Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 129: Boom's basket (3)


This is a mountain fault zone formed by an earthquake. It seems that the ancient monster was previously sealed in the mountain, but it was accidentally released because the pandas rescued the same clan. array and runes.

There was a faint purple light in the center of the rift, and there was a huge rock at the end. The nine-tailed fox turned its head to look at the surroundings, shook its whole body, and transformed into a crow, sneaked into the night, flapped its wings, and flew towards the huge rock.

There were many pandas moving in the deep valley, and two dark red lights suddenly lit up on the giant rock, as if some monster opened its eyes.

Immediately after a roar, the whole valley woke up, Feng Li felt a powerful breath, and immediately flew back, and a black air shot out from the flat ground, rolling towards Feng Li in midair, Feng Li instantly closed his body, turning into a falcon , suddenly shot out of the encircling circle, leaving the black air.

The wolf stood up, stepped back half a step, and the white falcon shot at it, turning back into a nine-tailed sky fox.

Feng Li said: "It's a demon!! Get out!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow rose in the canyon, spreading like a ghost, sweeping across the entire forest in an instant.

Feng Li turned around, turned into a giant eagle, and spewed out a raging fire towards the black shadow.

The black air swept across and spread out, revealing the hulking monster inside. It was not afraid of the flames, and rushed forward to meet the flames, and grabbed the giant eagle's wings. The giant eagle fled, carrying the black The monster spun around, was dragged back by it, and hit the ground!

"It turned out to be a nine-tailed sky fox." A voice said.

The monster took a step forward, and the whole mountain trembled. Just as it was about to strangle the nine-tailed sky fox, the wolf jumped up from one side and bit its neck. The monster roared and threw the wolf away. Overturned, the wolf was going to rescue Fengli, but tens of thousands of beasts charged behind him and threw him to the ground.

The wolf howled, shaking the mountain.

The monster appeared under the starry night. It was a giant panda monster three times the size of an ordinary panda. Its eyes were red and its fangs were sharp. It roared louder at the wolf in protest.

The roar of the ancient panda demon shook the heavens and the earth, and all the beasts in the mountains and forests surrendered. Before the wolf could recover, the giant beast rushed towards him! The wolf started a battle with the giant beast, was bitten by its front leg, and fell to the cliff with a muffled sound.

"Go!" Feng Li's voice roared.

Immediately afterwards, the snow-white rhinoceros transformed by Feng Li rushed towards the giant beast, its horns pressed against its chest, and rushed out of the cliff! The rhino horn had no effect on it. The giant panda grabbed the rhino horn with its backhand and fell off the cliff together with it.

Feng Li transformed into a bird in the air and wanted to evacuate, but was slapped away by the panda's palm. The wolf struggled and was about to rush to save it, but its front legs refused to obey and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chengdu, five o'clock in the morning.

The phone kept vibrating next to the pillow, and Xiang Cheng fell into a drowsy sleep. With one arm around Chi Xiaoduo, he picked up the phone with the other hand, put on the earphones, and took the call while half asleep.


Then Xiang Cheng opened his eyes, fully awake.

"What?" Xiang Cheng asked inexplicably.

Chi Xiaoduo also woke up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Cheng turned over and jumped up, put on his shorts, and quickly put on his socks. Chi Xiaoduo took the earphones, and there was Koda.

"Feng Li has been arrested." Da Ke said, "There is a mistake in the information, you have to come and help immediately."

"Feng Li was arrested?!" Chi Xiaoduo seemed to have heard the Arabian Nights.

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly signaled to Xiang Cheng not to get angry, Xiang Cheng was about to scold Koda bloody, but was stopped by Chi Xiaoduo.

Da Da's left arm was covered in blood, and he leaned against the car to call Xiang Cheng.

"It's my fault." Da Ke said, "I didn't protect Feng Li well. I'm going to find a way to save him now. I'm causing you trouble."

Chi Xiaoduo answered the phone and said, "I'll call for reinforcements right away, don't be impulsive, don't worry."

"What the hell is that?" Xiang Cheng said in disbelief, "Even Feng Li and Koda are no match?"

