Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 11: move place


Half an hour later, the sun rose, Xiang Cheng pulled the red thread, Chi Xiaoduo hung on Xiang Cheng's back, and the two slowly fell to the ground. Xiang Cheng held the demon-binding rope with his fingers, pinched his middle finger, and made a circle. The red rope tied around Guanyin's neck automatically untied and fell down.

Chi Xiaoduo's legs were trembling, and he was about to lose his balance. Xiang Cheng carried Chi Xiaoduo on his back, ran to the Land Rover, drove around to pack up his things, destroyed the scene of the crime, took away Shi Gandang, and left Lianhua Mountain.

"Where are you going?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Why don't you go back to the inn? I can't do it anymore, I'm so sleepy."

Chi Xiaoduo didn't ask anything, his mind was muddled, Xiang Cheng said: "Go to sleep first, and I'll explain to you when I get up."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "You won't go."

"No." Xiang Cheng replied, "Go to sleep."

Xiang Cheng put the hood of his sports jacket over Chi Xiaoduo's face. Chi Xiaoduo was sleepy and tired, leaning on the passenger seat, and suddenly remembered one thing—is there really a demon in this world

Grandma said it before, and when I was very young, I seemed to have encountered a black thing.

I ran into it on the beach... It feels similar to the strange bird that Xiang Cheng subdued, but one is a fish and the other is a bird... Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself in a daze, this world is really amazing. It would be the big black fish I met when I was a child... My mind was in chaos, and I gradually fell asleep. Wearing a torn vest, Xiang Cheng drove back to Guangzhou, stopped in front of the clubhouse, went back to get a snuff bottle, changed into a vest, got in the car and closed the door.

He took off Chi Xiaoduo's clothes that covered his face.

Chi Xiaoduo fell asleep, breathing evenly, and the sun shone on his face.

Xiang Cheng looked at him for a while, then looked at the snuff bottle in his hand, he seemed a little hesitant.

A silver bird flew over, stopped by the car window, and stared at Xiang Cheng.

Xiang Cheng said to Xiaoniao: "He won't go out and say, just once, I promise, just this once."

The bird turned its head sideways, and Xiang Cheng's handsome face was reflected in the bright eyes.

Xiang Cheng sighed.

He stretched out his hand and stroked Chi Xiaoduo's head.

"I'm sorry." Xiang Cheng said seriously, then opened the lid of the snuff bottle, shaking Chi Xiaoduo's face.

Chi Xiaoduo sneezed, turned his head uncomfortably, and continued to sleep.

Xiang Cheng was silent for a long time, put one hand on the steering wheel, and put his head against the steering wheel wearily. After a while, he raised his head, smoked a cigarette, threw the cigarette butt out of the car window, and turned back to Panyu.

On the way, while queuing at the toll booth, Xiang Cheng remembered something, and checked Chi Xiaoduo's phone again.

"Xiaoduo, I'm sorry." Xiang Cheng said to himself, and then deleted the video of falling demons from his phone last night. When he saw his photo, he looked at it carefully for a while, smiled, and put it in Chi Xiaoduo's in the trouser pocket.

Chi Xiaoduo slept soundly all the way. When he arrived in front of the inn, Xiang Cheng first looked out and saw Wang Ren and the others playing mahjong in the backyard, so he picked up Chi Xiaoduo, went back to the room lightly, and gave him He took off his coat, then pulled up the quilt, covered himself and Chi Xiaoduo, put him on the pillow with one hand, adjusted the posture of the two of them last night, let Chi Xiaoduo hug him, and fell asleep.

Ten minutes later, Wang Ren came to knock on the door.

"Chi little sunfish!"

Chi Xiaoduo's head hurts to death, and his whole body is wrapped around Xiang Cheng's body. Xiang Cheng spread his arms and put him on his pillow, sleeping soundly, when Wang Ren knocked on the door outside and shouted loudly: "Get up! ! Go fishing for breakfast!"

Xiang Cheng responded, got up from the bed, and touched Chi Xiaoduo's head. Chi Xiaoduo lay face down, and Xiang Cheng brushed his teeth and washed his face as if nothing had happened.

