Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 124: The galaxy is like a cover (4)


"Surnamed Shan." Chen Zhen glanced at the inventory and said, "The third buyer, this is his office."

"Can you find the address?" Xiang Cheng said.

Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen flipped through the information quickly, while Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang started to grab the ginseng essence. The ginseng essence was shivering with its head and legs pulled.

"It still has eyes!" Seeing two slits on the ginseng, Chi Xiaoduo blinked his jet-black eyes, and suddenly, ahhh, he was about to be driven crazy by it.

Chen Lang: [Give me another play!]

Chi Xiaoduo: [You've already played several times!]

Chen Lang: [One more time, just one more time.]

"This guy is called Bangchui in the Northeast." Xiang Cheng said: "Wushan also has it. Look at the scales on its reed head. It's also two or three hundred years old."

"There are still flowers!" Chi Xiaoduo grabbed the demon rope and lifted the ginseng. Chen Lang held it, and touched the flower on the ginseng's head with his fingers, and the ginseng immediately put the flowers together.

"The leaves are all wilting." Chen Zhen glanced and said, "Give it some water?"

Xiang Cheng found a supply contract with the address of the purchaser surnamed Shan on it, and said, "I found it, let's go."

"Where does it want to go?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Chen Lang: [I guess I'm homesick, I don't want to be ground into powder to make medicine. Brother, can this be given to me?]Chi Xiaoduo: [It was obviously caught by Xiang Cheng!]

Chen Lang: [But the drawer was opened by my brother.]

Chi Xiaoduo: "You... Let go! It's about to break!"

Chen Lang: [Let me play again, I'll exchange the Pisces jade pendant with you.]

Chen Zhen saw Chen Lang's movements in the rearview mirror, and almost drove the car into a ditch.

The two started grabbing ginseng again in the back seat, Xiang Cheng hurriedly said: "One, three, five go to Xiaoduo, two, four, six go to Xiaolang, I'll find you another one, wrap it on me, don't grab it!"

Chen Zhen couldn't laugh or cry: "Your friendship is too fragile!"

Chi Xiaoduo: [Let's give it some water first.]

Chen Lang took out the kettle, unscrewed the lid, and Chi Xiaoduo stuffed the ginseng into the water. The little ginseng trembled for a while, then suddenly became quiet, and the leaves slowly unfolded.

"I'm thirsty." Chen Zhen said with a smile.

The scent of ginseng came out of the whole thermos, and Chi Xiaoduo smelled it and felt very refreshed.

The two whiskers of ginseng were like hands, lying in front of the thermos, looking at Chen Lang.

Xiang Cheng turned his head and glanced at it. The ginseng was a little scared, so he quickly retracted into the cup, revealing his eyes.

Chen Lang: [It's afraid of Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng's level is too high.]

Chi Xiaoduo nodded.

The car stopped in front of a residential building. It was only after seven o'clock, and there were no people on the street.

"Sixth floor." Chen Zhen said: "Xiang Cheng and I are going to arrest people, you can play with ginseng in the car."

Chen Lang beckoned for Chen Zhen to come over, Chi Xiaoduo took out the dripping ginseng from the thermos cup, Chen Lang handed the thermos cup to Chen Zhen, and asked him to drink some.

"Isn't this bath water?" Chen Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he drank some and said, "It smells like ginseng soup."

Chi Xiaoduo took a towel, wrapped the small ginseng in it, and dried it. The ginseng was shrunk in the towel, and he wanted to run out again. He couldn't calm down all the time. Chen Lang wanted to play with it again, so Chi Xiaoduo had to let Chen Lang play first. a while.

Xiang Cheng said: "People want to dig for ginseng, and if they find it, they can't disturb it, otherwise the wild ginseng will run away."

Chen Lang looked puzzled, Chi Xiaoduo asked: "Then how to dig?"

Xiang Cheng explained: "After finding ginseng, tie a red string to its branches, and dig it up next time."

"Oh—" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Is there any other ginseng in the mountains?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "I've seen one before, and there are not many of them that become smart, so it depends on luck. But here, there are probably a lot of good ones. We're leaving, you two be careful."

Chi Xiaoduo has a ring on his hand, so Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen won't be too far away, so they don't really care.

Chen Lang: [Let's go to the flower shop across the road to buy a flower pot, and plant it at night.]Chi Xiaoduo: [Are you going to make it into a heart-strengthening pill for Chen Zhen to eat.]