"Isn't it a panda?" Chi Xiaoduo couldn't believe it either. Xiang Cheng turned over and rushed out of the balcony. He jumped towards the twenty-ninth floor and turned into a dragon. Chi Xiaoduo flew onto the dragon and landed on the dragon's head. Rise up and fly to Bifeng Gorge.

Chi Xiaoduo immediately contacted the Holy Land to ask for assistance, and at the same time accessed the database of the Drive Commission to search for ancient pandas.

Koda hung up the phone and punched the car door.

A few pandas gathered around and looked at Koda.

"It's not your fault!" Da Da roared at the pandas.

The pandas looked at Dada innocently. One of the pandas was chewing the plants, spitting on its paws, rubbed it on Dada's arm, and put it on him.

After a while of cooling off, Koda calmed down a little.

"I'm sorry." The panda who brought them here said, "I didn't expect you to be so good. It's my fault."

Reachable: "..."

As the sun rose, Koda said, "The reinforcements will be here soon. Tell me the truth, what is this guy's background?"

"I didn't lie to you!" The pandas said one after another, "It is an ancient monster."

Bifeng Gorge three months ago:

The ground trembled, and a longitudinal wave hit the ground. The pandas sitting on the trees eating leaves were jolted and everyone looked around.

Immediately afterwards, some pandas slowly climbed down the tree, trying to escape.

When the horizontal wave came, a hole opened in the ground, two pandas fell in, and the rest of the pandas surrounded them.

The earthquake stopped, and a gap nearly two kilometers long appeared halfway up the mountain.

"Earthquake—" I don't know who shouted.

"Was it an earthquake just now?"

"Run away."

"A panda fell in, what should I do?"

One of the pandas with a strong physique came over and looked towards the bottom of the valley. Two of the pandas fell in, one of them was sitting at the bottom of the valley eating bamboo, and the other was looking around, slowly crawling to the distance, trying to escape.

"Hey!" The panda on the top shouted down: "Let's twist a rope and get you up!"

I rubbed the rope for two days, broke it once, and rubbed it for another day.

"Go to the other side! The terrain is higher!"

One of the pandas grabbed the rope and tied it to a member of the same family, and the other pandas worked together to pull it up.

"Hey, what is this?" The guy who went down to explore the road found a plant growing on the rock wall of the canyon, and the plant bore red fruits.

So it pulled the fruit and sent it into its mouth together with the plant. The plant that was torn off collapsed with a small piece of the rock wall, and a magic circle appeared behind it. After the magic circle collapsed, there was a cave inside.

A puff of black air emerged from the cave, and when the black air dissipated, a ferocious giant panda appeared.

"That's it." Fatty Chaoda explained.

To say it is to say nothing, Kodak is about to lose to them.

"How long has it been sealed there?" Koda asked.

Everyone shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Koda said, "Is the Rift Valley full of your people now?"

"Everyone is under its control." A panda said, "No one dares to come out."

Da Keda wanted to check it out, but he couldn't get to the bottom of the valley. One of the pandas said, "Hi, I'm their elder."

Reachable: "..."

"We have a spell, which was passed down by the previous patriarch. It can temporarily turn you into a panda. Do you want to go down and have a look?"

Da Keda thought for a while and said, "Do you still have this kind of spell?"

"It's only effective for one hour." The panda said, "It's a secret of our clan, but you are here to help, and you can cast spells on you."

Da Ke's heart moved, and he asked, "Will the ability be enhanced?"


Koda said: "No way! What is this untold secret? Just to change other animals into pandas for an hour in appearance, what's the use of this kind of magic! And it's not used by outsiders in the first place?"

"Do you want it?" The panda elder said, "If you don't want it, forget it."

"Come, come." Koda said, "Change quickly."

Da Ke couldn't care about anything else, so the elder panda began to preside over the ceremony. The rest of the pandas circled Da Da in a circle, and the elder panda began to chant spells.

ten minutes later:

Da Ke: "How long will your spell last?"

"One hour and forty-five minutes." said the elder panda.

Dada: "It takes one hour and forty-five minutes to turn another animal into a panda for one hour."