Xiang Cheng said, "Sleep again?"

Chi Xiaoduo agreed, feeling that his throat hurt and his head hurt, Xiang Cheng touched his face, his expression changed.

"Ill?" Xiang Cheng asked nervously.

"It seems a little bit." Chi Xiaoduo's throat was burning hot.

Xiang Cheng never expected that Chi Xiaoduo would get sick, so he panicked and said hurriedly, "Go to sleep."

Chi Xiaoduo was sick, and his voice was still hoarse. He guessed that he had been working overtime for a week, and as soon as he relaxed after being tired, he began to get sick. His throat felt like it was on fire, he caught a cold again, his nose was stuffed up, and he lamented in his heart that he was so depressed this time, after finally waiting for a chance to play with Xiang Cheng, he actually caused trouble to others.

Xiang Cheng went down to find the proprietress of the farmhouse to borrow a thermometer, took his temperature, and he really had a fever, Xiang Cheng almost dropped the thermometer, it was 39°, Chi Xiaoduo said: "I'll just take some antipyretics, don't worry I... Cough! Cough!"

Xiang Cheng said, "I'll take you down the mountain to see a doctor."

There happened to be a couple living next door, the man was a doctor, he came to see Chi Xiaoduo, and he replied: "It's nothing, it's not a viral flu, I yell too much, my throat is inflamed, have I been frightened and blown wind recently?" ?”

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo said weakly: "No, I never yell."

Xiang Cheng taught him a lesson: "I told you not to bark."

Wang Ren also came over and said, "Why is your voice hoarse? What did you two do last night? I didn't hear Chi Xiaosun."

Everyone: "..."

The doctor said kindly: "The weather is often cold. It's better to put on clothes when you go to sleep at night. I'll prescribe some medicine for him, rest on the mountain and drink some porridge."

Chi Xiaoduo burst into tears, complaining in his heart that I was wearing clothes, why don't you do this, and at the same time felt that there is true love in the world, lying sickly on the bed, watching Xiang Cheng go to buy medicine for him, After taking the medicine, Xiang Cheng brought porridge and asked him to drink plain porridge.

The boss also came to see Chi Xiaoduo. Xiang Cheng told the boss that they were cousins. After serving Chi Xiaoduo, he moved a chair and sat beside him reading a book.

"What is it?" Xiang Cheng suddenly asked, "What is it?"

"What the hell?" Chi Xiaoduo asked inexplicably.

Xiang Cheng waved his hand and didn't ask any more questions. Chi Xiaoduo suddenly realized and said, "It's a singer. Bring your phone and I'll give you the next one."

Xiang Cheng said: "I can't listen to music on my mobile phone, next time."

Chi Xiaoduo felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. After scratching, he found red marks on his arms, as if he had been strangled at some time, and his legs were still black and blue.

"What's going on?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo said: "No, I don't know where I hit it. Sometimes there will be some inexplicable small wounds on my body, and I don't know where it came from."

"Often?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo replied, "Very few."

The two were silent for a while, and after a while:

"Go play."

"not going."

"Go." Chi Xiaoduo begged.

Xiang Cheng's face darkened, and Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to stop talking.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help crying in his heart, why is he so unlucky? To add to the trouble, Wang Ren and the others came over to see the flowers and went up the mountain to enjoy the flowers, leaving Xiang Cheng sitting in the room staring at him in a daze.

The door was open, and the Nongjiale Inn had good lighting, and the windows were also open, so you could see the peach blossom tree in the yard. The child kicked the peach blossom tree, and the petals flew back and forth in the sun.

Chi Xiaoduo slept for a while, looked at Xiang Cheng, his whole body went limp, and said, "I'm sorry."

Hearing this, Xiang Cheng had an expression of not knowing what to say, and a momentary bewilderment appeared in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Xiang Cheng said, "It's my fault for not taking good care of you."

"Are you usually busy?" Chi Xiaoduo smiled and asked, "We'll come again next time."

"Not busy." Xiang Cheng said: "Next time I will take you to another place to play and make up for it. This time it is my fault. I didn't take good care of you. Don't blame yourself."