Chen Lang: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The two looked at each other.

Chen Lang: [Forget it, let's go buy the unfinished ones...]

Chi Xiaoduo poked the ginseng and said, "Sliced it up and stewed it with chicken, the effect is very good."

Ginseng felt as if it had been hit by a bolt from the blue, rolled up the towel, wrapped itself up, trembling uncontrollably, looked at Chen Lang, and then at Chi Xiaoduo.

[It can understand human speech!]Chi Xiaoduo tried it out, and said to Chen Lang in surprise.

Chen Lang: [I can understand, but I can't understand our sign language.]

Ginseng watched them nervously, Chen Lang carefully wiped its body, lifted its branches, and wiped its underarms with a wet towel, Ginseng immediately pulled back the branches defensively, fearing that Chen Lang would have no effect on it. What an evil attempt.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the residential area, and a balcony on the second floor was blown to pieces. Chi Xiaoduo was startled, and poked his head out of the car window to see a black shadow flying out.

"Grab it!" Chen Zhen shouted.

Xiang Cheng rushed out of the balcony, Chi Xiaoduo stuffed ginseng to Chen Lang, sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the gas pedal, and chased Xiang Cheng away.

This is a two-storey residential complex, many houses were not lit, and it was dark. Chi Xiaoduo knew that Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen had found the real owner, so he started the jeep, blowing snow all over the sky, and galloped on the road.

Chen Zhenfei got down and landed on the roof of the car, almost being thrown out.

Xiang Cheng wanted to shake out the demon-binding rope, but he forgot that the rope was used to bind ginseng and was still in the car, so he had to pull out the magic pestle, and ran after the buyer.

The buyer turned around and barked, the house here was too old, Xiang Cheng didn't dare to turn into a dragon, dragging his tail on the old house just a little bit would surely cause the bricks and tiles to collapse and hurt innocent people.

The purchaser grinned and turned into a dark thing, galloping across the snow-covered roof. Xiang Cheng turned sideways and slid along the snow. Chi Xiaoduo drifted his car and stopped at the intersection. Chen Zhen flew out by centrifugal force, stepped on the roof with a few steps, and shook off the bracelet.

The black monster was in mid-air, with Chen Zhen's flying lightsaber in front of it, and Xiang Cheng holding a magic pestle in his back. It was inevitable, but another monster appeared in mid-air, and with a squeak, it volleyed into the air. Flying out, grabbing the first black monster, the two monsters fled towards the corner of the intersection.

Chi Xiaoduo immediately turned left and rushed into the alley. The glass of the dilapidated houses on both sides of the alley shattered and fell on the roof of the car one after another. Two monsters rushed into an abandoned factory building at the end of the alley.

Chi Xiaoduo roared, "Be careful!"

Chen Lang couldn't hear it, but saw Chi Xiaoduo's mouth shape in the rear view mirror, and immediately hid in the back seat with ginseng in his arms. Chi Xiaoduo's car rushed into the alley vigorously, knocking over the people on both sides. The trash can smashed open the door of the factory building and overturned the stacked cardboard boxes.

Chi Xiaoduo slammed on the brakes, pushed open the car door and got out. He had eaten too much at night, but now he couldn't control it, and spit out a lot of things with a wow.

The two monsters rushed forward, and Xiang Cheng flew in. First, he picked up the first monster that was shot at Chi Xiaoduo with a pestle, then turned around, held the demon pestle in both hands, shouted, and threw it at the second monster. With one move, the two monsters fell towards the corner of the warehouse.

Dozens of flying swords shot into the warehouse one after another, circling around the two monsters, trapping them.


The monster made an angry sound.

Chen Zhen leaned against the car, exhausted.

"In the future, if you want to catch must not eat too much." Chen Zhen said.

An hour later, the Harbin Drive Committee.

Two huge apes with fluffy white hair and red noses like buttocks were tied to the chair by rune chains.

Chi Xiaoduo drank some digestive drinks and felt a little better.

"Be honest." Chen Zhen said: "Whether you will spare your lives or not depends on whether the Association will assist our investigation."

"What are you?" Xiang Cheng asked, "Orangutans?"

"They are mandrills." Chi Xiaoduo had seen these two monsters in the illustration book.

"It's the orangutan." Xiang Cheng said.

