Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 100: goddess


Outer mountains:

The exorcists were thrown far away by the huge force, and then bloody arrows shot at the exorcists who were in mid-air. All those who were hit by the arrows were paralyzed and fell into the dense forest.

With blood on the corner of Zhou Maoguo's mouth, he was punched flying. The map of Shanhe Sheji rolled into the forest and fell into the cliff. The giant ignored him, walked towards the mountainside, and opened the mountain with one palm, intending to split Bashan in half.

However, at the next moment, a force resisted its bloody palm.

Countless black magic threads emanated from the blood demon's body, controlling the monster's flesh-and-blood giant. Zhou Maoguo leaned against the cliff wall, gasped for breath, closed his eyes, and made seals with his hands—

In an instant, tens of thousands of clocks shining with golden light appeared in the air surrounding the entire mountain.

The Gorefiend screamed vigorously, the giant trembled all over, Zhou Maoguo separated his fingers, moved his lips slightly, and recited the mantra silently. The first bell rang, turned into sound waves, and charged towards the giant.

Zhou Maoguo recited the mantra faster and faster. Tens of thousands of hanging bells rang one after another. The Gorefiend roared and hugged his head, as if he couldn't bear the disturbance of the bells. , Blood sprayed, corroding the forest.

With Zhou Maoguo's hands together, thousands of Hongzhong died at the same time, and they were revived again.

There was no sound, the world was so quiet that only his own breathing could be heard, the golden light illuminated the world, the flesh and blood giant exploded, the blood demon trembled in the golden light, his whole body turned into red mist and scattered, relying on the heavenly demon in his chest to suffer maintain their form.

", you will..." Zhou Maoguo said, "Even pay my life, you will..."

Zhou Maoguo took a deep breath, his whole body glowed with a strong light, and his meridians began to burn along his shoulders to his arms.

At the moment when he was about to cast the ten thousand bells again, a bolt of lightning rushed along the ground, pierced through the forest, and shocked him into a rigid body. Three seconds later, Zhou Maoguo rolled down the slope and landed on the top of the tree .

The wailing of the Gorefiend faded away, and the mist turned into spinning meteors again, converging towards the ground, and finally gathered into a bloody humanoid monster.

It climbed hard on the ground, attracted the surrounding demonic energy, turned into a human form, dragged a trail of blood, and climbed up the mountain without giving up, with a ferocious smile on the corner of its mouth.

The blood demon landed under the tree, his arm turned into a giant claw, grabbed Zhou Maoguo in the claw, and walked towards the top of the mountain.

In the Holy Land, Xiang Cheng quickly walked into the central hall, and Chi Xiaoduo yelled immediately.

Standing in front of the temple, everyone immediately felt their own insignificance. When they looked at it from a distance, they didn't notice it. Once they got close, they realized that the thirty-meter-high building was really too big.

"How was this built?" Qi Wei asked in disbelief.

"It's here." Xiang Cheng said to Chi Xiaoduo, "I've been here before!"

Chi Xiaoduo looked up and found that there was an area on each side of the temple, which was like the living area inside the Holy Land, but the area was empty and there was nothing there.

There is a huge rune on the top of the temple, which reflects the sunlight falling from the sky on the top of the cave, showing a faint purple-black color.

Xiang Cheng went up the stairs, and Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Have you ever gone in?"

There was a trace of confusion in Xiang Cheng's eyes, and he nodded towards Chi Xiaoduo.

As he gradually approached the gate of the temple, the gate made a friction sound and slowly opened inward.

"That is… "

In the deepest part of the temple, a totem supporting the ceiling appeared, that is the space teleportation totem of the Holy Land! Chi Xiaoduo vaguely understood something, the dead ghost king, the dead kun, the black-winged roc, the yin-yang illusion fox...

And at the core of the Holy Land, on the giant stone totem, is a goddess with flying skirts.

The goddess held her hands in front of her body and closed her eyes. A huge snake was carved on the stone, wrapping around her body, with the head of the snake facing the zenith, and her expression was lifelike.