Chi Xiaoduo was moved, sad and embarrassed, and answered yes, yes, absolutely not thinking in this direction. During the period, Xiang Cheng went out, avoided himself, and answered the phone. It seemed that someone was looking for him over there. His sword eyebrows furrowed beautifully, and he replied: "Stop talking, hang up."

Xiang Cheng didn't seem to be that polite to the person on the phone, Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help but feel worried, he thought he was very kind to him before, but he didn't expect that he would be serious sometimes, and when he was serious, he became more attractive.

"Is it your client?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"No." Xiang Cheng replied.

Chi Xiaoduo: "Yes, it doesn't matter if you go first."

Xiang Cheng: "No, yes. You have a sore throat, don't talk."

Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to stop asking, and Xiang Cheng answered a few more calls, all of which he went out to answer.

In the end, he simply turned off the phone, and Chi Xiaoduo suddenly found that Xiang Cheng had never played with his mobile phone in front of him, and he rarely called on the phone, only the phone rang non-stop today.

Xiang Cheng stayed with him throughout the day to take care of him. Chi Xiaoduo slept in the dark, his dreams were messy, and his friends came back to see him again at night.

The next day, Chi Xiaoduo woke up at noon and felt better after taking the medicine. However, their spring outing is over.

Chi Xiaoduo was sitting in Wang Ren's car, and when he was going down the mountain, his peach blossoms were about to fall off, and he really wanted to bump his head to death.

Xiang Cheng stood by the car and waited for them to leave before getting into the car. If there was anything to do, he had to go back to the clubhouse first.

Chi Xiaoduo waved goodbye to Xiang Cheng, and looked at his car. Wang Ren drove with a bored expression on his face, and said, "The opening of the house is too unrestrained. I have a cold, and my voice is hoarse. Oh, what can I do?" Say hello?"

"No!" Chi Xiaoduo gritted his teeth and said, reaching into his pocket, he found a round object, took it out and saw that it was a round head, Chi Xiaoduo immediately turned around and looked behind, and saw that Xiang Cheng was still there Standing on the side of the road, looking down at their wheel marks on the ground.

It must have been given to him by Xiang Cheng, and Chi Xiaoduo became happy again.

Looking at the scenery down the mountain, Chi Xiaoduo thought that he might really fall in love with him.

But falling in love with a duck, I have no money yet! This is really the number one depressing thing in life. This time when I came out to play, I didn't get anything at all, and I lost my life. Chi Xiaoduo first reported to his best friend that Xiang Cheng should have never slept with her cousin, and he would not be suspected of cheating on the marriage.

Of course, don't say the phrase "colleague" to cause ambiguity.

The girlfriend said: "You are stupid, you also believe what he said?"

"He's very honest." Chi Xiaoduo said, "His name is Xiang Cheng."

"You don't have to believe it. Isn't it better to believe it? People, sometimes you have to be a little stupid, and don't ask the bottom line like this."

The best friend had no choice but to give up, Huacheng was warming up day by day, and the love heart in Chi Xiaoduo's heart was also ready to move.

"You said that if I keep him, will he live a happy life?" Chi Xiaoduo used another phone to have porridge with his best friend, held up the phone, and saw Xiang Cheng's lips with ice cream on his side, smiling ambiguously at him, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it , My tongue is sticking out into the phone screen.

"If it were me, I would only feel touched." My best friend said dully, "But I won't be moved by you."

"But he should be quite tired." Chi Xiaoduo said: "He told me himself that he doesn't want to do this job anymore."

The best friend said: "Forget it, no one else likes you yet, why don't you let someone introduce you, and find a gay blind date to be more realistic."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "If he doesn't like me, I will never fall in love with anyone else."

"Pull you down!" My best friend said on the other end of the phone: "My mother's mask is cracked, so I won't talk to you!"

Chi Xiaoduo hung up the phone and sighed helplessly.

