Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 126: The galaxy is like a cover (6)


The headless giant turned its back to them, showing its muscular back muscles. It was talking to Chen Lang, with both hands pointing to its own chest.

"What did he do with his nipples?" Xiang Cheng asked inexplicably.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"That's the eye!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "I know what it is! Be careful with that guy!"

"What is it?" Xiang Cheng said.

"Xing Tian..." Chi Xiaoduo said with surprise in his eyes.

Xiang Cheng gestured to Chen Zhen, indicating that the monsters below are dangerous, so be careful. However, Xiang Cheng has never learned sign language. The correct expression is "put the thumb of the right hand on the little finger, and tap the palm of the left hand a few times."

Xiang Cheng's expressions are—referring to Chen Zhen: "You", waving his hands: "No", pointing to the bottom: "Go down". Then he made a gesture of illuminating them with the lamp of the heart, pressing down with both hands and separating them to make a light.

Chen Zhen:"?"

With questioning eyes, Chen Zhen confirmed the movement of pressing down with both hands.

Xiang Cheng nodded.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Pressing both hands down together means 'attack now'." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chen Zhen had already turned around and ran down, Xiang Cheng had no choice but to rush over immediately, Chi Xiaoduo said: "Wait! Wait!"

Chen Lang was still gesturing with the giant.

[I am not you.]Chen Lang pointed to his ear and waved his hand: [Although I can't hear you, we are different.]Chi Xiaoduo saw the sign language from a distance, and suddenly understood it.

Xing Tian should have regarded Chen Lang as his kind!

But Chen Lang looks different from them too! How is Xing Tian classified

"Chen Zhen!" Chi Xiaoduo suddenly shouted, his voice echoing in the valley.

Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng were so frightened that Xiang Cheng hurriedly signaled Chi Xiaoduo not to speak.

The headless giant didn't respond, and was still making gestures with Chen Lang.

[I see, your soul.]The headless giant gestures: [Your, the soul of the sky, the soul of the eyes has been changed, how did you change it?]Chen Lang hesitated a little.

Headless Giant: [I want to make a head, teach me.]

"It can't hear it!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted towards the opposite side: "They can't hear the sound!"

"Xing Tian competed with the emperor for the gods! The emperor cut off his head and buried it in Changyang Mountain. With the breasts as eyes and navel as mouth, he fucked Qi Yiwu!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted again.

It has eyes and a mouth, but no ears.

Chen Zhen's voice came, and he replied, "Say it early!"

Xiang Cheng also shouted: "What should we do now?!"

Chen Zhen said, "Didn't you let me go down?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "I mean you are responding from above!"

The two went down the cliff while talking, avoiding the patrolling guards above.

Chi Xiaoduo said: "You talk behind his back and he doesn't even know it!"

"Hmm!" Chen Zhen looked around and said, "What did Xiao Lang just say?"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "I saw Xiao Lang's gesture!"

Chen Zhen said: "Xiao Duo, wait on the edge of the cliff, don't come here! Xiang Cheng and I will go down to deal with it."

The three of them were behind Xing Tian, chatting with each other sentence by sentence at the height of the cliff.

Xiang Cheng said: "Take its weapon away, and it won't be able to play anymore!" He threw a stone behind Xing Tian's back, put it on the shield on the ground, and made a loud bang.

Chen Zhen said, "Got it!"

"Wait!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Don't do anything yet!"

Chen Lang: [I won't.]

Xing Tian: [Head, I have one, but I can't get it right.]

Chen Lang was a little puzzled, and Xing Tian made a "gathering" movement, as if he had made a head with some force, then lifted it up, put the virtual head on his neck, waved his hands, and expressed that there was no way.

Chi Xiaoduo was extremely surprised and stopped Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen.

"I know what it wants to do now." Chi Xiaoduo said: "Its head was cut off before, and the weapon used to cut it off must have been cut off together with the soul, so it has been looking for its own head. Now It figured out another way, but I'm not sure."

Chi Xiaoduo stood on a high place and gestured to Chen Lang—[Yes.]

