Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 112: catastrophe


Inside the Drive Committee: The elevator sank, several bodyguards, Wang Lei, Tao Ran and another disciple of Zheng Qun, Qi Wei, Da Ke, Xuan He Zhi and Cao Bin were each placed under the illumination of a ball of light, and were sealed by amulets. Covering the whole body, Wang Lei led them to go underground.

"Ge Gentuo Ru Le Keda." Wang Lei said with a smile, "Do you want to meet Lafayette?"

"Do you want to see the blood demon?" Koda asked Wang Lei instead.

Wang Lei was taken aback.

A fire dragon appeared from the elevator shaft, wrapped in flames and shock waves, it rose up in an instant.

At 6:20 p.m., in Lingjing Hutong, a flame shot out from the top floor of the Quwei, blasted through the roof, and blasted the elevator into the sky. The elevator exploded in mid-air, making a loud noise under the dark clouds!

Qi Wei drove the fire dragon and shouted loudly.

One fire dragon turned into three, three turned into ten, ten turned into a hundred, criss-crossing, and shot at Wang Lei. Wang Lei swung his sword back in a hurry, and met Qi Wei in the air. He Zhi's Tang Dao beautifully inserted into the gap between Wang Lei's wrist and Qifusuo, and picked Qifusuo—

With a soft sound, the magic weapon in Wang Lei's hand shattered, Cao Bin, Da Keda, Xuan Hezhi flew away, and the other Qi Wei, who had broken free from the shackles, transformed into the shape of a nine-tailed fox in mid-air, shaking away The wings turned into a white flying eagle, circling around, and caught Xuan He Zhi!

With everyone still in midair, Cao Bin stepped on the wreckage of the explosion with his left foot, leaped a few times at high altitude with the help of scattered steel bars, cement and exploding steel plates, and shot towards Wang Lei.

Qi Wei threw out the Tang Dao, and the two Tang Dao drew circles in the air and flew towards Xuan Hezhi.

As soon as Wang Lei withdrew his hand, tens of thousands of flying swords shot out in midair, like a heavy rain, and crazily sprinkled down like meteors, reflecting the red light of fire dragons all over the sky.

"Director Wang." Chen Zhen said from behind Wang Lei, "I'm here to lead the people, and all dharmas will be silenced!"

Wang Lei's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could turn his head, the white deer circled Chen Zhen across the sky.

The white deer flew away, and Chen Zhen was suspended in the air, turning into golden light. In the dark night behind him, golden clouds surged for a moment, shining brightly in the long night, and the Sanskrit sound sang, echoing in the night sky!

Behind Chen Zhen, the figure of the burning lamp appeared in the sky. Chen Zhen holds his right hand flat, and puts his left hand on top of his right, placing it in front of him. The heart lamp turns into an irresistible powerful force in the hands of a huge Dharma Buddha.

Ran Deng moved forward with his right hand, slowly raised his left hand, and cast infinite golden light between his fingers!

Glory to all living beings, all dharmas will go to silence!

Under the strong light, fire dragons, flying swords, and vines were all over the sky, and the gray wolf and white deer transformed into human figures in the air. Xuan Hezhi brandished two Tang knives, put them together, raised them over his left shoulder, and gave a loud shout , Cao Bin flew to Xuan He Zhi, clasped his hands and ten fingers, supported Xuan He Zhi's foot, and sent it high into the sky with strong physical strength!

Xuan Hezhi shot at Wang Lei like an arrow from the string, Wang Lei subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

"Goodbye." Chen Zhen said.

With a swipe, the two Tang knives came out, cutting Wang Lei into four pieces in mid-air, blood sprayed all over the sky, Wang Lei with a shocked expression, black air erupted from his body, and the demon species flew up and shot at the expelling committee.

"You're going to be stabbed, why mess around! I couldn't cut it into quarters!" Xuan Hezhi said angrily.

Chen Zhen took the heart lamp away, spit out a mouthful of blood, turned around and fell straight to the ground, the ten thousand spells return to silence technique was released, all the magic weapons came out, and each cast spells to slow down the fall, Fengli turned into a giant eagle again, spread his wings, circled around Circling around the Board of Directors Building, encircling everyone, gliding and diving, shooting to the ground, shaking everyone down as soon as it landed, turning into a white falcon, shooting into the sky again, and shooting into the Board of Directors Building from the roof of the top floor .

"Chen Zhen!" Zhou Wanyuan shouted anxiously.

Chen Lang ran over and hugged Chen Zhen. Chen Zhen waved his hand, trembling in one hand, put on the earphones, and said, "Quick! Don't miss this opportunity!"

