Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 109: fight back


"Apprentice." Zheng Qun said.

"Master!" Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly patted Xiang Cheng to get him up. He wanted to get up, but Zheng Que tapped Chi Xiaoduo's shoulder with his crutches, signaling that he didn't need to get up.

Zheng Que asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo said, "waiting for your return."

Zheng Que nodded and said, "Come in."

Zheng Que took the two of them in, but nothing happened, Chi Xiaoduo winked at Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, but didn't speak.

After the servant had lunch, Chi Xiaoduo was very sleepy. He tried to control himself not to yawn. He chatted with Zheng Que casually and asked him where he had been. Ask again.

"You want to intercede with Zhou Maoguo and Lin Yurou, don't you?" Zheng Quin said.

Chi Xiaoduo didn't dare to speak and looked at Zheng Quin.

"Don't be so afraid." Zheng Que said happily, "Master doesn't eat people."

Zheng Que took off his sunglasses, looked into Chi Xiaoduo's eyes, and said, "Well, after lunch, Master will go to sleep, and you will accompany Master to the city in the evening. I see you staying here all day long." It's boring here too."

Chi Xiaoduo thought that he could finally leave this ghostly place, so he nodded hurriedly.

During the afternoon class that day, Chi Xiaoduo was almost in Sparta. He didn't sleep all night and was so sleepy that he knocked his head on the tea tray. Fortunately, Zheng Que didn't notice him. After the brief lecture, he lay down on the rocking chair with his eyes closed.

Chi Xiaoduo lay on the table, drooling from sleep, and it was Tao Ran who woke him up an hour later.

"I always think he knows." Chi Xiaoduo went back to the room, and took a nap with Xiang Cheng in his arms. Xiang Cheng was dripping with sweat, and went to bed without taking a shower.

"Think about the good." Xiang Cheng said, "Maybe he thinks you were kept awake by me last night."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry, leaned into Xiang Cheng's arms, and the two fell asleep for a while.

In the evening, Zheng Que asked Tao Ran to drive himself, and drove them back to Beijing, where they stayed in a hotel-style apartment opposite Lingjing Hutong.

The disciples were so busy that they brought a lot of books and spell-casting materials as if they were moving house. The room was very spacious. Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng lived in one room, and Zheng Que lived in one room by himself.

Tao Ran drew a magic circle for Xiang Cheng on the ground, and Zheng Que sat in a wheelchair, looking at the opposite Lingjing Hutong, everything was as usual.

"Why did Master suddenly want to move here?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"I'm old." Zheng Qun said, "I like to be lively."

At night, Lingjing Hutong was completely dark, Zheng Qun said, "Use your dragon eyes to look outside?"

Chi Xiaoduo looked out with his long pupils, and saw a huge light shield covering a tall building, with rainbow lights flickering everywhere. Immediately understood that Zheng Que was looking at the driving committee.

"You two should rest early." Zheng Que said, "Master, old man, I won't be your light bulb anymore."

Chi Xiaoduo sent Zheng Que to the door, and the moment the door was closed, both of them felt as if they had escaped from the cage.

"Did he find out that we let Chen Zhen go?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Don't be suspicious." Xiang Cheng opened a bottle of foreign wine, poured some into his glass, and said, "He has to come and go frequently, and the three-hour drive is inconvenient, so he brings us with him. "

is that so? Chi Xiaoduo always felt that there was something in Zheng Quin's words.

But then, everything went smoothly, Zheng Que didn't even mention anything about Chen Zhen, and no one contacted them.

The weather in Beijing is gradually getting hotter. Chi Xiaoduo goes to Zheng Que's room every day to learn the incantations of Jiuhuamen, while Xiang Cheng practices the use of real power. Chen Zhen, Keda, and Qi Wei seemed to have disappeared. Chi Xiaoduo remembered that Chen Zhen mentioned that he stood still and waited for their notice, and spent this long period of time in anxiety.