It's been so many days, do you want to ask Xiang Cheng to come over and provide service? But Chi Xiaoduo didn't want to have this kind of thing happen again, and didn't want to characterize their relationship on money. When it comes to money, Chi Xiaoduo doesn't have much money, and the hard-earned money he has worked so hard to save is not enough for Xiang Cheng.

And just when Chi Xiaoduo was counting on spending money, trouble arose.

The landlord wanted to sell the house, Chi Xiaoduo was dumbfounded, at least a hundred sunfish died in his heart.

"No way!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Why are you selling the house!"

The landlord said: "It's none of your business if I sell the house. Someone has already come to see the house. You should move quickly, pack it up, and take some photos for me so I can show it to the agent. Thank you."

Chi Xiaoduo immediately became the first two big ones. He has moved N times since he graduated, and he still can't do without his own house. Fortunately, I'm not busy recently, so Chi Xiaoduo spends half the day at work and looking for an apartment for half the day.

Houses are expensive. Those near the design institute cost three to four thousand a month. Chi Xiao earns two hundred thousand for many years, but he is quite economical in spending money. After all, there is no car or house. It is serious to save money early to buy a house , can't spend indiscriminately.

In the end, he settled on a garden complex. It only takes fifteen minutes to go to work by bicycle, and the environment is quiet, but the price is very expensive. You can move in with a bag, two bedrooms and one living room, three thousand six thousand a month, and one year's rent in advance.

In this way, I went out with more than 40,000 yuan. Chi Xiaoduo spent all his money on financial management, and only had tens of thousands of money left over for meals. He paid the rent all at once. If he suddenly needed money, it would be troublesome, so he had to ask a friend. Could you rent or borrow some money. Chi Xiaoduo remembered that there was a college classmate named Wang Yong who came to the local area to work as an urban rail supervisor and lived in a shed on the construction site. Rent a house in the city.

Both of them are very familiar with each other, and they are friends who copied each other's homework in the fluid mechanics class back then. Chi Xiaoduo's words are not so polite.

[Are you there? I'm going to die of poverty! Two bedrooms and one living room are looking for a shared lease, are you renting? Please do me a favor, come and save me, a sunfish who only wants to be bullied to death by the landlord! No money!]Then Chi Xiaoduo didn't even think about it, he pressed send, and the group sent it.

After reacting, Chi Xiaoduo clicked, and the sky thundered.

"Ah!" Chi Xiaoduo roared in the spring breeze.

I actually sent such a stupid text message to the group! God! Chi Xiaoduo was about to hit his head to death.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Xiaoduo received countless text messages.

[You haven't bought a house yet, Chi Xiaosunfish.]

[What kind of room are you renting? Come to live in my house. Your sister-in-law is talking about you.]

[Sorry, hehehe, the little girl still has thirty-five years left on her mortgage, so let's find another spouse after work late.][Hello, I am manager Huang of the real estate agency, the set you saw last time...]

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Among the countless text messages, there is a text message of "Xiang Cheng", which flashes and flashes.


Chi Xiaoduo immediately replied to him, saying that he was not careful and sent the wrong message, and I am Chi Xiaoduo.

[I am cured?]

[It's much better. ] Chi Xiaoduo's heart was pounding, knowing that Xiang Cheng was just being polite and caring, and had no other intentions, but he was still very happy after receiving the text message.

[Are you looking for someone to rent?]

Chi Xiaoduo didn't answer, but Xiang Cheng actually called, and Chi Xiaoduo answered it tremblingly. It was quite quiet there, and Xiang Cheng's voice was a little low, asking, "Are you looking for someone to share the rent with?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Ah... yes, I sent a wrong message just now, sorry to bother you."

Xiang Cheng asked: "I rent it, when will I move?"

Happiness came too fast like a tornado, Chi Xiaoduo was instantly elated, and said, " you want to look at the house first? I'm free tomorrow afternoon, so I'll clock in early when I leave work, and I'll call you when the time comes?"

Xiang Cheng hummed and hung up the phone, Chi Xiaoduo immediately cheered, threw himself on the bed and rolled around, at this time, the phone rang again.

"Hey, Xiaoduo? I'm Wang Yong!" The other side said, "Are you looking for someone to rent a house together? It just so happens that I don't want to live in a work shed, and I want to..."

