Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 115: The Dragon of the Canglang (2)


Qi Wei snapped his fingers and asked the waiter to come and order.

Chi Xiaoduo was a little embarrassed at first, but Han Rou is very cute, especially the preschool teacher, who treats everyone like a child, caring and patient. Just like all the procedures of meeting the parents, it turned into a criticism meeting of Wei Wei.

"...Yes, yes." Chi Xiaoduo said, "And he is running around, too dangerous."

"You are not allowed to go to dangerous places in the future." Han Rou said to Qi Wei, "If you want to go, you have to take me with you."

Chi Xiaoduo stole a glance at Qi Wei, who was smiling happily beside him.

"Did you hear that?" Han Rou taught the children again.

"Okay." Qi Wei said with a serious face.

The three couldn't help laughing.

"You have a good brother named Xiang Cheng, right?" Han Rou said, "Qi Wei often mentions him too."

So Chi Xiaoduo started talking about Xiang Cheng's embarrassing things, Han Rou couldn't help being curious about Chi Xiaoduo's work, and asked, "Do you also often run around?"

"Uh... I work in construction." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I often travel across the country on business."

Han Rou nodded understandingly, and said, "I've seen a lot. I haven't been out of Guangdong since I was a child. Do you have any interesting experiences?"

Chi Xiaoduo asked again: "There are... a lot of weird things. Do you believe that there are monsters in the world?"

Han Rou: "..."

The painting style changed so quickly, Qi Wei was dumbfounded at once, and after regaining his senses, he touched Chi Xiaoduo under the table with his foot, signaling him not to talk nonsense, and Chi Xiaoduo signaled with his eyes that it's okay.

"I believe." Han Rou thought for a while and said, "Actually, I encountered strange things when I was young."

"Really?" Chi Xiaoduo asked curiously, "What is it?"

"The ghost presses the bed." Han Rou smiled.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Qi Wei: "..."

Qi Wei rested his forehead with one hand, speechless.

Chi Xiaoduo and Han Rou chatted about monsters for a while, Han Rou told Chi Xiaoduo that children often have stories about monsters, maybe monsters exist in the hearts of every child who has not grown up.

"Look at him." Han Rou said, "He often draws some monsters." As she spoke, she moved Qi Wei with her elbow.

Qi Wei propped his elbows on the table, folded his palms to cover his nose, and smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, sneaking glances at Han Rou from time to time.

"Because he doesn't grow up." Chi Xiaoduo said, "We are all big kids hahaha."

Chi Xiaoduo sometimes feels that this is indeed the case. Exorcists feel that they are relatively simple, not simple in terms of human sophistication, but holding a certain persistent belief. Being with Qi Wei, Xuan He Zhi and others is like a junior high school student playing with a group of high school students.

After dinner, Qi Wei and Chi Xiaoduo took Han Rou home. Qi Wei wanted to call someone to bring the car over, but Chi Xiaoduo wanted to walk the dog for a while, so he walked slowly along the river.

"You asked her what monsters do?" Qi Wei said to Chi Xiaoduo in Cantonese.

When Xiang Cheng was around, Qi Wei and Chi Xiaoduo spoke Cantonese very much, because he couldn't understand, and he always felt that Qi Wei and Chi Xiaoduo had something to whisper. Only when Xiang Cheng was away, the two would speak in Cantonese. communicate with.

"Because I remember one time." Chi Xiaoduo said: "I was terribly frightened by what happened to Xiang Cheng. Although I saw it before, I forgot all about it after smelling Lihun pollen. Later, when I saw the content in icould, It is the first time to officially admit that there are monsters in the world."

"That time I was so scared that I almost called the police." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's better to be mentally prepared and inquire, otherwise, if one day she suddenly finds out that you have a monster hidden in your drawer, you won't have any explanation at that time. used."

Qi Wei smiled and said: "As for?"

Qi Wei put one hand on Chi Xiaoduo's shoulder, and the two of them walked back leading the dog.

"By the way, Qiqi." Chi Xiaoduo thought about it and asked, "You like sister Han Rou, do you have any objections at home?"

"Sister-in-law." Qi Wei replied, "What's the matter if you have any opinions? I don't live for them."

Chi Xiaoduo got the expected answer—Qi Wei is such a person.

"You're still quite stubborn." Chi Xiaoduo laughed.

"Taurus." Qi Wei said: "My three uncles and four uncles all objected to my relationship with Xiang Cheng. From the beginning, I thought it was wrong. This is what my father owed Uncle Xiang when he was alive..."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded and said, "Yes."