Wushan Goddess and Ba Snake...

"You are finally here." A woman's voice sounded.

"Who?!" Xiang Cheng turned his head.

In front of the statue of the goddess who snaked around, there was an altar, and a light appeared on the altar.

A pure white woman appeared in the light, and her whole body glowed like a soul.

"Xiang Cheng, is that Xiang Cheng?"

"Mom..." Xiang Cheng trembled, tears overflowing from his eyes.

"I don't know who you are." The female voice said, "I can't see you...but I thought it was you, Xiang Cheng. Is your father okay?"

"He has passed away..." Xiang Cheng's voice was choked with sobs.

Everyone didn't dare to go forward and held their breath in silence. Chi Xiaoduo walked up to Xiang Cheng, took his hand lightly, and said, "This is a video of spiritual power."

Xiang Cheng calmed down a little, closed his eyes, and nodded. He was too excited for a while, and he understood when Chi Xiaoduo pointed it out.

"Yes." Xiang Cheng said, "It's a piece of news she left me."

"If you are not my son." The female voice said, "whether you are a demon or a human, after hearing what I told you, please go to Fengdu and find someone named Xiang Cheng, who is the goddess of Wushan. Yao Ji's son, he is the blood descendant of King Fudo Ming. Please tell him what I said next."

Yao Ji! Chi Xiaoduo was dumbfounded immediately, so Xiang Cheng's mother's surname Yao meant that? !

Xiang Cheng raised his head, choked up and said, "Mom, I'm here."

"I have to go now." Yao Ji said sadly, "Sixteen years ago, my mother woke up from the Holy Land, and I have forgotten all the past, a thousand years, two thousand years... I don't know my identity, is it A human named Xiang Jianhua woke me up."

"After leaving the Holy Land, I gradually remembered that the last time, at the Battle of Bashan a thousand years ago, I was surprised that such a long time had passed..."

Chi Xiaoduo deduced the time point from the phrase "sixteen years ago", it should be the moment when Yao Ji fed the demon seed into Xiang Cheng's body, Ba Snake!

"To explain my past clearly, I have to go back to five thousand years ago." Yao Ji said, "I am called the 'Emperor' by humans, but in fact, I am a natural spirit born from the veins of heaven. , I am neither a demon nor a human being, they call me a 'celestial girl', after a long time, I got the name Yao Ji... "

"... Whenever the suffering in the world is difficult to purify, in the 1,000-year historical reincarnation, the heavenly veins and the earthly veins will hand over the redundant resentment and obsession to me and the body of Ba Snake. 'magic'."

"My mission is to wake up every thousand years, mate with the Ba snake, give birth to the body of the demon, and then put the demon seed into the body of the demon, so that a new demon can be bred." Yao Ji whispered , "Xiang Cheng, at the end of the last reincarnation, the power of the snake has entered the mother's body, and it is at the last moment of metamorphosis... But at this moment, human beings came."

"The moment my mother conceived the celestial demon body, she was shot with an arrow by Xiang Xuan, the successor of Fudo Mingwang. The celestial demon body possessed the power to harm the celestial demon, and the celestial demon born from me was innately injured... unable to fight against human beings." Yao Ji said, "Humans captured the holy land, and the nine-tailed celestial fox escaped with the celestial demon."

"Because Ba Snake exhausted her cultivation base, her demonic power remained in her mother's body. Only the body of the snake fought, and she was shot to death by an arrow at the end."

"They wanted to kill my mother too, but one of the exorcists, a descendant of King Fudo Ming, spared my life and sealed the power of the snake in my body."

"So far, I have been in a deep sleep for more than nine hundred years." Yao Ji opened her eyes, "And the holy land of the monster clan has been completely sealed under Bashan."

"And just seventeen years ago, a human being stumbled into the Holy Land by mistake. I was unsealed in confusion."

