Positive Energy System

Chapter 64: Eat vinegar yo


Ji Chen'ai is a very mysterious existence to Zhou Yaoyun.

From the moment he became Zhou Yaoqin, Ji Chen'ai brought Zhou Yaoyun unlimited surprises. Similarly, for Ji Chenye, there are many unsolved mysteries about Zhou Yaoyun. He doesn't know who Zhou Yaoyun's family background is, and he doesn't know the meaning of everything Zhou Yaoyun did after he left him, but Ji Chenye is very clear. The tacit understanding between him and Zhou Yaoyun is invincible.

After Zhou Yaoyun came back, some changes took place in Ji Chen'ai's life.

After the end of the final exam, it is the long-awaited summer vacation. Wang Zhixiu and the others had to go to work, so they couldn't stay at home with Ji Chen'ai all day, so it became a situation where Zhou Yaoyun cooked three meals a day for Ji Chen'ai.

Zhou Yaoyun doesn't stay at home all day and night. He sometimes goes out, but most of the time, he rushes back for dinner.

During the time Zhou Yaoyun left Ji Chen'ai, it could be said that he traveled all over the world. He often talked about some interesting little things with Ji Chen'ai, and Ji Chen'e listened to them with great interest.

Zhou Yaoyun asked Ji Chenye, what plans do you have for the summer vacation, do you want to go out and play? The two of them can go together.

If Wang Zhixiu proposed to travel, then Ji Chen'ai would probably not agree, because he has no intention to tell Wang Zhixiu that his leg has fully recovered, so traveling will definitely cause a lot of inconvenience. But if he went with Zhou Yaoyun, he wouldn't have these considerations. In front of Zhou Yaoyun, he didn't need to hide anything.

Zhou Yaoyun is back, and Ji Chen's life is moving in a better direction. However, amidst this beauty, there are still some unpleasant things - the situation of the girl Ji Chenye saw on the news has not improved in any way.

There is a huge difference in the custody of children between domestic and foreign countries. If it is abroad, once child abuse is discovered, not only will the custody rights be deprived, but the parents may even be prosecuted. In China, even if parents abuse their children, at most the relevant departments will dissuade them, and the children cannot be protected legally.

A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, whether she is old or young, after experiencing the human trafficker incident, she should have been taken care of by her family, but what she faced was a worse situation than being trafficked .

After Ji Chen'e was reborn, he was never a forbearing person. After he saw the news, he continued to pay close attention to the little girl's situation, and soon got feedback from Xiaoqi—the little girl's family has no intention of repenting. I mean, I should be beaten, I should be scolded. However, due to the strong pressure of online public opinion, the family made a public apology and promised not to abuse their children again.

And in fact—they just started to use worse methods, and in order not to let others find out their malice, they stopped leaving scars on the little girl's bare skin.

She is only given one meal a day, and she does all the housework at home. If she can't do it well, she will stick a needle in her buttocks. These are all monitored by Xiao Qi through the camera on their home computer or mobile phone.

The little girl also thought about running away, but after she was brought back, her father pointed at her and scolded: "Run, you lose money, there are many traffickers out there, if you get caught again, I'll see who will rescue you .”

Hearing this, the girl flinched even more, her whole body was like a withered flower, and she could hardly see any vitality.

These things happened just a few days after Ji Chen'e paid attention to this matter, but just when he was about to make a move, he found that the whole thing had turned for the better.

The fact that the girl continued to be secretly abused was exposed, and the father who apologized but still secretly abused the little girl suddenly had a car accident and lost his leg. The girl's mother and brother went crazy overnight, saying that there was a ghost in the house, that the girl was a monster, and that everyone around them were monsters.

All this happened so suddenly, and it is so familiar. If someone is unaware, they may feel that this family has suffered retribution, but in Ji Chen'e's view, he can only look suspiciously Put it on Zhou Yaoyun.

But it stands to reason that Ji Chen'ai hasn't said anything about it yet, so how could Zhou Yaoyun know? He didn't bother to entangle himself, so he simply asked Zhou Yaoyun if he had done anything recently.

Facing Ji Chen'e's question, Zhou Yaoyun seemed very innocent, he said: "I didn't do anything, why did my brother ask that? Could something have happened?"

Ji Chen'e looked a little confused, and he said, "You really didn't do anything?"

Zhou Yaoyun was obviously a little unhappy, and his tone became cold: "I haven't done anything that I dare not let my brother know."

Ji Chenye knew that it was wrong for him to wrong someone, but when he thought about it seriously, he didn't do it, and neither did Zhou Yaoyun. Could it be a coincidence, he said, "Do you know the name Huang Yixuan?" Huang Yixuan is the little girl who was abused .

Zhou Yaoyun shook his head: "I don't know."

Ji Chen'ai let out a sigh of relief, as if he admitted Zhou Yaoyun's statement, he said: "I wanted to go and see this girl, but I didn't expect something to happen suddenly at her house, so I wondered if it was you who did it."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Even if I do it, I won't hide it from my brother."

Ji Chen'ai believed Zhou Yaoyun's words, and he also believed that Zhou Yaoyun would not lie to him, because Zhou Yaoyun had no motive to hide it, and if it was really Zhou Yaoyun who moved, Ji Chen'ai would not mind at all.