Elder Panda nodded.

Da Da: "If I didn't say it, read it."

In summer, it started to get hot in the morning, and the pandas were so hot that they were half dead. Finally, after reciting the spell, Koda also turned into a huge panda, nearly two meters high.

Without waiting for the elder's order, Da Ke turned around and rushed into the rift valley.

"He runs like a gust of wind." A panda said approvingly.

At full speed, I ran clumsily into the canyon with the panda's body. After less than five minutes, I found that it was too hot, and it was difficult to dissipate heat. I felt dizzy and almost suffered from heat stroke.

There are many pandas living in the canyon. The giant panda demon grabbed the nine-tailed fox and threw it on the stone platform in the center.

The nine-tailed fox closed his eyes, his life and death unknown.

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox." The panda monster said in a deep voice, "Don't try to play tricks in front of me, your fox clan is very cunning and always likes to play dead."

Nine-Tailed Fox has always maintained the posture of lying on his side with his eyes closed.

The panda demon said: "After thousands of years of vicissitudes, the demon clan has fallen to such a point that even a fox can be the demon king. It's a joke!"

Nine-Tailed Fox remembered something instantly, opened his eyes, and looked at the Panda Demon in astonishment.

"You are... you are..."

The panda demon showed a cruel smile, and the Nine-Tailed Fox slowly got up, all the hair on his body stood up, terrified, he didn't look at the panda demon, but looked at the ground under his feet.

The ground is an altar. Half of the altar is paved with black stones, and the other half is made of white jade. The midday sun casts a deep valley, shining on this Tai Chi altar. The panda demon stood up on his knees, tall and tall, facing the nine-tailed fox.

Standing in the shadow of Tai Chi, it exudes a powerful force. The nine-tailed fox suddenly arched its back and watched it nervously.

"Do you know why the throne of the King of Beasts is the Tai Chi Altar?"

"Do you really think that you have usurped this position, so you call yourself the Beastmaster for granted?"

The nine-tailed fox grinned, extremely excited.

The Panda Demon was not afraid at all, and sneered, "Didn't your parents tell you that the real Beastmaster is a king who is born of yin and yang, combines the wheel of Tai Chi, and masters the power of chaos?!"

The panda demon's voice was like rolling thunder, resounding in the deep valley, and the momentum was exuded to the extreme.

"Bai, Yan." Feng Li's voice said: "I made a mistake... I didn't expect that you were still alive."

At the same time, a fat panda clumsily approached the altar, poked out its paw from under the altar behind Bai Zhen, and clawed at the altar with one paw.

Koda is so hot that he sticks out his tongue.

Bai Ruo said: "What is the world like today?! As a demon clan, he actually colludes with the human race, does he still have the dignity of the people under the command of the demon?!"

Nine-Tailed Fox said coldly: "So everything was planned by you."

Bai Wei sneered and said: "I just knew that they would seek help from the monster clan and bring the king of beasts in this world, but I never expected that my clansmen would become so lazy..."

Immediately afterwards, Koda jumped onto the high platform, leaped forward, kicked out with both feet, and landed on Bai Zhen's back.

"Hurry up..." Before Koda could say anything, he was rolled by Bai Ju, almost vomiting blood. Bai Yu kicked Koda away, and the nine-tailed fox turned into a mammoth, roaring and rushing towards Bai Yu. However, Bai Ru's strength was surprisingly great. He grabbed the mammoth's tusk with both hands and pulled it hard.

The mammoth was grabbed by the white bear, spun around in the air, and slammed into the mountain wall!

The panda transformed into by Koda rushed up from behind again, Bai Ru turned around and slapped Koda's palm, the two pandas exchanged a move, Koda hugged Bai Ru's arm, and there was an earth-shattering over-the-shoulder fall, There was a loud bang, and the whole mountain seemed to jump, and a panda-shaped crater was thrown out of the altar!

Immediately afterwards, Bai Wei roared furiously, turned around and bumped into Koda, after all, Koda was one size smaller than Bai Yu, and suffered a disadvantage in size, the two giant pandas fought upside down, Feng Li regained his strength and became猱, jumped onto the head of the white 罴.

