Positive Energy System

Chapter 81: Zhou Yaoyun returns


Zhou Yaoyun is back.

In fact, he never thought that there would be a day when he would meet Ji Chen'e again.

When that world was destroyed, Zhou Yaoyun activated the tenth-level Xiaoqi, and used the tenth-level sky-defying skill to bring Xiaoqi back to the past—to protect the dust that had just been reborn in this world.

The only variable that Zhou Yaoyun didn't expect was Beijiang City. He didn't expect that every time period, there would be a Xiao Qi.

During this period of time, he also changed because of Ji Chen's possession of Xiao Qi, and he failed to meet Xiao Qi's requirements for the host. So Xiao Qi, who really belonged to this time period, boarded in Beijiang City.

And the little seven owned by Ji Chen'ai is actually Zhou Yaoyun's full-level little seven.

Ji Chen's rebirth was not caused by Xiao Qi either.

Before rebirth, Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai also met like after rebirth, but there was no system, and the two could not walk as easily as they are now, but they fell in love after all.

Then, Zhou Yaoyun got Xiaoqi.

At the same point in time, in the world before rebirth, Zhou Yaoyun met Xiaoqi's selection criteria, and he became the host and possessed the system. But in the reborn world, it was Beijiang City that met the requirements—of course, Beijiang City at that time hadn't acquired the memory of the previous life.

Just like what Bei Jiangcheng said, Zhou Yaoyun actually hated himself. He hated himself for not being able to protect Zhou Yaoqin well, which made him end up in that kind of ending.

So Zhou Yaoyun sent the full-level Xiaoqi to Ji Chen'ai.

As Zhou Yaoyun thought, Xiao Qi protected Ji Chen'ai and changed the tragic ending of their previous lives.

If Beijiang City hadn't appeared, Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai would probably have lived a peaceful life like this, but the trajectory of things still didn't develop exactly as Zhou Yaoyun expected.

Beijiang City, which was originally a small person in the previous life, has Xiao Qi. It's okay to have Xiao Qi, but he still has an interest in Ji Chen'ai - this is something Zhou Yaoyun can't tolerate at all.

Looking at Beijiang City where Zhou Yaoyun left, he seemed a little lost. All this has completely exceeded his expectations.

Beijiangcheng poured himself another cup of coffee, and drank the whole cup in one go.


Ji Chen'ai watched Zhou Yaoyun walking towards him.

He was still dressed in a familiar outfit, but Zhou Yaoyun in front of him felt a little strange to Ji Chen'ai.

Zhou Yaoyun stretched out his hand towards Ji Chen'ai, and he said, "Brother, I'm here to pick you up."

Ji Chen'ai put his hand on it, he didn't ask Zhou Yaoyun what happened, but followed his instinct, and was hugged by Zhou Yaoyun.

Zhou Yaoyun said, I'll come back with you. Ji Chen'ai left with him.

On the leaving car, Zhou Yaoyun still solved the problem that was bothering Ji Chen'e, he said: "Brother, don't worry, Xiaoqi is here with me."

Ji Chen'e froze for a moment, he didn't expect things to develop like this.

Zhou Yaoyun said again: "Beijiang City will not come to trouble us again."

The troublesome things have been resolved, and the two of them seemed to be happy, but Ji Chen was silent, and Zhou Yaoyun was also silent, as if the two of them had no more topics to talk about.

Ji Chen'ai finally opened his mouth, and he asked, "Xiao Yun, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Yaoyun's tears fell suddenly, he parked the car to the side of the road, then turned his head and stared at Ji Chen'ai. The look in his eyes was as if he and Ji Chen'ai hadn't seen each other for a long time, and it was hard to think about meeting again but he had to suppress his thoughts.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, I miss you so much."

Ji Chen'ai was a little confused, he didn't know how Zhou Yaoyun managed Beijiang City, and he didn't understand why Xiaoqi suddenly left him and came to Zhou Yaoyun.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, I love you." He didn't choose to answer Ji Chen'e's question, but just expressed his feelings like this. He lowered his head and pressed an unquestionable kiss on Ji Chen'e's lips.

Ji Chen'ai was a little dizzy from Zhou Yaoyun's kiss, his first reaction was to push Zhou Yaoqin away, but looking into Zhou Yaoqin's eyes, he couldn't do it.

So sometimes silence is tantamount to acquiescing, Zhou Yaoyun hugs Ji Chen'ai harder and harder, he can't wait to rub the person in front of him into his flesh and blood.

After the kiss was over, Ji Chen was a little out of breath. Because of Zhou Yaoyun's excessive force, his lips became very bright in color, coupled with his dull eyes, Zhou Yaoyun couldn't help but want to continue kissing.

But this time Ji Chen'ai refused, he pushed Zhou Yaoyun away, and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Zhou Yaoyun said, I want to say too much, you can listen slowly, it is a long story.

Ji Chen'ai looked at Zhou Yaoyun's eyes, stretched out his hand to touch his head, and then groaned.