Every day in front of Zheng Que, Chi Xiaoduo was worried. Fortunately, there was only one hour of afternoon class, and after returning to the room, the time with Xiang Cheng was the happiest.

Until one day, Zheng Que said, "I taught you, you can almost remember these days?"

"Maybe I can remember." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Are you going to take an exam, teacher?"

"That's not necessary." Zheng Qun replied, "Go and take down the Seven Treasure Bodhi Tree."

Chi Xiaoduo was a little nervous. Chen Zhen's previous order was to let him steal the Seven Treasure Bodhi Tree, and Zheng Que's crutch, which he never left, was placed in the corner of the room at this moment.

Chi Xiaoduo held the crutches in both hands and handed them to Zheng Quin. Zheng Quin didn't even look at them and said, "It's heavy?"

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Zheng Que said, "Stay one end on the ground."

Chi Xiaoduo did as he said. He was taller than Zheng Que, so he had to bow slightly. The crutches seemed to be able to sense his height, and gradually grew taller.

"Recite the mantra I taught you silently." Zheng Que said, "Pour mana into the Seven Treasure Bodhi Tree."

"Curse... Curse?" Chi Xiaoduo said in a daze, "You haven't taught me any mantras."

"I will teach you in Arshan." Zheng Qun said, "A talisman, why? Forgot? I think you haven't forgotten it."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Zheng Qin smiled and said, "Come on, Master knows that you haven't missed your homework in these years."

It is true that Chi Xiaoduo often reviews the talisman that Zheng Que taught him, but did Zheng Que have the idea of accepting apprentices so long ago

Chi Xiaoduo closed his eyes, and the talisman was spinning between the brow chakras. A force flowed along his arm and injected into the crutch, which lit up with blue light.

"Success." Zheng Que replied, "That's it, remember clearly."

"I remember." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Zheng Que took the crutches and said, "In the future, when the master is gone, you can just use it like this."

Chi Xiaoduo was already a little confused, he always felt that Zheng Que was very good, but he really couldn't convince himself to really betray him.

That night, midsummer came, it was quiet outside, and the weather was muggy. Xiang Cheng adjusted the humidity of the air and heard Chi Xiaoduo talk about the day's events.

"If it wasn't for Chen Zhen." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I almost thought he was sincere."

"You like him very much." Xiang Cheng said so.

"Yeah." Chi Xiaoduo nodded. He grew up with his grandmother and never felt the care of his parents and grandparents. He was very touched by Zheng Que's patience with him.

Some things are not used to at the beginning, always feel too bizarre, but after a period of time, it will make people get used to it.

Xiang Cheng said, "Do you think he will really help us?"

"I think it will." Chi Xiaoduo nodded and said, "I don't know what Mr. Zheng... what the master is thinking, but he will definitely activate the soul-splitting circle."

"Why?" Xiang Cheng replied.

"Intuition." Chi Xiaoduo said: "He even taught me the soul-dividing magic circle, and asked me to assist him. The principle of this magic circle is to temporarily let the soul leave the body and turn it into pure raw energy. , is the power of good fortune in the veins of heaven and earth, called the 'chaos spirit'."

"Separating the soul is just separating your Ba Snake demon soul. After Ba Snake turns into a chaotic spirit, the demon species can no longer live in Ba Snake's body, just like water and oil will be separated."

"I understand." Xiang Cheng said, "In this way..."

"In this way, the demon seeds can be taken away." Chi Xiaoduo said: "Ba Snake's demon soul will also be washed into raw energy, which is equivalent to being formatted. After taking away the demon seeds, reverse the method After a while, Ba Snake's soul will turn into pure energy and return to your body."

Xiang Cheng said: "Can we use this magic circle now? You will control it, with Chen Zhen's assistance."

"No." Chi Xiaoduo said: "This magic circle is very dangerous, because once anyone or a monster enters the magic circle, if they don't control well, they will be formatted by the magic circle."

"Will you forget the past?" Xiang Cheng replied.

