Positive Energy System

Chapter 61: Zhou Yaoyun revenge


In fact, from this incident, the biggest difference between Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai can be seen.

If this matter were placed on Zhou Yaoyun, perhaps he would choose to take revenge as soon as he was reborn. With the cheat of Xiao Qi, it is very simple to want to get revenge, but in Ji Chen'e's view, instead of Spend time hating others rather than simply forgetting the past.

Facts have proved that Ji Chen'e's guess about Zhou Yaoyun's character is very reliable, because after Xiao Qi's inquiry, he found that the family of the child rescued by Ji Chen'e had a very miserable life.

The child's mother is a worker, and his father's small business has always been considered a well-off life. However, not long ago, his father's shop suddenly caught fire, and the stored goods were burned to ashes along with the house. Fortunately, No one was hurt. After police investigation, it was found that the fire was caused by aging wiring. However, because they were not insured, they had to bear huge losses.

Of course, this incident was just the beginning for their family. Soon, the child's mother was found stealing things from the factory, and she was directly fired from the factory.

Because of these accidents, the life of their family changed directly from heaven to hell. The child couldn't bear such a big change for a while, so he chose to run away from home. As a result, on the night he left home, he encountered an accident. A car accident—lost a pair of legs.

Fire, dismissal, car accident, Ji Chen'ai doesn't know how many coincidences are involved, but Zhou Yaoyun's role in this matter will definitely not be small.

At this moment, Ji Chen'e should be in a happy mood. Seeing that the person who caused him to become disabled gets what he deserves, such a happy ending should make people want to raise their lips. However, unlike the joy he had imagined, Ji Chen'e's mood was very calm at this time, as if he had read a story that had nothing to do with him, at most he just smiled indifferently.

Xiao Qi said: "Ai Ai, are you unhappy?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's been too long... I don't feel anything anymore."

Xiao Qi was silent for a while, and then said: "I really hate Liu Xi."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Who? Who is Liu Xi?"

Xiao Qi said: "It's the little boy who pretended to ask for help..."

Liu Xi, Ji Chen'e only now knows the name of the little boy he saved. After he was injured, the family never came to visit him. The only time they met was at the police station, but that meeting was also a quarrel from beginning to end.

Liu Xi's parents didn't realize that there was something wrong with their son. From their point of view, Ji Chen'ai was just a meddlesome passer-by who brought a lot of trouble to their family.

The reason why bear children can become bear children is because they have parents who are worse than them.

Ji Chen'e had thoroughly seen the ugliness of human nature in this matter, at that time he couldn't understand why he would end up like this after doing good deeds.

But now, it doesn't matter whether you understand it or not.

Zhou Yaoyun didn't ask Ji Chen'ai's opinion, but directly chose to help him avenge him. If it wasn't because of Ji Mingzhong's matter that Ji Chen'e suddenly remembered, Ji Chen'e would never have known about it.

From the information found by Xiaoqi, it can be known that Liu Xi's family is living in a miserable life. His father's business failed, and his mother was fired. At this time, Liu Xi's leg was injured again, and the driver who caused the accident was not caught. All medical expenses must be borne by oneself.

Xiao Qi even cut a video about Liu Xi from the hospital to show Ji Chen'ai. In the video, Liu Xi was throwing things on the ground in a fit of temper. His mother was standing by and crying, while his father was frowning and smoking a cigarette. You can see the sad look on his face.

The voice of the child's mother came over, and she said, "Old Liu, is it all retribution for our family to encounter these things?"

Old Liu didn't speak after hearing the words, but continued to smoke silently.

The child's mother said again: "I checked the matter of that person and found that he died not long after being disabled..." When she said this, she was whispering to the child's father, as if afraid of being heard by the injured child .

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Old Liu said, "Don't fucking talk nonsense."

The child's mother muttered, "Why don't we invite a Taoist priest to do it...? The way our family is now... is too..."

The master frowned even tighter, but he didn't refute the child's mother's words. He didn't care at first, but now that he thinks about it, it seems too coincidental that these things happened together, especially after Liu Xi's leg was disabled, he hurriedly asked someone to ask I asked about the boy who was disabled because of Liu Xi.

