

It feels like preparing for a war for more than ten years, only to find out that the enemy is a kindergarten on the battlefield.

The room exuded a strong smell of blood. Ji Chen'ai followed Lu Xiangming into the room slowly on crutches. He saw a dead drug dealer lying in the living room at a glance, and several others who were tied up. people.

Those few people were obviously similar to Lu Xiangming, and they didn't understand why things happened like this, and where did these men with explosive combat power come from, but when they saw Lu Xiangming's face, one of them's eyes fell. Outburst immediately, he scolded: "Qin You, you son of a bitch, I'm fucking blind!"

Lu Xiangming didn't show much emotion when he was scolded like this, he said, "Where's the hostage?"

The man who called Ji Chen'ai and Lu Xiangming in raised his chin: "It's in the bedroom, go and have a look, it's probably going to die soon."

Lu Xiangming's expression changed, and he rushed into the bedroom immediately.

Ji Chen'ai also followed behind Lu Xiangming and walked in.

Just like what the person said just now, Lu Xiangming's father, Lu Yuguang, is really dying. Although he had been untied, he was breathing very weakly while lying on the bed, and the amount of abuse he had suffered could be seen just from the exposed skin.

Lu Xiangming only felt something choked his throat, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only take a few steps forward and hold Lu Yuguang's hand, shouting tremblingly: " dad… "

Ji Chen'ai also saw Lu Yuguang's tragic situation, but his healing skills were still cooling down and he couldn't use them at all. He asked Xiao Qi about the situation, but Xiao Qi said: "It's hopeless, with the current earth technology, It cannot be saved."

Ji Chen'ai pursed his lips: "Is there really no other way?"

Xiao Qi said: "There is a way, it depends on your willingness to part with it."

Ji Chen'ai said: "What way?"

Xiao Qi said: "You can use your 100,000 positive energy points in exchange for a skill cooling time."

One hundred thousand positive energy is already a very huge value for Ji Chen'ai. Although he earned more than four hundred thousand in Xu Yunchong's incident, how many Xu Yunchong came to give him experience points.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Without the 100,000 skills, will I fall back to the first level of positive energy?"

Xiao Qi said: "Yes, it will fall back, and after using this skill, all second-level skills can no longer be used."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Use it."

Xiao Qi said: "Are you sure?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Use it, if you catch a drug dealer this time, you should be able to earn a lot of energy points." Positive energy points can be earned again, but if the life is gone, it is really gone.

Ji Chenye has always been envious of people who have a complete family. He also hopes to have a strict father and a loving mother. When he was Ji Chenye, these hopes were always just dreams, but after he became Zhou Yaoqin, these dreams, It finally became a reality.

Wang Zhixiu is very kind to Ji Chenye, and Zhou Yumian is also very kind to Ji Chenye, so they compare their hearts to each other. Ji Chenye can't imagine how he will react when he sees Wang Zhixiu's accident one day.

Lu Xiangming was shaking violently because of Lu Yuguang's tragic situation. He took a deep breath, and cast a look of help at Ji Chen'ai - he knew that Ji Chen'ai was about to heal his injuries, which meant that Ji Chen'ai was about to heal his wounds. Dust also heals others.

However, although Ji Chen'ai made a decision, he didn't tell Lu Xiangming directly, but said: "It's not that I don't need to pay a price to save you."

Lu Xiangming was taken aback: "What do you want..."

Ji Chen'ai looked down at Lu Xiangming, his eyes were as calm as a lake: "I want it, but you don't."

Lu Xiangming's breathing became a little short. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Ji Chen'e said: "If I treat a person, his lifespan will be shortened by a few years." - This is purely made up by Ji Chen'e, but he doesn't realize that there is something wrong with this lie, people will always treat free things Replying with a contemptuous attitude, on the contrary, the harder it is to get something, the more attention it will have.

Lu Xiangming's teeth were about to bleed, he said, "Sorry." He couldn't ask Ji Chenye to exchange his life for Lu Yuguang, so even though he was very anxious, he still just said sorry in a low voice.

Ji Chen'ai said: "However, I like you very much."

Lu Xiangming's eyes widened.

Ji Chen'ai said: "I also like Lu Yuyu very much, so since I have already made an exception once, it doesn't matter if I make another exception."

Lu Xiangming didn't know what to say anymore, he wanted to say thank you, but at this time, the weight of the word thank you was too light, so light that he didn't realize that these two words could express his mood at this time.

Ji Chen'ai suddenly had a bad taste, he walked over, condescendingly looked at Lu Xiangming who was half kneeling on the ground and holding Lu Yuguang's hand, then stretched out his hand to pinch Lu Xiangming's chin, and said, "So you , please repay me well."

Lu Xiangming nodded heavily.

Only then did Ji Chen'e smile.

However, before he finished laughing, he heard Lu Xiangming ask blankly: "You can walk without crutches."

Ji Chen's smile froze, only to realize that he had lost his crutch as a joke: "...Isn't it impossible to walk for a long time?"

Lu Xiangming let out an oh, as if he really believed it.