"More than that." Chi Xiaoduo said: "In the past, now, and even forget everything you are doing. So your soul must stay in the eye of the formation. This is a safety zone like the eye of the storm. Once you leave, you will be washed away." become an idiot."

Chi Xiaoduo drew a simple diagram of the magic circle, and said, "To control the magic circle, you must stand in this position." As he spoke, he drew a circle on the inside of the magic circle.

Xiang Cheng: "Since you will forget everything after entering, how can you control it?"

"So only we can control it." Chi Xiaoduo said: "Because Teacher and I both have dragon souls. Just like your Ba Snake demon soul, it belongs to the fourth soul that lives in the body."

"I understand." Xiang Cheng said: "He stood outside the magic circle, separated the dragon soul, and used the dragon soul to go in and control the magic circle."

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo replied, "It's like using a mechanical arm to reach into a dangerous area. This is the principle of the magic circle."

"Very smart." Xiang Cheng said: "Sure enough, the profession of demon-subduing master is still needed. No one can think of this kind of magic circle."

Chi Xiaoduo pondered for a moment, then nodded, and Xiang Cheng said, "If you were to control it, how sure are you?"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "The strength of the magic circle depends on the control power of the demon seed over the Ba snake. The power of the snake soul is very strong. It is the spirit of the earth veins, and it will not be willing to be washed into the original power, so after it is washed During the process of losing the snake soul, they will definitely struggle violently, trying to escape, or attack the manipulator of the magic circle."

"If the snake soul gets out of control, it is likely to cause an explosion of the magic circle, and the explosion will spread to more places, so... once the situation is not right, the master will separate his three souls and seven souls and inject them, bit by bit, To help the magic circle stabilize."

"If you lose one soul, you can barely support it." Chi Xiaoduo said: "If you lose two souls, it will be very, very dangerous. When you lose all three souls, I have to make up for it, but I am not very good at controlling the dragon soul of Owl Kiss. , so... um..."

"Understood." Xiang Cheng replied.

If possible, Chi Xiaoduo would of course be willing to control the magic circle, but this is beyond his ability, and if he leaves it all to himself, it will easily lead to more troublesome consequences.

At night, he and Xiang Cheng lay side by side, with their eyes open, unable to sleep.

"What's the matter?" Chi Xiaoduo saw Xiang Cheng get up.

"Breathable air." Xiang Cheng turned off the air conditioner, got up and opened the French windows of the balcony, the sultry air rushed in wrapped in summer, Xiang Cheng stood in front of the window and took a deep breath.

Chi Xiaoduo knew that usually when Xiang Cheng did this, he might have made some major decisions and couldn't figure it out clearly.

He stepped forward, hugged Xiang Cheng's waist from behind, and buried his head on his broad back.

A small animal suddenly climbed onto the balcony railing and stared at the two of them—it was Chen Zhenmao.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

On a summer night in Beijing, many people in the hutongs moved out of bamboo beds to enjoy the coolness. Across the street, there are high-rise buildings with feasting lights, noisy air conditioners and residential areas where fish and dragons live together. It feels like two worlds.

Chen Zhen and Qi Wei were in a rented house. Chen Zhen took out cold beer from the old broken refrigerator and handed it to Xiang Cheng. Chi Xiaoduo stood on the balcony and looked down. Downstairs was the rental house that Chen Zhen had arranged for him and Xiang Cheng to stay when they first came to Beijing.

"The whole building here used to belong to our family." Chen Zhen said, "But no one knows."

"Let me tell you." Xiang Cheng said, "Why do you arrange such a place?"

"Take it as our base for the time being." Chen Zhen said, "I've observed Zheng Que for a long time, and he doesn't seem to be paying attention to you at all. After nightfall, he never looks for anyone, so if there are no accidents, we will stay here Time to exchange information."

"First of all, we need to contact Cao Bin." Chen Zhen said, "Find people one by one."

There was a knock on the door outside, and Koda said, "The King of Heaven, Gedihu."