The white fire turned into a ball of black fire, and the white fire exploded. In an instant, the black fire shot at Da Ke, and the white fire shot at Feng Li, pushing the two of them straight out.

"I've discovered your sneak attack a long time ago—" Bai Zhen's voice echoed in the valley, and he sneered, "Do you know why?"

Koda was tied around the throat by the black fire, held in the air, and struggled hard.

"Because you're the only one who sticks out your tongue when you're hot...die!" Bai Ji's voice exploded, and the black fire and white fire rolled up and sealed away, knocking them towards the middle.

The next moment the dragon chant sounded, a green dragon rushed down from the top of the head, the blue dragon flames erupted, and the two flames instantly abandoned their prey, forming a figure of Bai Zhen in the air, and saw the white dragon rushing towards the green dragon, but the green dragon was covered in blood. The brilliance disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Fudo Akira, who was wearing a golden armor, appeared.

Xiang Cheng held the Wisdom Sword in his hand, and aimed a sword at Bai Ju, who narrowed his eyes, not daring to push it too far, and flew back, Xiang Cheng received the Wisdom Sword.

"Get up!" Xiang Cheng roared angrily.

Wherever the dragon force went, the mountains were moved to fill the sea, the rift valley collapsed toward the two sides, the central altar rose and appeared in the empty valley of Bifeng Gorge, and the surrounding area became flat.

Thousands of beasts appeared on the top of the mountain and in the forest, all roaring towards the sky.

Lions, wolves, tigers and leopards, elephants, bears and apes, all beasts cry together!

The army of beasts in the Holy Land arrived and scattered into the valley, surrounded the Yin-Yang Altar, and Feng Li transformed into a nine-tailed fox body and let out a fox howl!

At the same time, Bai Zhen looked around, showed an evil smile, swung his arms, and roared into the sky!

That roar immediately erupted with a power comparable to that of Longwei, sweeping across the entire mountain forest.

Chi Xiaoduo hurried to the altar and tried to pull up Koda, but Koda hadn't returned to its original shape. A giant panda was lying sprawled on the ground. Chi Xiaoduo patted his face and said, "Are you all right, hurry up?" come down..."

Koda tried his best to get down, Chi Xiaoduo took out the ice talisman from his bag, and stuck it on Koda's side face, Koda hugged Chi Xiaoduo in one hand, sat on the ground, couldn't stand up, his mind was buzzing .

"This guy's speed... is too fast." Koda said.

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Koda asked Chi Xiaoduo to sit in his arms, holding him to watch the battle on the field.

"Damn it, why did such a strong guy come out?" Koda said.

"It's the first Beastmaster!" Chi Xiaoduo whispered, "I just found out, Chi You was the first Heavenly Demon back then, and it was Chi You's mount. Sincere command."

"Bai Bo, isn't it?" Xiang Cheng said coldly, "Now I'm the Demon King, what do you want to do?"

Bai Wei sneered and said, "Are you worthy of being the Demon King?"

"Whether you deserve it or not." Xiang Cheng said: "Even if the demon is reborn, you are still just a beast king, and you still have to obey the orders of the snake and the goddess. My mother is a goddess, and the demon body is a snake. What qualifications do you have to speak?"

It was only then that Bai Teng had to put one arm on the ground and bowed slightly. It was too tall, and even if it saluted, it seemed to be threatening Xiang Cheng.

"You have been sealed by the ancient gods for thousands of years." Xiang Cheng said: "Your era has passed, and now you hurt my little brother, I want to ask you for an explanation."

Bai Wei sneered: "Wait a minute, young demon king, don't you know that I am the king of beasts?! Tai Chi reincarnation belongs to me! Who can question my orthodox identity with all the beasts under your command?!" He pointed heavily at his body, motioning him to look at his hair.

When Chi Xiaoduo heard this, he thought something was wrong, secretly left Keda, whispered a few words to the Siberian tiger, and the Siberian tiger immediately went into the woods.

"Wait a minute!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Do you think you have mastered Tai Chi just because you look black and white? We have it too!"

Chi Xiaoduo pointed to the side, ding, there was an innocent zebra standing next to it.

