Positive Energy System

Chapter 72: The Covenant of Beijiang City (3)


Ji Chen's mood at this time is exactly the same as Xiao Qi's, it's all shit, shit, shit, what the hell is this? !

Bei Jiangcheng didn't think that the person with the system was Ji Chen'ai, but stubbornly felt that because of Zhou Yaoyun's relationship, Ji Chen'e was not brainwashed by him.

Regarding this point, it was impossible for Ji Chen'ai to explain anything to Bei Jiangcheng. When he was forcibly taken away, he asked Xiao Qi to send a text message to Zhou Yaoyun to tell Zhou Yaoyun about the situation on his side.

From Ji Chen'e's point of view, Beijiang City was already a little crazy. He forcibly took Ji Chen'e away, and locked his cell phone, and kept repeating a sentence along the way: "Zhou Yaoyun will kill you."

Ji Chen'ai asked Bei Jiangcheng why Zhou Yaoyun killed him, but Bei Jiangcheng was unwilling to answer, his eyes were red, he was like a beast that had swallowed poison by mistake, and he had no reason at all.

This kind of Beijiang City makes people feel terrible, Ji Chen'ai can only hold back his temper and pretend to be Beijiang City's words.

When he was about to reach the destination, Beijiang City revealed the key information. He grabbed Ji Chen'e's hand and said in a difficult tone: "Do you believe in rebirth?"

Ji Chen'e was stunned again. Today, he was stunned more times than in this year. Bei Jiangcheng looked at him with longing and sincere eyes, and Ji Chen'e also gave Beijiangcheng the satisfaction The answer, he said, was to believe.

No one believes in rebirth more than Ji Chenye, because he himself is reborn.

But Beijiang City became the one who didn't believe it. Ji Chen'e's calm attitude made him feel that he was being perfunctory, so he still firmly grasped Ji Chen's hand and repeated: "Trust me, I was born again, I know what will happen in the future, Zhou Yaoqin, you cannot be with Zhou Yaoyun."

Ji Chen'ai was in pain from being caught by Beijiang City, he frowned and said, "Beijiang City, calm down."

Beijiangcheng said hoarsely: "It's too late!! You can't be with him! He will really kill you!!"

Ji Chen'ai knew that he couldn't persuade Beijiang City anymore, so he took a deep breath and let it out again, he said: "Can you let me go first? My hand hurts."

It was only then that Bei Jiangcheng realized that he had been holding onto Ji Chen'ai, and after he let go, he discovered that a bruise had already appeared on Ji Chen'e's arm, obviously he had caught him hard.

Bei Jiangcheng said: "Sorry... I didn't pay attention..."

The expression on Ji Chen'ai's face was still indifferent. Since he was taken away, his face has not changed. Hearing what Bei Jiangcheng said, he just shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Bei Jiangcheng hesitated and wanted to say something.

Ji Chen'ai said: "Have you calmed down now? Can you tell me what happened?"

Beijiang City was about to speak when the car stopped. After he glanced at the outside room, he said, "Get out of the car first, let's go in and talk."

Ji Chen'ai said hello, and got out of the car with Beijiangcheng on crutches.

Ji Chen's calm still had a little impact on Beijiang City, at least he didn't lose control of his emotions like he did at the beginning. Instead, he chose to force himself to calm down to avoid hurting Ji Chen'er again.

From this point of view, Beijiang City can still be saved.

After entering the house, Ji Chen'ai found a place to sit down, and then asked Beijiang City if there was any water to drink. He just had dessert and drank the sweet mango juice, so he was indeed thirsty right now.

Bei Jiangcheng didn't understand why Ji Chen'ai always seemed so calm, but he still brought out a water glass from the kitchen and handed it to Ji Chen'ai.

Ji Chen'e gulped down the water, wiped his mouth, and asked, "Tell me, what's going on."

Bei Jiangcheng signaled the people standing behind him to go out, and after the door was closed, he said to Ji Chen'ai: "Zhou Yaoqin, you can't be with Zhou Yaoyun, he will kill you!"

Ji Chen'ai said: "How do you say that?"

Bei Jiangcheng said: "I know you may not believe it, but I am indeed reborn..."

Ji Chen'e hummed, and said, "Okay, then tell me what happened before you were reborn?"

Bei Jiangcheng said: "Too many, too many things happened, but the only thing I remember is that you died, and it was a miserable death."

died? How could it be dead? Although Ji Chenye had doubts about what Beijiangcheng said that he was a reborn person, he still frowned slightly when he heard Beijiangcheng say that he was dead.

With Xiao Qi, it stands to reason that death would never fall on Ji Chen's head, but Bei Jiangcheng insisted that he died, and Zhou Yaoyun might have killed him.

Ji Chen'ai said, "Can you explain in detail?"

Bei Jiangcheng's eyes were a little lost, he said: "In that world, you didn't save me."

Ji Chen'ai said, "I didn't save you?"