"Pagoda Town River Demon!" Zhou Wanyuan said impatiently, "You guys are not done yet!"

When Zhou Wanyuan came in, Koda locked the door. Chen Zhen said, "Okay, the official members of the special operations team, the supporting members, and their family members are basically all here. Now the meeting begins."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Analyze our current situation." Chen Zhen said: "According to Comrade Xuan Hezhi's performance and his nepotism with Qiao Yan, Zheng Que and others, I propose to expel him from the group. Do you have any opinions? Yes. Raise your hand and tell me what you think.”

No one spoke, so Chen Zhen took out Xuan Hezhi's form and put it on the table.

Xiang Cheng: "Where is Lafayette?"

Chen Zhen: "The whereabouts are unknown. I have been looking for it for nearly a month, but I have found nothing."

Xiang Cheng said to Zhou Wanyuan, "Where's your father?"

Zhou Wanyuan replied: "I woke up, but I can't move, so I can only stay in bed."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Is he all right?"

Zhou Wanyuan: "It's very troublesome. I'm going to die now. I guess I won't be able to get out of bed for a while."

Kodak asked worriedly, "What's going on?"

Zhou Wanyuan: "Gout."

Everyone: "..."

"Let's integrate the information, first of all from your side." Chen Zhen said, "Zhou Wanyuan will report first."

"My father didn't kill your mother back then." Zhou Wanyuan said blankly.

"It's not important anymore." Xiang Cheng replied.

"No." Zhou Wanyuan said: "You must explain clearly what happened back then. You can tell it yourself."

Zhou Wanyuan opened facetime and dialed Zhou Maoguo, who answered quickly, obviously Zhou Maoguo had been waiting.

"Hello—" Chi Xiaoduo waved towards the screen.

Zhou Maoguo's hair turned gray a lot, and he nodded with a tired expression. Chen Zhen said, "Teacher Zhou."

"Xiang Cheng, are you there?" Zhou Maoguo said.

"Yes." Xiang Cheng said, "Let's talk."

Everyone got up and wanted to leave, but Xiang Cheng said, "Sit down."

"Your eyes are like your mother." Zhou Maoguo said, "Your eyebrows are like your father."

Xiang Cheng didn't speak, took a sip of beer, and looked at Zhou Maoguo thoughtfully.

"I met your father in 1981, thirty-six years ago." Zhou Maoguo was half lying on the bed, wearing pajamas. It was the first time Chi Xiaoduo saw the energetic Zhou Maoguo dressed like this, and suddenly felt He is actually an ordinary person.

Every time I met Zhou Maoguo at the driving committee, the old man was wearing a tie and formal attire, looking like a leader, but now he seemed much older.

"The reform and opening-up had just started that year." Zhou Maoguo said: "The Expulsion Committee established a southern investigation team. I was the secretary of the team and went with the team to Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Fujian provinces. Because of a case of corpses in Hubei, I got to know Xiang Jianhua."

"After getting to know each other, I discovered that the Zhou family and the Xiang family have been connected since ancient times. This connection can be traced back to the pre-Qin period." Zhou Maoguo said: "Your father is very smart and courageous. You are just like your father, daring to Challenge all authority and difficulties."

"You are like this." Chi Xiaoduo said with a smile: "Sometimes I don't know the strength of you and monsters at all, but no matter what big monster you challenge, I feel that you can win."

Xiang Cheng glanced at Chi Xiaoduo and took his hand.

"Since then, I have kept in touch with Xiang Jianhua." Zhou Maoguo said again: "He will provide some folk information in the Xiangchu area to the organization. From my judgment, the people who deal with him are very powerful big monsters. , I also very much hope that he can serve in the Drive Commission."

"The drive committee back then was not like it is now." Zhou Maoguo seemed to be caught in a long memory, and said after a while: "No, it can be said that it is also like now, full of young people, and they are very motivated to do things."