High in the sky, Tao Ran and others flew down, and Qi Wei began to cast a spell, driving the security personnel out of the committee building, and there were loud gunshots.

"Quick, quick!" Koda shouted.

Xuan He Zhi received the Tang saber, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and drove all the big trees in the vicinity to grow crazily, extending towards the hail of bullets.

"Isn't it alright?!" Zhou Wanyuan shouted angrily.

Qi Wei closed his eyes, pinched his sword fingers with his left hand, and shook out a scroll with his right hand. The scroll danced in the air and caught fire automatically.

"Isn't it alright?! I can't stand it anymore!" Xuan He Zhi shouted.

Wave after wave of firepower bombarded the tree wall indiscriminately, Xuan He Zhi tried his best.

"It's my first time using this spell!" Qi Wei roared angrily.

Everyone shouted: "Stop explaining! Cast the spell quickly!"

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the water dragon condensed in front of the fountain shot towards them. The sawdust from the explosion flew towards them, and the wolf and the white deer transformed into huge forms and rushed in towards the gate of the Exorcism Committee!

The bullets flew, chasing Koda, the wolf knocked over Tao Ran who was rushing forward, Tao Ran took out a whistle, held it in his mouth and blew it. In an instant, tens of thousands of black crows came out of the void and croaked in unison.

Qi Wei was still casting spells, and the scroll had burned to the end. Tao Ran rushed into the defensive circle, but Cao Bin approached him like a ghost, and punched Tao Ran in the face. But the speed was as fast as a gust of wind, and he turned around and kicked him out.

"Cao Bin! If you don't want to be an exorcist, you can play Ye Wen!" Cang Lang came back after killing him, and roared, "Let!"

Cao Bin grabs Xuan He Zhi and escapes, but Canglang and Bailu come back again.

"Can't it be bigger?!" Xuan He Zhi said.

"Do you understand the conservation of energy?!" The wolf roared, "If you change too much, you will lose your energy!"

"Let." Qi Wei said in a deep voice.

The scroll turned into ashes, and a gust of wind blew up and scattered in the air. At that moment, the water dragon smashed the entire defensive circle, and the silver armored guards rushed towards them.

The hundreds of square meters in front of Qi Wei turned into lava, and flames erupted, shaking the earth, and then two red coral-colored horns burst out, nearly ten meters long, pointing obliquely at the sky.

Qi Wei shouted: "Stay back!" Then he held two dragon horns and let out a muffled roar. A huge dragon's head rose from the lava, opened his eyes, turned his head sideways, and let out an angry roar.

A huge fire dragon king lifted him up, and then shot high into the sky in one second, and then swooped down to the ground in the next second, with raging flames erupting from his mouth, and the water dragon formed by the driving fountain looked incomparable in comparison. Tiny, it was swept by the fire dragon and turned into steam.

Everyone fled scrambling, and the Fire Dragon King began to attack indiscriminately. Wherever the flames went, the glass melted, and the silver armored guards turned into ashes. Tao Ran took out the talisman while backing away, but Qi Wei drove the Fire Dragon King and rushed to him in an instant, swallowing Tao Ran in!

The space cover of the driving committee was on the verge of collapse. Qi Wei grabbed the dragon's horn, turned sideways, and forcibly reversed the direction of the Fire Dragon King. He swooped down, led Qi Wei into the elevator shaft on the roof, and disappeared.

There were burning fires everywhere, Chen Zhen supported Chen Lang, gasping for breath.

"How much does it cost to lose like this..." Koda leaned against the wall exhausted and panted.

Chen Zhen waved his hand, signaling to stop talking, the business is important.

All of a sudden, the driving committee started blasting all the way from the top of the rooftop, bang! boom! boom! There was a series of loud noises, and shock waves were swept out layer by layer in the glass building. Tongues of fire shot out from every floor, smashing all the floor-to-ceiling windows to pieces!

"The defense is lifted!" Chen Zhen said, "Let's go!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox ran as fast as it could in the Building of the Drive Committee, and there was an explosion sound from one floor to another above its head. When it chased behind it, the Nine-Tailed Fox jumped in the air, turned into a bat, flew into the air, and clinged to the ceiling On, after the explosion, it turned into a pangolin, hugged into a ball, passed through the fire, and rolled down the stairs at high speed.

On the prison floor, Chi Xiaoduo tried all methods to get out of the prison, and said to Lin Yurou next door: "I never knew, so I was the spy! I... I really don't know how to make it up !"

"You have a very good sentence." Lin Yurou said: "'If you make a mistake, I have the responsibility to correct it, because I am your apprentice'. Your bravery lies in the fact that you are never afraid of the outside world. The pressure on you, and the faults and sinkings that were not caused by your intention."

