Positive Energy System

Chapter 9: who came to thank


Ji Chen got up very early the next day, because Zhou Yaoyun had to go to school, so after breakfast, he walked around the house alone.

His legs are bad and it is inconvenient to do anything, but Ji Chen'e still insists on going out. He knows that if he chooses to stay at home like Zhou Yaoqin, it may make him never want to go out again.

So this morning, people who lived near Ji Chen'e's house saw a boy in a wheelchair slowly moving on the sidewalk, and when he saw garbage, he would put on a blank expression, and he stepped forward to pick it up and throw it into the trash can inside.

Almost everyone who saw this scene was feeling the good qualities of this young man—except for the young man himself.

Ji Chen'e only blamed himself for not bringing out a pair of gloves, because he passed the trash can all the way, whenever he saw unthrown trash, he could hear Xiaoqi's beeping sound, telling him temptingly while beeping, throw it away. There is a little positive energy in a piece of rubbish, which is much more cost-effective than posting on the Internet...

In order for his legs to recover as soon as possible, Ji Chen'e could only pick up trash with a gloomy face. He found that the most suitable occupations for him now are Internet sailors and waste pickers. The former can earn energy points without moving, and the latter earns Stability is a little tiring...

After shopping all morning, Ji Chen'e earned more than 30 store energy points and went home. He washed his hands after returning home, and then received a call from Zhou Yaoyun, asking him what he would like to eat for lunch.

Ji Chen'ai is not picky about food, he can say anything, Zhou Yaoyun muttered a few words after hearing this, to the effect that if my brother really doesn't eat well, he will lose weight, and if he loses weight, his body will not be able to bear it.

Ji Chen'ai listened to Zhou Yaoyun's complaint, but there was a smile in his eyes.

After a lot of babbling, finally decided on the ingredients for lunch, Ji Chen turned on the computer again, ready to continue to collect energy points. He saved the little girl yesterday and earned 100 energy points, but at this time, he was 10,000 energy points away. It's still a long way to go, if you don't take it seriously, maybe you can't walk when you are middle-aged.

Just as Ji Chen'e was pressing the mouse to repost the pictures of cats, cats and dogs, the doorbell at home suddenly rang.

Ji Chen'ai rowed his wheelchair to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

A man's voice came from outside the door: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Zhou?"

Because of Ji Chen's health, he couldn't see the cat's eyes, so he had no choice but to lock the door chain, then opened a crack in the door, and asked, "Yes, who are you?"

After seeing the people outside the door, Ji Chen'e instantly knew what they were here for. There were three people standing outside the door, a man in police uniform was talking to him at this moment, and another man was holding a man in his arms. A familiar little girl, and a well-dressed woman.

The policeman said, "You were the one who called the police yesterday, right? Today, the little girl's father came here to thank you."

After pondering for a moment, Ji Chen'e said, "Come in." Then he opened the door.

The little girl's father obviously didn't expect Ji Chen'er to be sitting in a wheelchair. Surprise flashed across his eyes, but soon there was only gratitude in his eyes, and he said: "Mr. Chen, we are really grateful You."

Ji Chen'ai led a few people into the living room, and after calling them to sit down, he said, "How do you know my address?"

Before the man reached the point of his mouth, he was stunned by Ji Chen'e's question.

Ji Chen's family's conditions are very good, so it's natural to see that this man is dressed in extraordinary clothes. The watch he wears is enough to buy a good car. It is said that the poor are rich in cars and watches. This man's identity is obviously not simple.

The man stopped talking, but the woman next to him took up the conversation, she said: "I'm sorry, Lao Yang, he really wanted to thank you in person, and when he was in a hurry, he asked someone to check it out, and he didn't mean to offend you .”

The husband and wife's attitudes are very modest, which is beyond Ji Chen'e's expectation. He glanced at the little girl who was in the man's arms, hugging him tightly, his eyes finally softened, and he said: "It's okay, but I I hope you can give me a call first."

Seeing that Ji Chen'e was no longer angry, the woman sighed: "Mr. Zhou, I really don't know what to do without your call." Then, she roughly stated the matter.

In fact, it is not an uncommon story. It is nothing more than that the nanny is not very careful with the child. As a result, the child is abducted when she goes out to play. The woman is not in good health. The second one, so the couple tried their best to find the little girl, and even offered a huge reward, but after nearly a year, there was still no news. Just when both of them were about to despair, a phone call from Ji Chen'e saved them.

Human traffickers are the worst, they have a huge organization, even the police can't deal with them very well. The little girl Yang Yuyi was originally from the northeast, but now she appeared in the southwest region thousands of miles away.