Chi Xiaoduo immediately reflexively said: "Hey, what about co-renting? Everything is your illusion. I'll treat you to dinner next week, so I'll hang up first."

Wang Yong: "..."

The next afternoon, Xiang Cheng came to pick up Chi Xiaoduo by bus, and the two took the subway to the community to have a look around. Xiang Cheng was obviously very satisfied with the house.

"Where do you live now?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Work dormitory." Xiang Cheng replied: "Troublesome, people keep asking about this and that, and even go through my things. I don't want to live anymore."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "That's right, I don't really like having my privacy violated."

Xiang Cheng's expression changed a little, he seemed to be thinking about something, and he said, "Then, do I bother you by living with you?"

This house faces south, with two bedrooms and two living rooms. There is a small study on the side of the living room, where half-dead flowers are planted. Xiang Cheng put his hand on Chi Xiaoduo's shoulders, and the two looked out together. The spring on the twelfth floor was brilliant, Chi Xiaoduo felt as if he and his boyfriend were planning their future life, it couldn't be more beautiful.

"Your underground garage..." Chi Xiaoduo asked the agent again.

Xiang Cheng waved his hand and said, "I don't have a car. I borrowed the ones I drove from friends before."

The agent said: "The owner of this house is a scholar who works in Australia and only comes back once every few years. It should not be sold in the near future."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, and Xiang Cheng said, "Good house, move tomorrow? Can you please?"

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said: "No trouble, no trouble... I'll go and sign the contract right away, and I'll move here when I get the key."

Chi Xiaoduo went to pay for the deposit, Xiang Cheng was a little embarrassed, thought for a while, and said, "Wait..."

Xiang Cheng wanted to pay, and said, "I have four hundred in cash."

Chi Xiaoduo wished he could all get out, so he hurriedly said, "Don't worry about it."

Chi Xiaoduo glanced at Xiang Cheng sideways, and laughed happily. He felt that Xiang Cheng today was different from the one he knew before. He seemed to have something on his mind, and it must be the problem of living. It would be great to be able to help Xiang Cheng. After seeing the house, the two gave a deposit, agreed to sign the contract the day after tomorrow, and then had dinner together. Xiang Cheng invited Chi Xiaoduo to eat stir-fried vegetables in the restaurant.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"No." Xiang Cheng said, "I'm in a good mood, very good, thank you, can I help you tonight?"

Chi Xiaoduo was a little apprehensive. He thought he could let it go, but when he saw Xiang Cheng, he couldn't help thinking, why not just rent the house, take care of Xiang Cheng, and let Xiang Cheng be his boyfriend. Chi Xiaoduo could still afford to give him 10,000 to 20,000 a month.

However, based on Xiang Cheng's expenses, 20,000 may not be enough, and the public relations money seems to be a lot.

Chi Xiaoduo curiously asked many of his friends, making the handsome and rich people around him think that he was looking for MB, and enthusiastically introduced him to him, causing him to be in a mess for a long time. But based on this, I learned that Xiang Cheng would not post nude photos on the Internet to pick up business, and Wang Ren was just joking when he said that fast food included nights.

Like Xiang Cheng, at most, they just accompany clients and push them, and they don't make announcements in men's health clubs every day. Some young masters who can communicate can find a rich man who will take care of them for a long time. Of course, the freshness of the rich will not last long, and more young masters will act on the occasion, and when the time is almost up, they will go to make friends with the next family.

Now it looks like Xiang Cheng is going to say goodbye to his last client? Ready to live a new life. Chi Xiaoduo felt that the distance between them had taken another step. In the following days, he was so happy that he didn't even know his own name, and walking in the unit was always windy.

On the day of moving, Chi Xiaoduo's most important thing was books, Wang Ren drove over to move Chi Xiaoduo, and the two specially chose an auspicious day to move there.

"Hey, little sunfish." Wang Ren said.

Wang Ren and his friends partnered to open a structural design studio, affiliated to a design institute, with a net worth of tens of millions, and he was the best among his classmates. He looked like a boss, but he carried things for Chi Xiaoduo shirtless , running up and down.