"Since this is the case." Lin Yurou said again, "Why blame yourself?"

Chi Xiaoduo replied: "That's what I said, but I'm in a hurry! The only hope is that Xiang Cheng can find out that there is no problem with the ring..."

"You think everything is a foregone conclusion?" Lin Yuju said, "I don't think so."

Suddenly the lights on the prison floor went out.

"Ah?!" Chi Xiaoduo said: "There is a chance! Lafayette, the power is off!"

Dust fell from the head, a light flashed in the prison, and a bird spread its wings and flew towards it, with blue light on its wings.

"What is this?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

The bird flickered in the air, turning into a nine-tailed fox, and there was a roaring roar all around, the nine-tailed fox raised its head to the sky and roared, and all the monsters imprisoned in the prison fell silent.

The nine-tailed fox changed into a human form, stood on the central platform, and said in a loud voice: "After the discussion of the Holy Land Snake King, the Kun King, the Fox King, and the dead ghost king, all the members of the monster clan must fully assist me in my actions after breaking free. , to destroy the human Zheng Qun who intends to get involved with the demon species, after the mission is over, return to the Holy Land of Wushan to report, and you are not allowed to stay in the world. Those who disobey the order will be hunted to the ends of the earth."

"You can't open their doors." Lin Yurou said.

"That's why I need your help." Feng Li turned around, motioned to Chi Xiaoduo to be calm, stood outside Lin Yurou's prison door, and said, "We, the monster race, will save you and drive me away, let me go." companion."

Lin Yurou said: "The heavenly demon is revived, and the human world will be turned into scorched earth in an instant. If all the demons are released, the human world will definitely turn into hell. The same result, forgive me for not having the right to pardon them."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Feng Li: "If you don't want to believe me, then we will wait for each other and wait for the moment when the result comes."

"It's not that I don't want to believe you." Lin Yurou said, "I can't believe you, you are not human."

"So, what about Chi Xiaoduo?" Feng Li said: "After returning to the Holy Land, he and Ba Snake are our leaders. His promise represents our king. He is you humans."

Lin Yurou fell into silence, and Chi Xiaoduo immediately understood.

"Lafayette." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I promise they won't come out to harm anyone again, can you believe my promise?"

"Can you guarantee it?" Lin Yurou said.

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Bring me my rosary." Lin Yurou said, "The rosary can open these doors, otherwise even if this place is forcibly blown up, the prison will only sink into the leylines, and they will not be able to escape. On the platform you're standing on."

Feng Li looked down, and Chi Xiaoduo said: "That's a spiritual force formation, I know how to open it, Cao Bin taught me, do as I said."

According to Chi Xiaoduo's words, Feng Li poured spiritual power into the platform under his feet, and the platform gleamed with light and sank slowly.

In the ley line:

Thousands of blood-colored runes spun around Xiang Cheng rapidly, bursting out with strong light, Zheng Qin couldn't help shaking, his whole body turned into blood, as if some kind of transformation had taken place, and he was fused into a blood-colored monster. Immediately after that, a pair of dragon horns transformed into the chaos that was constantly merging and reorganizing.

Only flesh and blood, a blood dragon without a skeleton or internal organs was struggling in pain, trying to escape, but Zheng Que tried his best to hold him steady.

Ba Snake struggled in the formation, and the formation obviously couldn't trap Xiang Cheng.

"Where did you... take Xiaoduo..." Ba Snake stared at Zheng Quin, and let out a suppressed growl: "Bring him... back... bring him to me... otherwise I... won't assist you..."

The blood dragon was obviously bigger than Ba Snake. It circled around the magic circle and let out a roar. The dragon's mouth opened, and the dragon's tongue transformed into the shape of Zheng Qin with disheveled hair.

"You still don't understand." Zheng Qun's body was dripping with blood, and he smiled ferociously.

Ba Snake couldn't help trembling, and began to tremble even more crazily.

At that moment, the blood dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a roar!

At the same time, Chen Zhen, Da Keda and others entered the building, flames erupted everywhere, and everyone rushed to the ground at high speed. There was a dragon chant from the ground, and the earth trembled.

In the ley line layer, the half body of Zheng Que was transformed from the mouth of the dragon. Zheng Que held the prayer wheel in his hand, and the prayer wheel emitted a strong light, which shot towards the zenith, and immediately blasted through the top of the ley line layer!

"What is that!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

The golden light penetrated the ground of the prison floor, forming a crack, and then destroyed the ceiling floor by floor, shot out of the Exorcism Committee building, and shot into the sky.