Chen Lang glanced at it, immediately calmed down, and nodded towards Xing Tian.

Xing Tian got up, Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng immediately fell on the cliff, avoiding its sight.

Xing Tian didn't notice them coming, got up, picked up the shield and axe, and signaled Chen Lang to go ahead.

Xiang Cheng hugged Chi Xiaoduo to the ground, Chen Zhen climbed down, Ginseng ran over dragging the red thread, Chi Xiaoduo waved at it, but Ginseng pulled Chi Xiaoduo's trousers, trying to take him to the other side.

"Later!" Chi Xiaoduo said to Ginseng.

Xing Tian and Chen Lang walked from the passage under the cliff, and walked up the stone steps to the high place.

"They can only be used to see." Chi Xiaoduo explained to Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen: "They can't smell us because they have no nose and no ears."

"It's not difficult to deal with in theory." Chen Zhen said.

Chen Lang followed Xing Tian and came to the cliff in mid-air. In front of the platform, there was a separate magic circle. It was a rune that even Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang couldn't recognize.

Chi Xiaoduo immediately took out his notebook from his bag and recorded the formation, maybe it will be used for Chen Zhen to condense the central soul in the future.

And in the center of the magic circle, there is a ball of light floating.

Xing Tian opened his mouth, saliva dripping down, walked to the center of the magic circle, stood under the ball of light, a streamer-like force protruded from his neck, wrapped around the ball of light, and pressed it to his neck.

Chen Lang also understood, and said: [Are you going to recast your soul of wisdom and soul of heaven? ] Xing Tian gestured: [Yes.]It pointed to its own abdomen, made a simple movement, and pointed to its chest, which meant: [Although it has eyes, it can't see, it has a mouth, but it can't speak, it can only "feel".]Chi Xiaoduo saw the front of it, and saw that its eyes are different from ordinary people's. There are only white eyes, and there is a pupil in the middle of the white of the eyes, but there is no black eye. The pupil is a symbol.

"Its eyes and mouth are formed from the central soul!" Chi Xiaoduo immediately said: "Just like your mink, it can only perceive, but not see the specific details!"

Chen Lang: [Sorry, I don't know how to get better. You, figure it out for yourself.]Xing Tian stood blankly, and Chen Lang pointed to himself, which meant that I was leaving.

Immediately afterwards, Xing Tian let out a roar, which shocked Chi Xiaoduo's eardrums with severe pain. The moment Chen Zhenzhen was about to make a move, something seemed to have happened on the cliff.

Startled, Xing Tian turned around and looked into the distance.

There was a commotion in the gravel cave under Luoyan's head, and a mandrill rushed out holding a small mandrill.

Ginseng dragged the red rope and chased after the mandrill, jumping non-stop, and a group of headless wild men rushed out chasing the mandrill.

"I'll save people!" Chen Zhen shouted.

"I'll save ginseng!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

"Run immediately after being rescued!" Xiang Cheng shouted: "It has too many little brothers, come back and level this place!"

The next moment, Xiang Cheng flew out and kicked Xing Tian on the back, Xing Tian fell forward, Chen Zhen rushed forward to grab Chen Lang, Chen Lang pointed at the magic circle, then Chi Xiaoduo, Chi Xiaoduo turned towards him He made a gesture, which meant to run first and then talk.

Xing Tian turned around and slashed at Xiang Cheng with an axe. Xiang Cheng kicked the axe, jumped away sideways, not entangled with him, turned into a green dragon in mid-air, and flew towards Chi Xiaoduo. Chi Xiaoduo jumped out of the mountain wall and landed on the dragon's head, and the blue dragon flew Chi Xiaoduo to the broken bridge.

Carrying another small mandrill in one arm, the mandrill dashed across the cliff.

Xing Tian roared wildly, his eyes burst into flames, and shot towards the sky, Chi Xiaoduo shouted: "Be careful behind your back!"

Qinglong circled around, took the opportunity to fly down to the ground, and took Chen Zhen and Chen Lang into the air.