All demons: "..."

The zebra couldn't stop trembling, Chi Xiaoduo said to Bai Wei, "We still have cows, do you want to bring them over to show you?"

Bai Wei was stunned immediately, and Xiang Cheng said: "Well, black and white proves nothing, there are a lot of fakes."

Bai Wei waved his hand and said with a sneer, "Since that's the case! I want to challenge the Beastmaster!"

Chi Xiaoduo was shocked.

"According to the rules of the Ministry of Beasts!" Bai Wei said: "Any member of the clan has the right to challenge the Beast King! Outsiders are not allowed to interfere, even if it is a demon! This is the dispute of the Ministry of Beasts themselves!"

"No way." Chi Xiaoduo whispered, "Is there such a rule?"

The Siberian tiger on the side stared at Bai Zhen vigilantly, glanced at Chi Xiaoduo for a moment, and nodded with hesitation.

"Ba Snake!" Bai Wei said: "I recognize your identity! But you are not my race, and have no right to intervene in our disputes! Even the corpse clan, water clan, and bird clan have no right!"

Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that Xiang Cheng is a dragon and has four legs. I don't know if it is crawling or amphibious. He can be considered a beast if he can barely do it. How about we all go together? Anyway, there are more monsters and fewer monsters, so it will definitely be dealt with.

Bai Wei stretched out his palm, pointed at the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, and said, "You, dare,? You will die if you lose the battle!"

How to do

Bai Wei sneered and said, "Or do you want to besiege me?! Why don't you try to order the subordinates who are all over the place? Let's see who dares to attack me?"

In the silence, Feng Li's voice sounded.

"Since I am elegant, I will play with you."

In an instant, the whole valley started to move, and thousands of beasts retreated one after another. Bai Zhen stood on the altar, behind him was a group of giant pandas he had just recovered, and on the other side of the seal were the beasts of the Holy Land.

"I'll give you an hour to prepare." Bai Wei said, "I'll teach you to reincarnate when it's done."

"Don't talk too much." Feng Li replied.

"What should I do?" Chi Xiaoduo whispered.

In a holy place, everyone gathered together, Da Ke sat aside, looking at Xiang Cheng and Feng Li.

"Are you sure?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"No." Feng Li said: "Bai Ju is very powerful. If Hu Xinyang was here, we might still be able to fight, but although I regained my face, I don't have Hu Xinyang's power of insight. And Bai Ru was Chi You's Mount, it has Yin and Yang on its body, and when Yin and Yang combine, it will draw out the power of chaos, I can't beat it."

"What is the power of chaos?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Chaos is 'illusion'." Feng Li explained: "It's Tai Chi, Tai Chi is the wheel of creation, it transforms into the whole world, the Yang force transforms the outer world, which is the outer world, and the Yin power transforms the inner world, which is the outer world. heart."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Will that panda also turn into something else?"

"Yes." Feng Li said: "It's just that they don't like to use it, but once the power of yin and yang illusion is combined, it is definitely not that simple. It will change the cause and effect, and even affect the whole world."

"This is bad." Xiang Cheng said: "But we still have hope, the nine-tailed sky fox is a yin-yang illusion fox, so in theory, we can send two people... two demons, think about who else we can ask to help. "

Feng Li replied: "No need, Your Majesty. Let me lose the game openly. You are a Ba snake, it dare not disobey your orders, even if it inherits the position of Beast King, it must bow to you, with its ferocious and violent Habits, will not last long, I believe he is not your opponent."

"Are you kidding me!" Chi Xiaoduo said furiously, "Feng Li! How can you give up! Is it possible that the sculpture in the Animal Zone will become a giant panda? I don't want it!"

Xiang Cheng signaled Feng Li to wait a moment, looked at his watch, and said, "We still have time, don't give up until the last second."

Several pandas gathered around and handed things to Chi Xiaoduo.

"Queen, do you want to eat bamboo?" Panda asked flatteringly.

Chi Xiaoduo waved his hand to say thank you, Koda snatched one angrily, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed, when he was about to swallow it, there was a bang, Koda turned back into a human being, the bamboo dregs stuck in his throat immediately, Chi Xiao Duo hurriedly patted him on the back, but Feng Li came over and handed Koda water.