"What." Chi Xiaoduo couldn't control his joy.

"You're almost a nympho." Wang Ren said, "You're in love with Xiang Cheng? Are you?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"No, no, what are you talking about." Chi Xiaoduo turned around reflexively and wanted to leave, but Wang Ren grabbed him back and said seriously: "I heard from David that Xiang Cheng is going to resign, I see him like that Son, maybe I like you."

Chi Xiaoduo was shocked and said, "Is that so? Did he tell you?"

"They make ducks." Wang Ren said, "Do you think he will accompany customers who don't make any money? Last month, I went to Lianhua Mountain to take care of you for two full days without asking you for a penny. I think he probably It's to please you."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't describe how happy she was.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Chi Xiaoduo said incredulously: "Ah, there are many other important things in life besides falling in love. Look at what you said, it seems like my mind is all about finding a boyfriend." . . . I'm leaving."

"You..." Every time Wang Ren wanted to teach Chi Xiaoduo a few words, it was as if he encountered a strange building design with a huge difference in centroid and centroid, and he couldn't find the point of stress. Wang Ren said: "Come back! Speak clearly, you can play, don't take it too seriously!"

"Got it." Chi Xiaoduo said perfunctorily.

Wang Ren said, "You have to figure it out for yourself..."

There were cardboard boxes all over the floor, the sound of the elevator, Xiang Cheng was blocked at the door, Wang Ren and Chi Xiaoduo immediately stopped talking.

Xiang Cheng, Wang Ren, and Chi Xiaoduo looked at each other speechlessly. Xiang Cheng seemed to have no idea that Wang Ren would come, and instinctively retreated.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Wang Ren: "..."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo almost thought that someone had gone to the wrong door. Xiang Cheng today was completely unexpected. He was wearing a migrant worker's uniform, camouflage trousers, pull-back shoes, and a yellowed polyester vest on his upper body. Huge woven bag.

Chi Xiaoduo's jaw dropped, his instinct was to grab his phone and take a picture.

"you… "

"Hello." Xiang Cheng said.

Wang Ren: "Wow, did you just come back from moving bricks?"

Xiang Cheng put down the woven bag and stood outside the door. Chi Xiaoduo was completely dumbfounded, remembering the photo his best friend showed him, it turned out to be real! ! ! !

Wang Ren: "You you you..."

Wang Ren was completely flustered in the wind. He covered his heart with one hand, waved his hand, and said, "I'll rest for a while..."

Xiang Cheng stood in front of Chi Xiaoduo for a while, and said, "Do you want to take off your shoes?"

"No, no, no!" Chi Xiaoduo came to his senses, and hurriedly said, "Have you finished moving?"

Chi Xiaoduo helped Xiang Cheng push and push his woven bag into the door. Xiang Cheng glanced at the cardboard boxes on the ground: "So many, all of them are yours? Do you have any more?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's over, where are your things? Shall I move them for you?"

Xiang Cheng: "That's all."

Xiang Cheng dragged the woven bag in, looked around, and Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "The left side is yours."

"You live in the master bedroom, the sun is good." Xiang Cheng said, and then dragged the woven bag into the second bedroom and put it away.

Wang Ren whispered, "What's going on?"

"I see!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "He thought he had to clean up when he moved to a new house, so he changed into such old clothes. In fact, he has great taste, this is Chinese punk style!"

Wang Ren: "Oh? Why don't you replace the pull-back shoes with Jiefang's? And carry a woven bag? Is the woven bag LV?"

"Don't worry about it." Chi Xiaoduo gritted his teeth and said, "Wearing big pants and carrying a sack is also my god!"

"Wait." Wang Ren said, "I take back what I said. This person has to be investigated thoroughly before you can consider whether or not to be your boyfriend."

"It's not you who introduced me." Chi Xiaoduo gritted his teeth.

"My buddy just let you play, I didn't think so much." Wang Ren threatened: "Don't get caught up, this duck may have a lot of tricks, I'll ask David what's going on later."