Positive Energy System

Chapter 65: Jealous Aye


Ji Chen'ai never realized that he was a jealous person until he met a certain woman who came to his door.

Reflecting on the long history, Ji Chen'e discovered that it's not that he doesn't like to be jealous, but that he basically has no chance to be jealous. Zhou Yaoqin's attitude towards others is not indifferent but definitely not warm. When dealing with girls who have a crush on him, he has a good sense of proportion.

So during the time spent with Zhou Yaoyun, Ji Chen'ai never felt that his status was threatened, and he never thought that Zhou Yaoyun would be snatched away.

And during the time Zhou Yaoyun left Ji Chen'ai, Ji Chen'ai didn't have the chance to see the flourishing peach blossoms around Zhou Yaoyun.

But today is an exception, because Zhou Yaoyun's peach blossom came to her in person.

Tao Hua is a blonde girl with a slim figure and a pretty face, which fits all men's fantasies about women. When Ji Chen'ai went to open the door, he thought she had knocked on the wrong door, but he didn't expect that this person really came to their house.

"Hello." The woman spoke broken Chinese, she looked at Ji Chenye who was on crutches, and said with a smile, "Excuse me, is Zhou Yaoyun here?"

Ji Chen'e froze for a moment, then turned his head and shouted into the room: "Xiaoyun, I'm looking for you."

Zhou Yaoyun, who was cooking in an apron, came out of the kitchen and was stunned when he saw the woman: "Eileen? Why did you come here?"

The woman Zhou Yaoyun called Elena smiled, and she said, "What's the matter? Why don't you invite me in?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Come in, I'll find you a pair of shoes." He found a pair of shoes on the shoe cabinet and put them on the ground, then said to Ji Chen'ai, "Brother, this is Elina, we were comrades in arms .”

After hearing the words, Elena said: "Zhou Yaoyun, is this your brother?" She was changing her shoes with her head down, and Ji Chen'ai couldn't see her expression, and then Ji Chen'ai listened to Elena and said, "Zhou Yaoqin, I look forward to seeing you for a long time." Great name."

Ji Chen'ai took a look at Zhou Yaoyun, and motioned him to explain what it meant to have admired his name for a long time.

Zhou Yaoyun noticed Ji Chen'e's gaze, smiled helplessly, and said, "Well... When I was over there, I often mentioned my brother to them."

At this time, Elena had also changed her shoes, she straightened her body, and said jokingly: "If I didn't know that you were Zhou Yaoyun's brother, I would doubt that Zhou Yaoyun had a crush on you."

Ji Chen'e laughed twice, he didn't know what was going on, he always felt that Elena in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable, and that smile was a bit fake.

On the contrary, Xiao Qi directly confirmed Ji Chen's guess, and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, this pretty girl seems to have a problem with you."

Ji Chen'ai said, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Qi said: "I don't know, she doesn't like you anyway, you can figure it out."

While Ji Chen'e was talking to Xiao Qi, Elena and Zhou Yaoyun had already walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. She was already dressed coolly this summer, but her hot figure looked even hotter against the backdrop of a short skirt.

Zhou Yaoyun and Elina chatted for a few words in a language he didn't understand, and then Zhou Yaoyun said: "I'm still cooking, you two talk first, brother, call me if you have something to do."

Ji Chen'e nodded, walked to the sofa with a cane, and sat on the sofa beside Elena.

When entering the room, Elena was smiling all the time. Now that Zhou Yaoyun was gone, her smile became a little weaker, and she said: "Hello, Zhou Yaoqin, I didn't expect that we would have The day we met."

Ji Chen'e said lazily, "Well, hello."

Elena said: "Xiao Yun likes you very much, and often calls you there, and there is still a picture of you in the wallet."

Hearing Elena's words, Ji Chen'e was a little surprised. It was common for him to call Zhou Yaoyun on the phone, but he didn't know that Zhou Yaoyun had his photo in his wallet.

Elena didn't miss the surprise in Ji Chen'e's eyes, she smiled and said, "I'm really jealous." Her pronunciation of jealousy was very strange, but Ji Chen'e still understood.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Well, I'm very happy to have Zhou Yaoyun as my younger brother."

Elena said: "But, do you know that you will destroy Zhou Yaoyun?"

Ji Chen'ai: "????" This development is a bit inexplicable.

Elena put away her smile completely, she looked at Ji Chen'e with a bit of disdain and sarcasm in her eyes, she said: "He has a vast sky, but because of you, he had to cut off his wings."

After hearing this, Ji Chen'ai blinked and didn't speak.

Elena said again: "Before I came here, I never thought that Zhou Yaoyun would wear an apron and go into the kitchen to cook. He had a brighter future, but he stopped because of you." It was very difficult for Linna to speak, but she still worked hard to finish.

However, just saying it doesn't mean that Ji Chen'ai understands...

So Ji Chen'ai confessed, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you just said."