"That seal was made by the blood of King Fudo Ming a thousand years ago." Yao Ji replied, "Only the blood of King Fudo Ming can break it, but when I woke up, I had forgotten everything. The moment I came, I didn't know anything, I felt that he wanted to kill me... But he couldn't do it, and finally took me and left the Holy Land. He kept everything from me and never told me my identity... "

"Yes." Yao Ji said again, "You guessed it right, this person is your father."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"In the family biography of the Xiang family, there is a thousand-year-old curse of reincarnation, and that is me." Yao Ji said, "When Xiang Xuan and the other exorcists sealed the Holy Land, they left this mission in the family. .Until your father's body... That is to cut off all cause and effect during the second reincarnation of the demon."

"But out of the blue, when I forgot everything, Mommy and your daddy fell in love."

Yao Ji's voice was very calm, with a little sadness, Xiang Cheng led Chi Xiaoduo, and walked slowly towards the altar.

"Mother gave birth to you." Yao Ji said, "Ba Snake's demon body is dead, only the third ray of demon soul is left without consciousness. On the day you were born, most of Ba Snake's power was transferred into your body .”

"The snake of Bashan is the spirit of the earth veins. It was conceived from the earth. It has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. Because of the heavy killing and the deep pain, it has been unable to practice Jackie Chan, and was finally controlled by resentment and obsession."

"At that time, my mother gradually remembered a little bit of the past—a thought."

"The Holy Land has disappeared, and the Yaozu has long since declined. My only wish is... to end all of this, and to be with your father forever..."

Chi Xiaoduo's heart skipped a beat for an instant.

"...I know that in Fudo Mingwang's family, there is a powerful force." Yao Ji said softly, "If you have both the power of light and the soul of the snake in your body, can you... Fearless courage, illuminating the good of the world, eliminating all suffering? Even cutting off the reincarnation of the demons once in a thousand years?"

"I shouldn't have fallen in love with humans, nor should I have stayed with your father."

Having said that, Yao Ji sighed softly.

"Unfortunately... everything is just my wishful thinking." Yao Ji replied, "One of the four spirit beasts guarding the Holy Land, the descendants of the nine-tailed sky fox found me."

"Yinhu told me that the Holy Land is still there and the ten thousand demons still exist, but the power of the Heavenly Demon has gradually dissipated. In order to protect the fate of the demon clan, I must return to the new Holy Land and give birth to the next Heavenly Demon."

"Forgive me...Xiang Cheng." Yao Ji choked up, "I have to leave you, I have no choice. Mom just wants to be with you and your father. If you don't leave with Yinhu, Yaozu will kill you. Yinhu still remembers the calamity in the Holy Land when he was young, when he took me away, he also stole two pieces of true martial arts from your father."

Chi Xiaoduo's eyes were red, he held Xiang Cheng's hand tightly, and looked up at him.

Xiang Cheng's tears rolled back and forth in his eyes, but they never fell.

"After my mother returned to the Holy Land." Yao Ji turned her head away and said in a low voice, "The demon seed was planted in my body again. They thought that the soul of Ba Snake was still in my body, and my mother did not hide it from them. Yesterday... I put the demon seed in my body. The seeds were brought back and planted in your body..."

"I shouldn't have done this." Yao Ji choked up, "I shouldn't have caused my son to suffer so much, Xiang Cheng, mom, I'm sorry."

"At that time, my mother thought, as you grow up slowly, when you inherit the power of Fudo Myoko, the tenacity in your soul and the power of Fudo Myoko may be able to suppress the demon seed and digest it , make it completely disappear from the world... Once you can't support it anymore, the demon will assimilate you, this is the worst situation."

"But even if mom doesn't do anything, in the last thirteen years, the Yaozu will definitely find you...bring you back to the Holy Land, and make you the successor of the Heavenly Demon."

"Mom thought that after another thirteen years, when the reincarnation of demons ended, new demons would not be born again."

