Positive Energy System

Chapter 67: Zhou's banquet


Ji Chen's illness almost recovered on the second day after Ms. Liu's visit.

The fever came on quickly, and there was no warning, but it got better very quickly, within two days, Ji Chen'e was alive and kicking again.

Grandpa Zhou Yaoyun's birthday was two or three days away, taking advantage of these two or three days, Zhou Yaoyun took Ji Chen'ai to several places. Ji Chen'ai hasn't come out for a long time, his legs are not good, and it is inconvenient to go anywhere, even if he barely wears a cane, he still has to be watched by others curiously.

It was summer in July, and the trees and flowers were full of vitality. The roadside trees beside the asphalt road cast cool shadows. Ji Chen'e took an ice cream and ate it while walking.

Zhou Yaoyun didn't allow Ji Chen'ai to eat ice cream because it was good to have a fever. But unable to hold back Ji Chen'e's soft and hard palate, Zhou Yaoyun finally agreed to eat half of Ji Chen'e's meal. Seeing Zhou Yaoyun's resolute attitude, Ji Chen'ai knew that Zhou Yaoyun would not give in, so he had no choice but to agree.

Ji Chen'ai ate half of an ice cream, and Zhou Yaoyun took the remaining half naturally, and continued to eat.

Seeing Zhou Yaoyun's actions, Ji Chen'e froze for a moment, he thought Zhou Yaoyun would throw away the ice cream, but he actually ate it by himself.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Don't you dislike my saliva?"

Zhou Yaoyun took another bite: "I don't dislike anything from my brother."

Ji Chen'ai always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. In the end, he could only watch Zhou Yaoyun eat the ice cream bit by bit.

Instead, Xiao Qi who had been watching said quietly: "Your brother is really scary."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Ah? Why?"

Xiao Qi said: "The most terrifying thing in this world is not the person who does bad things, but the person who has done bad things and still feels that he has done nothing wrong..."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Did Xiaoyun do something bad?"

Xiao Qi said in a tone that you are hopeless: "I'm just making a metaphor, how about a metaphor!" It can see Zhou Yaoyun's thoughts on Ji Chen'e, but the future belongs to Ji Chen'e, and it has no right Interference also has no right to make choices for Ji Chen. Ji Chen'ai is really terribly slow in terms of emotions.

The weather has been good for the past two days, so the two of them also visited some of the more famous scenic spots. While shopping, Ji Chen'ai remembered to ask Zhou Yaoyun if he wanted to bring his grandfather a birthday present.

Zhou Yaoyun said that his mother must have prepared the gift, and he would just go there empty-handed. He also told Ji Chenye that if someone said something to him, he didn't need to give him face, just push it back.

After Ji Chen'e had Xiao Qi, he hadn't been troubled by anyone for a long time. He was a little curious after hearing Zhou Yaoyun's words, and said, "Will someone come to trouble me on purpose?"

Zhou Yaoyun sneered, and said: "There are always a few people who don't have eyes, and there is no need to give any face to such people."

Ji Chen'ai let out an oh, it seems that not everyone in Zhou Yaoyun's family welcomes Zhou Yaoyun's return.

On the day of Zhou Yaoyun's grandfather's birthday, Zhou Yaoyun's mother sent a car to pick up Ji Chen and Zhou Yaoyun early in the morning.

Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai got into the car and drove all the way to the place where the birthday party was held.

Zhou Yaoyun's father's surname is Tong Qingguo, and Ji Chen'ai thought it was Tong Qingguo at first, thinking that he didn't know who chose the name, but Zhou Yaoyun guessed what Ji Chen'e was thinking, and he sighed: "I heard It's the same as you think when it comes to the name."

A big man named Qingguo...

Ji Chen'ai said: "So it's not called Qingguo?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "It's Qingguo, it's just blue, not Qingguo." Even so, the name still made Tong Qingguo suffer some embarrassment.

For some reason, Ji Chen'e suddenly remembered the male classmate named "Fu Yanjie" on the Internet...

The car drove forward all the way and soon arrived at the location.

As soon as Ji Chen'ai and Zhou Yaoyun got out of the car, someone greeted them. This person seemed to be an acquaintance of Zhou Yaoyun, and the person called out: "Master Tong, you are here."

Zhou Yaoyun usually had a gentle smile on his face, but this time the smile was gone, and he nodded slightly expressionlessly, as a response to this person's greeting.

The man said again: "The old man hasn't arrived yet, are you going to go directly or..." As he spoke, he glanced at Ji Chen'ai who was standing aside.

Zhou Yaoyun said, "Where's my mother? Is she here?"

The man said: "Your mother has also arrived and is resting now."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Well, let's go to her first." He said and glanced at Ji Chen'ai, "Would you like to eat something to pad your stomach first? It might be a little late for lunch later."