Ji Chen'e clearly saw that after he said this, Elena's expression was obviously distorted, but she still patiently repeated the sentence just now.

Ji Chen'e understood this time, so he showed a shameful expression very cooperatively, and said, "Then what should I do?"

Elena was taken aback for a moment, she never expected Ji Chen'ai to cooperate with her so much, she said: "You, you don't object?"

Ji Chen'ai said calmly: "I have no objection."

Elena originally thought that she would be strongly resisted by Ji Chen'e, but she didn't expect Ji Chen'e to agree with her point of view very harmoniously as soon as she uttered a few lame Chinese words. Elena did not expect things to develop like this …

Elena took a deep breath and said, "Since you agree, then don't stop him..."

Ji Chen'ai looked at Elena sympathetically: "I didn't stop Xiao Yun."

Elena was taken aback.

Ji Chen'ai yelled directly: "Xiao Yun, come out!"

A few seconds later, Zhou Yaoyun, wearing an apron, appeared in front of the two of them again. He was still holding a shovel in his hand, and he seemed to be cooking. He said, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Don't come to make lunch for me in the future."

Zhou Yaoyun's expression immediately changed when he heard the words, and he looked at Elena with dissatisfaction in his eyes: "Brother, what did this woman say to you?"

Eileen, who was called "this woman", obviously couldn't hold back, she said: "Xiaoyun, I didn't say anything."

At this moment, Ji Chen'ai's eyes were full of tears. He looked at Zhou Yaoyun with despair and sadness, and he was caught in the atmosphere of this bloody drama. He said, "Xiaoyun, I will let you go free."

Zhou Yaoyun: "???" Halfway through making a meal, what should I do if my brother suddenly gets too deep into the drama, urgent, wait online.

Before Zhou Yaoyun could say anything, Ji Chen'ai said again: "Go, Xiaoyun, the future world belongs to you, I'm done, I can't leave you to cook for me anymore."

Zhou Yaoyun: "..." He silently shifted his gaze to Elena.

Elena's expression at this time was similar to that of Zhou Yaoyun, as if she had eaten shit, she said: "Zhou Yaoyun, listen to me, I really didn't do anything to him, I just asked him some questions..."

Ji Chen'e directly interrupted Elena, he said: "Yes, you just asked me some questions! I am an incompetent waste, I feel very ashamed and sad, I'm sorry, I shouldn't drag Xiao Yun down, Woohoo." Speaking of sadness, Ji Chen'e's acting skills moved him, and tears flowed down his eyes slowly, moistening his smooth face.

Zhou Yaoyun: "...Brother." If he didn't know that Ji Chen'ai was acting, his younger brother would be in vain.

Ji Chen'ai waved his hand: "No need to say more!"

Elena's whole body is not well. She came to country C for the first time, and she had heard that people in country C are very restrained, but she never expected to meet such a wonderful person as Ji Chen'e.

Elena still wanted to explain, but Ji Chen'e never gave her that chance. After the tears flowed down, Ji Chen'e started a new round of rambling, without giving Elena a chance to speak at all.

In the end, it turned into Zhou Yaoyun sitting next to Ji Chen'e and peeling the flat fruit for Ji Chen'e. While peeling, he stuffed the apples into small pieces into his mouth, and asked Ji Chen'e to swallow the apple before talking.

Eileen's eyes were almost blinded by this loving couple, she was not stupid, after realizing it, she understood that Ji Chen'ai was acting, and Zhou Yaoyun knew very well that Ji Chen'e was indeed acting , but this did not affect his pampering attitude towards Ji Chen'e.

The final result, of course, is that Elena left in embarrassment. Before she left, she gave Ji Chen'ai a hard look.

Elena's teeth were itchy by Ji Chen'e's contrast. If Zhou Yaoyun was not around, she would probably have fought with Ji Chen'e long ago.

The battle was won, and after Elena left angrily, Ji Chen'ai snatched the apple from Zhou Yaoyun's hand, and took a bite directly.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, the pot is going to burn dry..."

Ji Chen'ai said bitterly: "Burn dry? Forget it! You can, Zhou Yaoyun, forget about brother when you have a wife."

Zhou Yaoyun, who was lying on the gun the whole time, said that he was really innocent.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Let me tell you, our mother will not agree to you marrying this woman, she is so aggressive and ruthless, she knows how to hit a poor vulnerable group like me."

Zhou Yaoyun: "..." Baby, are you sure you were hit

Ji Chen'ai said: "What? Judging by your expression, you don't agree with me?"

Zhou Yaoyun hurriedly said: "No, no, I totally agree."

Ji Chen'ai snorted, still looking unhappy, what do you mean he dragged Zhou Yaoyun down, Zhou Yaoyun was bound to him, okay? !

Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai were still not very happy, so he said, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll go shopping."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Eat, eat, eat, I know how to eat all day long, but I was bullied and came to my door! I want to eat saliva chicken!"

Zhou Yaoyun: "...OK."