Chi Xiaoduo went over to figure out a way with Xiang Cheng, and after Da Ke rinsed his mouth, he stood face to face with Feng Li.

"I might die under its hands." Feng Li said, "There is one last thing I want to tell you."

Kodak didn't answer.

"Last night, the second half of the sentence you interrupted was..." Feng Li thought for a while, and said, "I waited for a thousand years, and finally got a complete life, with a face like a human being."

Da Ke said, "And it's very pretty."

"Thank you." Feng Li bowed his head and said.

"I once thought about it." Feng Li explained: "Starting a new life, I told myself that I already have the full ability to transform into a human. My face is no longer a fox, and I will no longer scare people away."

"Yeah." Da Da replied casually, but couldn't help but glance at Bai Zhen who was sitting in the distance munching bamboo.

"So I...hesitate." Feng Li pondered for a moment, and then said: "Should I forget the past and start my new life? That day in the hot spring, I talked to Mr. Xiaoduo about something... I had this idea before, and after a period of complete A different life."

Da Ke turned his gaze back and stared at Feng Li's eyes.

"...I want to find a lover who is over 1,200 years old, handsome and tall, stronger than me, and has a sense of responsibility." Feng Li said, "But at present, there seems to be no one."

"That's it." Koda pointed to the white pot in the distance, and said, "It's three meters tall and has been cultivated for more than seven thousand years. It's a pity that it wants to kill you. Do you think he is handsome?"

Feng Li suddenly felt it was funny, and laughed, Da Ke looked at Feng Li strangely, Feng Li laughed for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly, saying: "If he treats me well, the conditions can be relaxed, that's all."

"You won't die." Koda said, "Don't be afraid, I will challenge it for you."

Feng Li: "..."

"You're crazy!" Chi Xiaoduo was completely dumbfounded when he heard Kada's proposal.

"It's entirely possible." Koda said, "First of all, the panda's weakness is that it can't run fast."

"It can't run fast!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Don't judge a bear by its appearance, please?"

"Whether you can run fast or not is the opposite." Da Da patted himself on the chest and said, "Don't you think so? Brother Da Da, I run like a gust of wind!"

The pandas ate the bamboo and echoed inarticulately.

"It's like a booming basket."

Koda got angry and yelled at the pandas: "Why are you swearing?! You are only baskets! Your whole family is a basket!"

The pandas quickly hid behind Xiang Cheng.

Xiang Cheng said: "They speak with a Sichuan accent, and they can't tell the difference between Le and Nei."

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly appeased Dada: "What do you have the same knowledge as a panda?"

Koda glared at the pandas, then explained to Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng.

"Secondly, pandas are afraid of heat. As long as you let it go all out, don't fight it head-on, drag it, and consume its energy, it will definitely suffer from heat stroke!"

Koda added: "And I have good heat dissipation performance, so I'm not afraid of heatstroke."

"How is it?" Koda looked around and said, "Is my plan good?"

Xiang Cheng said: "You are human, you are not qualified to fight."

"I'm Canglang." Da Ke said, "It's Feng Li's boyfriend again. It's suitable for me to go because of emotion and reason?"

Chi Xiaoduo's jaw dropped to the ground, looking at Feng Li, there seemed to be tears in Feng Li's eyes, and he said, "There's no such thing, I'm going."

"It's this time, can't you just save my face?" Da Ke said to Fengli, "You must expose me."

"Wait!" Xiang Cheng said, "I have another idea! Feng Li!"

"Kadao!" Chi Xiaoduo held Kada back.

Naihe Fengli leaped forward, turned gracefully in the air, and turned into a nine-tailed fox.

Nine-tailed Fox turned his head slightly, looked at Bai Zhen, his eyes were full of contempt.

Bai Zhen threw the bamboo in his hand and said, "Are you ready to die?"


A burly gray-blue giant wolf leaped onto the altar, stood on all fours, and protected the nine-tailed fox in front of him.

"Aww—" the wolf raised its head to the sky and let out a wolf howl.