"No!" Gong Shandrill retorted angrily.

"This is a high-latitude mandrill." Director Qian took off his glasses and said, "They are supposed to live in tropical regions. Why do you come to human regions to do bad things?"

Chi Xiaoduo held up the ginseng and said, "Is this yours?"

The male mandrill turned into a man in his forties or fifties, looking at Chi Xiaoduo warily.

The mother mandrill turned into an aunt in her forties, and said, "You already know it, so why ask?"

Xiang Cheng sullenly said, "My patience is limited, do you know who I am?"

Xiang Cheng exuded dragon power, and the two mandrills thought that Xiang Cheng and the others were just ordinary exorcists, but when they found out that they were high-level spirit beasts, they couldn't help shaking, knelt down on the ground, and dared not get up.

Director Qian smiled, pushed the wheelchair, and went to the other side to get an encyclopedia illustrated book.

Under Xiang Cheng's obscenity, the mandrill recruited wisely.

These two mandrills originally lived in Lushan Mountain. They could no longer stay in Jiangxi because of the development of local tourism projects more than 20 years ago, so they had to migrate all the way north and finally came to Daxinganling. In the 1990s, the logging industry in the Greater Khingan Mountains was restricted, and the afforestation plan began. The primeval forest was deserted, and it happened to be the best place for animals to live in seclusion.

So the mandrills settled down in Daxing'an Mountains. At first, they had the idea of not interfering with the well water of human beings. However, after living for a long time, they became active in the mountains and forests, and found that there was still a neighbor living in the middle of the mountains.

This neighbor lives deep in the mountains, a place where even monsters can't be found. He had no contact with mandrills at first, but last year, two children of mandrills were captured by his neighbor's men.

The mandrill couple tried their best, but they couldn't save the child. The neighbor took a fancy to their ability to transform into human beings, and forced them to agree to the conditions proposed by the neighbor.

The condition is: incarnate as a human, sneak into the human camp, get acquainted with the ginseng pickers after getting acquainted, and let the ginseng pickers go to the depths of the Greater Khingan Mountains, where the mandrill guides the geese. The mountain will regularly hand over the medicinal materials to the ginseng collectors who enter the mountain, and then the mandrills will buy them from the ginseng collectors. Mix a small amount of medicinal materials with artificially cultivated medicinal materials and send them to pharmaceutical factories.

The mandrill followed one after another, and introduced twelve people to Luoyantou, where there were no roads, not to mention railways. The ginseng collectors have almost never been there. At first everything was normal, but for a period of last year, all the ginseng collectors disappeared and never appeared again.

"Why is the person missing?" Xiang Cheng asked.

The mandrill shook his head in fear.

"What does the neighbor look like?" Chen Zhen asked.

"No head! They have no head!" said the mandrill in fear, "Run so fast!"

"A human?" Xiang Cheng asked.

The mandrill nodded, then shook his head, and Xiang Cheng asked again: "Is this the ginseng you brought back?"

Chi Xiaoduo took out the ginseng, and the mandrill said, "It's still alive. The ginseng my neighbor asked me to bring is dead."

Ginseng seemed to be very afraid of mandrills, and kept digging into Chen Lang's arms.

"Hand over all the ginseng you purchased." Xiang Cheng said.

"No more!" said the mandrill, "It's all used up! No more!"

"This medicine can no longer be sold." Director Qian said, "I will notify the Drive Committee and ask them to contact the coordinating department to take back all Zhuxin Pills."

"En." Chen Zhen thought for a moment, then replied, "We still have to go to Luoyantou."

The mandrill looked at Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen, and Xiang Cheng said: "Follow one, and lead us to find a place. If this matter can be resolved, you are allowed to redeem your sins. If you dare to play tricks, the Holy Land will hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

The two mandrills trembled for a while, and the mother mandrill raised her hand and said, "I'll go."

"Then I would trouble you to close the public one first." Chen Zhen said to Director Qian.

Director Qian agreed, and the four of them went out, stood in the cold wind, discussed for a while, and decided to let the mother mandrill go home first. Anyway, the male mandrill was detained, and the mother mandrill could not play any tricks.

According to Chen Zhen's opinion, it is best for Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang not to follow, but how can Chi Xiaoduo feel at ease

"Then let's go." Xiang Cheng said.

"Well, listen to the captain." Chen Zhen said.