"You don't have to worry that I don't have a common language with her." Qi Wei said.

"No no." Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "I'm not worried about that."

The difference in social class, the difference in the concept of money, as well as the values and worldviews of the two parties, Chi Xiaoduo knew that Qi Wei must be bombed every day, and his ears got callused when he read it. Like Chen Zhen's family, the father is from an aristocratic family, and the mother is a researcher of magic weapons, of course it is very good.

However, under the influence of reform and opening up in the south, this concept will be much weaker.

"What does Teacher Di Shumin's husband do?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"A professor of history at Sun Yat-Sen University." Qi Wei replied, "Xiao Duo, I want to tell you something."

"What?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Qi Wei and Chi Xiaoduo stood side by side by the river, leaning on the railing and looking out.

"I'm not going to be an exorcist anymore." Qi Wei said to Chi Xiaoduo.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Is that so? Chi Xiaoduo turned to look at Qi Wei, Qi Wei looked calmly, looking at the river.

Qi Wei told himself: "I want to tell you something" instead of "I want to discuss with you...".

"Don't tell me about your family in advance." Chi Xiaoduo said: "But... if you withdraw the card, according to the rules of the expulsion committee, all your memories will be erased."

"So I want to ask you." Qi Wei said: "Can you let me come to me again after my memory is erased, and remind me of the past?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "!!!"

Qi Wei replied: "I have been thinking about this possibility since you and Xiang Cheng separated and returned to Guangzhou."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Why?"

"Freedom." Qi Wei said.

Chi Xiaoduo replied: "But even if you continue to be an exorcist, you still have freedom."

"That's not free." Qi Wei replied: "The freedom I mean gives me the right to choose what to do or not to do. I want to be an exorcist outside the system, and I can do whatever I want, just like you."

"You can do it now." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Xiang Cheng and I are also in the system."

"That's different." Qi Wei said: "Teacher Di Shumin always has an heir. You know the contradiction between local forces and the central government... But you may not be clear about this. Xiang Cheng understands better."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "I only thought it would be like this in a secular society."

"It has always been." Qi Wei explained: "My family hopes that I will take over Teacher Di Shumin's position in the future. The local aristocratic family and the exorcism committee hope to complete the reintegration with me, and Teacher Di also acquiesced."

"I don't really understand these things." Chi Xiaoduo said: "But this is not good, the driving committee is under the control of the Qi family from Teacher Di."

"Teacher Di has his own considerations about this." Qi Wei said: "I was fourteen years old, and I started working as an exorcist after graduating from junior high school. It has been twenty years... It is often difficult for Guangdong to take effect in the future."

"Is that why you were asked to join the special operations team?" Chi Xiaoduo vaguely understood.

Qi Wei didn't speak, looking at the brightly lit Pearl River, the night cruise ships slowly passed the river, sounding their sirens.

"Have you ever lived with Han Rou?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "In case you find out that it's not suitable after marriage."

Qi Wei replied: "No, in that respect... my hardware conditions should be okay."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry and said, "It's fine if you like it. In fact, I support you, it's just... hey."

"Emotionally speaking." Chi Xiaoduo finally said, "I fully support you and wish you happiness, Qiqi, but intellectually speaking, you may have to overcome many difficulties."

"Well." Qi Wei said: "You think about it, and then tell me the whole process."

Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that this was a violation of discipline. In theory, if the deportation committee wanted to erase anyone's memory, they would not be allowed to contact the world of demons and ghosts again. I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

After Chi Xiaoduo went back, his best friend came.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming, my best friend was forced to get married by her family, and she wanted to fix the wedding date before the Chinese New Year, so she had a big fight and ran away from home.

"Don't you like Kaikai?" Chi Xiaoduo was in the living room, the two of them were stepping on dogs, roasting fire and drinking milk tea.

"Just marry if you like it." My best friend said, "What if it doesn't fit in the future? I haven't checked the product yet. If it's lipstick, don't cry to death."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It's fine if you like it, it doesn't matter who the other person is. Look at Xiang Cheng, I didn't know he was such a person at all."

In the past, when Chi Xiaoduo said this, his girlfriends might object, but now Chi Xiaoduo lives in a big villa with tens of millions of dollars, and when he goes out, he rides on an extended red flag (Zheng Qin’s car was sent by Chen Zhen), and someone comes over as soon as he yells Serving tea and pouring water, there are a bunch of well-dressed bodyguards outside, with human faces and animal hearts.

My best friend is completely unable to refute Chi Xiaoduo.