Xing Tian jumped between the cliffs, and in an instant he was in front of him, and he slashed at the dragon's head with an axe!

Qinglong turned his head violently, pressed his horns against Xingtian's abdomen, and lifted him into the air. During such a delay, tens of thousands of headless savages poured out of the cave, and the bloody mouths that split his abdomen burst out together. Howling, chase after the mandrill!

Qinglong had to deal with Xing Tian, take care of Chen Zhen and others above him, and save Chi Xiaoduo's pet. He was too busy for a while, so he didn't dare to make a big turn in the air, so he had to fly close to the ground.

Xing Tian landed on the cliff, raised his huge axe, and the ax led to a raging blizzard. Suddenly, on the surrounding mountains, blizzards rushed together and fell head-on. The sky was surging with dark clouds, and Shenwei and Xiang Cheng's Longwei were in a stalemate.

"Get out of here!" Chen Zhen shouted.

Qinglong turned around and was already close to the ground. A tide of headless savages rushed in, threw ropes and put them on Qinglong. Xiang Cheng tried to pull himself up several times, but was fixed to the ground by countless ropes.

"Come down!" Xiang Cheng shouted, then rolled over and transformed into a human being, shaking the three of them down.

Chi Xiaoduo rolled on the spot and threw out a handful of lightning talismans. Chen Zhen sacrificed the two of them behind him and shouted, "Close your eyes!"

In an instant, the heart lamp flashed a big flash.

Tens of thousands of headless savages wailed at once, but in just a few seconds, Chen Zhen shook his bracelet, and the flying sword flew away like a sea tide, colliding with the axes and madness of the savage army!

As soon as Xiang Cheng landed, he threw out his wisdom sword, rushed forward, swung a shocking sword, and met Xing Tian's giant axe.

The loud noise made Chi Xiaoduo almost vomit blood, overturned several people with such vigor, and fell backwards, even Xiang Cheng couldn't resist, Xing Tian's strength was too strong.

"There are too many little brothers here!" Xiang Cheng roared, "Leave first and talk later!"

At that moment, another mandrill rushed out of the woods and joined the mother mandrill.

Ginseng found Chi Xiaoduo, jumped up and ran towards him.

However, under Xing Tian's furious roar, tens of thousands of throwing axes were shot, passing through the forest, and the two mandrills worked together to catch the young mandrill.

Chi Xiaoduo had already rushed to the front, and the male mandrill grabbed the little mandrill and rushed towards Chi Xiaoduo.

Xing Tian's eyes were already spitting fire with anger, his whole body turned red, the erupting flames burned all the way, the male mandrill threw the little mandrill towards Chi Xiaoduo with all his strength.

Chi Xiaoduo flew into the air, hugged Xiao Mandrill, and then was hugged by Xiang Cheng from behind, and rolled down the cliff!

"Run!" Xiang Cheng took back the rope that bound the demon, shook it into a net, tripped over the army of headless savages that came like a tsunami, the four turned around and rushed up the stone steps, but Ginseng ran to the other side.

"Follow it!" Chen Zhen said loudly.

The four rushed wildly with Ginseng, and Ginseng led them to turn left and right, and entered the cave. After entering the dark cave, there was a dead end in front of them.

At the end of the cave was a wooden cage, squatting a Ganoderma lucidum, and seeing the ginseng coming to rescue him, he was overjoyed, and tried his best to get the lower half of his body out of the gap in the wooden cage. Not coming.

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chen Zhen:"… "

Chen Lang: [There's another one! so cute!]

Behind him, Xing Tian's body blocked the exit of the cave.

"Who called to follow it just now." Chi Xiaoduo's mouth twitched.

Xing Tian entered the cave step by step, and the ginseng flicked around anxiously, begging for help from them.

Xing Tian roared into the cave, and the cave was shattered.

Among the vast white snow and mountains, blue dragon flames burst out from countless caves like arrows, and then nearly half of the mountains were destroyed. Chi Xiaoduo, Chen Zhen, Chen Lang, Xiao Mandrill, Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng rushed out together!