Zheng Que raised his hand and shook the prayer wheel for the first time. The light of the prayer wheel flickered and sent a pulse to the sky. But nothing happened.

Ba Snake was in pain in the magic circle, roaring, rushing left and right.

Chen Zhen: "Go ahead, we are about to reach the warehouse, I heard the voice below."

"No." Cao Bin said, "What happened?"

The torrent of the earth's veins left the soul-dividing circle and converged towards the blood dragon. Zheng Que spun the prayer wheel for the second time, and another pulse was sent to the heavenly veins. Immediately afterwards, it was shaken out round after round, and each mana pulse shot into the sky, turning into ripples and spreading.

In the vein layer, the crack kept making noises, getting bigger and bigger.

Throughout the city of Beijing, the hands of all the big clocks began to rotate at an accelerated speed. Every time the prayer wheel was rotated once, the minute hand would make two consecutive revolutions. After the third revolution, the sky began to brighten, and then the sun rose rapidly. Within a minute, it crossed the zenith and fell.

The demon seed in Ba Snake's body erupted with strong black energy, swallowing its whole body in an instant!

Ba Snake roared in pain.

"Hand over Xiaoduo!" Xiang Cheng's voice sounded.

Immediately after Ba She broke free, the magic circle shattered, and the runes exploded and scattered in all directions, but they were stabilized under the power of the blood dragon.

"So ignorant." Zheng Qun's voice said: "Aren't you willing to spit out the demon seeds until now?"

"It's dawn!" Da Keda said, "What's going on?! No! It's dark again!"

Chen Zhen looked down at the watch, the hour hand was getting closer and closer to eleven o'clock, Chen Zhen shouted: "Quick!"


The clock struck eleven.

The Tianmai shines gorgeously across the sky, July 14th, the Ghost Festival is coming, and the sound of drums comes from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the sky vein shot out a beam of light, connecting with the earth vein through the crack.

"What happened?!" Chi Xiaoduo looked up, looking out from the window of the prison, five colors of light fell from a high place, and shot directly into the leyline layer.

The meridians of heaven and earth converge and rush towards the magic circle! In an instant, the huge energy of the sky veins turned into tangled lightning, and the ocean of the earth veins erupted like lava, shooting out raging fire!

The blood dragon hovered high in the sky, and Zheng Que in the dragon's mouth held up his staff, leading the thunder and fire, surrounding the soul-splitting circle, and injecting all of them into the runes in an instant!


Ba Snake roared!

A white falcon flew through the monstrous ground fire, and like a sharp arrow, it picked up the Buddhist beads that passed through the ground, lifted it up, and shot into the sky.

Crazy thunder and lightning flashed, all of them hit the magic circle, trying to smash Ba Snake completely, leaving behind the demon seeds, Ba Snake raised his head and roared, his eyes reflected the dazzling lightning.

With a long cry from the blood dragon, Zheng Que held up the seven-treasure bodhi tree in his hand. The sky veins were thunderous, and the earth veins were in flames. Shoot towards the magic circle!

Ba Snake looked up at the sky, the first wave of Earth, Fire and Heaven Tribulation shot down, and the snake scales all over his body were shattered and scattered in the lightning.

The second wave of thunder and lightning struck Ba She's head with a bang, and the snake's eyes overlapped with Xiang Cheng's—his pupils reflected a person.

Chi Xiaoduo reached out his hand anxiously at the top of the ley line, which was higher than the thunder and lightning, but was held tightly by Feng Li, preventing him from jumping off the crack.

The third thunder struck, and the scales on the snake's head were shattered.

However, in those two wounds, long blue horns burst out, extending like trees.

The fourth thunderbolt carried thousands of meteors and flew towards him.

Ba Snake's scales were completely destroyed, but under the bleeding wound, the glittering dragon scales like lapis lazuli unfolded!

Fifth way! Sixth way! The seventh thunder of heavenly tribulation!

The four claws appeared, the dragon's beard fluttered, Ba Snake faced the force of thunder and disaster bombarded all over the sky, and flew towards the crack in the dark sky, the blood dragon turned and chased after it.

The eighth thunder light shot down, and the skin of the snake's body turned into black air, and it flew into the sky crack with all its strength.

The ninth bolt of lightning directly penetrated its whole body. At that moment, its whole body was shimmering with indigo light. The black energy was dispelled in an instant, and it fled away with a howl, gathering again in the air!

On July 14th, the sky shines on the earth.

With a dragon cry, the vein layer was destroyed, and then a huge luminous green dragon carried Chi Xiaoduo through the underground layer. It opened its dragon mouth, shot out blue dragon flames, and burned everything blocking the way.