Xiang Cheng was taken aback and said, "Stop, I didn't say anything."

Xiang Cheng didn't expect Chen Zhen to fall into the trap at such a time, and the quilt was caught right away, and he couldn't take it off now. Chen Zhen said: "Then according to what I said, Xiao Duo and Xiao Lang don't go."

Chi Xiaoduo immediately cried out in disappointment. After Chen Lang realized what was going on, he looked around and lay down on the snow with Chi Xiaoduo, not moving.

Xiang Cheng: "..."

So Xiang Cheng had to become the temporary captain of the special operations team, and went back to plan the entire mission process. At night, the temperature dropped again, and Chi Xiaoduo returned to the hotel feeling alive again.

He drew a headless monster in a new yokai illustration.

"A headless monster." Chi Xiaoduo said, "What is it?"

Xiang Cheng stepped on the edge of the table, swayed it, and said, "Compared to this, I am even more surprised that they make this medicine, what is the use?"

"No head." Chi Xiaoduo drew an arrow on the monster's neck and said, "Could it be that he hopes to get a head?"

"Yeah." Xiang Cheng said, "It makes sense, come here."

Xiang Cheng asked Chi Xiaoduo to ride on him and hugged his waist, so Chi Xiaoduo sat astride Xiang Cheng's waist, and followed Xiang Cheng's rhythm, leaning on the chair and shaking.

"Your ideas are always very interesting." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo: "?"

Xiang Cheng explained: "When most people hear the feature of 'no head', they think 'this monster must have a head, but they don't know where the head is hidden', but your inference is 'it wants a head' '."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

It turned out to be like this, Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry: "Maybe it's because I'm stupid."

Xiang Cheng pondered and said: "No, I probably understand that this 'neighbor' may want the Three Souls."

"Ah!" Chi Xiaoduo understood in an instant!

Patients who took Zhuxin Pills would shout "Don't cut off my head" before they died, but the patients' bodies were fine, that is to say, the accident occurred in their souls! When the patient was dying, he saw a phantom, and this phantom was the process in which his "head" soul was taken away.

On the human body: Tianchong, Linghui, Qi, Li, center, essence, and heroic seven souls, two of which are on the top of the head. Chi Xiaoduo used to refine the magic weapon from the soul of wisdom on the brow chakra.

Among the three souls and seven souls, Tianchong and Linghui have another name, Tianpo. The center of strength is called the soul, and the elite and the hero are called the soul.

The Tianpo is on the person's head... Chi Xiaoduo quickly made up the knife and said: "I don't think it is three souls, but two souls! The Qi Po throat chakra is actually in the collarbone, and it is still inside this monster. It must be congenital. I got the Heavenly Po, so I looked around."

"Yes." Xiang Cheng replied, "It must be like this!"

Chi Xiaoduo solved another unsolved mystery, and immediately cheered for joy, followed by a thud, the chair lost its balance, and the two fell together. Xiang Cheng simply picked up Chi Xiaoduo, pressed him on the bed, and closed the chair with one hand. Lights out.

At breakfast the next day, Chi Xiaoduo shared his analysis with Chen Zhen and Chen Lang, and Chen Zhen replied, "It makes sense."

"Ginseng is an introduction." Chen Zhen analyzed: "A kind of elixir, wait a moment, I will ask Xuan Hezhi to check it."

Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang started playing with that ginseng again. Ginseng seemed to be a little more familiar with Chen Lang, so he wasn't afraid of him much anymore, but he was still a little afraid of Chi Xiaoduo. Chi Xiaoduo didn't dare to untie the rope, fearing that it would run away, so he hugged it and pressed it into the cup to make some ginseng tea for Xiang Cheng.

[It has been bathed several times.]Chen Lang said: [I carried it upside down yesterday and blown it with a hairdryer.]Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to give up, put the ginseng on the dinner plate, and squeaked it with chopsticks. The ginseng was so itchy that it rolled around. Wrap it in a scarf and wipe off the leaves.

Ginseng is very comfortable, and the flowers slowly unfold, giving off a tangy fragrance.

Chen Lang just glanced at Chi Xiaoduo's report, his expression changed, and he looked at Chi Xiaoduo with a surprised expression.

[The transfer of soul. ] Chen Lang gestured quickly: [Theoretically, it is indeed achievable. ] Chi Xiaoduo nodded: [I suspect that the "neighbor" knows some ways to repair the soul, and maybe he can help.]"Pharmaceutical powder should be mixed." Xiang Cheng said: "At least tens of thousands of boxes have been produced."

