Positive Energy System

Chapter 63: Little accident


Ji Chen'e didn't expect Zhou Yaoyun to come back suddenly, although Zhou Yaoyun who came back suddenly was full of hostility towards Lu Xiangming, but generally speaking, Zhou Yaoyun's return to China still made Ji Chen'e very happy.

Zhou Yaoyun was the first person Ji Chenye met when he was reborn into this body, plus Zhou Yaoyun already knew his true identity, so it doesn’t matter if it was a baby bird plot, Ji Chenye always felt that Zhou Yaoyun was special to him exist.

After Lu Xiangming left, Zhou Yaoyun also ordered a steak and began to eat slowly. Once Lu Xiangming left, Zhou Yaoyun's aura was no longer so sharp, and Ji Chen'ai had time to take a good look at his brother.

Compared with the New Year, Zhou Yaoyun is a little thinner, but this thinness makes him look sharper. When he is not smiling, his whole body reveals a kind of indifference. The Zhou Yaoyun who looked like this looked completely different from him who smiled very gently in college. However, when facing Ji Chen'ai, Zhou Yaoyun will still show the most gentle side-acting like a baby, it's just casual.

After eating the steak, they sat and rested for a while before they went out.

Ji Chen'ai is still on crutches, although he can indeed walk without hindrance now, but he doesn't intend to tell others.

Standing beside Ji Chen'e, Zhou Yaoyun deliberately slowed down and said, "Brother, is your leg still not healed?" He knew that Ji Chen'e had a secret that he didn't know.

Ji Chen'ai looked at his feet, then at Zhou Yaoyun, and decided to tell the truth: "It's ready."

Zhou Yaoyun's eyes widened a little, but he was only surprised for a moment, and then he curled his eyelashes: "That's really great." The tacit understanding between the two is that if you don't tell me, I won't ask.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Are you still leaving?"

Zhou Yaoyun shook his head: "I'm not leaving, but I can't live at home either. There are still some things that haven't been dealt with over there."

Zhou Yaoyun is actually one year younger than Zhou Yaoqin, but Zhou Yaoqin looks tender at first, and he doesn't feel disobedient at all as a high school student. And Zhou Yaoyun grew taller when he was out, and now he looked more oppressive. Standing next to Ji Chen'e, most of the others would think that he was the elder brother.

Ji Chen'ai asked some more questions about life, such as where Zhou Yaoyun plans to live now, first go home and see if there is any.

Zhou Yaoyun said that he came over to look for Ji Chen'ai right after he came back, and he hasn't gone back to take a look, but even though he said so, his tone was full of sour taste for Ji Chen'e coming out to eat with Lu Xiangming alone.

Ji Chen'ai was amused to hear Zhou Yaoyun's words, he said: "You are so stingy and still run so far, Lu Xiangming and I have eaten several meals."

Zhou Yaoyun said quietly: "How many love letters have you received?"

Ji Chen'ai said helplessly: "I told you that it wasn't a love letter from him, so don't think too much about it."

Zhou Yaoyun snorted: "I'm overthinking this, that Lu Xiangming is not a good person at first glance, it's because my brother is too soft-hearted..."

Seeing Zhou Yaoyun's childish appearance, Ji Chen'ai had nothing to do with him, he couldn't bear to say serious words, so he could only smile bitterly and watch Zhou Yaoyun play petty temper.

In fact, Ji Chen'ai can also tell that Zhou Yaoyun's character is not like this in front of everyone.

Zhou Yaoyun came by car, and he drove Ji Chen'ai back home while chatting.

After arriving home, Wang Zhixiu's reaction was similar to Ji Chen'e's. She didn't expect Zhou Yaoyun to come back suddenly, so she seemed to complain after seeing Zhou Yaoyun: "You child, why didn't you tell the family when you came back."

Zhou Yaoyun smiled and said: "Isn't it because the time has not been determined? I'm afraid that if something happens, you will have to wait in vain."

When Wang Zhixiu heard this, he asked him if he had eaten and if he was leaving today.

Zhou Yaoyun said that he had eaten and would not leave tonight. After hearing this, Wang Zhixiu understood Zhou Yaoyun's meaning - if you don't leave tonight, then tomorrow may not be the case.

In fact, Wang Zhixiu had a premonition of this day after agreeing to Zhou Yaoyun to find his biological parents. However, she has no position to demand anything from Zhou Yaoyun. Although she wants to treat Zhou Yaoyun the same way she treats Ji Chenye, there are some things that she can do without her thinking.

Zhou Yaoyun had been on the plane for more than ten hours, and although he looked more energetic, Ji Chenye still urged him to take a shower and sleep.

Zhou Yaoyun took a bath slowly, then walked to Ji Chen'e's room, lay down on Ji Chen'e's bed, and said, "Brother, I'm so tired..."

Ji Chen'ai was sitting in the bedroom playing computer, turned to look at Zhou Yaoyun: "If you are tired, go to bed early."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "But I don't want to sleep, I want to chat with you."