But Qinglong couldn't get far, and crashed into the forest, crushing the forest and Xiang Cheng regained his human form.

"Xiang Cheng!" Chi Xiaoduo said anxiously.

"I'm fine!" Xiang Cheng roared: "The power of the dragon soul is too much consumed at once! There is no way to change it!"

"Catch up!" Chen Zhen shouted, "Run!"

Chen Zhen took the little mandrill off his body and threw it to Xiang Cheng. The mandrill immediately hugged Xiang Cheng's feet and was led to run in the forest by him. Chi Xiaoduo wrapped the ganoderma lucidum and ginseng in a scarf and threw it to Chen Lang. A group of people dragged their families and started a life-threatening escape.

There are more and more headless savages, Xing Tian has fallen into a state of mania, chasing and killing them while burning down the forest, Xiang Cheng dragged the mandrill and rushed wildly.

"I can't run anymore." Chen Zhen said out of breath, holding on to a tree.

Chi Xiaoduo was about to throw up from running, and Chen Lang leaned against the tree to pant.

The earth shook violently, thousands of savages, under the leadership of Xing Tian, came to kill them.

Xiang Cheng shouted, "Run!"

Xiang Cheng dragged Chen Zhen Chen Zhen Chen Lang with his left hand, and Chi Xiaoduo with his right hand. Ginseng Ganoderma lucidum and a mandrill were still hanging on his body.

"Be careful with the tree!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

Xiang Cheng pushed Chen Zhen, Chen Zhen and Chen Lang slid down the hillside, Chi Xiaoduo drifted, Xiang Cheng rushed from behind, and the two rolled down the hillside together.

All the headless savages threw away their shields, stepped on them, and quickly chased after them.

With nothing in sight, he rushed out of the woods. When Chen Zhen saw the off-road vehicle, he rushed into the vehicle as if he had received an amnesty. Xiang Cheng threw Chi Xiaoduo, Chen Lang, Mandrill, Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng into the vehicle one by one.

Chen Zhen started the off-road vehicle, and the off-road vehicle made a sound and turned off.

Chen Zhen:"… "

"The water tank is frozen!" Chen Zhen said, "Who took the front cover off the car!"

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Xiang Cheng had no choice but to draw out his Wisdom Sword and said, "Hurry up!"

Chen Zhen opened the sunroof, climbed onto the roof, and said, "Xiao Duo, take Xiao Lang away!"

A dense crowd of headless savages rushed forward, and the three-meter-tall giant Xing Tian jumped out of the woods and roared at them.

Xiang Cheng shook the Wisdom Sword with both hands, and the Wisdom Sword turned into a giant sword.

Xing Tian rushed forward, holding a dry ax in his right hand and Qi Dun in his left hand, and made another move, colliding with Xiang Cheng. Qianqi is an ancient artifact, Xiang Cheng's wisdom sword can't punish Tian, so he has to exchange strength with it to attack.

Behind Xing Tian, a crowd of headless savages arrived and surrounded the off-road vehicle. At the moment when he rushed forward, Chen Zhen's heart lamp glowed with a strong light again, and shot loudly, overturning the savages who rushed forward, followed by a The circle flying sword rolls out.

Even Xing Tian didn't dare to look at the heart lamp and avoid the strong light.

"There is a chance!" Xiang Cheng saw the opening, swung his sword away, and the energy exploded, cracking Xing Tian's chest!

However, Xing Tian's wound only appeared for a moment, and then quickly closed.

Chi Xiaoduo shouted: "Look for its weakness! In..."

Chen Lang pulled Chi Xiaoduo's trouser legs.

Chi Xiaoduo: "??"

Chen Lang took out the gleaming holy totem in Chi Xiaoduo's bag and motioned him to look at it.

Chi Xiaoduo immediately picked up the totem and shouted, "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?!"

In the Holy Land, Feng Li is adjusting the launcher on the top of the temple with the dead ghost king.

Feng Li said: "I heard it!"

The dead ghost king: "How did you play! Are you enjoying yourself?"