The wolves, dogs, lions, tigers and leopards in the sky and the earth are all singing together. Under the howling of wolves, they converge into a torrent, forming an echo in the mountains and fields!

"Wow, it's so big." The pandas said enviously.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng watched the situation nervously. Once Ke Ke and Feng Li were in danger, he had to do it even if he broke the rules. He had to immediately transform into a green dragon and forcibly suppress Bai Wei, and the rest of the mess would be cleaned up at that time.

"Go down." The nine-tailed fox said angrily: "Did you listen to Master Xiaoduo without seeing the king?!"

The wolf ignored the nine-tailed fox, and said to Bai Wei: "There are two yin-yang magic foxes, one of which was slaughtered by our family, and now there is one left, and I will be the replacement. Panda, do you have any opinions?"

Bai Wei sneered and said, "Come on!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox wanted to move, but the wolf slammed it down in front of him.

Nine-Tailed Fox: "You..."

Canglang said in a low voice: "If I accidentally die, don't try your best and admit defeat, you understand?"

The wolf looked down at the nine-tailed fox and said, "The ghost king promised to do me a favor..."

Nine-Tailed Fox: "No! You... let me go!"

Nine-Tailed Fox found that the wolf's strength was surprisingly strong, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

The wolf raised its head and turned towards the sky.

The situation changed, all the beasts screamed together, Bai Wei took a step back, and made a strange gesture to stop him still.

Ferocious lines appeared on the wolf's face, spreading from the pointed ears to the whole body, and it raised its head and howled.


The wolves all followed the lead of the gray wolf and howled towards the noon sky.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."


The second wolf howl sounded, and all the wild wolves in the entire Sichuan region seemed to have been sensed, and raised their heads and howled along with the wolves.

"What does it want?" Chi Xiaoduo asked in a daze.

"Shh." Xiang Cheng signaled not to worry.

The nine-tailed fox looked blankly at Da Keda who had transformed into a wolf, not knowing what mystery it was trying to play.

Bai Wei put down his hands and laughed wildly.

"Little milk wolf, are you going to scare me away?!" Bai Zhen mocked.

"Aww—" the wolf let out a third wolf howl.

At that moment, all the canines in the world felt the wolf's anger. At twelve noon, when the sun was at its zenith, the wolves looked at the moon! Each roared to the sky.

Thousands of miles away in Guangzhou, Lang Gou rushed up to the balcony, turned into a dog, and let out a long howl!


Like an ancient contract, it rapidly spread outwards from the center of the altar in Bifengxia, and the wolf howled and the moon rose in the vast Central Plains!

The light in the sky was dimmed, and the beasts were in a commotion, raising their heads to look at the sky.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."


Chen Zhen walked out of the conference room quickly, and through the glass window, he saw that the sun in the sky was missing a corner.

Bifeng Gorge:

The onlookers were in an uproar, Chi Xiaoduo looked up at the sky, and there was a strange change in the sky.

Families poured out of the streets across the land, looking up at the sudden eclipse.

Tengu eclipse!

Among the wolf prestige, the moon was forced to change its trajectory during the day, blocking the sunlight.

The speed of the eclipse grew faster and faster until the land was plunged into eternal darkness, the fur of the wolf was blowing in the wind, the face was runic, and the whole body was shining with indigo light.

It threw Feng Li out of the altar, Feng Li fell to the ground, jumped up like lightning, and when he was about to rush into the altar, the solar eclipse emitted the light of the sun wheel, which was printed on the ground, forming a sealed area, blocking its attack way to go.

Keda's wolf eyes stared at Bai Zhen.

"I'll play with you here." Canglang said coldly.

The sun forms a luminous ring, and the stars flash on the edge of the ring, just like a century diamond ring that has been engraved in the trajectory of the universe when the universe first opened.

The solar eclipse produced a strange magical power, and the wolf transformed again, with a blue fire burning all over its body, emerald green flames erupted from its eyes, and golden light splashed from its mouth.

The white bear roared loudly, the wolf's roar shocked it, and then the wolf rushed towards the white bear, biting its shoulder!