After Chi Xiaoduo came back, he was pinched by his best friend with fingernail marks on his arm, so he had to make up a story to lie to him, roughly like this: Xiang Cheng was actually a super rich man, but he was framed by his enemies because of a fight for inheritance, and finally lost his memory. After escaping from hunting and wandering in the mainland, he had to try to make a living, became a duck, and fell in love with himself.

When Chi Xiaoduo was missing, he was helping Xiang Cheng regain his memory.

At the beginning, my best friend had an expression of "you think I'm mentally retarded". Finally, after repeatedly interrogating the "amnestic" duck Xiang Cheng, she got a 200,000 red envelope from Xiang Cheng in the name of Chi Xiaoduo as a dowry At that time, I finally believed it, and I had to sigh that the world is so big, full of wonders. Chi Xiaoduo often thinks that this is not the weirdest thing, if you know about Fudo Mingo and Tenma, then you would be "taking me as mentally handicapped".

"I told them that my brother is not married yet." My best friend said, "If we want to get married, I will wait until he gets married. You know what they say? Qi Wei has already retired!"

"Oh." Chi Xiaoduo replied while searching for information.

"The engagement is retired!" My best friend said, "The fiancée who arranged for him two years ago, if you say quit, you will quit, okay?"

"Hmm." Chi Xiaoduo thought how to counteract the effect of Lihun pollen? At that time, the one who sealed himself used Beethoven's "sorrow", and when he woke up, he used the music version of "sorrow". If Qi Wei decided to withdraw the card, would he also use the music sealing method

While sending a text message to Chen Lang, asking him to help with the investigation, he chatted absently with his best friend.

"Did you already know?" My best friend asked Chi Xiaoduo suspiciously.

"That's right." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I know his partner is Han Rou."

"What?!" The best friend stepped on Lang Quan's head and stomped Lang Quan's head down.

Lang Dog: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo put away the book and said solemnly: "Fathead Yu, don't you want your brother to be happy?"

The girlfriend was stunned, Chi Xiaoduo said: "Aren't you the person who knows him best?"

Chi Xiaoduo briefly talked about Han Rou's affairs, and his best friend said, "How do you know? You and my brother have gotten quite close recently."

Chi Xiaoduo thought for a while and said, "It's just that we can talk."

My best friend always felt that Chi Xiaoduo had many doubts and didn't think about it clearly, and said, "I don't like the two sister-in-laws, I'd rather you and my brother make a pair."

"Impossible." Chi Xiaoduo said, "How about we go and meet her?"

"Needless to say." My girlfriend replied impatiently, "Don't we all like him to be tall, handsome, rich, eighteen centimeters tall, and good-natured..."

"Of course not." Chi Xiaoduo said, "People think he is an ordinary physical education teacher."

"Physical education teachers don't have a good thing..." My best friend fired a map cannon at random, and said: "Let me tell you, I read a book last time..."

Chi Xiaoduo said seriously: "Let me ask you, if he gets married, will you bless him?"

"Of course." My girlfriend said, "No matter who you marry, man or woman, I won't say anything if he marries your dog."

Lang Dog: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The best friend said: "But he retired the marriage over there, won't he be beaten to death by his third uncle?"

Both my best friend and Qi Wei were brought up by my grandmother when they were young. Chi Xiaoduo heard that Qi Wei didn't return to his father's family until he graduated from junior high school, so he and his best friend are like brothers and sisters, and they have a very good relationship.

"That's good." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I have collected a blessing."

The girlfriend replied: "It's better to listen to the arrangements of his uncles. I'll persuade him to go when I'm free."

"No more." Chi Xiaoduo said, "He just wants you to support him and give him some strength."

The two of them thought about it, and felt that Qi Wei was also very hard-pressed. Speaking of it, Xiang Cheng came back in the middle of the night.

Girlfriend: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Xiang Cheng was standing in the entrance hall wearing a jet-black royal robe, with a beaded imperial crown on his head, auspicious clouds and blue dragons embroidered on the royal robe, a pair of high boots, and a bronze sword on his waist. The arm made Chi Xiao look at it more.

"So handsome!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Your Majesty." My best friend got up wisely and said, "My maidservant greets you."

"Your Majesty." Chi Xiaoduo got up immediately and said, "My concubine greets you."

The two of them held the sofa, threw it behind their backs together, and saluted Xiang Cheng.

"No courtesy." Xiang Cheng said.

"What the hell is this!" Chi Xiaoduo and his best friend roared angrily at the same time.