What happened to Huang Yixuan seemed to be an accident. After her father became disabled, her mother and brother were sent to a mental hospital, and she was adopted by a family who were a couple in their forties and had no children. After knowing Huang Yixuan's situation, he applied to the government to adopt her.

As for whether the procedures and conditions of adoption meet the requirements of the law, Ji Chen'e didn't study it in detail, because he only cared about the result. Do not care.

Ji Chen'ai even suspected that Huang Yixuan was not abducted by human traffickers at all, but sold directly by her parents.

Although this kind of thing is difficult to understand, it is not unheard of.

Huang Yixuan is very cute, wearing two ponytails, but wearing old clothes, everyone looks cowering. When she was taken away by her adoptive parents, there was no media present. It wasn't that the media didn't want to come, but someone directly stopped them.

As for who that person was, Xiao Qi didn't find out, maybe it was just a kind-hearted person who couldn't stand Huang Yixuan's situation and just offered a favor.

Huang Yixuan's matter was resolved so suddenly that it was over before Ji Chen'ai even made a move. So much so that he didn't earn any energy points, but he didn't mind. After all, he was far away from Huang Yixuan. If he really wanted to help that girl, he might have to spend a lot of energy points to activate "The End of the World is Like a Neighbor" this skill.

Because of Ji Chen'e's questioning, Zhou Yaoyun also went to investigate Huang Yixuan's affairs, but he didn't investigate carefully, he only checked roughly, but this was enough for him to draw a conclusion - someone must be helping Huang Yixuan.

So who is this person? Who made his beloved brother misunderstand him? Zhou Yaoyun's finger slid across the touch screen, and his expression looked a little indifferent.

When Zhou Yaoyun was still struggling, Ji Chenye had already let go of this matter. He has always been lenient, otherwise the hatred for the past would be enough to torture him to death.

Huang Yixuan has a good home, and the person who should be punished has been punished. Everything is so perfect, so Ji Chenye simply put his energy on the summer vacation.

Finally, Zhou Yaoyun came back, and Ji Chenye planned to go on a trip with Zhou Yaoyun. Although it was still difficult to persuade Wang Zhixiu to agree to this matter, according to how much Wang Zhixiu doted on Ji Chenye, she would definitely not be able to stand it. The soft and hard foam, will definitely agree.

Zhou Yaoyun proposed several places, and Ji Chen'ai said that any of them would be fine, and was a little curious if Zhou Yaoyun hadn't been to any other places. Zhou Yaoyun frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I've been to all the famous places."

Ji Chen'ai said: "When I go to college... I will also run around."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Okay, I will accompany you when the time comes."

Because of Zhou Yaoyun, Ji Chen'ai hadn't contacted Lu Yuyu for a while. Seeing that the holiday was almost a week away, Lu Yuyu couldn't help calling Ji Chen'e and asking him to come out to play.

Ever since he saw the pink envelope in Lu Xiangming's hand, Ji Chen'ai knew that he needed to be careful with Lu Yuyu. He is not the kind of person who doesn't like people and gives people hope. There is a gap between him and Lu Yuyu. There are so many things that it is impossible to be together. What Ji Chen'e needs is not a delicate and lovely flower in the greenhouse, but a kapok tree that is tough and upright to face the wind and rain with him.

So when Lu Yuyu asked him out, Ji Chen'ai rejected Lu Yuyu.

Lu Yuyu's voice sounded a little sad, she said: "Zhou Yaoqin, are you hiding from me?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "No, I really have something to do. My brother is back and I'm busy going through the formalities now."

Although Lu Yuyu's emotional intelligence is not high, he also knows that Ji Chen'e's words are an excuse. Ji Chen'e's legs are not good, even if he goes through the formalities, his family will not let him run around by himself.

Lu Yuyu said: "Zhou Yaoqin, did Zhang Xiao say something to you?"

Ji Chen'e thought that Zhang Xiao had nothing to do with what he said, but the pink envelope that Lu Xiangming showed him.

Lu Yuyu may like him, but how long will this love last? After graduating from high school and four years in college, Ji Chenye doesn't want to talk about a relationship with no future - of course, the most important reason is that he doesn't like Lu Yuyu.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Why don't I know what Zhang Xiao told me? Yu Yu, don't think too much, I'm really not hiding from you."

Lu Yuyu gave a muffled hum, said goodbye to Ji Chen'ai, and hung up the phone.

As soon as Ji Chen'ai put the phone down, he felt someone staring at him. When he turned his head, he saw someone who was pretending to be watching the news, but actually had his ears up.

Ji Chen'ai walked over and pinched Zhou Yaoyun's ear heavily: "I'm afraid your ears will stand up."

Zhou Yaoyun snorted: "My brother has so many peach blossoms."

Ji Chen'ai said: "There are many peach blossoms? Where are there many peach blossoms?"

Zhou Yaoyun pouted.

Ji Chen'e was a little dumbfounded, how could he have imagined that Zhou Yaoyun could be so jealous, but what Ji Chen'e didn't expect was that the day after he answered Lu Yuyu's phone call, the jealous person changed himself.