Chi Xiaoduo's voice was intermittent: "We are... Xing Tian..."

The ghost king who died in battle thought for a moment: "That's exactly what Xing Tian... Feng Li mentioned to me yesterday. Xing Tian was beheaded after the battle with the Emperor of Heaven. Over the years, he has always wanted to get his head back, even by any means. …”

"Earth veins..." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Chenglong's soul was exhausted, and Xing Tian was an ancient god, so he was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe.

Chi Xiaoduo said frantically, "Help!"

The totem must have the leylines to be effective, where can I find the leylines at this time!

Chen Lang: [What's wrong?]

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly made gestures, Chen Lang pointed to Chen Zhen, and then pointed to the top of the sky.

[The principle of using the earth veins to communicate is also applicable to the sky veins.]

Chen Zhenzhen sat on the roof of the car panting, Chi Xiaoduo said to himself, "But how do we get through the heavenly veins?"

Chen Zhen signaled for me to take a break first, and within half a minute, more savages came over. Chen Zhen strengthened his energy and said, "Come on, what are you going to do? Tell me."

Chi Xiaoduo suddenly remembered that Chen Zhen's heart lamp used the power of Tianmai.

Under the energy-gathering power of the heart lamp, a strong light went straight to the zenith, and under the power of the heart lamp, the Tianmai suddenly showed colorful colors, floating under the sky like an aurora.

holy place:

The totem sensed the power of the Tianmai and strengthened the signal.

Chi Xiaoduo's voice buzzed, and Feng Li and the dead ghost king immediately covered their ears.

"Hey, hello." The dead ghost king said, "Can you hear me?"

Chi Xiaoduo roared angrily: "Help me—the king is going to be beaten!"

Before the words fell, the totem projected a scene, Xiang Cheng dragged his wisdom sword backwards, and was chased by Xing Tian and couldn't escape.

The dead ghost king: "..."

Feng Li: "..."

"Bring me my weapon!" The dead ghost king roared angrily, "Teach that guy how powerful I am today!"

Greater Khingan Mountains:

Chen Zhen pushed out the heart lamp with both hands, the power of the Tianmai increased, and covered the earth with a buzzing sound. Chen Zhen emitted a strong light all over his body. Wherever the strong light went, the headless savage closed his eyes and could not look directly.

Both Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng were exhausted, and Chi Xiaoduo prayed in his heart that the magic circle would not make mistakes...

Under the illumination of the heart lamp, water rippled in the space behind the off-road vehicle, absorbing the power of the heavenly veins attracted by the heart lamp.

"I want... I can't take it anymore..." Chen Zhen gritted his teeth.

Chen Lang hugged Chen Zhen from behind, and with a loud noise, the light of the heart lamp strengthened again, broke through the space, and shone in all directions under the dark cloud-covered sky.

"Follow me to kill!" The dead ghost king shouted loudly.

What followed was that the holy land was thrown into the Great Khingan Mountains, and thousands of horses and horses rushed out from the crack opened by the totem in an instant!

The mountains shake and the ground shakes, and the peaks avalanche!

The 20,000 cavalry of dead ghouls charged into the lumberyard, each with a weapon in hand, and headed towards the headless army to hide and kill them!

Seeing the arrival of the reinforcements, Xiang Cheng immediately abandoned the battle and rushed towards Chi Xiaoduo with a long sword in his hand.

The scene was chaotic, the headless army and the dead ghost army rushed to kill each other, the off-road vehicle was almost overturned several times, Chi Xiaoduo tried his best to stabilize his body, but a hand stretched out from behind and grabbed him.

"My own!" Chi Xiaoduo roared, "Don't do it!"

"It's me!" Xiang Cheng rode a dead horse and asked Chi Xiaoduo to sit on the horse's back.

The heart lamp was another strong light, and a huge rune appeared behind Chen Zhen.

In the golden light, Chen Lang was holding the heart lamp, and Chen Zhen was standing behind Chen Lang, with his hands around his shoulders, covering the heart lamp with both palms turned outward slightly.