In 1984 he sent me a telegram. "Zhou Maoguo said: "Tell me, he found a strange thing in Wushan. "

"Every time we exchange telegrams and letters, we talk about some special things." Zhou Maoguo said: "The spirit of Wushan, zombies, night walks of ghosts... The cases he came into contact with are all layered on top of each other. For one thing, at that time, the Drive Commission did not have the current resources, and many cases could only be postponed or let it sink to the bottom.”

"But that time, he attached another sentence to the telegram." Zhou Maoguo said: "The telegram has been kept with me, and I gave it to Wan Yuan, and asked her to bring it to you."

Zhou Wanyuan handed Xiang Cheng an envelope, and Xiang Cheng opened it. Inside were two yellowed photos and two telegrams.

The telegram was very long, and there was a sentence at the end: "It is possible to talk about someone, let's talk about it."

One of the photos is a group photo of Zhou Maoguo, Xiang Jianhua, and Yao Ji holding Xiang Cheng.

"Can you give me the photo?" Xiang Cheng said.

"I'll give you the original." Zhou Maoguo said, "I've already scanned it, I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind." Xiang Cheng replied.

"There were a lot of cases at that time." Zhou Maoguo said with emotion: "Ten years of cultural catastrophe and turmoil... In the decades after the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, the value of grievances has reached a critical point, and there is really no time to get away. The traces are extremely sensitive."

"Later." Zhou Maoguo said again: "Jianhua said that he was getting married and invited me to the wedding. Only a few friends and some people from the village were invited to the wedding."

Xiang Cheng replied: "Did you know the identity of my mother at that time?"

"No, I don't know." Zhou Maoguo said: "To be precise, she is a god. Strictly speaking, neither she nor Ba She can be regarded as a demon. What is a demon and what is a god, in fact, there is no very obvious distinction in nature." Boundary. For example, in ancient totems, powerful 'beasts' are often worshiped as gods, and the wolf and the white deer are the best examples."

Everyone didn't speak, and listened to Zhou Maoguo's words quietly.

"I feel that Yao Ji has abnormal power." Zhou Maoguo said, "Your father knew that he couldn't hide it from me. He told me that Yao Ji is a sleeping spiritual girl in the mountains."

"I said, brother, if you ask me about this, I can't do anything." Zhou Maoguo said while recalling: "If you really like it, let's do it first. I lived in your house for a while. At that time, your Mom is pregnant."

Zhou Maoguo glanced at Xiang Cheng, and said, "On the night of the wedding, your mother came over and told me something."

Xiang Cheng: "About my identity?"

"Exactly." Zhou Maoguo nodded and said: "She is afraid of what will happen to you when you are born. I said, don't worry, there are reasons for many things to happen. Maybe your child is just God's will. .But in fact your birth is very dangerous, because we don't know the identity of your mother."

"After I returned to Beijing, I still reported this incident." Zhou Maoguo said: "There are only two possibilities in history for the offspring of the combination of human and demon: 1. Spontaneous abortion, unable to be born. 2. Powerful mixed blood . Lafayette just took over the Drive Commission, and her opinion on this is to 'follow up and observe'."

"A few months later, your father came to the county seat and called me, asking me to name you." Zhou Maoguo said: "At that time, several people in the driving committee who knew about this incident were very nervous. Lafayette even thought that, It is impossible for you to be born. But we know very little about the spirit of Wushan, and we don't even know the origin of your mother."

"According to Yao Ji's self-report, she can't remember most of the things." Zhou Maoguo said again: "It wasn't until she was taken away by Hu Xinyang for the first time that we felt that things might not be so simple."

"Lafayette was investigating the holy land at the time." Zhou Maoguo said: "She saw the saint of the Yaozu on the altar of the holy land in Tanggula Mountain. According to our many comparisons, it was confirmed that it was Yao Ji. I hesitated whether to tell your father, and Is there any spiritual power left by the demon clan on your body?"