Hearing what Zhou Yaoyun said to Ji Chen'ai, the man's eyes were full of disbelief, as if he couldn't understand that Zhou Yaoyun had such a tender side.

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's okay, I'm not hungry now, let's go directly."

Zhou Yaoyun nodded when he heard the words, and led Ji Chen'ai forward. After entering the door, he walked to the lounge next to him. Zhou Yaoyun's mother, Liu Yunxi, was already sitting there waiting, and she was talking to someone with her head tilted.

Ji Chen'ai took a closer look, only to realize that the person Liu Yunxi was talking to was Tong Le who was thrown out by Zhou Yaoyun by the collar a few days ago. At this moment Liu Yunxi didn't know what to say to Tong Le, Tong Le looked unhappy. When he heard the sound of the door opening and raised his head to see Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chenye, his expression became even uglier, probably because he knew that Zhou Yaoyun would not do anything to him in front of Liu Yunxi, Tong Le said directly: "Tong Junran, today is Grandpa Why did you bring an outsider here!" He said this very loudly, making it clear that he wanted to disgust Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai.

It's a pity that Zhou Yaoyun didn't even give Tong Junran an expression. He walked up to Liu Yunxi and called her mother.

Liu Yunxi was obviously also taken seriously by Tong Le's words, she said: "Xiaoqin, Tong Le is ignorant, don't be angry, I will teach him a lesson later."

Ji Chenye smiled politely: "It's okay, Auntie, I'm not angry."

Liu Yunxi was still apologetic, and she said, "Xiaoyun, your grandpa and father will be here later, don't forget to take Xiaoqin to say hello."

Tong Le, who was ignored, had a very ugly expression, but none of the three people in the room stood by his side. He blushed and wanted to say something, but Liu Yunxi gave him a sharp look , and then swallowed the words back.

You must know that since Zhou Yaoyun was taken away when he was a child, Liu Yunxi can be said to have spoiled Tong Le to the bottom of his bones, so he spoiled Tong Le like this.

But since Zhou Yaoyun came back, Tong Le made trouble for Zhou Yaoyun several times, Liu Yunxi realized that she had spoiled her son, and then began to change her attitude towards Tong Le.

Of course, if you look at this matter from Tong Le's point of view, it's because of Zhou Yaoyun that his mother stopped pampering him so much.

Liu Yunxi said again: "I have prepared birthday presents for you and Lele for your grandfather, don't forget to take them when the time comes."

Zhou Yaoyun nodded, as a response to this sentence.

From the moment Zhou Yaoyun entered the room, Tong Le has been ignored. Because of Liu Yunxi, Tong Le can't say anything radical directly. He looked at Ji Chen'ai who was standing aside, and turned his eyes: "Oh, You have nothing to do standing here, I'll take you there for something to eat."

Zhou Yaoyun gave Tong Le a cold look: "No need, I'll take my brother there later."

Tong Le snorted: "What are you afraid of? I won't do anything to him. It's really boring for a big man to be so timid."

As a timid big man, Ji Chen'ai said that he was under a lot of pressure.

Liu Yunxi has nothing to do with her son, she is reluctant to fight, she can say a few words at most, Tong Le doesn't care at all, now Tong Le is obviously provocative, so she can only say: "Lele, go out and see you Is grandpa here?"

Tong Le obviously didn't want to leave, but seeing Liu Yunxi's blaming eyes, he finally went out holding his breath. Judging by that expression, it was obvious that he would look for another opportunity to trouble Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai.

After Tong Le went out, Liu Yunxi apologized again to Ji Chenye with full apology, saying that it was all her fault for spoiling Tong Le like this, and she was not polite at all.

Speaking of Tong Le, I have to mention some things about Zhou Yaoyun. Liu Yunxi expressed her gratitude to the Zhou family again and again. If Wang Zhixiu hadn’t adopted Zhou Yaoyun in that winter, I’m afraid she would never have the chance to see her own son in her life. up.

The three of them chatted casually, until Liu Yunxi received a call and said that he had to go out first, and then Ji Chenye and Zhou Yaoyun were left in the room.

Seeing Liu Yunxi leave, Ji Chenye asked his doubts, he said: "Since Liu Yunxi feels that he owes you, why did he let you do those trainings?" He also knew from Xiaoqi that Zhou Yaoyun was there. How did you spend your time away from home.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Because I want to protect you."

Ji Chen'ai let out an ah, he didn't expect Zhou Yaoyun to have this answer.

Zhou Yaoyun said again: "Do you still remember when you were kidnapped?"

Naturally, Ji Chen'ai will not forget that he was forcibly kidnapped while sitting in a wheelchair. That time was also the first time he killed someone.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "I will not let you suffer those things again."

Ji Chen'ai recalled that he was kidnapped by Xu Yunchong. If Zhou Yaoyun hadn't put pressure on him, he probably wouldn't have had the chance to take Xu Yunchong down in one fell swoop after his skills cool down.