The bodies of the two brothers became almost transparent in the strong light, shining like stars, and then spread out overwhelmingly.

The sun is shining brightly, and the galaxy is like a cloud!

Hundreds of billions of starlight burst out from the heart lamp and shot into the eyes of all the headless soldiers on their chests.

Chen Zhen opened his eyes, clasped his fingers with both hands, and two starlights directly destroyed Xingtian's eyes.

Xing Tian's eyes were sealed immediately, it opened its mouth and roared in pain, and waved the ax and shield endlessly in its hands.

"Hold on firmly!" Xiang Cheng shouted: "Control the horse!"

Chi Xiaoduo rode the corpse horse and shot towards Xing Tian together with Xiang Cheng.

"The weak point should be in its neck!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

The ghost king who died in battle rushed out from the thousands of troops, holding a long halberd, and stabbed Xing Tian's bloody mouth with a halberd. After that, Chi Xiaoduo leaped on his horse, and Xiang Cheng made an upside-down golden hook in the air. On Guo Xingtian's shoulder, Xiang Cheng hit its neck with a sword, and plunged straight down.

Xiang Cheng tried his best to get on the horse with the stirrups hooked, the two flew away, and the horse landed on the ground.

Xing Tian couldn't help shaking, his eyes, a strong light burst out in the air, and the blue soul flew away from the body.

"Ancient God of War." Chen Zhen's voice sounded from heaven and earth: "In the name of burning lamps, wash away all obsessions in your heart, and save your unyielding soul."

The heart lamp rolled out a gentle wave of light, drowning the headless army in an instant, and the soul turned into stars under this strong light, shooting towards Tianmai.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help panting for breath, and after a while, the light from his heart stopped, Chen Zhen fell down, and Chen Lang hurriedly hugged him tightly.

At night, a bonfire was raised on the hill of Luoyantou, and the snow stopped.

Chen Zhen was lying in the middle of Xing Tian's magic circle, and Chen Lang gestured towards Chi Xiaoduo.

Chi Xiaoduo: [Are you sure?]

Chen Lang: [It's definitely possible.]

Xing Tian was overthrown, but pure courage was still floating on the magic circle.

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Then ask the ghost king to help us."

"I will protect the law for you." The dead ghost king stood in the mountains.

"Let's get started." Xiang Cheng said, "Chen Zhen has exhausted himself too much. Even if we take him back to Beijing now, he will have a serious illness."

Ganoderma lucidum and little ginseng stood aside, blowing into Chen Zhen's mouth together.

In the dark spiritual world, there is no sky and no earth, and a lonely soul wanders in the endless void.

A little light lit up, and then turned into a bright galaxy all over the sky.

"Xiao Lang?"

"elder brother."

Chen Lang's whole body was glowing, holding a ball of light in his hands, illuminating the endless universe.

"Xiao Lang." Chen Zhen laughed: "This is the first time I heard your voice, this is..."

"This is for you." Chen Lang said softly, "Brother."

"But..." Chen Zhen seemed to think of something, and the moment he took the ball of light, the surroundings lit up, and all the colorful things were restored.

The spiritual world is like a long river, wrapped in countless memories, washing their souls with each other.

"Is this the color you mentioned, brother?" Chen Lang looked around with a smile.

"Can I see it now?" Chen Zhen said.

"Yeah." Chen Lang nodded and said, "In your world, I can still hear voices."

The ball of light was handed over from Chen Lang's hand to Chen Zhen's, and Chen Lang said, "It's so beautiful."

"Wait!" Seeing that Chen Lang was about to turn around and leave, Chen Zhen said, "Xiao Lang, you..."

Chen Zhen stood behind Chen Lang, and Chen Lang didn't look back.

Daxinganling, Luoyantou:

Xiang Cheng and the dead ghost king stood on each side, Chen Zhen lay on the ground, and Chen Lang knelt in front of Chen Zhen.

In the quiet night sky, the Milky Way flows across like a streamer.