However, after knowing the news that the boy had died, the idea that it was the boy's family members who were playing tricks made no sense. He wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the child's fucking words made his back suddenly feel a little chilly.

If it is not man-made but a natural disaster, I am afraid it will be even worse for them. Although you may not believe in such things as luck, you cannot help but believe in what happened in reality.

Old Liu finally compromised: "Do it."

The child's mother said again: "I will inquire about where he is buried, and find some time to go and have a look..."

Lao Liu nodded again, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the child's crying. Liu Xi is different from Ji Chen'ai. He was spoiled since he was a child, and he has never been wronged. Otherwise, he would not have made such a bad prank. So the character became more and more irritable.

Compared with the disabled Ji Chen'e, his situation is even worse.

Seeing this, the video was gone, Ji Chen said, "Did they really go?"

Xiao Qi said: "I am also very curious about this question, so I continued to watch..."

Hearing this, Ji Chen'ai suddenly felt something was wrong, he raised his brows: "Xiaoqi, you said that you continue to watch, which means that you have always known what Zhou Yaoyun is doing?"

Xiaoqi coughed twice: "This, isn't it because you didn't ask..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "You can, Xiao Qi, you can hide this from me."

Xiao Qi laughed a couple of times in embarrassment, then changed the subject abruptly: "Do you still want to know what happened next?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Say."

Xiao Qi said: "Then they went to Ji Mingzhong and wanted to find out the address of your grave..."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Ji Mingzhong? Then?"

Xiao Qi said: "At that time, Shen Shuya and Ji Mingzhong divorced not long ago, and Ji Suming came out again at home. Naturally, Ji Mingzhong was in a very bad mood, and then he directly asked someone to throw those two people out."

This development season, Chen Mo can guess.

Xiao Qi said: "After being kicked out, they were naturally unwilling, and they didn't know where they got Shen Shuya's address, so they went to Shen Shuya's house to ask..."

Ji Chen'ai said, "What's Shen Shuya's reaction?"

Xiao Qi said: "Hey, this is wonderful, I even took a video!" Seeing how proud Xiao Qi said, Ji Chen'ai didn't know what to scold him, this guy peeped at countless people behind his back , Didn't tell him this until the incident happened.

Then Xiao Qi showed Ji Chen'er the video recorded by Shen Shuya's home computer camera.

Shen Shuya didn't deal with this matter at the time, so she didn't meet Liu Xi's parents. At first, she enthusiastically welcomed the couple into the house, but after knowing that they were the parents of that bear child, Shen Shuya immediately changed. She turned pale, she was pouring tea for those two people, when she heard the news, she immediately smashed the teapot on the table, and put away the teacup with a gloomy expression.

Shen Shuya said: "What are you doing here?"

Liu Xi's mother's expression was a little embarrassed, she said: "It's like this, we also feel very ashamed of what happened back then, so... I want to ask, um... Where is Ji Chen'e buried."

Shen Shuya sneered and said, "Where is it buried? It's none of your business to be buried there!"

Liu Xi's father said: "Why do you have such an attitude? We also know that we are wrong. Otherwise, why would we come here and ask you this!" - He didn't really feel that he was wrong, but after asking the Taoist priests who practice Fengshui , it was suggested that it is easier to transfer to the grave.

Shen Shuya said: "Go away, I have nothing to say to you." When she said this, her face and eyes were full of contempt and sarcasm, looking at the two people in front of her as if they were looking at something dirty , I can't wait to take a napkin and throw these two people out of the house!

Ji Chen'ai had never seen such an aggressive Shen Shuya. Although he knew that Ji Mingzhong and Shen Shuya were divorced, and that Shen Shuya disdained the harassment from the media, he saw the undisguised contempt and anger on Shen Shuya's face. Only then did he truly feel that Shen Shuya had changed.

From a docile little white rabbit to a hedgehog who fights back without hesitation, as long as someone dares to violate her territory, she dares to stab back angrily.

