Positive Energy System

Chapter 8: Keep doing good things


However, after thinking for a long time, Ji Chen'ai didn't remember where he had seen that man before.

At this time, Zhou Yaoyun, who bought the mattress, also came back.

He said: "Brother, the mattress is ready, let's go." After finishing speaking, he was going to pay the bill.

Ji Chen'ai shouted: "Someone is already married."

Zhou Yaoyun was taken aback when he heard the words: "Who?" Ji Chen'ai stayed at home all day, so naturally he didn't have any acquaintances in this city.

Ji Chen'ai said, "I don't know."

Zhou Yaoyun frowned slightly, wanted to say something but held back, and finally choked out a sentence after a long time: "Brother, don't eat what strangers buy for you."

Ji Chen'ai: "..." It seems that the logical relationship is a bit wrong.

The two came out of the coffee shop and started to walk out.

The weather in June is sunny, and the sun has not yet set, which happens to be the peak time for office workers to get off work.

Zhou Yaoyun asked Ji Chen what he would like to eat at night, and asked him if he wanted to buy a cake to take home for breakfast tomorrow, but Ji Chen refused. He didn't like sweets like Zhou Yaoqin, and he didn't have any special food preferences.

When the two passed by a park next to their residence, Xiaoqi suddenly yelled: "I found serious negative energy! I found serious negative energy!"

Ji Chen'ai was being pushed forward by Zhou Yaoyun, when he heard this, he frowned: "What's going on?"

Xiao Qi said: "Ten o'clock ahead!"

Ji Chen'ai looked towards his left front, and didn't find anything unusual in the crowd, he said: "Be clear."

Xiao Qi said: "Someone is calling for help!"

help? Ji Chen'ai was not in a hurry to find the person who asked for help, but instead asked, "How much energy can I get this time?"

Xiao Qi was a little dissatisfied with Ji Chen's rationality, he muttered a few words in a low voice, and finally said: "That's too much, one hundred points."

Well, one hundred points is almost the same as changing the life trajectory of a pervert. Ji Chen'ai patted Zhou Yaoyun's hand: "Xiaoyun, stop for a moment."

Zhou Yaoyun paused: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Ji Chen'ai didn't answer Zhou Yaoyun's question. Instead, he began to carefully observe the crowd in front of him on the left. Soon, he made a discovery. Among the constantly passing crowd, there was a woman in her 40s or 50s who was begging with a little girl who was only a few years old.

Although the little girl's face was dirty, she could still see her cute appearance. Now she was kneeling on the ground with a blank expression, kowtowing to passers-by, her forehead was already bruised, and in front of them were placed There was already a lot of change in the iron box he was wearing.

Ji Chen'e had heard about child abduction and trafficking for begging in the news, but he had never seen it himself. He thought he should be angry about this kind of thing, but only then did Ji Chen'e realize that there seemed to be something missing in his body. An emotion called pity. It seems that no matter what it is, it can no longer affect his emotions. He no longer understands what it means to empathize.

After a few seconds of silence, Ji Chen'ai turned to Zhou Yaoyun and said, "Call the police."

Zhou Yaoyun looked at Ji Chen'ai in surprise: "Call the police? Brother? Why?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "I saw that girl online, she seemed to have been kidnapped and sold, but I didn't expect to see her here."

Hearing this, Zhou Yaoyun followed Ji Chen'e's eyes and saw the pair of women. After taking a look, his brows furrowed, and he took out his phone without hesitation.

In recent years, the police have paid more attention to cases of human trafficking than before. After hearing Zhou Yaoyun's call to the police, the operator quickly asked the location and promised that someone would come soon.

After the phone call, Zhou Yaoyun said: "The current human traffickers are really hateful."

Ji Chen'ai looked at the little girl from a distance, and then hummed in a neutral way.

Xiao Qi was very dissatisfied with Ji Chen's attitude, it said: "Why are you not angry at all? You should be very angry."

Ji Chen'ai said: "How do I know, why am I not angry?" From the moment he was resurrected, there seemed to be something missing in his body, even if Xiao Qi said so, he didn't feel anything.

Seeing Ji Chen'e's reticent appearance, Xiao Qi had no choice but to choose Ji Chen'e because he had observed Ji Chen'e for a long time and confirmed that Ji Chen'e was willing to do good deeds, but why, After Ji Chen's rebirth, why did he change so much? Human beings... really don't understand...

The police came very quickly, and when they saw the woman, they began to understand the situation. Zhou Yaoyun also pushed Ji Chen'ai and walked over.