"For theatrical performances." Xiang Cheng said.

The best friend is convinced, the big boss who is worth tens of billions has nothing to do every day, so he is tossing about these things.

The bodyguards came over and bowed to the king one after another. Xiang Cheng waved his hand to signal everyone to do their own thing and leave him alone. After a while, he rolled up his sleeves and asked, "Have you had supper?"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo and his best friend shook their heads together. The purpose of the best friend's visit was to have a meal cooked by Xiang Cheng, and now it finally arrived. So Xiang Cheng wore a royal robe to wash his hands and remove the crabs, and made crab roe wontons for the two of them.

After dinner, my best friend went upstairs to sleep, Chi Xiaoduo said, "Is it really for theatrical performance?"

"The enthronement ceremony." Xiang Cheng said: "Feng Li insists on being enthroned, so as to issue the demon king's decree. After the year, he plans to send an imperial decree to notify all the scattered demons, so there may be an explanation."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, and Xiang Cheng asked again: "Does it look good? The ghost king made me a suit according to Qin Shihuang's style."

"It looks good." Chi Xiaoduo's mouth twitched, and he said, "It's just a bit exaggerated."

Xiang Cheng opened the bead curtain in front of the emperor's crown, leaned over and kissed Chi Xiaoduo.

"What's the matter?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Yeah." Xiang Cheng was a little absent-minded, snapped his fingers, and asked someone to bring a report for Chi Xiaoduo to read. The two had a brief exchange. The report was about the analysis of the Nanyang head-down master. Chi Xiaoduo said After learning about Wei Wei, Xiang Cheng remained silent.

"Does Chen really know?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"I probably don't know." Chi Xiaoduo said, "For now, it's just Wei Wei's idea."

"The responsibility on him is too heavy." Xiang Cheng said.

"No matter how heavy it is, it's not as heavy as yours." Chi Xiaoduo said casually: "I mean before... Chen Zhen, you... you are all the same, everyone has a family mission to complete."

"I have you." Xiang Cheng replied.

Xiang Cheng understood Qi Wei's mood very well, the two discussed and discussed, and finally concluded that as long as Qi Wei liked it, it would be fine as he said, and Chen Lang also sent a text message - if the exorcist withdraws the card, All the methods of washing out memory use the same music sealing method.

Because Lihun Pollen has certain side effects on the human body, and it only targets point-like memories. For example, if a person sees a monster, he will think about the monster repeatedly in a short period of time. At this time, it is okay to use Lihun Pollen.

But if you want to wash away all the memories of the exorcist from childhood to adulthood, all the memories that have existed for decades, using Lihun Pollen will not work. That's why Zhou Maoguo improved the new music memory sealing method.

"Very good." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Then I have a solution."

"It's better to talk to Chen Zhen." Xiang Cheng said, "Let them come to Guangzhou on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year."

Chi Xiaoduo thought about it too, Chen Zhen couldn't hide such a big matter, as to whether Chen Zhen would agree, it depended on Qi Wei's ability.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Huang Xuan rented a small open-air gymnasium in Guangzhou, and hung a big red cloth on it. Chen Zhen, Chen Lang, and Koda are all here. Cao Bin remained as Minister of the Field Service Department, while Xuan He Zhi was promoted to Deputy Director of the Office of the United Front Work Department.

On behalf of the Drive Committee, Chen Zhen came to attend Xiang Cheng's enthronement ceremony in person. The venue was packed and a red cloth was hung on the stage. It said "Huaxia Demon King Enthronement Ceremony Monster and the First Holy Land Spring Festival Gala".

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"It was supposed to be held in the Holy Land." Xiang Cheng said, "But the Holy Land is under renovation, so it's not convenient. Please bear with me."

Everyone came over to shake hands with Xiang Cheng.

"Where's Koda?" Chen Zhen looked around.

"Kadao is outside, helping Fengli pick up people." Xiang Cheng said.

There were tens of thousands of monsters sitting in the gymnasium, cheering and cheering, preparing to watch the cultural performance. Chi Xiaoduo would sacrifice to heaven with Xiang Cheng later. The Holy Land sent four monster kings as representatives, and the monsters sat in a section each.

Chi Xiaoduo was wearing a strange robe, and was very nervous in the background, Feng Li hurried over, first saluted, and then helped Chi Xiaoduo tidy his coat.

Xiang Cheng folded his hands behind his back and looked at the distant sky.

"Have they all come?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"They're all here." Feng Li replied.