"Thirteen years... just wait for thirteen years, I took a risk that I don't even know if I can succeed... everything will only come to fruition after thirteen years. Wait for another thirteen years, and my mother will return to you With Dad's side…”

Yao Ji raised her head and said in a low voice: "But why did you come to the Holy Land? Did my attempt fail? If you read this passage, Xiang Cheng, have you become a demon and come back to the Holy Land? Have you lost yourself... Is there anyone else by your side?"

"I don't." Xiang Cheng murmured, "I don't...Mom."

"The blood demon it bringing you to perform the ritual of reincarnation." Yao Ji said, "No, it won't be like won't be...but I...have no choice."

"Forgive Mom." Yao Ji replied, "Come up to the altar...Xiang Cheng, no matter what the future holds, the Holy Land is... handed over to you."

"Wait!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Where's the Vajra Arrow?! That... Auntie, Mom! Finish your sentence first! Don't leave!"

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Yao Ji disappeared, and Chi Xiaoduo felt that his world view had been greatly impacted, but this proved a strong assumption that the power of Fudo Mingo could suppress the Heavenly Demon!

Just find the Diamond Arrow!

Xiang Cheng ran up to the altar with three steps in parallel.

There is nothing on the altar.

"Where will she hide the diamond arrow?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"I don't know." Xiang Cheng said, "The last time I came here was when I was six years old."

"Don't be nervous." Chi Xiaoduo said, "We are already close to the truth."

Several people looked at each other, Chi Xiaoduo signaled everyone to calm down, and said, "Look for it."

Everyone started to look for the diamond arrow. Although no one had seen the appearance of the diamond arrow, they all looked for the long strip. Xiang Cheng still hadn't recovered from the shock, he walked around a few steps, stopped, looked at the totem behind the altar, and remained silent.

Chi Xiaoduo also stopped, walked towards Xiang Cheng, took his hand, and shook it.

Xiang Cheng hugged Chi Xiaoduo into his arms, and the two hugged quietly for a while.

Qi Wei and Zhou Wanyuan had no choice but to pretend they couldn't see it, and looked for magic weapons in embarrassment.

Chi Xiaoduo thought about such a complicated past, Qi Wei and Zhou Wanyuan both heard it, but they are not big mouthers, so they probably wouldn't go back and talk about it.

"Come on." Xiang Cheng whispered.

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo fought side by side, and then Xiang Cheng knelt down.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng clasped his hands together, wearing Chi Xiaoduo's ring on his slender ring finger, and bowed in obeisance.

Chi Xiaoduo also knelt down and worshiped the spirit of Wushan together with Xiang Cheng.

"Does this count as praying to heaven and earth?" Chi Xiaoduo said after praying twice.

"Forget it." Xiang Cheng replied to Chaochi Xiaoduo.

"What time is it?" Zhou Wanyuan walked out from behind the totem, supporting her waist, and said, "Can't we do serious things first?"

Qi Wei searched the entire temple and said, "There is nothing, are you sure it's here?"

Xiang Cheng remained silent, and said after a while, "Forget it if you don't have one."

"Forget it if you don't have it!" Zhou Wanyuan said, "Why am I so busy!"

"Hush." Qi Wei hurriedly gestured to Zhou Wanyuan, pointing to the totem, which means don't scold people in front of other people's mother, otherwise you will be punished, Zhou Wanyuan had to keep silent.

The other side of the Holy Land.

Koda kicked a wolf away, and with a groan, a wolf dog rushed forward, and was punched by Koda and flew away!

"It's me!" Lang Dog wailed.

Reachable: "..."

Lang Quan flew forward and pushed Koda towards the wall. Koda wanted to save his life, but he was also afraid that Feng Li would be discovered. His clothes were torn and his body was full of wounds. Koda shouted: "Mom!" Yes, you must get a rabies vaccine when you go back! I'll fuck you!"

Exhausted, Koda punched the bear demon rushing towards him, knocking it into a crowd of beasts.