It can also be seen from the performance of the little girl that this child has suffered a lot.

Mr. Yang said: "Mr. Zhou, we are here today to thank you." Then, he took out a card and put it in front of Ji Chen'e's desk, and continued: "There is something in it, the password is Six six, I hope you can accept it."

Ji Chenye glanced at Mr. Yang, and said, "Then I'm not going to be polite." He knew that this kind of person was not short of money at all, but what he was most afraid of was that Ji Chenye would not accept the money. If Ji Chenye refused to accept the money , it means that he owes Ji Chen'e a great favor, and if Ji Chen'e wants to make any excessive demands in the future, he will not be able to refuse.

But now that Ji Chen'ai has collected the money, it feels like he's getting rid of the money and the goods. Seeing this, Mr. Yang smiled even brighter.

Xiao Qi suddenly said: "Xiao Ai, you can't do this."

Ji Chen'e didn't expect Xiao Qi to say suddenly: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Qi said: "You can't ask for rewards for doing good deeds, how can you accept money from others!"

Ji Chenye: "..." Before, he just suspected that the person who created the Xiaoqi system wanted revenge on the society, but now he has confirmed that the person who created the Xiaoqi system really wanted to take revenge on the society.

Xiao Qi said: "It will be very difficult for me if you do this."

Ji Chen'e: "...how difficult is it?"

Xiaoqi: "People will be sad."

Ji Chen'ai: "Will you deduct my positive energy when you are sad?"

Xiaoqi: "No."

Ji Chen'ai: "Oh, then continue to be sad."

Xiaoqi: "..." Boom.

After dealing with Xiao Qi, Ji Chen'ai continued: "Is she alright?" What he asked was Xiao Yang Yuyi who was lying in his father's arms at the moment.

Mrs. Yang glanced at her daughter, eyes filled with anger and pain, she said: "We bought the plane ticket for the afternoon and are going to go back for a comprehensive inspection... If there is anything..."

Mr. Yang took Mrs. Yang's words: "Those people will have to pay the price." Especially the middle-aged woman who was caught begging with Yang Yuyi.

Yang Yuyi had been hugging Mr. Yang tightly without saying a word, but suddenly she had a reaction, she turned her head, looked at Ji Chen'ai who was sitting in the wheelchair, and called softly, "Brother."

The voice was thin and small, with vibrato, and Madam Yang's eyes were red when she heard it. After Yang Yuyi called out to her brother, she crawled out of her father's arms again, and walked cautiously to Ji Chen'er's side. Hugging Ji Chen'e's leg like the day he was rescued, he said, "Brother."

Ji Chen'e touched the child's head, he thought that if possible, he would be willing to hug this little girl, but...

Mrs. Yang suddenly said: "Mr. Zhou, I would like to ask, is your leg..."

Ji Chen'ai lowered his head, looked at Yang Yuyi, and didn't feel offended when he heard Mrs. Yang's question, he said: "It happened when I was young, it can't be cured."

Mrs. Yang had a look of pity in her eyes when she heard the words, and she didn't say anything else. She originally thought that if she could, she would let Ji Chenye receive the best treatment, and maybe her leg would recover.

The few people chatted again, and Mr. Yang left with his family. After Mr. Yang's family left, the policeman gave a few more private instructions, just because he was afraid that Ji Chen would be retaliated against. The meaning here is that the woman that Ji Chen'e called the police and caught belongs to a relatively large human trafficking organization, and may even involve the insiders of the police station. He told Ji Chen'e to be careful on weekdays, and if there is something wrong, he must call the police. .

Faced with such good intentions, Ji Chen'e responded one by one, and finally, when the policeman left, he helped him close the door.

Ji Chen'e returned to the living room, picked up the bank card, and put it in his drawer.

Not long after the three of them left, Zhou Yaoyun came back with the vegetables he just bought in his hand. When he entered the room, he saw Ji Chen'ai sitting in the living room watching TV, and asked, "Brother, do you want some porridge?"

Ji Chen'ai said: "It's all fine."

Zhou Yaoyun said: "Don't say anything... I'm asking what you like."

Ji Chen'ai said: "Then have porridge."

After hearing Ji Chen'ai's words, Zhou Yaoyun happily prepared to cook porridge. Ji Chen'ai said, "The little girl's family is here today."

Zhou Yaoyun paused: "Huh? Did you open the door for them?"

Ji Chen'e hummed.

Zhou Yaoyun frowned: "Brother, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you ask them to call me. Even if such half-acquainted people come to thank you, don't open the door."

Ji Chen'ai knew that Zhou Yaoyun was afraid that something would happen to him, so he agreed casually.