Liu Xi's mother was also slightly annoyed. Like Liu Xi's father, she also didn't realize that she was wrong. In her opinion, what Ji Chen'er did was a typical idiot—yes, in her eyes Here, people who suffer misfortune because of good deeds are fools.

Liu Xi's mother suppressed her anger and said with a smirk: "I know you are angry, but it has already happened, and no one wants to do this. Don't we want to make it up to you?"

Shen Shuya looked at the two of them coldly: "Compensation? You compensate me? You really are a bitch. Why didn't you come to compensate when my son was injured to save your little bastard? Now that my son is gone, what do you think? The last grave will be considered as compensation? Let’s have your ghost dream!”

Ji Chen'ai has grown up so much, he has never heard Shen Shuya utter a single swear word, but today he heard such swear words clearly from Shen Shuya's mouth, such as little bastard and slut, he can't tell how he feels, just He pursed his lips heavily.

Liu Xi's mother said angrily: "Why are you talking! Who is a bastard! Believe it or not, I will slap you!"

Facing the angry two people, Shen Shuya didn't say anything, she turned around and went into the kitchen. A few seconds later, she walked into the living room with a kitchen knife in her hand, then pointed the knife at the two of them and said, "Should you get out? Kill both of you?"

When she said this, there was a frightening gloom and anger in her eyes, which made it impossible to suspect that what she said was just a threat.

Liu Xi's father wanted to say something, but was stopped by Liu Xi's mother. She spat on the ground and said with a sneer, "Let's just go, what's the use of threatening us, damn it, they're all dead!"

Those words pierced Shen Shuya's heart completely. She raised the kitchen knife and threw it at Liu Xi's mother. Liu Xi's mother screamed and dodged away. The knife was just stuck in the side of her. on the sofa.

Shen Shuya roared angrily: "Get out or not?"

The two looked at Shen Shuya with fear in their eyes, and then they scrambled away.

Shen Shuya looked at the backs of the two, she looked silent and didn't know what she was thinking. After standing there for a long time, she walked slowly to the sofa and sat down slowly.

Regardless of the kitchen knife still sticking out next to her, Shen Shuya took out her wallet from the nearby bag, and then took out a photo from the wallet with trembling hands—that photo was obviously Ji Chen'e.

Without words, Shen Shuya's tears fell drop by drop on the photo, she choked up and touched the young but dead child in the photo, and then softly called: "Ai Ai, Mom misses you so much."

Seeing this scene, Ji Chen's Adam's apple moved up and down slightly.

The bad fate of Liu Xi's mother and father did not stop because of their pretended compromise, because not long after they disturbed Shen Shuya, the house was attacked by thieves, and all valuables were stolen except for the passbook. , and the large pieces of furniture that could not be taken away were all smashed, and the house was in a mess.

After the police investigation, it was concluded that the fugitive committed the crime, and the possibility of catching the thief was very small—in other words, it was almost impossible to catch the criminal.

Liu Xi's mother had a large-scale quarrel with Liu Xi's father because of this incident. She said that Liu Xi's father must have provoked someone to retaliate. Liu Xi's father retorted that it must be Liu Xi's mother. His temper is too weird, so he offended people outside.

An originally harmonious family was completely torn apart. Liu Xi had to be discharged from the hospital early because his family could not afford the treatment, and there was no possibility of his leg recovering.

Of course, as long as people are alive, they will always find that things can be even worse. After being burglarized at home, Liu Xi's father suddenly found that there seemed to be something wrong with his health. He went to the hospital for an examination and found out that he had lung cancer.

This kind of thing is beyond Zhou Yaoyun's control. Obviously, the heavens can't stand it, and let Liu Xi's father suffer this disaster.

At this time, Liu Xi's mother could no longer believe in her fate. She felt that what she had done must be wrong, but there was no medicine for regret in the world.

Ji Chen'ai has thoroughly seen Zhou Yaoyun's revenge methods. According to Zhou Yaoyun's logic, it is too easy to die, and it is simply too cheap for those who want to take revenge. Only when they live and continue to live, will they know that there will be others one hell.