The Nine-Tailed Fox ran across most of the magic circle along the yin-yang dividing line. Wherever it passed, the runes in the ditch of the magic circle flew up one after another, soaking into its body with light. The fox turned his head and saw that Koda had been swallowed by the beasts, so he stopped immediately.

Inside the temple:

Xiang Cheng: "Three salutes."

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo kowtowed for the third time.

Just when the third head kowtowed, there was a slight vibration in the temple, the four of them showed surprised expressions at the same time, and a strange rune appeared on the altar.

"What is this?" Chi Xiaoduo got up, wondering.

"Is it the Vajra Arrow?" Qi Wei asked.

"Like some kind of institution." Zhou Wanyuan said.

"There should be instructions or something." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Should I look for the instructions first?"

The four gathered around the altar and looked at it. Xiang Cheng looked at his hand and pressed it with a puzzled expression.

All of a sudden, the altar emitted a strong purple light, and the strong light radiated everywhere, and the holy land began to shake. Outside, all the monsters screamed together, and there was a loud noise from the top of the cave. Rotating, passing through all the ravines, the entire holy land formed a huge rune array!

A powerful force from the depths of the earth supported the Holy Land, causing it to rise slowly, break out of the mountain, and shine among the lonely mountains. A blue halo began to spread from the altar, and the effect of banning magic was quickly lifted. Chi Xiao The green light of the dragon pupil in Duo's eyes flashed.


"This is… "

Fox Nest:

Blue light suddenly burst out from the group of beasts pressing on Keda, and then exploded. A large number of monsters were thrown into the air. , Rampage towards the monster group!

At the same time, Feng Li shook off the Nine Tails and rushed to the finish line. The energy in the Holy Land flowed through the entire gully, gathering all of it in Feng Li's body.

The body of the nine-tailed celestial fox is radiant, and it shakes out its nine giant tails in the wind like an open screen. Feng Li stretches his arms and transforms into a human form.

The wolf was covered in blood, staggered and fell to the ground.

The beasts turned to the nine-tailed sky fox, Feng Li made a gesture, and all the beasts bowed their heads.

The nine-tailed celestial fox landed on the ground, transformed into a huge body, walked on fox steps, and walked towards the wolf on the ground. The corner of Canglang's mouth was drooling, and his limbs twitched uncontrollably due to lack of strength. The nine-tailed sky fox lowered its head, spit out the inner alchemy, and circled the whole body of the wolf, and the wolf's body emitted a brilliant light.

The nine-tailed celestial fox withdrew its inner alchemy, transformed into a human form, and looked up at the center of the temple in the distance.

Outside the mountain, Taotie couldn't help whimpering and shook his head violently, blood gushing from Jing Hao's face.

"You trash." Gorefiend said ferociously.

Taotie trembled, the blood demon brought Zhou Maoguo in his claws to Taotie's mouth, Taotie opened his mouth and swallowed Zhou Maoguo.

The Gorefiend said coldly, "Follow me."

In the temple:

"Still no diamond arrow..." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Oops, the Holy Land has come out." Qi Wei replied.

The rays of the setting sun shot from the end of the mountain, covering the Holy Land, Zhou Wanyuan ran out of the hall and asked, "Where is my father?"

The mountains and forests were in a mess, the original demons had all retreated, the blood demons disappeared, and all the exorcists had been evacuated.

"How does it end now?" Qi Wei turned around and asked.

Xiang Cheng couldn't do anything for a while, he went out and saw a monster, and said, "I want to protect this place."

"But this time the commotion is so big." Qi Wei said, "The driving committee will definitely not let you go."

"You guys go back." Xiang Cheng said, "I feel sincere for helping me so much along the way."

"I have to go down to find my dad..." Zhou Wanyuan said.

Suddenly, Chi Xiaoduo's roar came from the hall behind him.

"Be careful!"