"Heavenly demons reincarnate every thousand years." Zhou Maoguo sighed: "At that time, we knew too little about the Holy Land. After Wan Yuan came back, she had already told me what Yao Ji had left on the altar. It was a mistake at the beginning to make such a mistake."

"Lafayette got the news from the Holy Land." Zhou Maoguo said: "After our analysis and your father's report, we think she will come back to see you once a year. At that time, your father had some physical problems .”

"No." Xiang Cheng said, "Only once."

"On your birthday." Zhou Maoguo said, "She will come home, but most of the time, you don't know."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Zhou Maoguo said again: "So Lafayette decided to use you and Jianhua as a breakthrough to try to talk to your mother. She took a piece of your clothes I got from Jianhua and gave it to Yao Ji in the Holy Land."

"But Yao Ji is not what we thought." Zhou Maoguo said: "She was already very agitated, and was controlled by Hu Xinyang. She didn't ask if you were doing well, but directly attacked Lafayette, and then she left privately. I’ve left the Holy Land, and I’ll come back to see you.”

Zhou Maoguo said: "I will inform Jianhua immediately, but you have a strange disease, and we didn't know why you were sick at the time."

Xiang Cheng said, "Heavenly Demon Seed."

"Yes." Zhou Maoguo nodded and said: "Now I understand, the blood demon cast a spell on Tanggula Mountain to make Yao Ji start breeding demon seeds. This spell will not work on Yao Ji, because the demon seeds have already been transferred into your body." .”

"The blood demon casts spells to catalyze, thousands of miles away, your demon seed will be sensed." Zhou Maoguo said, "Fortunately, you were far enough away, so you escaped this catastrophe."

"Then Yao Ji returned to Bashan." Zhou Maoguo said: "We wanted to force her to stay, but she had lost her there was the Battle of Bashan."

"During the Battle of Bashan, Yao Ji wanted to take you away. At first, our speculation was to take you back to the Holy Land and make you a demon. After Yao Ji died, we misjudged the situation—we mistakenly thought that all threats had been eliminated. Lafayette decided to continue to observe."

"Later." Zhou Maoguo said again: "Jianhua passed away. According to Lafayette's guess, it was because he had lived with Yao Ji for a long time. Most of the power of the Draba snake."

"And when she was dying." Zhou Maoguo said: "She thought your father betrayed her, and she activated this poison."

Xiang Cheng nodded, and Zhou Maoguo said: "There is also a medical report inside the envelope. After the Bashan incident, Jianhua came to Beijing once. The medical condition is that a biological toxin seeps into the blood."

"I saw it." Xiang Cheng replied.

"Very good." Zhou Maoguo said.

The two were silent with each other for a few seconds, and finally Zhou Maoguo said: "Jianhua and I have experienced life and death together. It is a fateful friendship. It is the most regrettable thing in my life that I failed to maintain the integrity and happiness of my best friend's family. .”

Xiang Cheng raised his head and looked at Zhou Maoguo who was on the phone.

"When you came to Beijing." Zhou Maoguo said again: "I wanted to clarify the past, but Lafayette insisted that you could understand it rationally, but still couldn't accept it emotionally, because hatred is hatred. There are many reasons, but also hatred. It is better to let you be an ordinary person and live the life of an ordinary person."

"Everything caused by this." Zhou Maoguo said calmly: "Uncle, I'm sorry."

After another few seconds of silence, Xiang Cheng replied: "It doesn't matter, it's over."

As soon as these words came out, everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhou Maoguo turned off the communication, Chen Zhen held the beer can, Xiang Cheng silently picked up the can, and touched him.

"The next link." Chen Zhen said, "Let's talk about the situation on your side."

Xiang Cheng looked at the old documents in his hand, and Chi Xiaoduo knew that he was thinking of being quiet again, so he took the initiative and said, "Let me talk about it."

Based on his own arrangement, Chi Xiaoduo talked about Zheng Quin's performance in the past few months.

Everyone listened quietly. After Chi Xiaoduo finished talking about the details, Chen Zhen nodded slowly.