Holding the heart lamp in Chen Lang's hand, the courage on the top of his head was drawn into the heart lamp, and then injected into Chen Zhen's body by the heart lamp. Chen Zhen's whole body emitted light. Under the illumination of the heart lamp, everyone saw the spirit beast.

Chen Zhen's mink was guarding Chen Lang's side. Chen Lang glanced at it, and the mink turned around, entered the heart lamp, and entered Chen Zhen's body.

The light is absorbed.

"Can I come over occasionally to see your world in the future?" Chen Lang said softly.

"Hmm... of course." Chen Zhen said, "No, Xiao Lang, how did you get in? I told you not to put your heart into it!"

The heart lamp was extinguished, and the world was finally silent. Chen Zhen opened his eyes. Chen Lang looked at his brother expectantly. Seeing that Chen Zhen woke up, he hugged him with a smile.

One month later, Beijing:

At Chen Zhen's house, Chi Xiaoduo bathed ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum with a toothbrush, while chatting with Chen Lang from time to time.

Chi Xiaoduo: [Why can you also use the lamp with your heart? Isn't he the only one who can use the heart lamp?]Chen Lang:[I don't know, Xindeng suddenly accepted me that day, maybe he thinks my soul is the same as his? Is it a mistake? It could also be that it's too old and has gone wrong. ] Chi Xiaoduo: [Can it still be used now?]

Chen Lang: [He won't let me touch it again.]

Chi Xiaoduo: [I guess your two souls are somewhat compatible, so the heart lamp equates you two as one person? Just like Xiang Cheng and I, no... Is that really the case?]Chen Lang:[What are you talking about!]

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said yes, yes, my brain is too open.

"Are you ready?" Xiang Cheng asked, "How many times have you bathed them both?"

"I can't bear them!" Chi Xiaoduo threw the toothbrush.

"Either you two raise one?" Chen Zhen came over and said.

After hearing this, Ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum hugged each other tightly, and Ganoderma even wrapped the ginseng's whiskers around its own pole several times, expressing that they would never be separated.

Chi Xiaoduo looked at the two herbs reluctantly, and said, "You guys have to practice hard, I will come back to see you."

Chen Lang: [Goodbye, Xiaoduo. We shall meet again in a few months.]

Chi Xiaoduo also hugged Chen Lang, and said to Chen Zhen, "You should also exercise hard."

"I'm much better now." Chen Zhen said with a smile, "It's no problem to insist on running every day. See you at the Holy Land during the Ghost Festival."

Xiang Cheng bid farewell to Chen Zhen and said, "Stop running, don't inhale the smog and cause other problems."

Xiang Cheng waved his hand coolly, and drove away. Chi Xiaoduo was still lying on the back seat, looking at Chen Lang and the two small herbs he was holding.

After arriving home, the mandrill that Huang Shan had brought back arrived first.

When Lang Quan saw the mandrill, he immediately got an extra toy, which made the mandrill's head wet from licking.

"Don't bully it!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Take it to practice."

Lang Dog nodded, took a sausage and gave it to the mandrill.

Chen Lang is still bathing the two small medicinal herbs every day. When he gets up in the morning, he jumps on the bed and rides on Chen Zhen. Chen Zhen is wrapped in a quilt, and complains: "Xiao Lang, I drink so much that my nose bleeds, can I stop for a few days?" ?”

[This is Ganoderma lucidum, which regulates breath and regulates qi.]Chen Lang said with a smile, and handed the thermos cup to Chen Zhen again.

A red sun shone thousands of miles outside the window. After breakfast, Chen Zhen got into the car with Chen Lang, drove into Lingjing Hutong, and went to work every day as usual.

Xuan Hezhi hugged Chen Zhen's thigh and was dragged through the corridor by him, shouting: "Director Chen! You must help me! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be put on small shoes by Mr. Zhou..."

Chen Zhen dragged Xuan He Zhi into the conference room, where there were colleagues in the room, Xuan He Zhi hurriedly patted the ashes, got up and left as if nothing had happened.

——Chen Zhenpian·The Milky Way is Overwhelming·End—