The woman's voice was loud and fierce, and she said: "Comrade police, my daughter-in-law and I came to beg because we couldn't survive. How can we do the business of human traffickers killing children and grandchildren!"

The police saw too many people like this, and they were completely unmoved. When they saw Zhou Yaoyun approaching, they asked, "Are you the one who called the police?"

Zhou Yaoyun nodded: "It's me."

The policeman said: "You said you saw the picture of this little girl on the Internet, right?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "Yes, I've seen it." He didn't question Xiao Qi's judgment at all, after all, Xiao Qi already had too many mysteries and miracles.

Seeing this, the woman quickly understood that it was Ji Chen'e and Zhou Yaoyun who were causing the trouble. She said angrily, "What are you talking about? This is my child. Are you afraid of being hit by a car and killed if you call the police indiscriminately?"

Anger appeared on Zhou Yaoyun's face when he heard the words, but Ji Chen'ai waved his hands indifferently, and said, "Comrade policeman, what you say is groundless, let's take her back to the police station for investigation."

The policeman glanced at the little girl who was sitting on the ground without saying a word and the woman who was swearing endlessly, and nodded: "Can you provide the URL where you can find the revelation on the Internet?"

Ji Chen'e asked Xiaoqi in his mind: "Is there any information about this little girl on the Internet?"

Xiao Qi said: "I'll look for it..." Three seconds later, it happily said: "I found it, the little girl is from County Z! Dad's name is..." It simply told Ji Chen'e all the information about the little girl, and even Also include phone number.

When Ji Chen'e was listening to this, the woman saw that Ji Chen'e was silent, and thought he was just bluffing, so she yelled: "Comrade police, take me away, do you want to live, my daughter's father?" I didn’t get the compensation for the work-related injury, and I was sent back for the petition, is there any reason... I have to go again, I have to go again!"

When the petition was mentioned, the policeman had a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, and he asked again: "Little comrade, if you still remember that website, you can send it to us..." Although the information is developed now, the help wants to find the kidnapped It is still difficult for the family members of children. First, the children are too young to remember things at all. Second, their appearance and characteristics will change over time.

Ji Chen'e ignored the woman's crying, and said to the policeman, "Try calling this number." After speaking, he gave out the phone number of the little girl's father.

The policeman was taken aback for a moment, and then dialed the phone number Ji Chenyi had mentioned, and at the same time, the woman's expression became ugly.

It was a man who answered the phone. After listening to the police's basic account of the incident, he was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly, but from his words, it also confirmed that Ji Chen'e, the policeman, made the right report. .

Seeing that something was wrong, the woman turned around as if slipping away, but was caught by the police. She knew that she couldn't escape, she looked at Ji Chen'ai with hatred in her eyes, and began to curse dirtyly.

Ji Chen'e and her eyes met, and even put on a subtle smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "Auntie, reform yourself in the prison and try to get out sooner."

Trembling with woman's anger, she wanted to go up and kick Ji Chen, but was grabbed by the police again.

At this time, the little girl who had been silent all this time began to cry softly. Like a little cat, she struggled to get up from the ground, rushed to Ji Chen'e's side, and hugged Ji Chen'e tightly. legs.

Her hair and body were very messy, she seemed to have suffered a lot, Ji Chen'ai looked at her, then reached out and touched her head: "It's okay, be good."

From just now until now, because of the appearance of the police, many people have surrounded Ji Chen'e. From the conversations of the few people, everyone knows what happened, and they are all whispering. Now they see Ji Chen'e comforting the little girl Some people even took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Zhou Yaoyun looked at Ji Chen'e and the little girl, and his originally angry eyes softened.

The little girl hugged Ji Chen'e's leg and refused to let go. She cried and stammered calling her mother, and everyone around her felt sad. Zhou Yaoyun couldn't see it, so she squatted down and started coaxing the little girl.

In the end, two more policemen came and took the woman and the little girl back to the police station.

Tired of crying, the little girl fell asleep in the arms of the policeman. Her pitiful appearance almost broke her heart.

Ji Chen'ai watched the little girl and the police walk away, and said, "Let's go, go back."

Zhou Yaoyun hummed, and pushed Ji Chenye to the house. He said as he walked, "Brother, today is thanks to you, otherwise that little girl would have to suffer a lot."

Ji Chen'ai didn't speak, but just smiled.

Zhou Yaoyun continued: "Some people are really bad and scary." For the sake of profit, they can do anything.

Ji Chen'ai glanced at his feet, and said calmly, "Probably because the price for doing bad things is too low."

In this world, there is no God.