The King Kun, the Dead Ghost King, Feng Li, and the newly promoted Eagle King, selected from the Yi clan, each followed behind Xiang Cheng.

"Thank you all human allies. The Yaozu brothers took the time to come to today's ceremony." Huang Shan's voice said on the stage.

The chime bells sounded grand and magnificent. Chi Xiaoduo was first struck by thunder, and then frightened. The art on the stage was colorful, and a mirage spewed out a majestic mist, forming a phantom of the Great Wall.

"The ceremony begins—"

The audience applauded wildly, and everyone stood up.

Xiang Cheng was wearing a royal robe, and Chi Xiaoduo was wearing a dark green prince's suit. Following behind Xiang Cheng, the four demon kings roared at the same time, shaking the stadium.

Xiang Cheng washed his hands, lit incense in front of the totem, surrounded by mirage, all kinds of monsters screamed from the audience, and many girls and monsters screamed in admiration.

Then Xiang Cheng recited the sacrificial oration, replacing the Heavenly Demon and becoming the new king of the demon clan.

Chen Zhen finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and sent the mobile phone video back to the driving committee for Zhou Maoguo to watch.

Chi Xiaoduo didn't sleep well last night. After lighting the incense today, he stood for more than an hour to accept the worship of the monsters. As soon as he got down to the backstage, Xiang Cheng picked up Chi Xiaoduo and went in to change his clothes.

"Quick, quick." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Hurry up and propose to Qi Wei."

Xiang Cheng frantically changed his robes in the background, hugged Chi Xiaoduo in his busy schedule, and lingered in the changing room for a while, when the voice of the Eagle King said, "Your Majesty, the lineup for the lion dance is ready for you."

"Immediately." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng stripped naked, hugged each other in the changing room, Xiang Cheng kissed Chi Xiaoduo, Chi Xiaoduo was pushed against the mirror, panting and shot in Xiang Cheng's hand.

"Go back and continue." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Put on your clothes quickly! Stop making trouble!"

After they changed their clothes, Chi Xiaoduo put on a tiger-headed hood, Xiang Cheng wrapped up the dark red martial robe, tied his belt, and walked out quickly. Yushu faces the wind and is personable.

Qi Wei was waiting at the back door, Lang Quan walked in front carrying a bag full of firecrackers, and Chen Lang and Chen Zhen also came.

Chen Zhen changed into a red suit and threw the lion beads to Chi Xiaoduo.

"Are you coming too?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"I'll change with you!" Chen Zhen replied, "I'm tired and change with you!"

Both Da Keda and Cao Bin changed into red, Qi Wei was stunned, and said: "You..."

"Get started!" Koda said, "Stop rambling!"

Xiang Cheng asked, "Is the ring ready?"

"Okay!" Chi Xiaoduo replied.

The venue was only two blocks away from Hanrou Kindergarten. Chi Xiaoduo made a special calculation, so Qi Wei raised the first lion head, Cao Bin went behind him, Xiang Cheng raised the second lion head, followed by Da Ke.

Chi Xiaoduo raised the lion ball in one fell swoop, and Lang Quan lit the firecrackers. There was a booming sound, the two monsters blew and beat, and the gongs and drums blared, and the lion dance proposal team set off.

Bang, bang, bang! bang bang bang! Chi Xiaoduo crossed the road with a guard of honor, followed by two big lions, scrambling for the ball.

It was the first time Chen Lang saw this scene, he couldn't help applauding, and gestured to Chi Xiaoduo.

[You can actually dance a lion!]

Chi Xiaoduo threw the lion ball into the air, and gestured to Chen Lang in his busy schedule: [I messed up!]Chen Zhen explained to Chen Lang: [He acted recklessly!]

Xiang Cheng and Qi Wei each stepped on the shoulders of Koda and Cao Bin, jumped forward, followed behind, flew over in the air a few steps, landed on the opposite side of the road, Chi Xiaoduo quickly caught up, caught the lion ball, passed Back, picked it up with a bamboo pole, and spun it.

Two lions jumped onto the railing of the sidewalk beside the road, and immediately wrestled with each other.

Bang dong ding, dong dong ding, the monsters played and beat vigorously, Chen Zhen collected a large stack of red envelopes, knocked on doors from door to door, and came to the front of the kindergarten.

There was a frying pan in the kindergarten, and everyone ran to the iron gate to see it. Qi Wei held up the lion's head and couldn't help shaking it. The principal came to open the door himself. The two lions entered the playground in front of the kindergarten. Lang Quan changed the firecrackers into big fairy sticks, Brilliant sparks erupted.