Zhou Yaoyun said again: "But I am not strong enough now, wait for me, brother."

When Zhou Yaoyun said these words, his voice was low, but no one would realize that he was joking.

Ji Chen'e hummed softly. He couldn't tell Zhou Yaoyun that he was actually very strong and didn't need protection.

After expressing his heart, Zhou Yaoyun took Ji Chen'ai to eat something first. This kind of birthday party is usually difficult to eat, and Zhou Yaoyun didn't want Ji Chen'er to starve, so he brought Ji Chen'e some food in advance.

While Ji Chen'ai was eating, Zhou Yaoyun's grandfather came.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "You continue to eat, I'll go say hello." After speaking, he got up and walked over there.

Sitting at the table, Ji Chen'ai watched Zhou Yaoyun walk towards his grandfather, and then silently stuffed a piece of yellow peach into his mouth. His personality is far away from the word long-sleeved and good at dancing, so he has never liked this kind of party very much.

There was a circle of people around Zhou Yaoyun's grandfather, but when Zhou Yaoyun walked over, his grandfather stopped what he was talking to other people, and beckoned to Zhou Yaoyun very kindly.

Ji Chen'ai was far away from there, so he didn't know what they were talking about, but just from the expressions and atmosphere, it could be seen that Zhou Yaoyun was still highly regarded by his grandfather.

Just when Ji Chen'ai was looking over there, Tong Le, who was supposed to be there, appeared beside Ji Chen'e, and his voice was still full of malice: "What are you looking at, what is there to see, You are not from the same world."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." Almost choked to death on the yellow peach in his mouth.

Tong Le said again: "Look at you, then look at him, you are only worthy to sit here and eat, but he is the focus of the crowd."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." This kid really has watched too many goofy dramas, and he's gotten into the drama too deeply.

Seeing that Ji Chen'ai didn't speak, Tong Le thought it was Ji Chen'ai acquiescing to his statement, and he was even more proud: "If I were you, I would stay away from Tong Junran."

Ji Chen'ai swallowed the peach, and then stuffed a strawberry into his mouth: "Is it finished?"

Tong Le frowned: "Can you swallow the thing before talking?"

Ji Chen'e said vaguely, "No, I'm not full."

Tong Le: "..." It's really hard to talk to such common people.

Zhou Yaoyun also noticed that Ji Chen'e and Tong Le were talking from a distance, he frowned, and wanted to end the conversation quickly, but the people on his grandfather's side obviously didn't want to let him go so easily.

When Ji Chen'ai was eating, he kept trying to figure out why Tong Le had such deep hostility towards him, but Xiao Qi was more sensitive than Ji Chen'e, and said, "Didn't you realize that Tong Le has always called Zhou Yaoyun Tong Junran?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Oh... what does this mean?"

Xiao Qi said: "You are stupid, even Liu Yunxi is called Zhou Yaoyun Xiaoyun, which means that Zhou Yaoyun doesn't recognize the name Tong Junran at all, and you don't even think about why Tong Le has to be called Zhou Yaoyun like that?"

Ji Chen'ai found that his current IQ could no longer keep up with the plot, and even Xiao Qi could easily kill him, so he humbly asked for advice: "Why?"

Xiao Qi said: "Because he is jealous of you! He is jealous that you have a younger brother like Zhou Yaoyun, he must be thinking in his heart, why Zhou Yaoyun treats you so well, he is Zhou Yaoyun's real brother..."

Ji Chen'ai: "Yes! Dao! Reason!"

Xiao Qi said: "The worse he treats you, the worse Zhou Yaoyun treats him, such a vicious circle..."

When Ji Chen'e was listening to Xiao Qi's analysis, he stuffed another piece of cantaloupe into his mouth. He didn't know whether this action annoyed Tong Le, or Ji Chen's seemingly distracted appearance caused Tong Le's serious dissatisfaction. He said loudly: "Zhou Yaoqin , I'm talking to you, are you listening?!"

Ji Chen'ai came back to his senses after being yelled at by Tong Le, he said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

Tong Le: "..." So angry, so angry! ! !

Ji Chen'ai said: "I'm really sorry, why don't you say it again...?"

How could Tong Le say it again, he was trembling angrily at Ji Chen'e's ignorance of you, but because it was his grandfather's 75th birthday, it was not easy for him to have an attack, so in the end he snatched Ji Chen'e away There was a plate of countless fruits in front of him, and he angrily dumped it into the trash can next to him.

Ji Chen'ai: "..." Brother, can we stop being so naive.

When Zhou Yaoyun came here, he happened to see Tong Le throwing the food he gave Ji Chen'ai into the trash can. He frowned, and stepped forward and said, "Tong Le, what are you doing again?!"