Beijiangcheng's bewildered eyes gradually cooled down, and with his memories of his previous life, his excitement also stabilized, and he said: "Yes, that's right, not only did you fail to save me, you also ended up in the same fate as me .”

Ji Chen'ai didn't speak, waiting for Bei Jiangcheng to pick up and continue.

Bei Jiangcheng said again: "In my previous life, I was bought by someone, and then I met you. It seems that you were also framed by someone, so you were traded as goods. Coincidentally, the person who bought me also bought you .”

What Beijiangcheng said was too scattered and abrupt, which made Ji Chen'e feel confused for a while. If Beijiangcheng had no system, Ji Chenye would probably say what Beijiangcheng said as his insanity.

Bei Jiangcheng said: "You were implicated because of Zhou Yaoyun. I don't know the specific situation. I know that someone wanted to take revenge on Zhou Yaoyun, so they deliberately killed you."

Ji Chen'ai said, "What happened to me in the end?"

Bei Jiangcheng said: "In the end... you died." When he said this, he almost gritted his teeth.

Ji Chen'ai said: "But Beijiang City... If according to what you said, some things happened before you were reborn, then why are you saved by me now?"

Beijiang City was stunned, and seemed to have noticed this problem.

Ji Chen'e said again: "You have not been bought by human traffickers, does it mean that your memory of rebirth is actually not that accurate, but there are big deviations?"

Ji Chen'ai's words can be said to be persuasive. He actually felt that what Beijiang City said had only three points of credibility, but because Beijiang City also had a system, the credibility increased to five points.

Bei Jiangcheng gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know either, but Zhou Yaoqin, the fact that Zhou Yaoyun killed you is absolutely true."

Ji Chen'ai said, "Can you calm down first?"

Beijiangcheng completely ignored Ji Chenye's advice, he said: "You are right, the reality has changed, I am no longer that poor little guy, I also have a system, I want to protect you, Zhou Yaoqin."

The scariest thing in the world is that a lunatic gets a weapon that can destroy the world. A lunatic has no logic at all, no interests to lure, and no one can guess what he wants to do next, whether to save the future or destroy the world.

Ji Chen'e feels that Beijiangcheng is not far from madness, but he can't say it out, he can only express his understanding to Beijiangcheng, and then signal him to calm down.

Bei Jiangcheng wanted to say something, but the phone rang suddenly. He glanced at Ji Chen'ai, then turned around and went out to answer the phone.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ji Chen'ai hurriedly communicated with Xiao Qi, and he said, "Xiao Qi, why does Beijiang City have a system?"

Xiao Qi said: "I don't know why, I also want to know, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this... I am unique, why does he have a system!!!"

Seeing that Xiao Qi was crazier than him, Ji Chen was a little speechless, he said: "Then what he said, is it really possible to happen?"

Xiao Qi said: "Just kidding, with me here, how could I let you die?"

I have no clue at all, is Beijiang City really crazy? But even if it is crazy, it shouldn't be such a strange way of crazy, the more Ji Chen'ai thinks about it, the more confused he becomes.

However, before Ji Chen'ai could figure it out, Bei Jiangcheng who answered the phone came back.

I don't know who made the call. Bei Jiangcheng had a gloomy face when he entered the room, and he said, "Zhou Yaoqin, did Zhou Yaoyun install a locator on you?"

Ji Chen'ai: "...No."

Bei Jiangcheng looked at Ji Chen'e suspiciously, and asked someone to bring an instrument, and scanned Ji Chen'e's body, but it showed that there was no metal on Ji Chen'e's body.

Bei Jiangcheng said: "He's here, I have to take you first, Xiaoqin, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

From Beijiangcheng's expression, Ji Chenye understands that Beijiangcheng is serious, he really feels that he needs protection...

And from his somewhat unpleasant words, Ji Chen'ai also guessed that Zhou Yaoyun must have taken a photo.

Beijiang City's mental state at this time is very worrying. If he doesn't have a system, then Ji Chen'e will probably brainwash him and persuade him a little bit, but now Beijiang City also has a system, which means that Ji Chen'e can't use his golden finger .

Bei Jiangcheng said: "Let's leave here first, Xiaoqin, I have been preparing for today for a long time."

Ji Chen'ai said, "How long have you been preparing?"

Bei Jiangcheng smiled, and he said: "It's been a long time, this world is too bad, I want to change this world."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." This child is indeed, not far from going crazy.

Bei Jiangcheng said: "I want to clear all the filthy things in this world, and those who deserve to die should die."

When Beijiangcheng said this, Ji Chenye suddenly remembered the girl who was kidnapped by human traffickers together with Beijiangcheng, but was abused when she returned home.

Now it seems that the girl's parents had a sudden accident, and her brother was not spared. It is very likely that Beijiangcheng did it. The reason why Beijiangcheng gained a firm position at home so quickly is probably inseparable from the system. relation.

Ji Chen'e suddenly felt that the Beijiang City in front of him, because of the system, had expanded all kinds of desires to the limit.