"Yes." Chen Zhen replied, "I can't figure out why only six people were recruited."

"Cough! Cough!" Xuan Hezhi said in the video: "Let me briefly summarize."

"Get to the point!" Chen Zhen said, "Time is running out!"

Xuan Hezhi immediately sped up his speech, cut straight to the point, and explained: "Plants are alive. Although they don't have three souls and seven souls like humans and animals. But plants have 'veins', a few varieties, and they can be cultivated through time. , can expand the 'mai', learn from the people and animals it has seen, and create seven chakras."

"Hmm." Xiang Cheng nodded and said, "What does this have to do with medicine?"

"Don't worry." Xuan He Zhi said triumphantly: "Now I will explain to everyone that the 'pulse' is everywhere, unlike the human soul, it only exists in the upper dantian, middle dantian, lower dantian, etc. Even if you grind a ginseng plant into powder, all the information of the 'maid' is preserved in its powder."

It was the first time for Chi Xiaoduo to hear about it. After all, the Board of Directors did not do much research on plants, so he suddenly felt that Xuan Hezhi was not so unreliable anymore.

Xuan Hezhi laughed in the video: "I'll find some plants to show you..."

"Wait!" Chen Zhen stopped immediately.

Xuan Hezhi folded it casually, and picked off a pot of flowers on the windowsill.

"Don't do it—" Chen Zhen shouted.

"You picked the Clivia that Mr. Zhou has raised for twenty years!" Chen Zhen roared.

"It's okay." Xuan He Zhiyun snapped his fingers lightly, and saw that the Clivia on the window sill behind him had grown buds and bloomed again.

"Director, are you okay, Director?" Xuan Hezhi said.

Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang hurriedly massaged Chen Zhen's heart, and Chen Zhen was almost scared to death.

"I cast a spell on this flower." Xuan Hezhi said, "Guess what will happen?"

"Stop playing tricks!" Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen roared at the same time: "Let's get to the point!"

Xuan Hezhi said: "Okay, look, for example."

Xuan Hezhi performed a light-emitting technique on the Clivia, and the whole flower glowed. Xuan Hezhi pulled the petals and tore them off.

The petal that was torn off is still glowing, and it maintains a relatively independent relationship with the mother body, but also echoes each other.

"Ah..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I probably understand."

"Bingo!" Xuan Hezhi said: "After leaving a spell on the plant, even if you break a branch and take it out, the spell will be partially copied. Note that it is only limited to the inside of the plant, and it is a 'part' .”

Xuan Hezhi tore off the petals one by one, and the glowing petals fluttered slightly in the wind.

"If you cast a spell on a person's body." Chi Xiaoduo said, "No, even if it's not a spell, if you cut off a person's hand, you won't be able to move it, right?"

"Yes." Xuan Hezhi said: "So I guess, your opponent used a spell on ginseng. Ginseng is ground into powder, processed into pills, and then given to the patient to swallow. It works in the body."

"But how do you explain that some people are fine after taking the medicine, while others are fine after taking the medicine?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xuan Hezhi: "Because the spells hidden in the 'vein' are determined according to the 'quantity' of the plant parts. After ingestion, they follow the principle of chronic plant toxins and accumulate in the body. Let me make an analogy... "

"I understand." Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that he hadn't thought of this level, and replied, "No need."

Xuan Hezhi turned around and broke another Clivia. Chi Xiaoduo explained to them: "Suppose a plant of ginseng is infused with a million units of soul-snatching magic, and after it is ground into powder, it enters the human body. Take in a thousand units, take in 500 units tomorrow, accumulate to a certain level, and the soul-destroying spell will take effect... "

"Yes, yes." Xuan Hezhi turned around and said, "Let's take a look at another Clivia..."

Zhou Maoguo appeared in the video, behind Xuan Hezhi, with his hands behind his back, looking at the Clivia in Xuan Hezhi's hand, and at the pile of petals on the table.

Everyone: "..."

"Good luck." Chi Xiaoduo said sympathetically.

"See you again by fate." Xiang Cheng said.

"Goodluck." Chen Zhen waved his hand coolly.

Xuan Hezhi: "?"

Chen Zhen turned off the video and said, "Let's go now."