Tong Le gritted her teeth and didn't speak, her eye circles were a little red. If someone didn't know, they might think that Ji Chen'ai was the one who bullied others.

Zhou Yaoyun turned his attention to Ji Chen'ai, obviously wanting to ask what Tong Le did.

Ji Chen'ai was originally the one being bullied, but seeing Tong Le's expression, somehow he also felt that he was a bit too much and didn't listen to others seriously, so he said: "It's okay, he just told me a few words words."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Say a few words? Then why did he throw away the food in front of you?"

Tong Le said: "Yes! I threw it away, I just don't like him, Tong Junran, I am your real brother, he, he is obviously an inexplicable outsider!" Tong Le said this extremely wronged, It's as if Zhou Yaoyun did something heinous, and Ji Chenye is the bad guy who seduced Zhou Yaoyun to do something bad...

Zhou Yaoyun didn't want to talk to Tong Le anymore, so he took Ji Chen'e's hand and walked to other places. It was obvious that he didn't want to say anything to Tong Le.

Tong Le was made even more angry by Zhou Yaoyun's actions, but in the end he still couldn't say anything, but looked at Ji Chen'ai with more and more anger.

Zhou Yaoyun's grandfather just came in, so everyone came forward to say hello, Zhou Yaoyun and the others were almost gone, so he led Ji Chen'ai to his grandfather, and introduced: "Grandpa, this is Zhou Yaoqin, my brother. "

Grandpa had already noticed Zhou Yaoqin who was present, and also saw the interaction between Zhou Yaoyun and Tong Le, but he didn't plan to get involved, as the younger generation's affairs should be resolved by themselves. So now Zhou Yaoyun introduced Zhou Yaoqin to him, and he smiled and said, "This is Xiaoqin, I've heard your name from Xiaoyun a long time ago, you are a good boy."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Hello, Grandpa."

Grandpa Tong said again: "Xiaoyun, you have fun with Xiaoqin, just let me know if you need anything."

Zhou Yaoyun nodded, and it could be seen that he had good feelings for this grandfather, otherwise he would not have deliberately introduced Zhou Yaoqin to the old man.

After introducing Grandpa Tong, Zhou Yaoyun introduced a man standing next to Grandpa Tong to Ji Chen'ai. The man looked somewhat similar to Zhou Yaoyun, but was slightly shorter than Zhou Yaoyun. It's my second uncle."

Ji Chen'ai obediently called Second Uncle Hello, Second Uncle smiled and nodded, and the two of them greeted each other.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Grandpa, you chat slowly, I will take my brother to look around."

Grandpa waved his hand, signaling Zhou Yaoyun to take care of himself.

When Ji Chen'ai followed Zhou Yaoyun to a place with few people, Xiao Qi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly cried out, "Ai Ai! There are acquaintances here!"

Ji Chen'ai said, "Acquaintance? What acquaintance? Who?"

Xiao Qi said: "Look to your right back, he seems to have seen you."

Ji Chen'ai looked in the direction Xiao Qi said, and met a look. He was stunned for two seconds, and he recalled who the owner of the look was - that boy he rescued from the human traffickers group, named Bei Jiangcheng.

Ji Chen'e never expected that they would meet in this place, no, to be precise, he never expected that he would meet Beijiang City. Zhou Yaoyun noticed Ji Chen's eyes, and he also saw Beijiang City standing not far from Ji Chen's.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, do you know this person?"

Ji Chen'e snorted, thinking whether to go over to say hello, after all, Beijiangcheng saw him first, but didn't stop him.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "How did you know someone from the Bei family?"

Zhou Yaoyun's tone of voice felt strange by Ji Chen'ai, he said: "The Bei family? What's wrong with this family?"

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Their family is all engaged in underground activities. Some time ago, the heir suddenly died suddenly, so they changed to Beijiang City..."

Ji Chen'ai said: "This man..." He still wanted to say something, but he stopped, because Beijiang City walked towards him.

Compared with a year ago, Beijiang City has matured a lot. Although he still looks like a teenager, a lot of things have settled in his eyes. He walked over and smiled at Ji Chen'ai: "Long time no see."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Long time no see."

Bei Jiangcheng said again: "I didn't expect to see you here again."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Well... I didn't expect it either, the world is so small."

Bei Jiangcheng slightly bent the corners of his eyes, showing a nice smile, and said, "Yes, the world is really small."

Zhou Yaoyun put his arms around Ji Chen'ai's shoulders, and said, "Brother, why don't you introduce me?"

Ji Chen'ai said, "Beijiangcheng, this is my younger brother, Zhou Yaoyun."

Bei Jiangcheng nodded slightly towards Zhou Yaoyun: "I have long admired you."

Zhou Yaoyun said indifferently, "You're welcome."

He didn't like this person named Beijiang City, and he dared to say that this person named Beijiang City didn't like him very much.