Xiang Cheng leaped forward and transformed into Ba Snake. With a twist of the snake's body, Taotie rushed from behind and was strangled by Ba Snake's body! Qi Wei's face changed, and he offered to invite the dragon technique, but was kicked by Wang Lei from the side and fell to the ground. Zhou Wanyuan transformed into a white deer, and pointed at Wang Lei with one corner, causing Wang Lei to fly.

Chi Xiaoduo rushed out of the temple, and the platform became a battlefield for two ancient monsters, Taotie and Bashe. With a roar, Taotie dissipated and transformed into a monster with only one big mouth, and swallowed it towards Bashe!

Ba Snake was stronger than Taotie, she suddenly opened her mouth to the maximum, but bit Taotie's upper and lower lips, Taotie was bitten so that her mouth closed, struggling with all her strength.

Ba Snake bit it and flung Taotie out, Qi Wei and Zhou Wanyuan shot at Taotie from left to right, but a blood mist rushed from down the mountain and spread loudly, filling the temple with a bloody atmosphere.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help coughing, trying to escape the blood mist, Qi Wei was immediately poisoned and coughed up blood loudly, the whole body of the white deer was eroded by blood stains, the snake's scales gathered to resist the blood demon, and it opened its mouth to roar, emitting a green poisonous mist.

In a blink of an eye, the nine-tailed fox rushes towards Kodak, Kodak jumps up, the nine-tailed fox transforms into a flying beast, its wings flap wildly, the hurricane rolls up on the ground, Kodak transforms into a wolf, and rushes towards Taotie!

"It's now!" Feng Li shouted.

Ba Snake's light disappeared in a flash, and it turned into a human form. Immediately afterwards, the real body of King Fudo Ming appeared, and the black air spread rapidly. Xiang Cheng's face was covered with magic patterns. With a sound, he moved towards Taotie with a sword!

"I've been waiting for you for too long..." the voice of the Gorefiend said sullenly in the mist.

The blood mist exploded, blowing everyone flying straight out. Xiang Cheng pierced through Taotie's face and Jing Hao's head with a sword, but Jing Hao's shattered face turned into a huge mouth. Head swallowed!

"Xiang Cheng!"

Chi Xiaoduo rushed out from the other side, hugged Xiang Cheng's waist, and pushed him away. At the same time, a strong suction burst out from Taotie's mouth, pulling Chi Xiaoduo into his mouth.

The last look of the two of them.

Ba Snake let out an angry roar that could shake the sky, and rushed into Taotie's belly!

The Holy Land suddenly fell silent.

Taotie raised his head and opened his huge mouth, as if he was going to roar, but he couldn't make a sound, he just trembled and convulsed, the black air spread, and all the faces on his body screamed and collapsed into his body.

Immediately afterwards, the Gorefiend appeared on the steps of the temple, raised his hand, and the black air enveloped Taotie, and he retracted it. Taotie was dragged into the hall, and transformed into a huge sphere of blood condensed. The face of the monster struggling in pain, suddenly appeared as a human face and shouted, floating on the altar.

The dead ghost king walked out of the palace and stood facing the temple.

The gorefiend pointed at the giant bright red sphere that covered the demonic energy with his long staff. The sphere seemed to be pacing regularly, exuding a powerful deterrent aura. The nine-tailed fox entered the hall, trembling all over, wanting to fight, but unable to move forward step.

Qi Wei, Da Keda, and Zhou Wanyuan rushed into the hall, and the demon heart burst out with bloody arrows. The three of them were almost powerless to fight back, and they were pushed away by the force and fell to the ground hard.

Wang Lei walked in slowly and knelt down on one knee towards Mo Xin.

"Fengli." The blood demon glanced at the nine-tailed fox, "The crime of betraying the Holy Land will be discussed with you in another day. The Ba snake and the demon seed have been ingested by Taotie and turned into a chaotic ball. Death Kun has also returned, and Black Wing Dapeng is in the ball, the yin-yang transfiguration fox and the dead ghost king obey orders, start the demon reincarnation ceremony now!"