Ji Chen'ai paused for a moment with the hand holding the mouse, and then said, "Isn't it the same for tomorrow's chat?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "I... don't... want to..." He dragged his voice to express his dissatisfaction in an extremely resentful tone.

Ji Chen'ai glanced at the closed door, walked to Zhou Yaoyun's side without using a cane, sat down and said, "OK, OK, chat, chat, what do you want to talk about?"

Zhou Yaoyun looked at Ji Chen'ai, and said slowly: "Brother, do you have a feeling that you have seen me before?"

Ji Chen'ai felt that Zhou Yaoyun's question was very strange, and he said, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Yaoyun shook his head: "I can't tell, it's just a feeling..."

After hearing Zhou Yaoyun's words, Ji Chen'ai reached out and touched Zhou Yaoyun's forehead: "I don't have a fever."

Zhou Yaoyun said helplessly: "Well, it seems that you don't believe me..."

Ji Chen'ai smiled and said, "You're tired, let's talk about it tomorrow." Although Zhou Yaoyun didn't express that he was tired, there were still faint dark circles under his eyes. After hearing Ji Chen'e persuade him to go to sleep again, Zhou Yaoyun stared at Ji Chen'e for a few seconds, then mumbled, and buried his face in Ji Chen'e's pillow, apparently intending to listen to Ji Chen'e's words and go to sleep .

Seeing Zhou Yaoyun close his eyes, the smile on Ji Chen'ai's face faded. Just now, he saw a message that went viral on Weibo.

The news was about a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child being abused by his family, but when he asked the police and relevant departments for help, no one was willing to take over. And the reason why this incident is very special to Ji Chen'ai is because the abused child in the news, Ji Chen'e, has seen it before - one of the three children Ji Chen'e rescued in the human trafficker incident.

When he first saw the girl's appearance, Ji Chen'e felt familiar, but Xiao Qi reminded him, saying that this is not the girl he saved last time.

Ji Chen'ai frowned watching the news, and said, "What's going on?"

Using her search function, Xiao Qi quickly gave Ji Chen'e the answer, that girl was indeed abused by her family. But the reason for the abuse made Ji Chen'e unbearable—their family actually felt that the girl kidnapped by the traffickers was already unclean, and it would be better to die earlier than to live.

Ji Chen'ai has never been able to understand this statement.

In the matter of Lu Yuanyuan being raped, some of the malice towards women in society was exposed. If something happens to you, it must be your fault.

Ji Chenye remembered that he once read a sentence on the Internet, "I spent twenty years teaching my daughter to protect herself, how much time did you spend teaching your son not to hurt others?" He looked at the news in front of him and took a deep breath : "Xiao Qi, how is this girl doing now?"

Xiao Qi said: "The situation is not good according to the news, by the way, you haven't used your new skills yet."

Because the legs are healed, Ji Chen is no longer as active in earning positive energy as before, so that he didn't put his mind on it during this period of time. After being reminded by Xiao Qi, he remembered that he still had skills that he hadn't tried. .

Ji Chen'ai said, "If Tianya is close to you, will the skill range be enlarged?"

Xiao Qi said: "To be precise, it is a remote operation. You are here, but you can use skills on people in other places."

Ji Chen said: "This skill will consume energy, right?"

Xiao Qi said: "Yes." Ji Chen'e's healing and Tian Ya Ruo Bi Lin both consume energy, so they cannot be used without restrictions like other skills.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Can I check the current situation of that girl?"

Xiao Qi said: "It is possible, but it is estimated that the result will be available in a few hours, or you should go to bed first?"

Ji Chen'ai turned his head to look at Zhou Yaoyun who was already sound asleep on the bed, thought for a while and said, "That's fine." Since the matter has already happened, there is no need to rush it.

Judging from Weibo, the little girl's situation is very bad. Being abducted by human traffickers was a serious blow to her spirit, but after returning home, instead of comforting her, her family stabbed her harder. Ji Chen'ai couldn't figure out what the girl's family was thinking, but the most indispensable thing in this world was scum.

Zhou Yaoyun took up half of Ji Chen's bed, and Ji Chen'e could only shrink to one side. When he was thinking about whether to go to the living room to sleep on the sofa, Zhou Yaoyun, who was already asleep, generously gave up half of the bed.

Ji Chen'ai was about to squeeze into the middle when Zhou Yaoyun's arms caught him.

Although it's already July, it's not too hot at home with the air conditioner turned on. Considering that Zhou Yaoyun was tired from flying, Ji Chen'ai didn't wake him up, but chose to fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, Ji Chen'ai's compromise made Zhou Yaoyun a little bit worse, he put his chin on the top of Ji Chen'e's head, and rubbed it against him while muttering. Ji Chen'ai could only helplessly be held in Zhou Yaoyun's arms like a teddy bear.

Normally, Ji Chen'ai would never be able to fall asleep in this position, but today was an exception. Not long after, Ji Chen'e fell into a drowsy sleep, and even Zhou Yaoyun opened his eyes and kissed him lightly. I didn't even notice the corner of his mouth kissing him.

Ji Chen'ai has never been wary of people he trusts around him, which also gave Zhou Yaoyun a better chance.