Then Zhou Yaoyun began to tell his story. Everything about Zhou Yaoyun and Ji Chen'ai in the previous life.

From their meeting, getting to know each other, to falling in love, from meeting Xiao Qi, to healing Ji Chen's leg, from Ji Chen's death, to the destruction of the world.

Zhou Yaoyun spoke calmly, and Ji Chen'ai listened quietly.

At the end of the story, when Zhou Yaoyun decided to start all over again, Ji Chen'ai finally couldn't help asking, "Where are the people in the last world?"

Zhou Yaoyun was silent for a while before saying, "I don't know."

Ji Chen'ai said, you don't know

Zhou Yaoyun said, I was too bad at that time, I am no longer as bad as me, I am afraid that if I tell you, you will also be afraid of me.

Ji Chen'e sighed, and he said, how did I die

Zhou Yaoyun seemed very unwilling to talk about this issue, but when faced with Ji Chen'e's question, he still answered, saying that his relatives lied to him. They took advantage of his trust and tricked Ji Chen out of his hands.

Zhou Yaoyun didn't go into details, but Ji Chen'ai still heard an indelible anger in his tone.

Zhou Yaoyun also said that those who lied to him are fortunately dead, otherwise...

What clue did Ji Chen catch, he said, the people who lied to you were your aunt and second aunt

Zhou Yaoyun nodded.

Ji Chen'ai said: "So... Beijiang City really has memories about past lives?" In fact, based on what Beijiang City has done during this period, he is almost going to associate Beijiang City with persecution paranoia.

Seeing Zhou Yaoyun nodding his head, Ji Chen'ai asked again, what happened to Beijiang City.

Zhou Yaoyun smiled and said to let him go, but if Beijiangcheng continues to be so obsessed, then don't blame him for being merciless.

Ji Chen'ai let out an oh, and didn't say yes or no.

Zhou Yaoyun said, is my brother not satisfied? If it wasn't for his brother's sake, he would have hung up that little boy named Beijiang City and beat him up.

Ji Chen'ai said that he was satisfied, he couldn't be more satisfied, he was just a little worried that Beijiang City would come to trouble them again.

Zhou Yaoyun was speechless for a while, he thought Ji Chenye was worried about the safety of Beijiang City, but Ji Chenye was actually worried that Beijiang City would come to trouble them again...

Ji Chen'ai was a little embarrassed by Zhou Yaoyun, he laughed dryly and said, "Isn't that kid from Beijiang City scared of me?"

He didn't feel like trying again, being force-fed milk by Zhou Yaoyun.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Brother, don't worry, my Xiao Qi has already reached level ten."

Ji Chen was stunned for a moment. He had owned Xiaoqi before, so he naturally knew how big the difference in each level of positive energy was for Xiaoqi. It took him almost a year to earn a level of positive energy, besides, Xiaoqi also said , if you want to earn level ten positive energy, you have to save the world.

Zhou Yaoyun saw what Ji Chen was thinking, he smiled and said, "Saving the world is not easy, but destroying the world should be easy."

There are no people without negative energy in this world, let alone people who have never made mistakes. And what Zhou Yaoyun did was to lure out the evil in human nature, and then use the system to kill them all, so as to achieve the purpose of earning energy points.

In order to meet Ji Chen'ai, Zhou Yaoyun did everything he could.

Although Ji Chen'ai didn't know what happened in that world, he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

The energy value needed by the tenth-level Xiao Qi is beyond Ji Chen'er's imagination.

But the past is over, Zhou Yaoyun finally got what he wanted, holding the person in his arms is like holding the whole world.

After being silent for a while, Ji Chen'e said sullenly, "So, the person with the golden finger is actually you?"

Zhou Yaoyun was taken aback.

Ji Chen'ai said: "I won't be able to talk to Xiao Qi from now on?" In the past few years, Xiao Qi has been like Ji Chen's family, without it being noisy, Ji Chen'e was not used to it for a while.

Zhou Yaoyun said, will my brother still miss Xiao Qi

Ji Chen'ai said: "I kind of think about it, um... I'm just not used to it."

Zhou Yaoyun smiled. He said that he could let Xiao Qi continue to follow Ji Chen'ai, but the host cannot be changed, so Ji Chen'e's skills can no longer be used.

Hearing this, Ji Chen'ai suddenly remembered something, he said: "What skills does Xiao Qi have at level ten?" The positive energy of only two levels is already so heaven-defying, it is unimaginable that Xiao Qi at level ten , can change the world.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Have you ever seen a world without crime?"

Ji Chenye naturally said no.

Zhou Yaoyun said: "I have seen it, but that kind of world is definitely not what you want to see." Because there is no crime, it is not because of the improvement of human quality, but because of the fear of unknown power, no one dares to do anything to hurt others. thing.

This is a good thing, but also a bad thing, because once that power suddenly disappears, the whole world will face an explosion.

Zhou Yaoyun is the creator and destroyer of that innocent world.

However, what made him feel fortunate was that he finally came back, back to the side of the person he loved, and he would never leave again.