"Is that so?" Chen Zhen narrowed his eyes and murmured.

"I always feel that something is wrong." Chi Xiaoduo said, "But I really can't figure out where the problem is."

"He has already discovered that Chen Zhen is missing." Xiang Cheng raised his head from the old document, put the document back, and said, "This is for sure."

"Yes." Chen Zhen said: "This is also my first temptation to him. He didn't take any countermeasures for my disappearance. There are only two reasons: First, letting me go is also part of his plan. "

"Two, he really doesn't think I'm a threat."

Xiang Cheng said, "Or both."

Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng looked at each other, and looked away from each other. Chi Xiaoduo had a strange feeling—they must be plotting something, or, like the ghost case, they both knew it in their hearts, but they didn't say anything.

Chen Zhen nodded and said, "Then, we have to adapt to the situation just like the ghost case."

Koda said, "Oh, don't do that again."

Chen Zhen thought for a while, and said, "Let's talk about our plan first, and adapt the rest to adapt. I always think that we are very lucky. In other words, evil can outshine good."

Qi Wei said: "Chen Zhen, the trouble this time is much more serious."

"Well." Chen Zhen said: "It is the most serious trouble I have dealt with since I took office... But there is still hope, at least Zheng Que's side thinks that he is sure. Usually once the enemy thinks so, we are not far from victory it's..."

"...First of all, I propose to set the time of action at Ghost Night, and don't strike ahead of time." Chen Zhen said: "Zheng Que will not strike against you in advance, and we shouldn't strike against him in advance."

Xiang Cheng said: "If it is done in advance, the success rate will be much higher."

"But." Chen Zhen said: "In this world, except for him, there is no one else who can divide your soul for you."

Everyone was silent, Chen Zhen said: "In any case, we must wait until the soul splitting ceremony is successful, and start the operation at that time, otherwise, even if we kill Zheng Quin in advance, it will still be of no help to us. By the way, Xiao Duo..."

"Help me find the floor plan of the drive committee." Chen Zhen suddenly said to Chi Xiaoduo: "It's in the room."

Chi Xiaoduo got up and went to the room to get the floor plan, Xiang Cheng suddenly felt something, and looked up at the back of Xiaoduo leaving.

"Where is it?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Inside the closet!" Chen Zhen replied.

Chi Xiaoduo opened the drawer in the middle of the closet. There were a lot of things piled up in it. After searching for a long time, he went out with the floor plan in his arms.

Several people were talking, and when Chi Xiaoduo came out, there was a brief pause.

"Has there been any results from the discussion?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Koda spread out the floor plan on the table, but no one spoke. Chen Zhen thought about it and said, "The plan may need to be revised."

"Is there anything to eat?" Xiang Cheng said, "I'll make some for you."

"There's nothing in the refrigerator." Chen Zhen said, "You are the main force, don't be too busy making supper."

Chi Xiaoduo took the initiative: "I'm going down to buy some barbecue, I saw it on the way here."

Qi Wei stood up and said, "I'll accompany you."

Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng exchanged glances again, Chi Xiaoduo and Qi Wei went out.

"Are you sleepy?" Chi Xiaoduo said to Qi Wei.

"There are mosquitoes at night." Qi Wei said, "Didn't sleep well."

The two bought a barbecue on the side of the road, and Chi Xiaoduo laughed when he saw that Qi Wei was still using the wallet he gave him.

Qi Wei also smiled at Chi Xiaoduo, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "Is Fathead Fish okay?"

"It's okay." Qi Wei said: "I found a boyfriend who is doing architectural design. I was talking to you. I wanted to call you several times. You changed your number. I said you are not free for the time being."

"You still have the wallet." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Of course." Qi Wei said: "Chen Zhen also uses it, everyone keeps it, the team bag of the special operations team."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed loudly, Qi Wei sat down on the side of the road, and waved to Chi Xiaoduo, the two sat side by side, Qi Wei put his shoulders on his shoulders, and waited for the barbecue with him.